Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 13, 2001 / Notices 56853 after the Environmental Protection comments should be submitted by IDAHO Agency has published a notice of November 28, 2001. Butte County availability of the FEIS in the Federal Carol D. Shull, Arco Baptist Community Church, 402 W. Register. Keeper of the National Register of Historic Grand Ave., Arco, 01001303 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Places. Latah County Kathleen Przybylski, Voyageurs ALABAMA Hotel Rietmann, 525 and 529 S. Main St., National Park, 3131 Highway 53, Troy, 01001302 International Falls, MN 56649, Autauga County Kenworthy Theatre, (Motion Picture telephone: 218–283–9821. Copies of the Mount Sinai School, (The Rosenwald Theater Buildings in Idaho MPS), 508 S. plan may also be requested at this School Building Fund and Associated Main St., Moscow, 01001305 Buildings MPS), 1820 Cty. Rd. 57, Nu Art Theatre, (Motion Picture Theater address and telephone number, or by e- Buildings in Idaho MPS), 516 S. Main _ Prattville, 01001296 mail from Kathleen
[email protected]. St., Moscow, 01001304 Bullock County SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Twin Falls County Sardis Baptist Church, AL 223S at jct. Cty. purpose of the general management Twin Falls Original Townsite Residential plan/visitor use and facilities plan is to Rd. 22, Union Springs, 01001299 Historic District, Roughly bounded by set forth the basic management Calhoun County Blue Lakes Ave., Addison Ave., 2nd Ave. philosophy for the park and to provide E, and 2nd Ave. W, Twin Falls, Ten Oaks, 805 Pelham Rd. S, Jacksonville, 01001306 the strategies for addressing issues and 01001298 achieving identified management ILLINOIS objectives.