4Th of Juily!
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The Democratic Convention, the American cause in this State held at for the AFTERNOON SESSION. That the old 9th will share in the triumph, REPUBLICAN of the Coun- CONVENTION. on the 19th inst., to nominate a purpose State Two O'CLOCK, P. M. as in the contest, I have not a doubt. cil as well as the American The Republican Convention, held at JUILY! candidate for the ninth Congressional dis party through- The President resumed the Chair, and Your friend NORMAN EDDY. 4TH OF the Wo believe A-meri- Philadelphia, June 17th., out State. the Native the Secretary the del- St. Paul, M. T., nominated Jonx at-tend- reported prepence of June 9, 1856. trict, was as harmonious as any we ever in Indiana is feeling as strong egates, as follows: On motion of Mr. Ross, it was ordered. C. Fremo.vt, for President, and Wm. L. The counties composing the dis now as it was in 1C54 when it swept , The procession will form in the open every laportc. G. Hathaway, . Burson, D. That this letter be receive and recorded Dayton-- for Vice President, and adopted before and we believe 1 trict wero all represented except Late. thing it. further that Fry, Eli M. obeitson, F. Lucas, A. Har- in the proceedings of this space in front of the Presbyterian Church, there are thousands of Convention. the following W hen it was ascertained tlial a respectable voters in this State vey, F. McCollum, A.J. Weir, T. D. Lem- The President now announced the order at half past 10 o'clock A; M., and march tlwt hold the American-p- i inciples PLATFORM. portion of para- on, W. R. Bowes, Thus. Price, A Hupp, for nominations of candidates to from thence to the the Convention preferred Judge mount in interest to all other questions, represent This Convention of Del Seminary grounds, A. W. Rogers, Jas. Forrester, J. 11. Bowes, the 9th Congressional District of the Slate 'ga'es, having where Stuart to any other man, Col. Walker but without a head, and without leaders.-i- t assembled in call the'Oration will be delivered. and J. II. Bowes. of Indiana in the next Congress of the pursuance ofa addressed withdrew isTrgpojsible to re- his name, and recommended the to develop and render avail- Porter. Ruel Starr, E. E. Campbell, E. United States.' the people of U:iited States, without able unanimous nomination of Judge Stuart. our trengtji. L. Whitcomb, A. Freeman, T. J. Merriheld. Mr. Spitler, of Jasper, submitted the gard to past political differences or divis- , To succeed we must thoroughly organ- ions who are opposed lo the repeal ot tho 1. Banner; T McDOITALD, .Editor. The Col. will not be forgotten for the pru- Jacob Grow, A. L. Jones, A. C. Stanford, name of Colonel John C. Walker, of La- ize. We may ncft be able to accomplish Missouri Compromise, to the policy of the dent course he pursued in order to preserve and Wm. Thomas. porte. 2. Music; success in this State this vear, but never-theles- s, present administration, to the extension of PJA'MÖUTH, St. Joseph. A. E. Drapier, A. G. Deav-it- t, Mr. Deavitt, of St. Joseph, submitted the 3. President and Vice President; IXD. harmony among the delegates. Never did we believe, if with no other view slavery into free Territory; in favor of the A. A. Whiilock, J. II. Mafsey, E. Ross, name of the honorrble William Z. Stuart, 4. Chaplair.; Tiiiirsdiiv Moi-ain- June 19lh. 1850. we witness a nomination that was received than future succe'Ss, we ought to organize John Becraft.J. Brownfield, J. Henderson, of Cass. admission of Kansas; of'restoring the ac- v tion of the Federal 5. Orator and Reader; with more enthusiasm than was that of at once. and R. Staples. Col. Walker immediately withdrew his Government to the agree with us in our views, please principles of Washington and Jefferson, 6. Committee of DEMO CR ATICT NOM INATIONS. Judge Stuart's; every person presentseem- - Ifyti Cass. R. F. Graves, G. S. Adams, S. name from the canvass, and submitted a Arrangements; have a number of the prominent members and (or the purpose of presenting candi- 7. FOR rRDSlDEXT, Vi. L. McFadden, W. J. Cullen, Peter Doyle, motion, that the Hon. William Z. Stuart, Soldiers of 1812, and the Mexican rl til imnriail witVi flirt lAan V.ol dates for the offices of the American party in your county 6ign A. B. Knowiton, Wm. Conrad, J. Gistler, be unamimo-sl- y nominated as the Demo- of president and Vice war; --TaVLao Jl) U vyJLJLxllN xxlS white citizen's would President; therefore, 9 have a representative the annexed call for a meeting of the State II. M. Bliss, J. Albright, S. A. Hall, and cratic Candidate for Congress for the 9th cr Pennsylvania. Resolved, the President and Trustees of the town j in the next Congress from this district. Council, and return the same immediately. J. A. Farrell. district. That maintenance of the ITCv VICi: PRESIDENT, of Plymouth; We have sent them in various directions, Pvlaski. Wm. C. Barnett, F. This motion was received with principles promulgated in tho Declaration C. It has been rumored that Mr. Colfax B.Thom- rounds of Independence, JOHN BRECKINRIDGE, and if a suitable response is made, we pro- as, Wm. Huddleston, Ira Brown, Maj. of hearty cheering for Col. W. and adopted and embodied in the 9. 