how can download play paid app How to Download Paid Apps For Free on Android. While very many apps on android are free, there are those that require you to pay a certain amount of money to access the best features. Also, some require an outright fee to download the app. We want you to have the best for your phone and that is why we tell you of the methods you can harness to have paid apps available on PlayStore for free. Yes, You can Download Paid Google Play Apps For Free. Well, who doesn’t love free things? We all do, right? If so, then we wouldn’t mind learning this irresistible trick. Mobile apps that have adverts tend to consume 20% more data and hence apps with no ads are better options. Some apps offer this option at a fee and that’s how the developers make money off the apps. Some of us cannot afford to buy ad free apps or purchase the premium aps off the google play store, hence the need for the trick on how to Download Paid Google Play Apps For Free. Download Paid Google Play Apps For Free. To be able to Download Paid Google Play Apps For Free, we will make use of some third party apps available for free download and some external websites too. The following are some of the ways you can use to get premium google play apps for free. Blackmart Alpha. The Blackmart Alpha store is actually an App Store just like the Google Play Store. You first go online to find the Blackmart Alpha apk and download it into your device. It will be in the downloads folder. Install it and launch it. If you know the name of the specific app you want, search for it and you will have it for free. How can download google play paid app. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the . Cloudflare Ray ID: 669f4d687910f15e • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. The Amount of Money Google Play Store Pays Per App Download! Perhaps, we all know that, how important a Smartphone is in our daily life, the first thing we do in the morning, is to check social media updates, important emails and daily appointments on our Smartphone. But have you ever thought that without proper applications in our smartphones, is it possible for us to complete all these actions, feasibly you have never noticed these things. How it’d be if you can run to WhatsApp account on a single device so as to separate your personal and professional ? We’re not here promoting mod Apks for Android applications instead wants to bring a breathtaking Android app in your notice. It’s none other than App Cloner. App Cloner lets you to install 2 similar Android App on one device without clashing with each other. But our smartphone is probably a feature phone without these apps, we download many of our favorite apps from Google Play Store on regular basis. Most of them are free but some of them are paid also, so these points always revolve in our mind that millions of people download apps from Google Play Store every day in the world, how much Google earns from all these apps, what about those developers working day and night to design these apps. To know the answers of all these questions, we have tried to find out how much Google is paying to its app developers per app download and how much they keep themselves. How Much Developer Can Earn Per App Download? In recent years, we have seen a significant growth in the mobile market especially in an android market after smartphones have been launched. Several new app developers trying their luck by launching new apps on Google Play Store, but what is the success rate of all these new apps and how they can start earning regular income. It all depends on the category in which an application has been listed and the total number of downloads on a regular basis, but getting a satisfactory number of downloads is not as easy as we think. As per the figures and information of payouts given by different companies, we can say that most of the developers are not getting as much income as they might have thought while launching apps on Google Play Store. Right now Google has the largest numbers of users around the world and more than 150,000 developers from different parts of the world. First of all, every developer has to pay the nominal fee of $25 to Google and then he can start launching the apps on Google’s platform. If we talk about any 3 to 5 free apps launched by any developer on Google Play Store, than based on this figure and number of downloads from Google Play Store, the revenues are low as Google pays around 2 cents to its developers for every single app download. In the case of free apps, monetization of apps is one of the best available options to increase the revenues and it also increases the number of downloads as well. Now if we talk about all the paid apps launched on Google Play Store every day, then you’re free to decide the initial cost of your app which you’re going to list on Google Play Store. Actually, it depends on the value and efficiency of your app and also on how much users are willing to pay for your app. For example, some developers are selling their apps for $0.99 and some of the efficient apps are even getting $99.99 per download as well. As far as paid apps are concerned, Google will take 30% and the rest 70% they leave for developers, so this figure is very crucial and important if you’re planning the future projection of your app. Conclusion. As we have seen paid apps aren’t the only source of income for developers, but monetizing the app with Google also can maximize your revenue sources and help you to recover the initial charges as well. Always keep in mind while designing an app, try to design an app in the category where people are more interested in a comparison of other available categories and don’t forget, a greater number of downloads means higher revenue. Maintenance and regular updates are also some of the main factors you have to keep in mind while deciding the initial price of an app. Last but not the least when people are paying for something they always expect high potential and minimum annoying advertisements in any app, as to deliver exactly what people are expecting, is one of best work you can do as a developer. Then only you can generate higher revenues without any extra efforts in app’s promotion. How to Get Paid Apps for Free from Google Play Store Legitimately. Google Play Store is loaded with Android apps and games. While quite a few apps are free and ad-supported, some charge a nominal fee. A fair number of apps are still quite expensive. Desperate users resort to illegal downloading from shareware and torrent sites, which is highly risky. Thankfully, there are a few ways to get paid apps for free legitimately. We don’t recommend users to download apps illegally. Why? Because these are often infected with trojan, malware, virus, and malicious code which is designed to steal your data. Also, some malicious ads can install crypto mining scripts and push unwanted pop-ups on your phone. In this guide, you will learn a few legit ways to discover paid apps that you can grab for free — directly or indirectly. 