||||||||||||||| USOO559004A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,159,004 Furuta et al. (45. Date of Patent: Oct. 27, 1992 54, THERMOPLASTIC RESIN COMPOSITION 59-126460 7/1984 Japan. 75) Inventors: Motonobu Furuta, Tsukuba; Takashi OTHER PUBLICATIONS Maruyama, Kobe; Hiroyuki Harada, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Ichihara, all of Japan Third Edition, vol. 17. 73) Assignee: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Primary Examiner-Jacob Ziegler Limited, Osaka, Japan Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Birch, Stewart, Kolasch and 21 Appl. No.: 437,894 Birch 22 Filed: Nov. 17, 1989 57) ABSTRACT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Disclosed herein is a thermoplastic resin composition Nov. 18, 1988 JP Japan ................................ 63-292080 which comprises: Dec. 15, 1988 JP Japan ............. ... 63-314863 (a) polyphenylene ether or a composition containing Mar. 13, 1989 JP Japan .................................. -060319 polyphenylene ether, 51 Int. Cl......................... C08K 5/01; C08K 51/04; (b) (i) a modified propylene polymer grafted with a C08K 53/02; C08K 71/12 styrene-based monomer or a mixture of a styrene 52 U.S. Cl. .................................... 524/390; 524/504; based monomer and a monomer copolymerizable 524/506; 524/508: 525/63; 525/68; 525/70, with the styrene-based monomer, or (ii) a composi 525/92; 525/93; 525/905 tion containing said modified propylene polymer and 58 Field of Search ..................... 525/68, 92,93, 905, a propylene polymer, 525/70; 524/508, 490, 504,506 (c) a rubbery substance, and at least one component selected from the following three components; 56 References Cited (d) a styrene resin having a melt index of 8 or above (at U.S.
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