City of Tonawanda LWRP Into the NYS Emp As a Routine Program Implementation Change
LWRP Adopted: CityofTonawandaCommonCouncil,August19,1986 Approved: NYSSecretaryofState,GailS.Shaffer,February4,1987 Concurred: U.S.OfficeofOceanandCoastalResourceManagement,March26,1987 AmendedLWRP Adopted: CityofTonawandaCommonCouncil,November19,1991 Approved: NYSSecretaryofState,GailS.Shaffer,December27,1993 Concurred: U.S.OfficeofOceanandCoastalResourceManagement,June8,1994 .. i This Local Waterfront Revitalization Progra= has been adopted and approved in aecordance vlth the provisions of the Vatufront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act of 1981 (Executive Lalot. Artic.le 42) and its • ., Imple~entlag regulations (6 NYCRR 601) . , : I Federal concurrence on the incorporation of thfs'Local Waterfront Revitalization Program into the Ne\/' York ~tate Coastal Hanageoent Progt'am as a Routine Progratl Icpletlentation has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Coastal Zone Kanagettent Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-583). as amefided. and its 11:1.pleillentlng regulat ions (15 en 923). , '.'- . , The ~-ii:~paration of this prograa \las f1nancUlly aided by a federal grant frolD . -; .. r ~ •• the U.S. Department of Cot:lr.lerce, National OceanIc and Atcospherlc Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, under the Coastal Zone , . Kanagecent Act of 1972, as aeended. --:, ..... ,,·k ....r ": Federal Grant No. NA-82-AA-D-CZ068. The New York State Coastal KanageClent Program. and the preparation of Local Waterfront Revitalization Progracs are • administered by the New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization, 162 Yashington Avenue, New York 12231. • UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospher-ic Administr-ation NATIONAL oce .... N SeRVICE OFFICE OF OCEAN AND COASTAL RESOURCE lotANAGEloIENT It..h;",••". o.c. 207H • MAR 2 6 1987 D~;>.I-," OF S1"ATE coASl"AI.
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