05 Anita Aloisio 06 Marie Bourgeois 07-08 Druce Bryan 09-10 Lyna Boushel 11-12 Angelica Bourgeault 13 Cynthia Buckley 14 Doreen Chartier 15 Sandra Cohen-Rose 16-18 Sally Cooke 19 Patricia Couture 20-21 Dolly Dastoor 22-23 Bonnie Destounis 24-27 Rena Entus 28 Sandra Heijl 29 Constance Henry 30 Donna Jensen 31-32 Brandy Jungandi 33 Joan Macklin 34 Kathryn McMorrow 35-36 Linda Monteiro 37 Alison Oxlade 38-39 Maria Peluso 40-41 Penny Rankin 42-45 Linda Serpone 46 Vivianne M. Silver 47-49 Renate Sutherland 50-52 Wanda Leah G. Trineer 53-54 Maïr Verthuy 55. Helen Wojcik FOREWORD

I want to thank all MCW members who submitted a personal testimonial about the COVID-19 pandemic and what their lives became in dealing with their isolation. The “MCW Journal of a Pandemic 2020” is in itself a historical document in time. Years from now, in looking back, 2020 will signify how each woman celebrated their resilience and how they stepped into their personal power.

Reading the testimonials is monumental in shifting our perspectives on the situation of a global pandemic. The power of words allows us to view ourselves as survivors of Covid-19 and is much more empowering than seeing each other as victims. Read- ing about the experiences of members provides an opportunity, a small prism, to share stories about life in real time. It reaffirms the knowledge that none of us suffered in silence. We were indeed “apart but together.”

The critical truth is that the Journal reflects the creative means women used to over- come the challenges of Covid-19. Enjoy the testimonials of MCW women. Resource- ful, healing, reflective, humorous, innovative – the diversity of what women’s experience is all about - a record of the care we feel about one another.

Maria Peluso


I start with the end in mind There are many parts One has died Void, disequilibrium, fills my tomorrow Yearning the streets of Rome, yesterday Lie awake with eyes shut today

I start with the end in mind There are many parts One has died Smile, laugh, dance only in my tomorrow Mother wasn’t ill, yesterday Squeeze my girls today

I start with the end in mind There are many parts One has died Patience draws my tomorrow Lights illuminated, yesterday Spirit freed today

ANITA ALOISIO | P05 MARIE BOURGEOIS With the advent of the pandemic, our lives revolve around technology. For me, it all started when the club president announced an executive meeting on Zoom. I do not have a cell phone and I do not have an iPad but my husband has a tablet so he took charge. Prior to the day of the meeting, he and my daughter had several trial runs to make sure everything worked well. The day of the meeting, nothing worked. He clicked, he swiped, he cursed, to no avail. The meeting started without me…eventually I was on, but with no image and no sound. We worked it out and everything was fine.

A few days later, we had a meeting on Webex to work on our prearrangement. If we are going to die from COVID-19, we might as well be prepared. I printed the instructions and my husband got to work. He clicked, he swiped, he cursed without success. Finally, we managed to get on. Did we want a funeral? If so, did we want special songs like Ave Maria or Amazing Grace? We thought that the kids would probably like Hallelujah better. Then we went through 11 pages of urns and we got to flowers, videos, pictures, and bookmarks. After all that Denis decided he wasn’t going to die. It is too expensive.

The following week, there was a surprise birthday Zoom family meeting. After much ado we logged on. Sort of. We could not see the children and after what sounded like a happy birthday, we logged off.

Then, another online executive meeting. Don’t remember how to log on and called my son-in-law for help. The meeting again started without me.

My daughter has suggested another family Zoom meeting. We‘re passing. Too stressed.


