Church Magazine

February 2016

Aldermaston and Benefice



Woolhampton From the rector... was shopping in a large supermarket the other week and I found myself in the I ‘Seasonal’ aisle. It was a hive of activity because all the left-over bits from Christmas – the decorations and cards, chocolates and crackers – were being taken off the shelves so that Easter could move in.

At the point at which I walked down the aisle there was a wonderful mixture of Christmas and Easter on the shelves – fluffy chicks and Easter eggs next to snowmen and reindeer. It struck me that this mixed up Seasonal aisle provided a rather nice picture of where we find ourselves in the Church year.

The celebration of Candlemas which takes place 40 days after Christmas is a kind of crossroads between Christmas and Easter and marks the beginning of the journey from the ‘crib to the cross’ as one liturgy puts it.

Candlemas – or The Presentation of Christ at the Temple – recalls the moment when Mary and Joseph brought their six week old son to the temple in Jerusalem. Watching and waiting in the temple courts stand two lone figures - an elderly man, Simeon, and an even older woman, Anna. To the casual observer Mary and Joseph would look no different from the many who flocked to Jerusalem fulfilling what the law required of them as an act of purification after childbirth and to present their first-born son at the temple as the Law of Moses required.

But Simeon’s eyes alight on this one family among many and these old eyes opened by a life time of prayer and trust in God recognise that this was what he had been waiting for, he recognises in the baby Mary carries, the hope of Israel, the long-awaited light.

Simeon lifts the baby into his arms praising God. He can die in peace for he has now seen God’s promises fulfilled. Imagine Mary and Joseph standing there watching this old man quite overcome with emotion as he holds their child. Surely their minds would have raced back to encounters with angels, strange dreams, shepherds, wise men… But now Simeon turns to them and the mood is suddenly sombre: the salvation this child will bring is to be costly, and it will pierce Mary’s heart.

Joseph stands holding the two pigeons, emblems of the sacrificial system and indeed of the temple itself. Simeon stands holding the baby – here in this child was the new temple, here was the new ‘place’ of encounter with God, and here so poignantly, was the ultimate sacrifice. It is the most bitter-sweet of moments: joy that the light has come; agony at the price to be paid.

So Candlemas is the hinge between Christmas and Easter, a festival of light with churches blessing new candles and at one time lighting great bonfires to burn the Christmas foliage. It looks back to the joy and wonder of Jesus’ birth, and forward, through the days of Lent, to the passion, to holy week and the cross. It is a time to move on, a time to leave the afterglow of Christmastide and to embark on the most important journey of all - the journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, the journey from darkness to light. Revd Becky Bevan 2 From the Register:

Weddings, Renewal of Vows and Blessings of Marriage 18th December Michael Patterson and Georgina Smith 20th December Matthew Gorton and Clara-Marie Byrne Wasing 21st December Darryl Taphouse and Hayley Cheesworth Wasing

Funerals and Burial of Ashes 14th November Martin Brazil 4th December Peter William Broadhurst 15th December Cyril Ball Aldermaston 6th January Kathleen Edith Leonard Woolhampton 14th January Richard Cassan 29th January Cyril Cooper All details correct at time of going to print.

Ash Wednesday SPIRITUAL AND PASTORAL 10th February CARE Benefice Holy Communion o you feel a spiritual hole which with imposition of ashes D needs filling in your life? 7.30pm at St Peter’s Woolhampton Would you appreciate the chance to chat informally over a cup of tea and ST MATTHEW’S cake. In addition to services at our village churches on Sunday, our CAFÉ CHURCH benefice offers: Food for body and Café Church – an informal soul gathering with tea and cakes and a story on the First Thursday of the Do you fancy some company, a month at St Matthew’s Midgham chance to meet old friends and between 2.30 and 4 pm. make new friends, enjoy a slice of Communion Service – a quiet homemade cake and tea, PLUS service at Watermill Court every share stories, and more…… month followed by tea and cake Personal visits to your home to PLACE St Matthew’s Church, celebrate a home communion or Midgham, RG7 5UW TIME 2.30 to 4 pm- the First Thursday simply chat. of each month. For more information: NEXT MEETING : 4th February. Contact: Rev. Pat Bhutta – 0118 971 For more information and transport: 0124 E:mail: Tel: Pat Bhutta 0118 971 0124 e-mail: [email protected]. [email protected]

Welcome If you have recently moved into our community, we hope that you settle into your new home and surroundings quickly. Hopefully this magazine will help you to discover what’s going on in the area. You are especially welcome to come to any of the church services as listed in the magazine, and do please contact our rector if you want to find out more 3


7th February Sunday next before Lent Aldermaston 8:00 AM Holy Communion BCP Aldermaston 10:45 AM Family Service Beenham 9:15 AM Holy Communion Brimpton 9:15 AM Holy Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Morning Worship Woolhampton 11:00 AM Morning Worship

