Nothoscordum Kunth (Amaryllidaceae, Formerly Liliaceae Or Alliaceae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula: a Confusing Denizen of Parks and Gardens

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Nothoscordum Kunth (Amaryllidaceae, Formerly Liliaceae Or Alliaceae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula: a Confusing Denizen of Parks and Gardens Bouteloua 28: 12-18 (2019). ISSN 1988-4257 Nothoscordum Kunth (Amaryllidaceae, formerly Liliaceae or Alliaceae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula: a confusing denizen of parks and gardens Samuel PYKE Jardí Botànic de Barcelona, Consorci de Museus de Ciències Naturals, c/Font i Quer s/n, 08038 Barcelona e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT : Two morphologically distinct plants of the genus Nothoscordum are examined, following long-term observation of populations in Catalonia and neighbouring Spanish territories. Morphological characters are contrasted, and the relevant literature consulted. The author’s conclusions support the recognition of two distinct species, postulated as N. × borbonicum and N. nudicaule . Key words: alien, Catalonia, false garlic, hybrid, Iberian Peninsula, invasive, Nothoscordum gr. gracile , nudicaule , × borbonicum , weed. RESUMEN : Se estudian dos plantas morfológicamente distintas del género Nothoscordum , siguiendo observaciones hechas durante dos décadas en Cataluña y tierras vecinas, España. Se contrastan los caracteres morfológicos consultando la literatura relevante. Las conclusiones del autor apoyan el reconocimiento de dos distintas especies, a saber, N. × bor- bonicum y N. nudicaule . Palabras claves: ajo fragante, alóctona, Cataluña, híbrido, invasora, mala hierba, Nothoscordum gr. gracile, nudicau- le , × borbonicum , Península ibérica. INTRODUCTION taxon in this age of refined European botany is not entirely satisfactory, when native European species Nothoscordum differs from Allium principally of higher plants have, in most cases, been treated in its basally united tepals and lack of obvious with more discernment. My conclusion is that these garlic smell in all its parts. It is a taxonomically two morphologically distinct alien garlic plants complicated genus, both within the limits of the need to be looked at in more detail, the aim of this genus and beyond its generic limits when discuss- article being to communicate the main morpholog- ing close genera such as Ipheion , Tristagma and ical differences, and thus to apply an adequate Allium , see Guaglianone (1972). It also contains scientific name to both of them. Field observations species with mechanisms of asexual reproduction are mainly from within Catalonia. (in this case, bulbils) considered to be amongst the world’s significantly invasive plants. Seen from a ARGUMENT different viewpoint, these plants are very success- ful pioneer species, with a tremendous capacity to Nothoscordum is a critical genus. Morphologi- defend themselves against all odds and establish cal characters, including those of the flower struc- themselves, principally, in new man-altered envi- ture, are rather variable, and the seed testa appears ronments. to have little diagnostic relevance. On studying the Since 2001, the year of my taking up work in pertinent literature, I have come to the conclusion Barcelona, two distinct entities belonging to the that one of these false garlics, a plant very frequent genus Nothoscordum have come to my attention. in planted areas and on road verges and waste Both have been collected on several occasions, and ground, corresponds to the troublesome weed N. × have been signalled as belonging to the section borbonicum Kunth, and that this identity should be Inodorum Guaglianone (Guaglianone, 1972), or accepted as convenient for purposes of recognition subgenus Euryscordum (Ravenna 1991), having in the horticultural trade worldwide, expelling been considered in a broad sense as belonging to N. doubts that only further serve to cloud the issue. gracile (Dryand. ex Aiton) Stearn [ N. fragrans This plant is clearly a hybrid, and considered to be (Vent.) Kunth; N. inodorum auct. non (Sol. ex Ait.) the putative hybrid N. gracile × N. entrerianum