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Entry at the trans-Face of the Golgi

Suzanne R. Pfeffer

Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305-5307 Correspondence: [email protected]

The trans-Golgi network (TGN) receives a select set of proteins from the endocytic pathway— about 5% of total plasma membrane glycoproteins (Duncan and Kornfeld 1988). Proteins that are delivered include mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs), TGN46, sortilin, and various toxins that hitchhike a ride backward through the secretory pathway to intoxicate cells after they exit into the cytoplasm from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This article will review work on the molecular players that drive protein transport from the endocytic pathway to the TGN. Distinct requirements have revealed multiple routes for retrograde transport; in addition, the existence of multiple, potential coat proteins and/or cargo adaptors imply that multiple vesicular transfers are likely involved. Several comprehensive reviews have appeared recently and should be sought for additional details (Bonifacino and Rojas 2006; Johannes and Popoff 2008).

CARGOES TRANSPORTED provided elsewhere (Johannes and Popoff 2008). Accurate identification of retrograde cargoes arly studies of retrograde transport of pro- has relied on their biochemical modification teins to the TGN focused on MPRs that carry E by Golgi resident enzymes such as sialyltransfer- newly made lysosomal enzymes from the Golgi ase and tyrosine sulfotransferase that are local- to early endosomes and then return to the Golgi ized uniquely in the TGN, or specific genetic after passing through late endosomes (Ghosh blocks in this pathway. For example, depletion et al. 2003). The Vps10 protein carries out an of the Retromer1 protein, Vps26, led to mislo- analogous function in yeast, returning to the calization of the normally Golgi localized, BACE Golgi after delivering vacuolar hydrolases to 2 enzyme in endosomes (He et al. 2005). Wing- prevacuolar compartments (Marcusson et al. less protein is also mislocalized in cells har- 1994). This yeast sorting process is not based boring mutant proteins (Port and on mannose 6-phosphate recognition. Like the Basler 2010). This is good evidence that these mammalian prohormone processing enzyme, proteins shuttle between endosomes and the furin, the yeast Kex2 protease also cycles be- tween Golgi and prelysosomal compartments. In addition to these cargo receptors and protein 1Retromer: a complex of proteins that is important for trans- modifying enzymes, the SNARE proteins in- port from endosomes to the Golgi complex. In yeast, it volved in these transport events also recycle to contains Vps26p, Vps29p, Vps35p, Vps17p, and Vps5p. In mammals, it contains Vps26, Vps29, Vps35, SNX1, SNX2, the Golgi. A longer list of protein cargoes is SNX5, and SNX6.

Editors: Graham Warren and James Rothman Additional Perspectives on The Golgi available at Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved. Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005272