10th February Ash Wednesday

Woolhampton 7:30 PM Holy Communion

14th February Lent 1 Aldermaston 10:45 AM Holy Communion Beenham 9:15 AM Family Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Family Communion Woolhampton 11:00 AM Holy Communion

21st February Lent 2 Cedars School 10:45 AM Family Communion Beenham 9:15 AM Holy Communion BCP Brimpton 10:45 AM Morning Worship Midgham 9:15 AM Holy Communion Woolhampton 11:00 AM Family Communion

25th February Midgham 11:30 AM Monthly Communion

28th February Lent 3 Beenham 9:15 AM Holy Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Morning Worship Wasing 10:45 AM Family Communion

Woolhampton 11:00 AM Family Service

6th March Lent 4 - Mothering Sunday Aldermaston 8:00 AM Holy Communion BCP Aldermaston 10:45 AM Family Service Beenham 9:15 AM Family Service Brimpton 9:15 AM Family Communion Midgham 9:15 AM Family Service Woolhampton 11:00 AM Mothering Sunday Service

4 BENEFICE NEWS Lent groups -

start during the week beginning 15 February. See website or Weekly Notes for more details, or phone Revd Becky 0118 9712281

GOOD FRIDAY ‘MESSY CHURCH’ FOR CHILDREN On FRIDAY 25th March 10.30am – 12pm Things to make and do for all ages Songs and the Easter story Hot-cross buns

Due to our previous year's success of Good Friday Messy Church, and the growing number of younger children, this year's Messy Church will be held at Aldermaston Hall and be teamed with Noah's Ark. Suitable for all ages, children please bring an adult. No need to book, just turn up – or phone Revd Becky for more details on 0118 9712281

SHROVE TUESDAY BENEFICE PANCAKE PARTY 9th FEBRUARY, 7PM THE VICTORY HALL, BEENHAM Pancakes and party games for the young (and young at heart)

BRING YOUR OWN DRINK AND GLASSES BRING YOUR PALM CROSS (if you have one) from last year to make some ash for Ash Wednesday

No charge – but we would like donations to raise some money for Christian Aid…

Sign-up sheets at church soon or email Brenda [email protected]


e are pleased to announce that W our baby and toddler group, Noah's Ark, will have its 1st birthday on Friday 4th March. We are celebrating a year that's been filled with new friends, laughter, play, craft, singing, children learning to sit, crawl, walk and run, and some of our favourite bible stories brought to life. Please come along with your little one, whether you've been before or it's your first time, to Aldermaston Parish Hall, 10-11am, 4th March and join the party!

Let’s talk theology The Ethics of the Bible NEW TERM Divine and Human Justice An opportunity to explore in the Old Testament theological questions in an A talk by John Barton informal way HERESIES of the early church and what we can learn from them...

MARCION WHY BOTHER WITH Thursday 11 February THE OLD TESTAMENT? 8pm at Bradfield College (RG7 6BZ) ARIUS HOW COULD GOD BE The Warden’s Room HUMAN? John Barton is Oriel and Laing PELAGIUS CAN WE MAKE IT ON Professor of the OUR OWN? Interpretation of Holy Scripture at the 27 January, 24 February and 27 April University of Oxford. 8pm, at the Parish Room, St Mary’s, RG7 4ED His recent books Include What is the Facilitated by Derek Spears Bible?, The Nature of Biblical ([email protected]) Criticism, Ethics and the Old and Hugh Boulter Testament. He is also joint editor of ([email protected]) The Oxford Bible Commentary. Spiritual Development Group John is an Anglican priest and former BRADFIELD DEANERY Canon Theologian of Winchester cathedral.


MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Can you help? WANTED : Photos of Midgham School in the 1950s have recently had a request from Mr Rodger Bradley who was a pupil at I Midgham School in the 1950s, when Mrs Johnson was the Headmistress, and Miss Maskell looked after the infants. Mr Rodgers is keen to know if any photos of the school building exist from the mid to late 1950s, to around 1960/61. Was there a group photo taken with everyone, including Mrs Johnson and Miss Maskell – head teacher, and assistant? If anyone can help or if you would like to be in touch with Rodger Bradley please either email: Angela Spoor, Clerk to Midgham Parish Council – [email protected] or call me on 0780 370 1684.

7 PAGAN MIDGHAM. here the early inhabitants of Midgham worshipped may never be known, W but there are one or two small clues to where it might have been. As I mentioned in an article last year, it looks as if the Bishop of Ramsbury may have held land here, so its not impossible that he took over an area which was already sacred to the people living here. This, as I pointed out last year, tends to point to the area around Owsells (Ouzels) Gully and the meadows above it as a former religious site, especially as the name of the field above it was and still is known by villagers as Heaven’s Hill. This on its own isn’t much proof, however after talking to another resident about last years article, he told me that there is a Sarsen Stone buried in the middle of Heaven’s Hill field. He said he could remember trying to dig it out with Mr. Froude the then farmer, as nothing would grow around it, but they gave up as it was just to big to get out. Its only a thought but could this be a lost Pagan Altar which has sunk into the ground. Heaven’s Hill Field later became one of the Common Field’s of the village, and although large stones were used as field markers where residents could work out the location of the field divisions, the one on Heaven’s Hill is slightly different, as the field isn’t that large and wouldn’t have needed anything as a central measuring point.

