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NORWICH BULLETIN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1909. INSURANCE KENNEDY LOOKS . Lewis as a factor in the welterweight ing plays Against a loose and broken haB an FOR-SREA- CREW. class, and failed to declare Ketchel line, when the men do not have For Nationals :' to find before J. 1. UTH.1QP & SONS. $350,000 Philadelphia light heavyweight champion. themselves Present Eli Oarsmen Surpass Prede- tbey are in the thick of the play." ' 23 Shetucket Norwich, Conn. JOE TINKER'S TEAM. "It isn't only the line men who are Street, cessors in Watermanship and Form. affected forward Mr. Insurance of all kinds by the pass," says The Porteous & Mitchell Co. placed in Three-Fingere- d Edwards. "Men who are the strong-- and reliable American and for Eil-- The- - fall training of the Yale crew .Brown .Is World's catching the New Owners Demarest Beat French ' ball are of necessity in a dangerous eign companies. Careful attention glv. Syndicate ends this week. More rowing has Best Pitcher. to n been done ever before position. The end or tackle who is to all orders. We solicit a share of Davis this fall than If Used Every Three Days, Cub Twirl-e- r take the has to go down the field, liardist Play Begins for Tennis Trophy to out new material. , That the pass your patronage. bring Wovld Establish Record Which turn for the throw, and,- - after nov27daw effort was very successful is shown by quickly Would Show Other Pitchers. catching the ball, turn again to go an interview with John Kennedy, Up down the field. He Is almost Invari- Nov. 26. The Philadel- before Demarest won with .an Yale's coach, who said: soon as he re- Philadelphia, nings "After our defeat last June and the Joe Tinker, shortstop of the Cubs, ably tackled as has phia National league baseball club was unfinished run of 102, winning by 600 men made his debut as a ceived the pass, and, being brought sold to a syndicate, of which to 474. loss of many good by graduation, recently sporting down without a chance to save him- today is the outlook at the opening of the fall editor. He was in charge for one day Horace S. Fogel of this city the Standing of the players. of the of self in his fall, the chance of Injury head. The teh new own- practise was anything but promising. sporting, page the Butte Is cost Yale price paid by High Since however, the work of the Evening News and then picked an considerable. The play the ers is said to have been 350,000. Won. Lost. Run then, team. use of a fine- end in the Princeton was to- 1 235 squad has given great encouragement. With characteristic The deal consummated late Sutton 3 dem- Tinker refused to game, when Vaughan's knee was so in office of Clarence Wolf,- one Cline s .. 3 1 14 The past few months have modesty. consider day the above all, that we have a himself a candidate for on badly wrenched that he could not play of the owners of the Philadelphia club. Demarest 3 1 163 onstrated, this shortstop against Harvard." soon 1 2 good rowing crew, which, in water- suppositious combination. Tinker As as the papers transferring the Cassignol 97 of says is the best in to the new owners had been Slosson 1 i 1 95 manship and form, surpasses any Wagner shortstop to:k the business, affirms there is no SPORTING NOTES. ARE SOME OF WE signed, the representatives of the syn- Cutler 0 4 153 its predecessors. that HERE THE GREATEST OVERCOAT VALUES roceeded to N. and "A prophecy of victory at New Lon- second baseman like Johnny Evers, dicate Camden, J., looks on of HAVE EVER OFFERED. Horace S. don next spring would be rendered Harry Lord the Boston , This season organized by electing Fogel, fact Harvard has Red Sox as the third Backer Harvard and Princeton William Conway, ROLLING FOR PLEASURE? by the that premier each Yale's In- This offering comprises a large variety of weaves, president; secretary, well-trie- d and his to stopped attack twice Fancy including S. much material, which gives pins faith Peerless Leader rd and Frank Elliott, treasurer. These crew. is Frank Chance as side the line. tha "Presto" Collar Coats. gentlemen, with John A. Schwartz and Murphy Can't Sea It in Nado's Bu promise of a phenomenal It the guardian of the popular however, that will - not getaway bag. The outfield Tinker fan- Thomas Curley, will comprise the Would Go Across in Neutral Terri certain, they cies is It is estimated that more than board of directors. This was made excel Yale in skill or watermanship. made up of Ty Cobb, Tris 1,200 automobiles were In step us. and Fred