Donna Gordon 6/22/2007

“There’s a sucker born every minute” -P. T. Barnum Chapter 3 Frauds &

Donna Gordon Consumer Health “There’s also a crook born every hour who can take care of sixty suckers.” -Anonymous

Definitions ) “Fraud” connotes deliberate • Quacksalver -(someone who deception

boasts about his salves) ) Most promoters are unwitting

) “a pretender to medical skill; a victims • Quackery ) FDA - “the promotion, for profit, of ) methods that are not scientifically a medical remedy known to be false or unproven.” accepted.

• Questionable Practices Frauds and Quackery Today ) Cellulite removal • One person out of four will use a ) Hair analysis quack product each year. ) Iridology




) Psychic healing See Personal Glimpse on page 37 ) megadoses of vitamins

Chapter 3 Frauds & Quackery 1 Donna Gordon 6/22/2007

Why People are Hazards Vulnerable • Financial harm can range from minor expense to loss of one’s life • Can not afford traditional services savings. • Religious reasons • Improper diagnosis can lead to • Fear of social unacceptableness worsening health. (wrinkles, hair, etc.) • Delay in treatment can have • Mass media serious consequences - and psychological harm. • 50% - 70% is emotional • Examples p. 39

Common Misconceptions • Media reliable Of Quacks • Personal experience is the best way to tell if the treatment works • Quacks are frauds and • Spontaneous Remission crooks ) Even many serious diseases have ups and downs • Most quackery is dangerous

Recognizing • Placebo Effect Quackery ) power of suggestion

) lessening anxiety

) temporary relief has been • Consumers must be alert demonstrated • Characteristics of Quackery

) one third will get relief ) promise quick, simple, painless • See p. 41, Table 3-1 for results Placebo Myths and Facts ) testimonials

Chapter 3 Frauds & Quackery 2 Donna Gordon 6/22/2007

) disclaimers What sells is not the quality of the

+ detoxify goods and services but their ability

+ strengthen immune system to influence the audience.

+ balance body chemistry

) single product works

) secret cure

Conspiracy Claims Greatest Threat to Quacks • Cut into doctors pockets • Bought off Medical profession would • Suppression adopt methods and compete for • Underdog patients

Freedom-of-Choice Issue • Efforts underway to prevent FDA from interfering with dietary and herbal supplements • Fundamental principle of consumer protection:

) Methods should not be marketed until they have been proven safe and effective by scientific study.

Chapter 3 Frauds & Quackery 3