TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS & GRADUATE RECOGNITION 400 West 95th Street Chicago, IL 60628 Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Pastor Emeritus Scholarship and Education Committee Frankie Wilson, Chair
[email protected] 962 – 5650 Ext. 2310 The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Scholarship Honors the legacy of scholarly achievement and servant leadership as exemplified in the collegiate and lifetime achievements of Jewel Brothers, Henry Arthur Callis, Charles Henry Chapman, Eugene Kinckle Jones, George Biddle Kelly, Nathaniel Allison Murray, Robert Harold Ogle and Vertner Woodson Tandy, the founders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, recognizes a graduating African American male high school senior who personifies scholarly achievement, school and community leadership and seeks to attend a four-year college or university to pursue a baccalaureate degree. Applicants must submit: Please Print Clearly Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ___ Zip code: ______ Phone: ____________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ High school you attend: _______________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ___ Zip code: ______ Phone: ____________ Activities, groups, and ministries you are affiliated with at Trinity: Use Additional Paper if Necessary Ministry From