Clarke. back- parked or necessary because the club is incor- lory. Strength alone can defeat Speaker For near Soldiers field Saturday. ieollavr. New "The stroke problem, which has so stops the author prefers George Gib- Tm ud the Weigh the sense of security before porated in Jersey. it- son the on a small annual Charles W. of the When Charles I Nado's position in long been unsettled, is now shaping and Jimmy Archer. , The pitchers Harvard has not scored a touch- profit Murphy, president the as in The to pres- on Tinker's team are Mordecai down investment after disaster- - If you de Chlcagd club of the National league, duckpln game, reported self satisfactorily. According Brown, against Yale since 1901 and Yale con Bulletin, was called to the attention of ent indications there will be at lelst Christy Mathewson. Ed Walsh, Babe has not scored one clde wisely you'll ask US to write represented his organization at the on Adams Overall. against Harvard of Fire Insurance. ference to see that the of the Allie Murphy Friday, the Norwich two good strokes available next and Orval N since 1907. .your policy Why provisions smiled. seems - Tinker the thre,e-flnger- mar- not decide NOW ! National constitution were roller simply '"It I have spring." says league started something," said Murphy. vel is the best pitcher in the country Percy Haughton will need properly observed. The fact that Mr. and probably ISAAC S. JONES, Insurance Arjt. Murphy was present caused a rumor to "When I heard of that Danielson man's BRIDGEPORT A HOODOO. that he makes this statement little urging to coach Harvard again be circulated that he would be finan record I thought I had found an oppo- knowing full well all the fine points of next fall. Next should see some Richards Building. Main 8treet nent who would be a worthy contest Is the Christy Mathewson's work. Brown, ac- exceptional material on Soldiers field cially interested in the new manage Springfield Man Says That Burg to nev24daw ment, hut this Mr. subsequent-l- ant for a series of games, and accord of Connecti- cording Tinker, if worked every for the head coach. Murphy issued & The under One Perpetual Frost the three days, and not saved for all the denied. ingly challenge. cut the San The Philadelphia club was formerly current of sarcasm in Mr. Nado's reply League. big teams, would make a record that Rpllo Zelder, Francisco third Um & a seems hardly called for. But why does would show. up every other pitcher in baseman, who has been corralled bv COWERJIBLt: TARRANT CO., owned, by Clarence Wolf, banker; he to on Dan The writer on the Spring- the business. Tinker likes Comiskey for the White Sox, is a fast 117 MAIN STREET. James P. MeNichoI, a prominent Phil invite anyone roll the sporting the chances ana tne ielson alleys, if he rolls only for pleas. field News relieves his feelings and of the Cubs for next year's National man cn the bases. He registered 128 adelphia pontlcian, late israei his own and the runs this, season and batted .287. COLLAR ' W. Durham, also a political leader. ure? If rolling for pleasure is his expresses opinions league pennant fire. Accident, eealfb. The new owners are well known in game, why not choose alleys that are of many others concerning Jim in fit such as O'Rourke's near baseball team, in this N Jim Hogan has a younger brother Patented May18sJoly20-190- 9 been condition, Moosup. We ELEVENS. -- Plate Class this city. President Fogel has wise: who is fullback on the Liability. identified with several Philadelphia can compare records on neutral ground r Torrington - the base- eleven, and a good one. Another newspapers as a aportina- writer and and) by competitive roiling." "Like poor, the Bridgeport Sprackling of Brown Seems Choice for Youths' Black Kersey Overcoats with and Steam Boiler . .. In ball club is always with us. For the brother was a speedy halfback in the at different times managed the of the or otherwise, Quarterback Majority Are Yale valley town a few seasons ago. velvet oollar and good quality serge and New York National good circuit, ' dianapolis High Duckpin Single. changes of cities are constantly being Players. lining, in lies 33, 34 and 35 actual U leaarue clubs: William Conway was to- Pitcher Kroh of the Chicago Cubs $4.98 flfJS of High of 120 I Young won made. We are in Norwich today; $10.00 value at $4.98. RANGE the Philadelphia single by rn still in the formerly president the the Rose morrow we are in Worcester and then New selections of elev- lingers Windy City. He is Norwich Union Fire Ineuranoe Saoiety, Builders exchange; Frank a.