How am I faring during this pandemic became available I found myself always tomorrow. Never having been that is threatening us all? To be perfect- using more and more of them – one for long telephone calls I do keep ly honest I have to confess that, while it always with a slight idea that I was in touch with two or three people is upsetting and worrying to have to live cheating. That idea soon wore off! I each day either from my church with all the necessary restrictions now in still cook but meals are simpler now. family or friends and colleagues from place, it hasn’t really changed much in the various organizations I belong to. my life. I’m over 90, live in our house My day during the last few months has It helps to keep in touch, do a bit of with my husband (12 days older) and certain fixed points – meals, coffee whining or give a bit of encourage- both of us dealing with recent breaks, the Globe and Mail in the ment and that is often when I realize decreased mobility which rules out any morning, the crossword and Sudoku, that, compared to some, I have noth- sustained standing or walking. Our trav- ordering the groceries from the local ing to complain about. elling days are at an end but we have IGA, etc. When I get up in the morn- wonderful memories of the many ing (not as early as pre-pandemic), I I fully embrace the various methods, opportunities we had to see the world usually have three or four things that I like Skype and Zoom, which are avail- both as a couple and as a family. should do that day and when I get to able now for us to keep in touch and bed in the evening I’m content if I’ve keep the wheels of business moving. So how are we doing? Remarkably done at least two of them – there’s I’m happy to say that I have tackled well. When you own a house there is certain projects during the lockdown. always stuff to be done, things to be First my wardrobe has gone through a fixed, deadlines to be met and if some- long overdue weeding out and hope- thing proves to be too difficult we can fully the clothes have found good enlist paid help to assist. One of my homes to go to. Also the heavy paper all-time pleasures since the COVID-19 accumulation of reports, minutes, outbreak is that I no longer do any iron- emails, have been whittled down ing! To counter that, I seriously miss somewhat, though much more needs being able to putter around in the to be done in that area. It’s unbeliev- garden which was always a delight to able the stuff I’ve stored from the earli- me in the spring and summer months. er days and although we were prom- Then there’s the cooking – I like to ised a paperless environment when cook and had always been fond of computers took over I still seem to dinners and parties and the chance have downloaded a lot of material to to use all the wonderful traditional file away. china and crystal that we were given when we set up house, as well as the As I read over what I’ve written thus more informal outside dining during far, I don’t find it very dynamic and the summer. Back in the earlier years maybe that’s where I am right now. the rule was that you made every- Hanging in and trying to make the thing from ‘scratch’ but as more and best of the situation that we are all more precooked frozen products experiencing.

DRUCE BRYAN | P07 How am I faring during this pandemic became available I found myself always tomorrow. Never having been that is threatening us all? To be perfect- using more and more of them – one for long telephone calls I do keep ly honest I have to confess that, while it always with a slight idea that I was in touch with two or three people is upsetting and worrying to have to live cheating. That idea soon wore off! I each day either from my church with all the necessary restrictions now in still cook but meals are simpler now. family or friends and colleagues from place, it hasn’t really changed much in the various organizations I belong to. my life. I’m over 90, live in our house My day during the last few months has It helps to keep in touch, do a bit of with my husband (12 days older) and certain fixed points – meals, coffee whining or give a bit of encourage- both of us dealing with recent breaks, the Globe and Mail in the ment and that is often when I realize decreased mobility which rules out any morning, the crossword and Sudoku, that, compared to some, I have noth- sustained standing or walking. Our trav- ordering the groceries from the local ing to complain about. elling days are at an end but we have IGA, etc. When I get up in the morn- wonderful memories of the many ing (not as early as pre-pandemic), I I fully embrace the various methods, opportunities we had to see the world usually have three or four things that I like Skype and Zoom, which are avail- both as a couple and as a family. should do that day and when I get to able now for us to keep in touch and bed in the evening I’m content if I’ve keep the wheels of business moving. So how are we doing? Remarkably done at least two of them – there’s I’m happy to say that I have tackled well. When you own a house there is certain projects during the lockdown. always stuff to be done, things to be First my wardrobe has gone through a fixed, deadlines to be met and if some- long overdue weeding out and hope- thing proves to be too difficult we can fully the clothes have found good enlist paid help to assist. One of my homes to go to. Also the heavy paper all-time pleasures since the COVID-19 accumulation of reports, minutes, outbreak is that I no longer do any iron- emails, have been whittled down ing! To counter that, I seriously miss somewhat, though much more needs being able to putter around in the to be done in that area. It’s unbeliev- garden which was always a delight to able the stuff I’ve stored from the earli- me in the spring and summer months. er days and although we were prom- Then there’s the cooking – I like to ised a paperless environment when cook and had always been fond of computers took over I still seem to dinners and parties and the chance have downloaded a lot of material to to use all the wonderful traditional file away. china and crystal that we were given when we set up house, as well as the As I read over what I’ve written thus more informal outside dining during far, I don’t find it very dynamic and the summer. Back in the earlier years maybe that’s where I am right now. the rule was that you made every- Hanging in and trying to make the thing from ‘scratch’ but as more and best of the situation that we are all more precooked frozen products experiencing.