G. Nicholson] as, for example, in Flora iberica Ravenna, according to Ravenna (1991) himself. Its (Aedo, 2013). But lumping both plants within this 12 S. PYKE remarkable ability to disperse itself both by seed - Umbels with unequal pedicels before anthesis, and via bulbils has earned it a bad reputation with but these almost equal at fruiting stage gardeners. It very effectively colonizes man-altered - Tepals shorter (±9 mm) with a dark pink to purple habitats, and is extremely difficult to irradicate. median stripe. The following comments apply to this plant, and a - Flowers strongly scented; open from midday to fuller description can be found in Ravenna (op. early evening. cit.) and in Guaglianone (op. cit.) ut N. inodorum. - Filaments ± erect but narrowly triangular (as opposed to ± linear) and gradually tapering to- - Bulbils produced profusely (average 65 per bulb, wards their apex, forming a reduced cylinder only counted on 10 individuals). in the lower half or third. - Leaves broad, to 10 (15) mm wide, flat or faintly - Mature seed testa variable, in some cases quite keeled. Ligules absent. strongly rugose - Spathes (bracts) generally >10 mm long; broad, acute but not strongly acuminate. This second plant may have also been classi- - Umbels composed of unequal pedicels, even at fied within N. gracile (or its synonyms) by collec- fruiting stage. tors and revisors in our national herbariums. Its - Tepals 10-12 mm, entirely white or with a green, true identity is not a simple matter. Our European brown, or brownish-lilac median stripe. botanists, if indeed they have encountered it, have - Flowers ± weakly scented; open during the day preferred to include it within the one widely recog- and remaining open into the night. nised species naturalized in Europe, variously - Filaments erect, ± linear and parallel, but abruptly known as N. fragrans, N. gracile or N. inodorum contracted towards their apex, forming a cylindri- (this last name to be rejected, as it turns out to be cal column around the gynoecium. referable to Allium neapolitanum Cir., see Stearn - Mature seed testa slightly rugose to almost 1986). The presumption here is that revisors have smooth, but somewhat variable. seen material of this particular plant. This solution is not unreasonable but, when faced with the pres- Supporting the claim that this is a hybrid plant ence of two plants that remain obviously distinct is its strong growth and aggressive, pioneering despite varying habitat factors, and maintain this behaviour. On one plant examined, the mother bulb distinction under cultivation, it becomes necessary had produced over 170 bulbils. The individuals are to learn more about them, and see if they have at strong-growing, with tall scapes and long, wide some stage been resolved taxonomically. leaves (on some plants, 60 cm long). Not wishing to re-examine the genus exhaust- As for distinguishing the hybrid from one of its ively (this task should be carried out by New putative parents, N. gracile (here including N. World botanists) I do, however, consider it my macrostemon Kunth), the diurnal opening of the duty to communicate these observations and sug- flowers contrasts with Guaglianone's comment gest a possible identity for this plant. It seems to be regarding N. gracile (ut N. inodorum var. ino- fairly frequent in Catalonia, though less common dorum): “Las flores se abren al caer el sol, than the other plant, and since it also produces cerrándose hacia la noche”, and with Ravenna’s bulbils, can be weedy, but to a much lesser degree remark: “Flowers opening in the evening, well than N. × borbonicum. These bulbils facilitate the expanded at night and lasting until next morning”. dispersion of Nothoscordum, especially by me- The hybrid opens its flowers during the morning, chanical means (the moving of soil and plants from and on sunny days they are wide open before mid- one location to another), of which man is clearly day. They remain open till late evening, closing at the principal vector. Guaglianone, when publishing night. Our most-prolific weed clearly belongs not her synopsis on the species of Ipheion and to the pure N. gracile, but rather, to N. × borbon- Nothoscordum present