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Golgi complex. (Some misassignments may of Shiga toxin, TGN46, and MPRs (Saint-Pol have been made when morphology was the sole et al. 2004). criterion for return to the Golgi, as late endo- Retromer proteins are also important for somes and recycling endosomes are located the segregation of retrograde cargo at early en- very close to the Golgi and without the use of dosomes (Arighi et al. 2004; Seaman 2004; Carl- distinguishing marker proteins, localizations ton et al. 2004), and an important question for can be incorrect.) Shiga toxin, cholera toxin, future investigation is how Retromer functions and ricin are well-documented cargoes that in relation to AP1 and . The Johannes move from early endosomes to the TGN. lab (Popoff et al. 2007) has suggested a model in which clathrin sorts cargoes into tubules that form at the early endosome and then use COATS IN RETROGRADE TRANSPORT Retromer for subsequent transport to the Golgi. Early studies of clathrin function suggested that This model invokes flat patches of clathrin (and clathrin in complex with its AP22 adaptor medi- presumably AP1 adaptors) to segregate differ- ated endocytosis, whereas clathrin in complex ent cargo classes into distinct tubule types. In with its AP13 adaptor participated in the forma- this case, clathrin acts first but in close prox- tion of MPR containing transport vesicles at the imity to Retromer; all of this sorting begins in early endosomes. Tubule formation is likely to TGN (Robinson 2004). Thus, it was a surprise 6 when MPRs were found to accumulate in early be facilitated by the EHD3 protein (Naslavsky endosomes in cells lacking AP1 adaptor pro- et al. 2009), which acts in conjunction with teins (Meyer et al. 2000). This suggested that the Rab11 effector, Rab11-FIP2 to link to a AP1 functions in the retrieval of MPRs back myosin motor. The recent identification of a to the Golgi and later work suggested a role role for Rab7 GTPase in Retromer recruitment for AP1 at both the Golgi and at endosomes. onto endosomes (Rojas et al. 2008; Seaman The subsequent discovery of a role for so-called et al. 2009) suggests that Retromer functions GGA4 proteins as Golgi export cargo adaptors at the intersection between early and late endo- provided a possible explanation: the GGA adap- somes. This new finding could represent a sec- tors might cover for loss of AP1 function at the ond cargo selection step at a compartment Golgi, and the accumulation of MPRs in early that is later in nature than the one housing cla- endosomes of these cells would then reflect thrin patches. the additional requirement for AP1 at that loca- TIP47 protein also functions as yet another tion (Doray et al. 2002; Puertollano et al. 2003). cargo adaptor that is essential for recognition of Live cell video microscopy showed that 65% of MPRs at late endosomes for their subsequent MPR-containing tubules leaving the TGN are retrograde transport to the Golgi (Diaz and AP1 decorated (Waguri et al. 2003), consistent Pfeffer 1998). Depletion of TIP47 leads to en- with AP1 functioning at two locations (Doray hanced degradation of MPRs in cells, and et al. 2002; Hirst et al. 2009). The AP1-binding, TIP47 is required for in vitro transport of epsinR5 protein (Hirst et al. 2003; Mills et al. MPRs from endosomes to the TGN. Associa- 2003) is also needed for retrograde transport tion of TIP47 with endosome membranes is blocked by antiMPR cytoplasmic domain an- tibodies, and binding requires specific residues 2 AP2 adaptor complex is a heterotetrameric complex that in each of the MPRs (Orsel et al. 2000). Im- links cargo to clathrin-mediated endocytosis. portantly, TIP47 expression actually stimulates 3AP1 adaptor complex is a heterotetrameric complex that links cargo to clathrin mediated Golgi export. MPR transport to the TGN in transfected cells 4Golgi-localized, gamma adaptin ear-containing, ARF- (Carroll et al. 2001; Sincock et al. 2003). These binding protein family. 5A clathrin-coated vesicle-enriched, 70kD protein that binds phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, clathrin, and the gamma appendage domain of the 6eps15 homology (EH) domain containing protein desig- complex 1 (AP1). nated EHD3.

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Entry at the trans-Face of the Golgi