My quarantine started earlier than many inequities. Good souls helped aged to have a 4-household Video most when I fractured my left ankle on where they could by grocery shop- game of Trivial Pursuit over 2 evenings, February 6, which meant an ER visit ping for those who couldn’t. Thank using cards from 4 different series, and and the beginning of COVID-19 pro- you to all the wonderful volunteers. Mother (me) managed to remain I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- tocols. For six weeks I only went out to undefeated until the next game. We until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing follow-up appointments in empty Being part of the lucky group of enjoyed some conversation, libation way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it reception areas as hospitals shut seniors who moved their social con- and a few laughs. We celebrated 2 house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did down to allow only emergency or nections and activities online or on birthdays, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I essential visits. Needless to say, the use the phone, we continued to keep in Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- of a lot of hand sanitizer and face contact with family and friends. Once FaceTime and Zoom. I got to spend Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was masks. Our doctors are finally doing or twice –a-month cocktail hour with some great FaceTime moments with of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation visits by phone and video calls, a our regular group of friends became a my grandson to perk him up when portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, coming of age with technology. I’ve pleasant 90 minutes of cheer to teething moods needed uplifting and biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my had three of those already for health brighten our evening. It helped get us to hear his raucous laughter when been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in checks. through the darker days of the CHSLD trying to show off. It’s wonderful to strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. news. Our online interactions with watch our oldest daughter blossom as kitted out in her flying jacket ready to This COVID-19 Pandemic served as a family increased with new video con- she awaits the arrival of her daughter face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was wakeup call to many of the need to ference provider Zoom and we man- for September 6th. Update: We are in faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- re-evaluate priorities in life and in busi- Toronto to share the joy. We were gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- ness. With everything being shut down hopeful when we saw the numbers a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. for eight weeks or more put a lot into going down. We managed to have a 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid perspective. Ordering groceries Zoom baby shower and Birthday cele- ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all online for pickup and neighbours bration before our oldest daughter over the Milan region, where I had just offering to pick up fresh produce at gave birth to a girl on September 10th The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing our local PA have become routine and we welcomed Skylar into our fold. ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor now. Parents working online from What a joyous moment and promise and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call home and students attending classes of beautiful things to come. We escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I or instruction online upended the appear to be going into a second even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny family-home dynamics. With seniors it wave. Please wear a mask, wash your more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was a different story. All outside activi- hands, keep a 6-meter distance and was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to ties came to a halt replaced by some maintain a small family bubble. blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my new activities online and on Social I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Media if a senior could afford a com- Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket puter, IPad or cell phone and afford even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on internet service. Low-income families get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. and seniors realized how lonely and I work in a hospital after all, and this isolating it could be to not have those amenities. This disease highlighted