1. Google Opinion Rewards. It’s my favorite option so far. The premise is simple yet very effective. Google has its app where it will ask you some questions and offer Play Store credits for answering them. These questions could pertain to your experience with using different Google products like Maps, Search, YouTube, and so on. Would you like to watch more football videos? Did you enjoy a particular restaurant? How was your trip? Google uses the feedback to show more relevant content to you. You will receive a notification when a survey is available. You'll have to complete it quickly since those surveys come with a time limit. I think it's a win-win situation. You get targeted results, Google gets to know you better and show targeted content and ads, and you get rewarded with Play Store credits. You can use these credits to buy apps, eBooks, and movies.No, you cannot cash them out. Quite a legitimate way to earn credits by taking a break from anything. Also, those surveys often require a few taps and barely take half a minute. Note that survey frequency, questions, and reward amount will vary based on your location, feedback, Google product usage, and other variables. Also on Guiding Tech. Everything There is to Know About Android App’s Beta Testing. 2. App Sales. AppSales is a price tracker app for keeping a watch on the prices of apps. There are four tabs. The first one will show a highlight of which apps are currently on sale. They are listed day-wise. The second tab will show all the latest apps that have gone recently on sale. The third tab will feature only paid apps that are currently free. The last one is my favorite. That’s where you create a list of your favorite apps that you want to track. You can customize the search results using filters like discount price, a number of downloads, minimum rating, and hide apps with ads or expiry. You can also change location because apps go on sale in different locations at different times! Finally, you can create a custom filter with keywords. You can always tweak it later. A simple to use app that can end up saving you a few dollars often. The free version is ad-supported while the paid version will cost you $1.99/year and offer a dark theme, more filter options, and extended price history. 3. AppsFree. App sales is anther cool way to procure paid apps for free from Google Play Store, but AppsFree offers a better way. A lot of these apps are not worth your time or effort. I am talking about new apps which may not be good enough, or ones that you have already rejected the last time they were free. AppsFree wants to solve this problem with a simple swipe of your finger. There is a single list with limited filters at your disposal. I like the Dismissed list. Just swipe right, and you will never see that app again the next time it is free. There is no way to track apps on sale, though. However, you can view the Dismissed list whenever you have a change of heart. Download Paid Apps for Free from Google Play Store. By now you’d be familiar with the regular sales hosted by the Google Play Store on several apps and games. We’ve in the past brought you some of the better deals from the sales often. Sometimes it’s apps and games that are on sale, at heavily discounted prices. Sometimes we bring you paid apps that have gone completely free during the sale period. If you’re looking for paid apps that you can get for free, legally, we’re back with a similar article. Here we list 5 of the paid apps that are currently available for free on the Play Store. These paid apps might not be to everyone’s liking but they’re free so it doesn’t hurt to try them out. Keep in mind these deals are only available for a limited amount of time. 1. Calculator + Widget 21 themes. 21 motifs widget lockscreen widget features (Android 4.2) history stores the last 30 results resizeable widget (Android 3.1 and later) changing fonts size setting precision the expression no ads percentage. Calculator Pro + Widgets 21 themes, says all it is right in the name. It’s a calculator with a calculator widget and you can customize it in 21 different ways. If you are someone who has to often reach for a calculator, having a calculator widget right on the home screen comes in quite handy. And a widget that you can customize to your preference is just an added bonus. At other times, this app will cost you $1.49 (₹90) but for today and tomorrow, it can be yours for free. 2. Password Saver. Safeguard all your passwords easily and securely, the application to manage, use Password Saver to manage passwords and access let you add accounts without limitation, all accounts and passwords are safeguarded in the same phone and is encrypted to provide the best security. [googleplay url = “”] In this day and age no matter how hard you’ve tried not to, you probably have managed to create several online accounts with several websites or services. Unless you use the same master password for all of them, something we don’t recommend, it must get hard to remember them all. Password Saver is an app that you can store all your passwords in, so you only have to remember that one password to unlock the app. There are no syncing features here so you can be sure all the passwords stay on your phone and not on somebody’s servers. Furthermore, the passwords are encrypted so even if some hacker got a hold of your phone, your passwords are safe. Password Saver will cost you $0.99 (₹65) more after 5 days from now. 3.Paint 2D Pro. Paint 2d Pro is an intuitive painting and drawing application designed for people of all skill levels, who love to draw. [googleplay url = “”] It’s hard to miss the similarities with another popular Paint app on another platform. But Paint 2D Pro brings that to Android, albeit it’s a lot simpler and basic than the other Paint app we’re not mentioning. This is pretty basic and not something maybe a professional would want to use. If you have kids at home, this app could be a good creative timepass for them. The app originally costs $0.99 (₹40), so if you do want to give it a try, now is a perfect time. 4.Amaziograph. With Amaziograph creating art has never been easier. Professional tattooists, artists, designers, and architects will also have great fun with Amaziograph and even can use it in their projects. Amaziograph is already used in school art rooms. It is a perfect application to introduce the amazing world of tessellations and symmetries in art. [googleplay url = “”] Amaziograph is again for people who are into art, or digital art to be precise. This one is geared more towards the professionals than kids, but that doesn’t mean kids can’t learn to use it. In any case, the app is currently free to download and install and it will remain so until tomorrow. It originally costs $0.99 (₹70). 5. ppDB Generator. Choosing which word is right for the moment can be hard. Let us at ppDB help you, whether it’s giving a friend a new nickname or sending a text to your significant other. [googleplay url = “”] In the words of the developers, ppDB Generator is “Simply a real dick app”. All the app does is give you random slang words that can be used to insult, make fun of, or praise someone. That’s it. It can be fun though. After tomorrow it will cost you $0.99 (₹70) if you do decide to try it. So hurry.