data strongly support a model in which TIP47 below). The precise nature of these intermedi- acts as a cargo-selection device for MPR retro- ates and the number of fusion events involved grade transport. will require further study. Interestingly, TIP47 also binds the late endosomal Rab9 TGN469 does not use this pathway for its steady GTPase (Carroll et al. 2001). Importantly, state localization at the TGN; as described Rab9 binding increases the affinity with which below, a number of molecular distinctions in TIP47 binds CI-MPR cytoplasmic domains. retrograde transport support the existence of Moreover, the interaction of TIP47 with Rab9 multiple pathways for return to the Golgi. is needed for its ability to stimulate the trans- port of MPRs from late endosomes to the AND SNARE PROTEINS IN TGN (Hanna et al. 2002), and expression of a RETROGRADE TRANSPORT mutant TIP47 protein that cannot bind Rab9 changes the morphology of late endosomes SNARE proteins are discussed in greater depth (Barbero et al. 2002). These data indicate that in an article by Malsam andSo¨llner (2011). Shiga TIP47 is recruited onto late endosomes by Rab9, toxin, cholera toxin, and ricin use a SNARE which thereby participates in cargo collection complex containing STX6, STX16, Vti1a, and by the TIP47 protein. The importance of the v-SNAREs, VAMP3 or VAMP4 (Mallard TIP47 in Rab9 function is further highlighted et al. 2002) for their delivery to the Golgi. Shiga by the unexpected finding that depletion of toxin transport also requires Rab6A and Rab43 TIP47 enhances turnover of Rab9 protein GTPases (Del Nery et al. 2006; Fuchs et al. 2007) (Ganley et al. 2004). TIP47 acts in strict coordi- but not Rab9 GTPase (Wilcke et al. 2000; nation with the late endosomal Rab9 GTPase, Iversen et al. 2001). Rab21 and Rab22a may providing an additional sorting step at late en- also be involved (Fuchs et al. 2007). dosomes. Late endosome to TGN transport relies on The simplest explanation for a requirement the Rab9 GTPase (Lombardi et al. 1993; Rie- for multiple cargo adaptors is the possibility derer et al. 1994), as well as Rab6 GTPase, which that multiple vesicle transfers take place. Cla- functions in tether localization at the TGN (see thrin and Retromer likely sort cargo at an early the following) (Burguete et al. 2008). Strong or intermediate endosome; later, TIP47-depen- support for the existence of distinct routes to dent steps would segregate MPRs from cargo to the TGN came from the identification of a dis- be degraded in lysosomes. tinct requirement for 10 (STX10) for Recent work from Brodsky and coworkers MPR recycling to the TGN in human cells, indicates that AP1-mediated retrograde trans- where it functions as part of a STX16, Vti1A, port may use two distinct clathrin isoforms. and VAMP3-containing SNARE complex. Al- Unlike the predominant CHC17 clathrin heavy though TGN46 and cholera toxin require chain isoform, the related CHC22 clathrin STX6, MPR recycling does not. An additional heavy chain binds preferentially to AP1 and SNARE complex comprised of GS15, Syntaxin AP3 and seems to be important for retrograde 5, GS28, and YKT6 was also found to be impor- transport of several cargoes including MPRs tant for Shiga toxin transport (Tai et al. 2004; (Esk et al. 2010). This study suggested that there Mallard et al. 2002), but this complex may are two clathrin-dependent steps at early endo- function at a retrograde transport step within somes: CHC17 and SNX17 would act before the Golgi complex, rather than for initial ar- CHC22 to segregate cargo into tubules. A sub- rival at the TGN. Figure 1 summarizes some sequent step would require Syntaxin 108 (see of the molecular distinctions between the two pathways.

7Sorting nexin-1. 8A class of SNARE protein implicated in docking and fusion 9A trans-Golgi network localized protein of unknown of vesicles at target membranes. function.

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TGN46 CHC22 Mannose cholera, Shiga STX10 6-phosphate Late toxin Early receptors endosome endosome

Rab43 Rab9 (Rab22? Rab21A?) GCC185 Golgin-97 RhoBTB3

STX6 trans-Golgi network STX10 STX16 STX16 Vti1A Rab6 Vti1A VAMP3/4 VAMP3

Figure 1. Multiple routes of protein transport from the endocytic pathway to the trans-Golgi network. For details, see text.