To my mind it’s very easy to imagine Pagan rituals taking place on Heaven’s Hill, especially if you stand and watch the winter solstice sun going down on Sidown Hill Highclere, which also by chance has an 18th century folly built on it called Heaven’s Gate.

Winter Solstice sunset from Heaven’s Hill footpath Midgham. Stonehenge may have been a site for summer and winter celebrations, but we midge infested residents, may also have our own ritual site where we would get together and celebrate the wonders of mother earth with a friendly Druid priest. D. J. Collier, January 2016.


THANK YOU FROM SANDRA (EX-WOOLHAMPTON POSTMISTRESS) would like to say a very big Thank you to all friends, villagers and customers for I your good wishes, presents, flowers and, above all, the collection together with a voucher for a stay at a Cotswold hotel, something which Keith and I are very much looking forward to. I have been overwhelmed and touched by everybody’s generosity. Also my thanks go to those who organised the presentation event at the Village Hall marking my retirement after nearly 22 years at the Post Office. I realise that not everyone who wished to could attend, but you are all embraced by these thanks and that includes those from other areas who have travelled to Woolhampton to use my Post Office and who have also given gifts and cards. I wish you all well. Sandra

VILLAGE MARKET s those 100 or so people who attended will probably testify, the Christmas Market A in December again exceeded expectations. With a great variety of goods on sale, 3 free raffles, for which the prizes get better each year, and dear old Father Christmas causing mayhem on the A4 a good time was had by all. Happy New Year. The next Market is on Saturday 6th February in the Village Hall from 10am to 12 noon. What a lovely way to relax after the excesses of the Christmas period. And probably a chance to meet up with our former postmistress, Sandra, who may well be wanting to sell off her surplus stock!

WOOLHAMPTON ANNUAL SHOW 2016 a) Potato-growing-in-a-container Competition his ever-popular competition will again be a feature of the 2016 Show, scheduled T for Saturday August 13th (make a note of the date now so that you can plan your annual holidays round it!!). In order that sufficient tubers can be purchased, please express your interest in participating to either Elliot in the Woolhampton Stores, or Terry (tel. 9713637, email [email protected]). In light of last year’s high number of entries, early response is required in order that you will not be disappointed. If you are new to the village and have not heard of this or you feel that the time is now right for you to join in the fun and you would like more details on this competition, please contact Terry (as above). b) Photographic Classes Categories are currently under review and will hopefully be published in next month’s magazine.

Music by Candlelight

in St Peter’s Church, Woolhampton Friday 4th March 2016 at 6.30pm

veryone is welcome to attend Music by Candlelight, a presentation of choral music E through the seasons performed by the Elstree School Choir and with refreshments served afterwards at the School. Free admission but places do need to be booked in advance by emailing [email protected] or by phoning the School Office on 0118 971 3302.

9 A BIG THANK YOU FOR THE VILLAGE MARKET id you know that not only is the Village Market at Woolhampton Village Hall a D great place to shop and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and catch up with friends old and new, but Stella Nesbitt and her team from St Peter’s Church have been quietly raising money every month for the Salvation Army. A charity which is committed to providing practical help to the vulnerable in our society. All those cups of tea and coffee and the bric a brac stall raised £1010 for them last year and the Salvation Army wrote to St Peter’s Church to express their heartfelt thanks for this donation for their work. Next Market is on the 6th February from 10 to 12 noon

NATURE NOTES an there ever have been as many confused plants as there were this C winter? Summer, autumn, winter and spring flowers were all in bloom at the same time because the weather was so unnaturally mild. As I write this winter is just beginning to bite, and we won’t know until much later whether there will be any long-term effect. Watch this space! We are told that bats and hedgehogs, which should have been hibernating, are still active, but I hope they have prepared their winter homes, or they may be caught short. The birds are certainly becoming more active on the feeders, and it’s lovely to see the colourful goldfinches and long-tailed tits back with the more usual ones. Gazing out of the window into the gathering dusk I have just seen a swirl of starlings move across the last light patch of sky and then return to disappear behind the house opposite. I have never seen that here before, and it is a very good sign as starlings are one of the species that have been in decline. Noisy they may be, but we have to encourage them. Stella Nesbit

