Reflections on the political participation of LGBTI people in Honduras Reflections on the political participation of LGBTI people in Honduras Reflections on the political participation of LGBTI people in Honduras 2 COORDINATORS OF THIS PUBLICATION Wilson Castañeda, Director, Caribe Afirmativo Melissa Monroy Agámez, Political scientist, Caribe Afirmativo Deborah Ullmer, Resident Director, NDI Honduras Vanessa Mejía Carbajal, Program Officer, NDI Honduras Alex Sorto, Executive Director, SOMOS CDC David Valle, Project Coordinator, SOMOS CDC Luis Abolafia Anguita, Director of International Programs, Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute EDITING Wilson Castañeda Vanessa Mejía Carbajal TRANSLATION Caryn Viverito, LGBTQ Victory Institute DESIGN Jhon David Ramírez, Caribe Afirmativo PRINTING Comunica (
[email protected]) FIRST EDITION Febuary 2017 Printed in Honduras ISBS: 978-99979-810-0-4 The content of this material may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopied or other means, provided the source is cited. The ideas and opinions expressed in this book are the sole responsibility of the authors and the Hondurans interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the US International Agency for Development (USAID), the Inter-American Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). This study is possible thanks to the support of the US International Agency for De- velopment (USAID), the Inter-American Foundation and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 3 4 Contents