TETHERING PROTEINS AT THE TGN 2005; Munro 2011); they are thought to form parallel homodimers that partition between the Tethering complexes can be divided into two cytosol and the Golgi membrane surface (Luke groups: multisubunit complexes based on the et al. 2005). Golgin245 and Golgin 97 bind Arl1 yeast Exocyst, or long, coiled coil proteins such tightly; GCC185 binds Arl1 with enhanced af- as the Golgins that decorate the Golgi complex finity in the presence of Rab6 GTPase (Burguete (Sztul and Lupashin 2006; Short et al. 2005). et al. 2008; Pfeffer 2009). (Recently, Houghton Soluble tethers needed for transport to the TGN et al. 2009 questioned a role for Rab6 in were first reported inyeast (Conibearand Stevens GCC185 binding. Major gaps in their logic are 2000) as the VFTor GARP complex comprised of summarized in Pfeffer 2009.) That these proteins the Vps52/53/53 complex and Vps51 proteins. function as transport vesicle tethers comes from These proteins bound directly to a t-SNARE, experiments in which they are depleted from Tlg1 needed for retrograde transport. In human cells: for example, GCC185 depletion leads to cells, the GARP complex is required for the retro- accumulation of MPRs in peripheral transport gradetransportofMPRs,TGN46,andShigatoxin vesicles (Reddy et al. 2006; Derby et al. 2007). (Pe´rez-Victoria et al. 2008). As first shown for the Depletion and overexpression phenotypic yeast complex, human GARP (Liewen et al. 2005) analyses have been used to show that the puta- binds to the TGN-localized t-SNAREs, Syntaxin tive tethering proteins, Golgin-97 (Lu et al. 6, Syntaxin 16, and the Vamp4 v-SNARE that 2004) and Golgin-245 (Yoshino et al. 2005) mediate retrograde transport, stronglysuggesting are both important for Shiga toxin retrograde a role for the GARP complex in SNARE remodel- transport whereas Golgin 97 does not seem to ingand/orlocalization(Pe´rez-Victoria and Boni- be needed for MPR recycling (Reddy et al. facino 2009). 2006). In contrast, TGN38 (but not Shiga toxin) Of the longer, coiled coil class of tethering uses the GCC88 protein (Lieu et al. 2007) proteins, there are at least five representatives (Table 1). It is interesting to note that all retro- anchored at the TGN: four GRIP domain tethers grade cargoes seem to use the GARP complex, (Golgin 245, Golgin 97, GCC185, and GCC88) but the cargoes distinguish themselves in terms and TMF/ARA160 (Yamane et al. 2007). The of their requirements for individual, extended former class use their carboxy-terminal GRIP coiled coil tethers. Table 1 summarizes the var- domains as a binding site for the TGN localized, ied requirements for distinct classes of putative small GTPase, Arl1 (Panic et al. 2003; Munro vesicle tethers.

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Table 1. Functional distinctions between TGN Golgins and Tethering factors onSeptember25,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress Golgin245 Cargo (p230) Golgin97 GCC185 GCC88 TMF GARP complex odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold Endogenous MPRs Not needed Essential Essential (not hybrid proteins with MPR (Reddy et al. (Reddy et al. 2006; (Pe´rez-Victoria 2008) Binds cytoplasmic domains) 2006) Derby et al. 2007) STX10, needed for this step Binds Rab9, Rab6 (Liewen et al. 2005) and STX16, needed for this step (Ganley et al. 2008) Shiga Toxin B Essential Essential Not needed Essential o:10.1101 doi: (Yoshino (Lu et al. 2004) (Lieu et al. 2007) (Pe´rez-Victoria et al. 2008, 2009) et al. 2005) MBoC 15, 4426 MBoC Binds STX6, needed for this step TGN38/46 Not needed Essential (Fridmann-Sirkis Essential nr tthe at Entry

/ (Derby 2007) for Syntaxin 6 et al. 2004) (Pe´rez-Victoria et al. 2008) cshperspect.a005272 localization (Lieu et al. 2007), MBoC (Lieu and Gleeson

2010) trans- aeo h Golgi the of Face 5 Downloaded from on September 25, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