Woolhampton Village Hall – February 2016

Art Group Monday 1,8,15,22,29 2.15pm Baby & Toddler Monday 1,8,15,22,29 9.30am Bowls Friday 5,12,19,26 3pm The Fitness League Thursday 4,11,18,25 10.00am Lunch Club Wednesday 3,24 12.30pm Market Saturday 6 10.00am Parish Council Tuesday 16 7.30pm Pilates Monday 1,8,15,22,29 6.30pm Pilates (morning) Wednesday 3,10,17,24 8.45am Pilates (evening) Wednesday 3,10,17,24 5.30pm Seniors Social Club Wednesday 24 2.30pm Stroke Care Tuesday 2,9,16,23 9.45 am Tai Chi Friday 5,12,26 10.00am Tea dance Thursday 4,18 2.00pm Whist Thursday 11,25 2.00pm WI Tuesday 9 7.45pm Zumba Monday 1,8,15,22,29 7.30pm Zumba Wednesday 3,10,17,24 6.30pm

For contact details of the above groups or to hire the hall please contact Emma Smith on 0118 9714062 or [email protected] (Woolhampton residents receive reduced charges for party bookings.) 10 MOTORING HISTORY IN THE WOOLHAMPTON ALLOTMENTS KENNET VALLEY here are currently two vacant wonder if the people of Aldermaston T allotment plots for rent on the site I and Woolhampton may be able to help at the Village Hall. If you are a me please. My name is Tim Green and I Woolhampton parishioner and am one of four Trustees of the Kennet would like to know more Valley at War Trust details, please see Elliot in ( a Village Stores or contact Cathy volunteer history group from the on 9713637. The plots are not large (9m Newbury - area. We have a x 5m), but there is still a fair amount of small museum located within Littlecote effort, energy and time required to make House just outside Hungerford and a them productive. If you are not currently new virtual museum collection at the interested but would like to go on a aforementioned web address. In parallel waiting list, please contact either Elliot with our ongoing WWII historical research myself and fellow Trustee or Cathy. Roger Day are exploring the motoring history of the area roughly between WOOLHAMPTON’S JUBILEE Reading and Marlborough for a slight COPSE expansion of our activities and archive A celebration which may, depending on the depth of n 2012, to celebrate and material uncovered result in a local I commemorate the Queen’s Diamond history book in the fullness of time. Jubilee, the Parish Council agreed that We are well acquainted with the the copse behind the allotments should Aldermaston AA petrol filling station on be transformed from the neglected the A4, the first of its kind in Britain and wilderness it had become into a have some images and references community leisure amenity. Over the last relating to it. While we would welcome year or so the tipped rubbish has been any further material relating to that removed, dead or dangerous trees felled particular and very important building, and stacked, the ground cleared and we are now seeking photos, documents paths laid. and testimony for other motoring-related There is still work to be done and, of items in the area. Particularly intriguing course, maintenance will be required to us is the garage building in throughout the coming years but the Woolhampton with the lettering on the Copse can now be used for walking or slate roof and cannot help but feel that playing. somewhere lurks a picture or two of the building in years gone by in its original . . . and a serious concern guise or possibly someone who once There are a number of dog walkers using worked there. the Village Hall land, which is a popular If anyone can help us in our quest we picnic area, and now the Jubilee Copse, would be very pleased to hear from who have no regard for the safety of them. Any photos or documents can be others. By failing to clear their dog’s professionally copied and safely returned faeces into the bin provided (or taking it and interviews can be carried out over home if the bin is full) they are putting the telephone or at your home. the health of children, in particular very Tim Green 01635 254516 mobile young children, at risk. If you are one of 07748 115514 [email protected] those irresponsible dog owners then please search your conscience. Tony Renouf

11 WOOLHAMPTON SCHOOL o quote Ella Fitzgerald “The only thing better than singing, is more T singing” this is certainly a theme for the children for Woolhampton School. Singing plays a tremendous role in daily school life from traditional hymns sung in assembly to more contemporary songs learned and performed by the choir. The singing started with a few of our older children entertaining some of the village residents at their Christmas lunch in the Village Hall, £89 was generously donated by the residents which has been passed on to Scope, one of our chosen charities. The Christmas production was “The Jungle Book” and all the children in years 2 to 6 surpassed themselves with amazing acting, dancing and singing. The children really got into character and loved learning the songs under the guidance of Mr Teale, the music teacher. Even the Foundation children could be heard singing “The Bear Necessities” in the playground. Year One and Foundation performed “Born in a Barn”, a twist on the traditional nativity as it is performed from the perspective of the animals. The children performed their parts confidently and convincingly, singing the songs beautifully and clearly for all the audience to hear. In the next few months the school choir will be focused on The Anvil Concert in March, where local schools all join together to perform an array of songs to a packed audience. Under the direction of Mr Teale and Mrs Nicholson, the children will be singing songs from the musicals including “Climb Every Mountain” from The Sound of Music and “Little People” from Les Miserables. Donna Sawtell