in Argentina’s Entre Ríos icum. province and the surrounding regions, emphasised The other plant is similar, but differs in the fol- the weedy nature of both N. gracile (ut N. ino- lowing mostly morphological characters: dorum) and N. nudicaule (Lehm.) Guagl. in her introduction to the genus. Her description of N. - Bulbils present but of modest production (average nudicaule lacks details regarding leaf size and 9 per bulb, counted on 10 individuals). structure, but in other ways matches our (second) - Leaves narrower, from 1,5-6 (9) mm wide, and plant closely. The description in Cabrera (1968) ut more obviously keeled. Ligules absent. N. euosmum (Link & Otto) Kunth (now considered - Spathes generally ≤ 10 mm long; narrower, often synonymous with N. nudicaule) gives leaves of more acuminate than in the hybrid. some 300 mm length and 2 – 6 mm width, this Bouteloua 28: 12-18 (2019). ISSN 1988-4257 13 Nothoscordum Kunth in the NE Iberian Peninsula: a confusing denizen of parks and gardens corresponding to the measurements taken of the to erradicate from cultivated land. plant in question, though the leaves can be consid- The second one multiplies both vegetatively erably shorter. The flowers are open during day- and sexually, but to a considerably lesser extend light hours, according to Guaglianone; this is also than the former. It corresponds, or lies close, to N. the case with our plant. nudicaule (Lehm.) Guagl. Whether our plant is Having ruled out species belonging to Guagli- identical to N. nudicaule , or an established hybrid anone’s Sect. Nothoscordum (or Subgen. involving this species, is not yet clear. Nothoscordum Ravenna), in particular, N. bivalve Cabrera & Zardini (1978) include these species (L.) Britton -a species also potentially problematic in a couplet within their key (the former ut N. ino- in gardens and nurseries- I consider that our plant dorum ) and distinguish them on the basis of the best adjusts to N. nudicaule , although possible filaments. These do indeed seem to constitute the hybridization might still need to be examined. most reliable distinguishing feature, but are more While on the subject of Sect . Nothoscordum , it easily discerned when the plant is in a fresh state, is worth mentioning that N.
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    Flora Malesiana ser. I, Vol. 11 (2) (1993) 375-384 Alliaceae J.R.M. Buijsen Leiden, The Netherlands) Alliaceae Agardh, Theor. Syst. PI. (1858) 32; Dahlgren, Clifford & Yeo, Fam. Monocot. (1985) 193-196. — Liliaceae subfam. Allioideae, Melchior in Melchior, Syll. Pflan- zenfam.ed. 12(1964)521. Perennial herbs with bulbs, bulb-like corms or rhizomes. Leaves simple, basally concen- trated, spirally set or distichous. Inflorescence usually umbellate and with 1, 2 or more membranous spathes. Flowers generally bisexual, actinomorphic or sometimes zygomor- phic. Tepals in 2 whorls, free or often connate, forming a campanulate or tubularperianth with erect, spreading or sometimes recurved lobes. Stamens usually 6 or sometimes 5 with several staminodes, free, inserted at the base of the tepals or in the perigone-tube; anthers dorsifixed. Ovary superior, 3-celled, with axillary placentas, septal nectary grooves loculicidal Seeds present on the ovary; ovules 2 to several per locule. Fruit a capsule. often half-ovoid, half-globose ortetrahedraland triangular in transection, sometimes ovoid or ellipsoid to subglobose and roundedin transection. Distribution— As circumscribed by Dahlgren et al. (1985) this segregate fromLilia- ceae s. 1. comprises the South African Agapanthoideae, the mainly Chilean Gilliesioideae, and Allioideaewith the neogeic tribeBrodiaeeaeand the nearly cosmopolitan Allieae. Taxonomy — The taxonomic position of the genus Allium and related genera is still disputed. Earlierbotanists (e.g., Engler, Bentham, and Hooker) placed them in the Lilia- ceae, as recently followed again by, e.g., Cronquist (1981) and Mabberley (1987). Alter- natively, they were included in the Amaryllidaceae by, e.g., Hutchinson and Traub (see Hanelt 1990). Often also Allium and its close relatives are recognized as a distinct family close the al.
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