Hubert Kennedy Reading John Henry Mackay Selected Essays Peremptory Publications San Francisco 2002 1 © 2002 by Hubert Kennedy Reading John Henry Mackay: Selected Essays is a Peremptory Publications ebook. It may be freely distributed, but no changes may be made in it. The caricature on the title page is by Bruno Paul (1874–1968). In: Martin Möbius [pseu- donym of Otto Julius Bierbaum], Steckbriefe erlassen hinter dreißig literarischen Ue- belthätern gemeingefährlicher Natur (Berlin: Verlag Schuster & Löffler, 1900), p. 98. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please write to
[email protected]. 2 Contents Introduction 4 Knabenliebe in den Schriften des Anarchisten John Henry Mackay 9 Boy-love in the Writings of the Anarchist John Henry Mackay 15 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: John Henry Mackay’s Helene 23 Hiding in the Open: John Henry Mackay’s “A Farewell” 31 Twilight of the Gods: John Henry Mackay’s Der Unschuldige 46 Götterdämmerung: John Henry Mackays Der Unschuldige 71 Anarchist Angst: John Henry Mackay’s “The Adoption” 95 John Henry Mackay, ein Berliner Original 105 John Henry Mackay’s The Anarchists 127 John Henry Mackays Der Schwimmer: Reaktionen auf einen Roman 138 3 Introduction Since 1981 I have published a number of articles about the German writer John Henry Mackay and have translated several of his works. Here is a selection of those arti- cles. The first article I wrote, a biographical sketch of Mackay, “Anarchist of Love,” pub- lished in Alternate, a gay magazine in San Francisco, is not included here; it has been ex- panded several times and will appear as a separate ebook.