BEAUTY THERAPY BEENHAM Manicures; pedicures; massage;  Seasoned Logs for sale delivered facials; waxing; make-up; tinting; to your door perfume design; teenage beauty  Log processing workshops  Operated digger and tree shear 07917 818283 hire specialising in boundary and scrub clearance, ditch digging, Fully qualified, insured & DBS checked trackways and general ground-

works  Agricultural and equine fencing COUNSELLING AND Any enquires please call Sam on PSYCHOTHERAPY 07979261497 or email Confidential, professionally registered, [email protected] and 20 years’ NHS experience. Phone to book an assessment. 07778 509594 GERALYN COLLINS


WANTED Beenham Distributor BEENHAM PRE-SCHOOL omeone is needed to join the team of s we write this we are very busy S 16 distributors of the parish A with our Christmas crafts and magazine in Beenham. Can you help? celebrations with a party and Christmas Please contact Peter McEwen on lunch to look forward to. We will be 9713677 welcoming our parents, friends and email [email protected] families on the last Tuesday of term to meet Father Christmas and to sing our Christmas songs with us before we The Friendship Club for the over 55s break up for a well earned rest! We are hroughout the winter we hold social looking forward to an exciting start to T events and talks in the Victory Hall 2016 with a number of new children but during the summer we arrange six joining us in January. We are now coach outings to various venues. The operating a list for children who wish to Autumn events are lunches, teas and start on their 2nd birthday later in the suppers. If you are interested just get in year so please do get in touch if you touch, we would be delighted to see you. would be interested in registering for a For further information contact Robin place. Chapman on: 9713715 We are open school hours (9am-2.45pm) from Monday to Thursday during term time with an option of childcare until CHRISTINGLE SERVICE 5.45pm after the 4th birthday. We offer he collection at the spaces to children from their second T Christingle service on the birthday until school entry. We are also 6th December at St Mary's able to offer some reduced price was £330.66 which has been sessions for a limited time. We still have sent to the Children's Society. some spaces available so do get in touch as soon as possible! Please contact our Manager, Paula Read: Telephone: during sessions 0118 Scottish Dancing at the Victory Hall 9714380 or 07793 116937 out of Every Monday 19.45- 22.00 sessions 01635 860039 t’s great fun and a good way to Email: [email protected] I improve fitness and stamina. The Follow us on Facebook and look out for group meets regularly on Monday announcements through the Beenham evenings 7.45pm – 10pm from Village Twitter account! September until May. Do come along one night and see what we do. You don't need a partner and the BEENHAM ALLOTMENTS music is great. We promise you a warm ll allotments are taken welcome. For more information contact A at present, but if you Katrina on 0118 9713331 or Jackie would like to join the 07745310794 waiting list contact Jane [email protected] . To check on Liming 9710425 other clubs in the area see or [email protected].

13 Village Market at the Victory Hall Saturday 13th February 14.00 - 15.30 A BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! fter a hugely successful extended Christmas Market we A are returning to a more leisurely pace as we all recover from a busy Christmas and New Year. Thank you to all those who helped on the day or made donations to support the event. At the January market we welcomed Janette Hammond who show cased her beauty products and treatments; she will be offering a mini pamper for winter hands (5/10 mins – no nail painting) at the February Market at no charge. We hope you will come along and enjoy the experience and partake of her products and treatments in the future. There will be a stall run by some of the senior girls from the Willink school who are visiting Costa Rica and Nicaragua for 28 days to help with wildlife and community projects and who hope to raise money for the project and of course there are also our regular stall holders. Please come and indulge in some of Marian’s delicious cakes; don’t forget if you wish to request a favourite cake just ask! Our young helpers also continue to tempt us with their homemade cakes, teas and coffees whilst you meet up with your friends for a chat. The Church Benefice Pancake Night is returning to the Village Hall on Shrove Tuesday the 9th February. This is always a fun evening with lots of pancakes and usually games to keep the children amused. All help is greatly appreciated to keep this village event going, including helping to set up and pack away, contact Nola for times. So come along to meet the new faces, catch up with your friends and neighbours for conversation, coffee, tea and cake. Browse the new and regular stalls for a bargain or buy a cake and a jar of jam for Sunday tea. Don't forget the raffle, a selection of prizes usually including a bottle of wine! Please contact Nola Rice–Wood on [email protected] or 9714822 to arrange a booking for all kinds of parties, events or meetings. We thank you for supporting your Village Hall and look forward to seeing you at the next Market. Subsequent Market Saturday 12th March 14.00 -15.30.