32 Ladies representing the 32 States OF KENTUCKY. would probably not be a candidate, (we, Federal Government, pose publishjng tho call, and holding the Gardner, G. T. Wickersham, A Pierson, with a shout of enthusiasm, and the Presi- are essential to the with Badges; however, gave no credence to the report,) preservation ot our republican meeting accordingly. S. Good, C. D. John Rees, G. dent announced the result, con- institutions, STATE TICKET. Hathaway, at'ding his and the Federal 10 Citizens generally. but since Mr. Stuart is the Democratic We Jggest New Albany as the place, W. Reddick, John Dicker, Wm. Me Cay, fidence that Judge S. would be elected by Constitution, the rights ot For Governor, the States, and the States, nominee, we should not be surprised if Mr. and the Fourth of July as the time for J. Phillips, Wm. Hartgrove, and Samuel five thousand majority. union of the ASXXEEL P. WlLLAED, of White. meeting. must and shall be preserved. Colfax does conclude' that disciotien is the I . Rishini On motion by Mr Deavitt, it was order- ORDEIt OF THE DAY: For Lieut. Governor, erv triilc. Tv.iirn Arn ed, Col liesolaed. That with our republican fa- of-val- Jas)cr John Lefler, J. W. that Walker, A G Deavitt and W day-brea- k: or. Spitler, John 13 Guns at ADRAM A. HaMüOSD, of Vigo. bettor part RT)BERT 1 thers we hold it to be a self-evide- nt N. LAMB, Froxel, J. Lacon, W. H. Sacks, Judge Lef- R Bowes proceed forthwith to acquaint truth that all men are endowed 32 " " 10 o'clock A. M. For Se:rc?ary of State, JO. N F.DOAN, ler, H. Laughridge, Judge Stewart of his nomination, in- with the inalien- On last Thursday, W.B. Beach, Dem J. A.W.Jewett, J. W. and able to Dai-ih- l McClure, cf Morgan. F. J. WALDO, Committee. vite to right liberty and the pursuits of Tor Lampson, J. McCartney, A. J. Vandever, him appear before tho Convention. AT THE STAND. ocratic candidal Clesk of Supreme J. R. MOREROD, ( M happiness, and that the primary object and For Auditor of State, and Jas. Clop. ajor McFadden, of Cass, offered the 1. A. raver; Court, madei speech at the court house J. W. WRIGHT." ulterior design of our Federal Government John W. Dodd, cf Grant. i J Fulton B. Lawhead, and Hugh Miller. following resolutions, which were adopted: o Singing; -- were tc secure these to iin audi-Jenc- e. aights all persons For Treasurer St'de, this place, to a largdi intelligent Below is a blank to bo f.lled oat and re- Stark. EM Brown, S. 0. Whitson, W. Resolved t That we recognize James of within its exclusive jurisdiction. 3. Reading of the Declaration Inde- Jone-- , Wo have M. McCurmack, and C. S. Tibbiits. Buchanan of Pennsylvania, as the That as of Aquilla of Bartholomew heard but one expression turned. Ä great our statesman of the republican fathers when the had abol- pendence; I Benton. Jas. Young, Jas. McCluc, Geo. present age, the able di For Attorney Gcncrcd, in relation tö ft, which is, fliat it was a 44 To the American Party Indiana. ished slavery in of Blanchtill, and II. T. Howard. plomatist, the champion of popular rights all our national territory, 4. Sitiirinsr; Jos. E. McDonald, rf Monlwmo. sound, argumentative speech.' Mr. Beech The undersigned citizens of Coun- - ordained thatio person shall be Miami. Samuel Glass, N. 0. Ross, J. and of civil and religious liberty, and the deprived 5. Oration; Superintendent iy, are in favor the Ameri- of life, liberty or For of Publh Instruction, is a pleasant speaker, a sound reasonerand A. Giaham, and E. N. Banks. unwavering Democrat who has ever de- property without due William C. Lahracee, of Putnam. can party throughout the State, in accord- process ot law, n becomes our duty to! 6. Singing; thoroughly posted on all the issues. His Marshall. Wm. M. Patterson, A. L. fended our Constitution and the Union of .i - . ance with the principles of the National maintain uns provision ot the I onstirnhon . Benediction. For Clerk or svpremc Lourt.