connecting global wealth creators ASIANASIANNUCLEAR NUCLEAR ENERGY ENERGY Powering Global Nuclear Commerce Vol. 2 Issue 3 Sept - Oct 2011 Learning Lessons In Nuclear Safety Dr. Eric Loewen, President, ANS ONE CONFERENCE NUCLEAR POWER THAT PROSPECT CONNECTS YOU TO THE Date: 17th-18th November, 2011 ENTIRE Venue: Kempinski Hotel Beijing LuŌhansa Center,Beijing China NUCLEAR MARKET Unrivalled Speaker represenƟng 8 fast-growing: This conference CHINA NaƟonal Nuclear Safety AdministraƟon is designed for China Nuclear Energy AssociaƟon (CNEA) industry China NaƟonal Nuclear CorporaƟon (CNNC) China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPC) players State Nuclear Power Technology CorporaƟon (SNPTC) aiming to map out INDIA dynamic Atomic Energy Commission strategies to Department of Atomic Energy win Nuclear Power CorporaƟon of India Ltd (NPCIL) market share in a rapidly SOUTH KOREA Korea Electric Power CorporaƟon (KEPCO) changing Korea Atomic Energy Research InsƟtute (KAERI) industry Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) VIETNAM Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) Register THAILAND Today! Electricity GeneraƟng Authority of Thailand (EGAT) Contact Michael LIU Via MONGOLIA T: +86 21 6840 7631 Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) F: +86 21 6840 7633 E:
[email protected] USA W: Department of Energy (DOE) RUSSIA Rosatom 决策者会议策划集团-- 深具实力和影响力的独立品牌会议主办机构 - CDMC Events CDMC is China’s biggest large-scale B2B event company.We out-perform our competitors on the quality of the conferences we produce and the rapport we develop and maintain with our clients. +86 21 6840 7631 +86 21 6840 7633
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