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably My quarantine started earlier than many inequities. Good souls helped aged to have a 4-household Video most when I fractured my left ankle on where they could by grocery shop- game of Trivial Pursuit over 2 evenings, February 6, which meant an ER visit ping for those who couldn’t. Thank using cards from 4 different series, and and the beginning of COVID-19 pro- you to all the wonderful volunteers. Mother (me) managed to remain I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- tocols. For six weeks I only went out to undefeated until the next game. We until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing follow-up appointments in empty Being part of the lucky group of enjoyed some conversation, libation way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it reception areas as hospitals shut seniors who moved their social con- and a few laughs. We celebrated 2 house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did down to allow only emergency or nections and activities online or on birthdays, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I essential visits. Needless to say, the use the phone, we continued to keep in Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- of a lot of hand sanitizer and face contact with family and friends. Once FaceTime and Zoom. I got to spend Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was masks. Our doctors are finally doing or twice –a-month cocktail hour with some great FaceTime moments with of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation visits by phone and video calls, a our regular group of friends became a my grandson to perk him up when portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, coming of age with technology. I’ve pleasant 90 minutes of cheer to teething moods needed uplifting and biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my had three of those already for health brighten our evening. It helped get us to hear his raucous laughter when been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in checks. through the darker days of the CHSLD trying to show off. It’s wonderful to strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. news. Our online interactions with watch our oldest daughter blossom as kitted out in her flying jacket ready to This COVID-19 Pandemic served as a family increased with new video con- she awaits the arrival of her daughter face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was wakeup call to many of the need to ference provider Zoom and we man- for September 6th. Update: We are in faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- re-evaluate priorities in life and in busi- Toronto to share the joy. We were gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- ness. With everything being shut down hopeful when we saw the numbers a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. for eight weeks or more put a lot into going down. We managed to have a 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid perspective. Ordering groceries Zoom baby shower and Birthday cele- ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all online for pickup and neighbours bration before our oldest daughter over the Milan region, where I had just offering to pick up fresh produce at gave birth to a girl on September 10th The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing our local PA have become routine and we welcomed Skylar into our fold. ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor now. Parents working online from What a joyous moment and promise and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call home and students attending classes of beautiful things to come. We escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I or instruction online upended the appear to be going into a second even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny family-home dynamics. With seniors it wave. Please wear a mask, wash your more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was a different story. All outside activi- hands, keep a 6-meter distance and was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to ties came to a halt replaced by some maintain a small family bubble. blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my new activities online and on Social I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Media if a senior could afford a com- Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket puter, IPad or cell phone and afford even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on internet service. Low-income families get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. and seniors realized how lonely and I work in a hospital after all, and this isolating it could be to not have those amenities. This disease highlighted


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably ANGELICA BOURGEAULT

Full-time Clinical Research Assistant, participants, moderators, and educa- I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- Part-time Circus & Gymnastics Coach tors to develop an online videocon- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing Spare-time Graphic Designer, Foren- ference-based curriculum and pro- way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it sic Anthropologist by training vide an educational mental health house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did program to connect people with off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I March 11 – WHO characterizes scleroderma, all around the world. furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- COVID-19 as a pandemic Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was For those who don’t know me, I work April 9 – The SPIN-COVID-19 Study & of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation for SPIN, the Scleroderma Patient-cen- the SPIN-CHAT Program is launched. portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, tred Intervention Network at the Lady As the coordinator of the SPIN-CHAT biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my Davis Institute of Medical Research - Program (COVID-19 Home-isolation been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in Jewish General Hospital. Scleroderma Activities Together), I have been man- strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. (systemic sclerosis) is a rheumatic aging a team of international kitted out in her flying jacket ready to disorder characterized by excessive researchers, educators, and sclero- face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was production and accumulation of col- derma group leaders, along with 172 faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- lagen which causes degenerative participants into 11 groups of 7-9 par- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- changes and scarring in the skin, ticipants, into 1.5-hour sessions, 3 times a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. joints, and internal organs. Its effects a week, for 4 weeks. It is a privilege to 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid are about four times more common be involved in a curriculum, though ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all among women than men and most tailored to the needs of scleroderma over the Milan region, where I had just often develop the disease between patients, that includes Healthy Infor- The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ages 30 to 50. mation Management, Relaxation, ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor Managing Worry, Exercising at Home, and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call As a clinical research assistant, work- Staying Active and Engaged, and escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I ing with patients with a rare, chronic Visualization Techniques modules that even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny autoimmune disease, my plate has attend to all in these trying times. more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out been quite full since the onset of the was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to crisis. Within the past few months we May 25 – The killing of George Floyd blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my have developed a study protocol, The pandemic presents us with an I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in sought and secured funding, created interesting paradox: at a time of Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket a COVID-19 cohort, developed a psy- self-isolation and social distancing, we even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on chosocial fear measure, recruited are forced to refocus on the things get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably I want to thank all MCW members who submitted a personal testimonial about the COVID-19 pandemic and what their lives became in dealing with their isolation. The “MCW Journal of a Pandemic 2020” is in itself a historical document in time. Years from now, in looking back, 2020 will signify how each woman celebrated their resilience and how they stepped into their personal power.

Reading the testimonials is monumental in shifting our perspectives on the situation of a global pandemic. The power of words allows us to view ourselves as survivors of Covid-19 and is much more empowering than seeing each other as victims. Read- ing about the experiences of members provides an opportunity, a small prism, to share stories about life in real time. It reaffirms the knowledge that none of us suffered in silence. We were indeed “apart but together.”