BEENHAM VILLAGE POSTMAN Beenham Wind Orchestra ur postman, Gareth, is being moved e rehearse every Friday in term O to a new round, reluctantly on his W time from 7.30pm to 9.45pm in part - he likes it here! Beenham School. If you would like to contribute to a Do join us if you play a wind instrument present for him, please put your (string bass or percussion). donations in an envelope marked For more information, please contact "Gareth the Postman" and leave through Simon Witcomb on 01635 869869 the letterbox of The Old Vicarage RG7 (work) 0118 9712210 (home) or 4NN, on the opposite side of the road [email protected] from the Victory Hall and along a bit towards the rec. Lesley McEwen Zumba Dancing Sundays 11.00- 12.00. Art Group Come along to dance yourself fit and A friendly group of amateurs meets enjoy the company. every Tuesday 9.45-12.15 Contact Contact Neil Daniel 07545 425248 Sunny 9712255 [email protected] 1413

CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING any thanks to everyone who came to the Tree Lighting M Ceremony; it was lovely to see so many people gathered together despite the rain and wind. Thanks to: the Beenham Investment Group (BIG) for the tree and Graham Bowsher and his team for putting it up; Lisa and Antonia, fellow members of the Beenham Events Committee, for shopping and cooking; Luke for sorting out all the PA systems; the Primary School for letting us use their equipment and for putting us in touch with Gary the electrician who came at short notice to sort out the power supply, and without whom the lights would not be on at all; Stuart for the barbecue; Anne and Nick for mulling the wine; Mel, Tanya and the Brownies for serving; Ashton, Charlie and Olivia for switching the lights on; Janice for the prayer; Philip for all his help and everyone in the village who donated wine and mince pies. There is a special thank you to the late John Thurley who instigated the Village Christmas Tree and who would, no doubt, have been really chuffed to see so many people from the community supporting the event and contributing time and effort to make it happen. Save the date for this year - 4 December - when we hope to have live music both inside and out! Meanwhile we have the Summer Festival to look forward to, along with the Scarecrow competition. If you have any ideas or would like to help us plan the Festival to make it even bigger and better than the last one, please get in touch. Lesley McEwen email [email protected] or phone 9713677

BEENHAM WI ime really does seem to fly these days doesn’t it and already Christmas T seems a distant memory. However the ladies of Beenham WI are sure to recall the Christmas party, held as our December meeting. Following our delightful Christmas supper, provided by all the members, during which we managed to catch up with all the village news and discuss just how ready, or not, we were for the approaching festivities, we added something new to our party. Before presents were distributed, c/o secret Santa and the Christmas cards handed out, we embarked on a ‘show and tell’ session, whereby some of us brought interesting items to talk about or to read out favourite festive stories and poems. ‘The night before Christmas’ brought back memories of childhood Christmases maybe, while John Julius Norwich’s version of ‘The 12 days of Christmas’ kept us chuckling at his sense of humour. John Betjeman’s poem ‘Christmas’ and the story of Baboushka added to the atmosphere of the evening. The evening ended with wishing each other a very happy festive season. Film Night was the first meeting of 2016 and, armed with our cinema snacks, we watched Benedict Cumberbatch in his stunning role in The Imitation Game, based on the true story of Alan Turing, the mathematician enlisted by the British government to crack Enigma, the unbreakable German encryption device. Thank you Fenella, for allowing us to watch the film on your big screen! At our February 10th meeting our speaker, Graham Horn, will be talking about the History and Restoration of the . Graham has been involved with the Canal for over 30 years and was previously a member of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust Council. This meeting is open to visitors, who are most welcome for a modest £3 which includes refreshments. Beenham WI meets on the second Wednesday of each month, at 7.45p.m. in the Community Room. Linda Beakhouse


WALKING IN LONDON 2016 ome and join us for an interesting walk in and around Queen Elizabeth C Olympic Park in Stratford and Hackney in London. It is a circular walk of approximately 7 miles and takes place on Saturday 23rd April 2016, 9am to 5pm. It’s an excellent day’s outing for all the family, as there is so much to see and learn, including a questionnaire to test the brain and your observational skills! This is a sponsored walk that is educative, enjoyable and helps to raise funds for a small charity, “Unlock”, which spreads the Christian message in deprived inner city areas. As you walk you will learn about Unlock’s work to spread the Gospel, not just in inner London, but also in Hull, Liverpool, Glasgow, Sheffield and beyond. It will visit different denominational churches on route, which provide rest stops and refreshments, as well as an insight to their strengths and their problems. The walk is the main fundraising event for this charity. Lots of people take part, so you won’t be alone! If you can, please join us, we could do with lots of moral support, if you can’t then please sponsor us! We plan to travel from stations on the Newbury line using group bookings. For further details contact Margaret Davison, 3, Angel Mead, Station Rd, Woolhampton.

GARDENING CLUBS & EVENTS & Horticultural Society is a friendly group who meet at the Memorial Hall Upper Bucklebury. We meet for talks and outings. Members also receive discounts at several local nurseries. On Friday February 12th at 8pm there is a talk on ‘Recommended Plants’ from a local nursery grower; whilst on Friday 25th March at 8pm the theme is ‘Wildlife on your Doorstep’. New members are always welcome, contact John Wright 01635 863429 or come along to the next meeting. Bradfield Gardening Club meets at Bradfield Village Hall at 7.30 on the second Tuesday of the month. 5th February There are talks and visits from April to September. New members are always welcome, contact Elspeth Ewen [email protected] 0118 971 2856 or come along to the next meeting.

