Geothermal power is very cost- Total installed capacity: 2,299 MW effective. Kenya was the first Total demand :1,512 MW African country to build geothermal energy sources. By 2030, Kenya aims to have 5,530 MW of geothermal power or 26% of total capacity. This will make it Kenya's largest source of electricity clean energy by 2030. POWER GENERATION IN MOMBASA 1. Power Plant Kipevu I: 75MW Kipevu II: 74MW Kipevu III: 120MW 2. Raibai Power Plant: 90MW

Total Generation: 359MW Peak demand: 225MW

The Bulk Supply Point (BSP) substations in Mombasa: • Kipevu Hill Top 90MVA • New Bamburi 68MVA • Rabai 90MVA.

The percentage of population access to electricity is 75%, mainly in Mvita sub-county, Nyali sub-county and Jomvu sub-county INTERRUPTION

 The average number of interruption power per month is 7.4 times with the total time of 17 hours in Coast region as well as . CAUSE OF INTERRUPTION

 Weak distribution network characterized by limited redundancy and aging  High distribution system losses TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS Installation of new substations to improve power supply to the load with density of 500 m to longest customer.

Replace the low voltage bare cable by ABC cable

Installation of new substations to improve power supply to the load with maximum of 500 m to the customer. WHY DID KENYA POWER NOT DO THAT?

 Power supply coverage in rural area is low  Low load growth and scattered nature of population in rural areas  High costs of rural electrification projects  Cheap tariff for low load user No benefit  No fund  Need support from GoK or others SOLUTIONS In medium-term:  Details design for upgrade power supply in Mombasa County.  With the Estimated value of the project, calling for investment of organizations  GoK warrants credit loans for Kenya Power. In long-term:  Like other developing countries, while Kenya’s economic development will lead to higher power consumers and Kenya Power will be profitable. At that time, banks will come to ask the co- operative with Kenya Power. ASANTE SANA