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RhoBTB3 ATPase many as three cisternal types (C5, C6, and C7) (Mogelsvang et al. 2004) (Fig. 2); all of these A Rab9-interaction yeast two-hybrid screen extend tubules, and the presence of budding identified RhoBTB3 as a Rab9 binding partner vesicles and tubular extensions implies a role (Reddy et al. 2006). RhoBTB3 is an unusual in exit from the Golgi. The trans-most cisternae member of the Rho family of GTPases. First, it (C7) displays clathrin-coated profiles, whereas is 69kDa instead of 25kD; it is comprised of the others display only nonclathrin-coated buds an amino-terminal Rho domain and a carboxy- and tubules (Ladinsky et al. 1994). Of interest terminal BTB (Bric-a-brac, Tramtrack, Broad- is the distinct morphology between the trans- complex) domain (Ramos et al. 2002; Salas Vidal most cisternae and those preceding it: the trans- et al. 2005). The amino-terminal Rho domain is most compartment is not fenestrated and seems not a GTPase like other Rhofamily members, but more defined by vesicle budding profiles. The is instead an ATPase (Espinosa et al. 2009). Rab9 molecular basis for morphological fenestration binds to RhoBTB3 at the carboxyl terminus, will be important to determine. Clathrin is downstream of the BTB domain. Like GCC185, implicated in the Golgi export of MPRs that RhoBTB3 is localized to the Golgi and depletion carry newly made lysosomal enzymes from the of the protein dispersesthe MPR into peripheral, Golgi to prelysosomes. The domain of the Rab9-positive vesicles. Unlike GCC185 deple- TGN to which MPRs return to is unknown, but tion, however, the Golgi appears swollen. It is it seems reasonable to propose that they return not yet known why loss of this protein yields a to the same domain (or near to the domain) distinct phenotype. Both ATP hydrolysis and that is used for MPR exit. Rab9 binding capacity are needed to restore Gleeson and colleagues have reported that MPR retrograde transport in RhoBTB3-depleted the TGN tethers appear localize to distinct do- cultured cells (Espinosa et al. 2009). mains of the TGN. Derby et al. (2004) showed In membrane trafficking events, ATPases that cells overexpressing GCC185 segregated are used to disassemble SNARE proteins (NSF), sialyltransferase into a domain distinct from ESCRT assemblies (Vps4) or clathrin coats that occupied by GCC88; TGN38 may be more (Hsc70). We therefore tested if RhoBTB3 might closely linked to the GC88 compartment (Luke interact with the cargo-adaptor protein, TIP47 et al. 2003), consistent with it’s requirement for that might be part of a vesicle coat. Native blue that tethering factor for retrograde transport gel electrophoresis revealed that RhoBTB3 exists (Lieu et al. 2007). This suggests that the TGN in a stable complex of 475 kDa with TIP47 on itself is specialized; predicted would be the dodecyl maltoside-solubilized membranes. In existence of distinct domains to receive distinct the presence of ATPand Rab9, TIP47 is released sets of cargoes. Physical mapping of these dis- from this complex (Espinosa et al. 2009). This tinct TGN domains will be important: a predic- supports a model in which any TIP47 that re- tion is that Syntaxin 10 will segregate with mains on Rab9-positive transport vesicles can GCC185. That the GARP complex appears to be removed on arrival of the vesicle at the Golgi. engage all classes of TGN Golgins suggests that After TIP47 removal, SNARE pairing can occur it may function more in TGN SNARE complex and the vesicle fuses with the Golgi. remodeling than “vesicle catching,” per se. Entirely unknown is the relationship be- PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF THE TGN tween Golgin subdomains and these three mor- The TGN generates transport vesicles bound phological TGN domains. It will be interesting for distinct domains of the plasma membrane to determine how close a TGN domain contain- as well as early endosomes. Thus, it will contain ing GCC185 and the Syntaxin 10 SNARE com- distinct domains that participate in the forma- plex, organized to receive MPR cargo from late tion of these distinct transport vesicle types. endosomes, resides in relation to a clathrin High voltage electron microscopic tomography domain that repackages that receptor for export indicates that the TGN may be comprised of as from the Golgi.

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Entry at the trans-Face of the Golgi

Figure 2. Three dimensional electron microscopic tomography reveals a complex architecture for the TGN. The three trans-most cisternae are shown in dark blue, gold, and red. The clathrin coated, trans-most cisternae is solid, unlike the fenestrated, penultimate trans-cisternae. Adapted from Mogelsvang et al. (2004) and reprinted with permission from John Wiley & Sons # 2004.