16 SAVE THE DATE BRIMPTON OPEN GARDENS In aid of St Peter’s Church Fabric Fund

Sunday, 19 June 2016 14:00-17:00

More details to follow in March magazine – watch this space!

BOUNCE BACK 4 KIDS CHILDREN’S charity in the Thames Valley is asking for support for its A community project for children affected by domestic abuse in the home. Bounce Back 4 Kids (BB4K) is a specialist support programme developed by charity Parents And Children Together (PACT). BB4K uses therapeutic techniques to support children who have been victims or witnesses of domestic abuse. The 10 week programme works simultaneously with children and their non-perpetrating parent or carer to help them come to terms with family breakdown and take a step towards breaking the cycle of domestic abuse. “The idea is to help the parent understand what we are doing with the children, the impact the abuse has had on the children and how they can change negative messages in the home. It costs an average of £470 for each child or parent to complete the 10-week BB4K programme. If you’d like to make a donation towards BB4K funds please text PACT10 £3 (or any amount you can afford) to 70070. If you’d like to take part in a fundraising activity please email [email protected] or visit If you, or someone you know, is affected by domestic abuse and would like to know more about Bounce Back 4 Kids services please email kathryn.warner@pactcharity or visit the website

‘RECRUIT AND RETAIN VOLUNTEERS’ will take place in the lovely new Village Hall in on Tuesday 16th February from 7.00pm until 9.30pm. This will include time for a refreshment break. If you are working on a parish plan or a one off project or an idea for your community, for which you need the support of volunteers, this is the course for you. This course is supported by CCB and the Adult and Community Learning Team at West Council and is free of charge. Garry Poulson, Director of the Volunteer Centre, will be providing the training. He will be:  Challenging attitudes towards volunteering  Demonstrating proven recruitment and retention ideas  And stimulating thinking that could be used in your own community settings. For more information and to book your place go to:, look on the February calendar for 16th. or [email protected] or call 0118 9612000. 17

he Community Council for Berkshire is looking to T recruit new Trustees onto its Board and to fill the vacancy of Honorary Treasurer. CCB is an independent charity with over 40 years’ experience in community development work. CCB is the Rural Community Council for Berkshire and works to strengthen and support local communities throughout Berkshire. Our core mission is to enable communities in Berkshire to thrive by using our knowledge, skills and enterprise. Our vision is to strengthen, promote and empower communities across Berkshire. Your skills and experience will be put to use to make a lasting difference in the communities in which you work or live. If you have more time on your hands due to retirement or other circumstances this could be the perfect role for you. Alternatively if you have a busy work life there are only a handful of (mostly evening) meetings to attend a year and we would appreciate your comments and input on key decisions. As we are a small staff team we do rely on volunteers to step in where needed and complete key tasks and finish jobs. This is an opportunity to enhance your CV and open doors to possible new career paths!

Honorary Treasurer Non-remunerated post, however out of pocket expenses are payable. Appointment initially for three years and up to a maximum of six years. CCB is seeking to appoint an Honorary Treasurer, following the retirement of the current post holder. This is a key voluntary position and the post holder will sit as a Trustee on CCB’s Board. Ideally the post holder will have a professional qualification in accountancy or finance but a sound financial knowledge and experience would suffice. The post holder will be expected to attend up to 5 Board Meetings per annum. In addition there will be a small number of other meetings including the Annual General Meeting and Board Away Day. The Hon Treasurer will also be a point of contact for our Chief Operations Officer and will need to be available for occasional meetings via telephone or face-to-face.

Trustee Non-remunerated post, however out of pocket expenses are payable. Appointment initially for three years and up to a maximum of six years. CCB is seeking to recruit new Trustees to its Board of Directors. We are looking for people that have experience or knowledge in one or more of the following fields: Budgeting, Business Planning, Charity Law, Company Law, Fundraising, Governance Human Resources, Policy Making and Strategic Planning Trustees need to have an interest and enthusiasm for working to improve community life in Berkshire and the ideal person will also have strong networks or alliances within the county. Post holders will be expected to attend up to 5 Board Meetings per year. In addition there will be a small number of other meetings including the Annual General Meeting and Board Away Day.

