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Case File Copy N73-19820 NASA CR-121132 CASE FILE COPY AN AIRLINE STUDY OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED HIGH SPEED COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT ENGINES I - ENGINE DESIGN STUDY ASSESSMENT by G. Phillip Bailee AMERICAN AIRLINES prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION NASA Lewis Research Center ContractNAS 3-15572 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. ''.. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA CR-121132 4. Title and Subtitle AN AIRLINE STUDY OF ADVANCED TECH- 5. Report Date NOLOGY REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVANCED HIGH SPEED March 1973 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT ENGINES 6. Performing Organization Code I - ENGINE DESIGN STUDY ASSESSMENT 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. G. Phillip Sallee None 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address American Airlines 11. Contract or Grant No. 633 Third Avenue NAS 3-15572 New York, New York 10017 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, D.C. 20546 15. Supplementary Notes Project Manager, Robert J. Antl, V/STOL and Noise Division, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 16. Abstract The results of an airline study of the advanced technology requirements for an advanced high speed commercial transport engine are presented. This report is one of a series of three reports developed as a part of the NASA Advanced Transport Technology Program. This report presents the results of the American Airlines Phase I study effort and covers the follow- ing areas: a. Statement of an airline's major objectives for future transport engines b. An airline's method of evaluating engine proposals c. A decription of an optimum engine for a long range subsonic commercial transport in- cluding installation and critical design features d. A discussion of engine performance problems and experience with performance degra- dation e. The trends in engine and pod prices with increasing technology and objectives for the future f. A discussion of the research objectives for composites, reversers, advanced components, engine control systems, and devices to reduce the impact of engine stall g. A discussion of the airline objectives for noise and pollution reduction 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Advanced technology Noise Unclassified - unlimited Airlines Emissions Subsonic aircraft Maintenance Turbofan engines 19. Security Qassif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price' Unclassified Unclassified 108 $3.00 ' For sale by the National Technical Information Service r.pi;••;;>ieId. Virginia 22151 The provisions of NASA Policy Directive 2220.4 pertaining to the use of the International System of Units have been waived under the authority of paragraph 5.d. of the Directive. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY . • • 1 INTRODUCTION . 3 SECTION I 9 Description of a Recommended Optimum Engine for a Future Mach No. 0.98 Commercial Transport Aircraft SECTION II 24 Engine Performance and Costs SECTION III 62 Technology Areas of Major Importance SECTION IV 93 Evaluation of Phase I Advanced Transport Technology Engine Study Contractor Reports CONCLUDING REMARKS 99 DISTRIBUTION LIST 100 ill SUMMARY This report presents the results of an airline study of the advanced technology requirements for an advanced high speed commercial transport engine. This report is one of a series of three reports developed as a part of the NASA Advanced Trans- port Technology Program. This specific report covers the results of American Airlines' Phase I study effort which includes the following: a. An airline's major objectives- fpr -future transport engines are presented including the major challenges faced in -subsonic commercial aircraft pro- pulsion technology. b. An airline method of evaluating engine proposals is discussedtto provide insight into the relative importance of various engine design and in- stallation factors:.-,.. , . -.;.;...-:; . - • c. A discussion of engine performance problems, experience, with performance ^ degradation and the results of a number of programs undertaken to reduce the increase in specific fuel consumption that occurs with time. •d. The trends in engine and pod prices with time and complexity and the validity of current economic assessment tools in estimating the main- tenance cost of advanced engines. e. A discussion of the research objectives in five major technology areas where improvements could produce economic benefits. Current experience and cost impact data are presented as the basis for a discussion of the research objectives for composites, reversers, fuel controls, advanced components and for control of engine stall. Introduction . ..' The overall Intent of NASA Lewis Research Contract NAS3-15572 with American Airlines was directed at -obtaining a comprehensive airline review of the studies conducted by Pratt and Whitney and the General Electric companies covering the engine requirements for advanced technology transport aircraft. These studies were directed at determining the technological areas that had the greatest poten- tial for signficant benefits to society through reduced pollution and noise, and improved aircraft/engine economics by the application of advanced research. To this end airline input, with its inherent differences in perspective, could provide additional information upon which to base and plan advanced projects. In addition it was expected that the airlines might have general long- standing problems which could provide additional areas for the meaningful expendi- ture of research effort to advance the general state of propulsion .technology. The airline industry has grown to where it is a vital part of the national trans- portation system and the sale of commercial aircraft to foreign countries a vital part of national trade. The continued success of the sales of U.S. manufactured aircraft and engines to foreign countries/airlines is to a large extent dependent on the ability to produce a more efficient product. This contract was considered as part of an initial probe and an innovative attempt towards, improving the research planning process. The information covered in this report is directed at fulfilling Task I of the above mentioned contract. This report is divided into four major sections. I. The first section presents a description of an optimum engine for an advanced transcontinental and intercontinental near sonic commercial transport. It contains a description of the engine cycle, the critical design features, the installation concepts, the estimated engine and propulsion system price, and pollution and noise requirements for such an engine. II. The second section details the engine performance and economic ex- periences that have occurred with the introduction of new engine type's into American Airlines service. This section provides information that is pertinent to the emphasis placed on these two factors in the selection of an optimum engine. III. The third section details airline experience and objectives in five major technology areas which are felt to be the most productive areas for advanced research effort. IV. The last section is a comprehensive review of the ATT Engine Study Con- tractors Phase 1 Study Reports and an airlines view of the contractors recommendations. * A. Objectives for Future Commercial Engines The airlines continue to desire improved engines with improved performance. At the same time the environmental concerns of the nation place emphasis on re- •\ i ducing the impact of aircraft and airports on surrounding communities to an ac- ceptable level while maintaining the economic soundness of each new design. The emphasis of the past for improved performance has reduced in relative im- portance while noise, pollution, maintainability and reliability have in- creased. The technology for subsonic aircraft engines has arrived at a point that further advancements of the order of magnitude achieved in the change from jets to low bypass ratio fans and then high bypass ratio fans is not readily foreseen. This does not mean however that improvements cannot be achieved, but that the expenditure of effort into perhaps more productive areas heretofore overlooked is expected to be more productive. The cost of modern engines and aircraft emphasizes the requirement for high utilization. To have an aircraft delayed in service for an hour due to a faulty switch or indicator and thus incur a loss of thousands of dollars is patently ridiculous if the reliability could have been improved by the investment of a few more dollars, or if rapid fault isolation could have been provided and rapid changeout effected. In total the problems facing the airlines is achieving the proper balance of all factors with the final objective of producing efficient transportation at a profit. The de- cision-making tools for this increased complexity have not yet been con- structed to provide the data for such decision-making processes. Experience and intuitive feel are necessary and are the prime factor in decision-making at this time. It should be understood that significant advancements in specific fuel consumption and thrust to weight performance are required for supersonic aircraft and for STOL and VTOL propulsion systems. The noise constraints for these air- craft types will produce heavy penalties unless the technology is found to re- duce the noise efficiently. The technological fallouts from effort in these areas will produce benefit in conventional
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