HIGHER ORDER GOLGI ORGANIZATION that bud from cisternae in close proximity to BY TGN TETHERS their Golgi targets (Munro 2011). Because Gol- gins have the potential to reach distances as Two recent reports indicate that TGN Golgins long as the entire width of a Golgi stack, they can bind multiple Rab GTPases across their are predicted to mediate long range interactions lengths (Sinka et al. 2008; Hayes et al. 2009). (Hayes et al. 2009). Still to be explained is why This led Munro to propose that the Golgins depletion of any one of the for GRIP domain function to retain nascent transport vesicles Golgins leads to Golgi stack fragmentation

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Golgi-associated tether will enhance the effi- ciency of vesicle transfers to their TGN targets.

CONCLUDING REMARKS Retrograde protein transport is essential for normal cellular homeostasis: it permits efficient recycling of MPRs back to the Golgi to ensure proper lysosomal enzyme targeting. However, it is also important for normal neurological function: amyloid precursor (APP) is trans- ported by the sortilin related protein, SORL1 (Anderson et al. 2005) which, like the BACE APP processing enzyme, undergoes Retromer dependent, retrograde transport (see Skinner and Seaman 2009 for review). Indeed, poly- morphisms in the SORL1 are linked to late onset Alzheimer’s disease (Rogaeva et al. Figure 3. Depletion of the putative vesicle tethering 2007). Although great progress has been made factor, RhoBTB3 causes the Golgi to appear altered. Shown is the localization of GCC185 in control or in the identification of proteins that partici- RhoBTB3 depleted cells. For details, see Espinosa pate in retrograde transport, much work is still et al. (2009). needed to understand where on the TGN retro- grade vesicles arrive and how that site(s) relates to domains used for transport vesicle formation (Fig. 3). The simplest explanation is that Golgi and secretion. Why are there so many cargo ribbon integrity depends on multiple, low affin- adaptors, and how many fission and fusion ity, trans-interactions. The precise roles of the reactions are involved? These issues are sure to GRIP domain Golgins in relation to the GARP be examined by a number of laboratories over complex will be important to determine, and the next several years. is covered in detail in Munro 2011.

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Entry at the trans-Face of the Golgi

Suzanne R. Pfeffer

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol published online January 26, 2011

Subject Collection The Golgi

Structure of Golgi Transport Proteins Golgi and Related Vesicle Proteomics: Simplify to Daniel Kümmel and Karin M. Reinisch Identify Joan Gannon, John J.M. Bergeron and Tommy Nilsson Golgi Biogenesis Organization of SNAREs within the Golgi Stack Yanzhuang Wang and Joachim Seemann Jörg Malsam and Thomas H. Söllner Golgi Glycosylation and Human Inherited Golgi during Development Diseases Weimin Zhong Hudson H. Freeze and Bobby G. Ng Models for Golgi Traffic: A Critical Assessment Entry and Exit Mechanisms at the cis-Face of the Benjamin S. Glick and Alberto Luini Golgi Complex Andrés Lorente-Rodríguez and Charles Barlowe Architecture of the Mammalian Golgi COPI Budding within the Golgi Stack Judith Klumperman Vincent Popoff, Frank Adolf, Britta Brügger, et al. Evolution and Diversity of the Golgi Mechanisms of Protein Retention in the Golgi Mary J. Klute, Paul Melançon and Joel B. Dacks David K. Banfield Evolutionary Forces Shaping the Golgi The Golgin Coiled-Coil Proteins of the Golgi Glycosylation Machinery: Why Cell Surface Apparatus Glycans Are Universal to Living Cells Sean Munro Ajit Varki Golgi Positioning Signaling at the Golgi Smita Yadav and Adam D. Linstedt Peter Mayinger

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