For further details please e-mail [email protected] or to find out more about us please visit our website: To make an appointment for an informal conversation with the Chief Operating Officer please call on the above number 0118 9612000

18 COPY can be sent to COMMUNITY Beenham SERVICE GROUP Gill Wilkinson 9710127 Beenham-Midgham-Woolhampton [email protected] For details of services provided, Midgham requests and offers to help ring: Sarah Henderson 9713956 0118 9713334 (Mrs Cardy) [email protected] between 9.30 and 11.30 am, Woolhampton VACANT Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Woolhampton Surgery Run:

Please send Word attachments in Tuesdays—pick up points: Times New Roman size 11 font with no 9.30 am Watermill Court & The Angel formatting (i.e. tabs bullets etc)

MOBILE LIBRARY All advertising enquiries to Brenda Scott 0118 9813441 [email protected] Beenham: Thursday February 11th

THE BEENHAM SURGERY RUN Stoneyfields 2.00-4.00 Sponsored by the Parish Council Takes patients from Beenham to Woolhampton: Chapel Row Surgery Thursday February 11th on Monday and Friday mornings Please make requests for this service The Angel 10.15-10.45 to the Chapel Row Surgery Watermill Ct 10.50-11.50

The volunteer drivers also collect and deliver prescriptions to Beenham Midgham: Thursday February 11th MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION he magazine is distributed without Goddard's Drive 9.30-10.00

T charge to homes and schools in the Aldermaston: February 10th area. But financial contributions, Wednesday however small, are gratefully received. If you would like to make a donation Ravenswing Park 11.35-12.00 towards the magazine please send a Forsters 12.15-12.45 cheque to AW Benefice General account Wharfside 3.15-3.40 c/o The Rectory, Wasing Lane, Mallard Way 3.45-4.30 Aldermaston RG7 4LX

Brimpton: Wednesday February 10th MAGAZINE DEADLINE War Memorial 2.00-2.15 WEDNESDAY 10th FEBRUARY Hyde End Lane 2.25-2.50 12 noon at the latest

[email protected] 19 MASSAGE THERAPY In the comfort of your own home

My name is Albert Mihaly and I am a qualified masseur with 20 years experience in various massage techniques ( Swedish massage, Sport massage, Relaxation massage, Back Injuries ) and also offer progressive relaxation training. I offer a one hour intensive full body massage plus 15 minutes of relaxation training for £45 in your own home. I will not charge more if you live further away. The relaxation training includes techniques such as guided imagery and breathing exercises. It will enhance your body’s response to the massage and differentiates me from other masseurs without the add on charge.

My philosophy is: “You can only be truly happy if your body, soul and spirit are in harmony.” Please contact me after 6.00 pm on: 01189714437 or send me an email to: [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.



CALL US TODAY: 0118 9710186 Unit 9 Grange Lane Beenham RG7 5PP


22 E.A. Laming Fiona Kirby Interiors ( City & Guilds Qualified) Flat roofing 15 years Guarantee on all high Soft Furnishings &Upholstery performance felts (curtains, blinds, also Tiling and Lead loose covers) Repairs Established 2000 Phone 0118 9744701 Tel: 0118 9712972 21 years experience


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(No home visits)

24 MINISTRY TEAM Benefice Administrator Brenda Scott 9813441 [email protected] The Rector Rev Becky Bevan 9712281 [email protected] The Rectory Wasing Lane, Aldermaston Associate Priests (part time) Rev Pat Bhutta 9710124 [email protected] Rev Derek Spears 9332722 [email protected] Rev Janice Macdonald 9813590 [email protected] Lay ministers Mr Hanslip Long 9713310 [email protected] Margaret Davison 9712810 [email protected] Wedding Administrator Samantha Cave 07568 184704 [email protected]

St Peter’s, Brimpton Aldermaston & Wasing Churchwarden: Treasurer: Chris Goodchild Chris Saich, Elmet Cottage 9710430

9712815 Secretary: Rachel Peters 9811964

Treasurer: Mark Tiley St Mary the Virgin, Aldermaston 01635 254987 Churchwardens: Secretary: Patricia Brims 9714085 Chris Newman, 22a The Street Flowers: Deborah Fry 9713603 9713525

St Matthew’s, Midgham Teresa Thomas 9712662 Churchwardens: Spring Cottage, Spring Lane Flowers: Jeanne Hughes 9812289 Robert Stradling, 2, Church Close, 01635 862337 St Nicholas, Wasing Sarah Henderson, 14 Hatch Close, Churchwardens: Chapel Row 9713956 Alan Caiger-Smith, Shalford Farm Treasurer: Stewart Booth 9713100 9710252 Colin Evans, Wasing Wood Edge Secretary: Sarah Henderson 9813843 9713956 St Mary’s, Beenham Flowers: Sue Evans 9713364 Churchwardens:

George Dunford,11Whitehart Close, St Peter’s, Woolhampton 9323637 Churchwardens: Tim Leblond Four Keeps, Malcolm Large, 39 Abbey Gardens Picklepythe Lane 9714719 9712901 Joint Treasurers: Charles Davison, 3 Angel Mead Simon Witcomb 9712210 9712810 Chris LeBlond 9714719 Treasurer: Prue Matchwick Secretary: Rosemary Maslen 9712911 9713824 Secretary: Gill Sitch 9713172 Flowers: Margaret Wheatley Flowers: Stella Nesbit 9713140 9710260

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