The critical truth is that the Journal reflects the creative means women used to over- come the challenges of Covid-19. Enjoy the testimonials of MCW women. Resource- ful, healing, reflective, humorous, innovative – the diversity of what women’s experience is all about - a record of the care we feel about one another.

that matter, rekindle with loved ones I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- (even if virtually), be grateful for the until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing things we often take for granted (a way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it safe space, a healthy body), re-cen- house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did tre, and reflect on ourselves and the off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I people around us. It is time for a spring furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- cleaning: to take a stance, make a Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was difference, question the system we of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation blindly trust and give power and portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, voices to the people. It cannot be biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my said enough: to be silent is to be com- been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in plicit. Always strive to educate your- strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. self. Diversity is beautiful. #BlackLives- kitted out in her flying jacket ready to Matter face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- June - Pride Month / Scleroderma gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- Awareness Month / Migraine Aware- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. ness Month 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid Let’s celebrate love, diversity, unicity, ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all and spread awareness! over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing On a final note, I must admit that work- ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor ing crazy hours from home on a 13-inch and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call computer while trying to keep some escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I sort of routine has been a struggle, but even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny I have been incredibly fortunate to help more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out make a difference in mental health was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to research and to be surrounded by such blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my amazingly inspiring people. I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket Wishing health and stamina to all! even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably CYNTHIA BUCKLEY

This Pandemic has been very difficult We have stayed in contact with each and challenging for everyone. During other through emails, telephone calls "normal" pre-pandemic times, we and video conferencing. Some had to would meet in each other's homes learn how to work websites and apps I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- every two weeks, get together for such as Zoom or messenger video. This until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing social events, parties and outings. Since was a challenge at times, but with per- way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it March 13th, the pandemic has put an severance, help from each other and house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did abrupt stop to our plans. Many of our sharing of equipment (headphones off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I members are at high risk for potential and microphones) we were able to get furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- serious effects caused by COVID-19, as it all working. Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was a result we have all taken this pan- of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation demic seriously and most of our mem- We are a sisterhood and this strong portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, bers have remained home. We are bond meant that we were always biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my very thankful that none of our members watching out for each other and help- been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in have contracted the virus. Unfortu- ing one another as needed. We ran strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. nately, we had to cancel our yearly errands for each other to get groceries kitted out in her flying jacket ready to celebration of our Founder. Which is and pharmaceuticals. The isolation is face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was one of the two opportunities for us all difficult at times, as we are all very faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- to see each other, since we are divided active and social women, keeping in gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- into 3 chapters. Furthermore, our Christ- touch often has been key. More a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. mas celebrations may also be can- recently some of our sisters have gotten 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid celled for 2020. together outside, in smaller groups, ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all while still maintaining all the govern- over the Milan region, where I had just ment directives of social distancing, The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing washing hands often and wearing a ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor mask when indoors. and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I Although these have been difficult even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny times, our sisterhood has been strong. more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out We have helped each other and will was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to continue to do so, as we always do! blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my Hoping that a safe vaccine is devel- I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in oped soon, so that we can all resume Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket normal activities. even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it DOREEN CHARTIER house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Covid-19 has definitely changed the world and will have an impact for a while yet. Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was As our day-to-day life has changed so much and we struggle to find a “new of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation normal,” we are learning a lot about ourselves and those around us. The adjustments portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, and learning curve are not always easy but it is amazing how adaptable and biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my resilient we can be when we have to. been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. The value of family and friends proves more important than ever. With in-person kitted out in her flying jacket ready to meetings not possible, everyone has had to learn to be a bit creative so that our face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was get-togethers are still great —just a little different. faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- Learning new technology has been a bit of a forced education but definitely worth a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. it. Now a pro at using Zoom and FaceTime I enjoy regularly scheduled virtual 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid catch-ups. A weekly family chat that covers three time zones across Canada is a ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all perk now thanks to Covid-19. And once a week a few friends and I all grab our over the Milan region, where I had just wine glasses and we get together for a Whine & Wine chat online. The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor Going out for lunch or dinner is definitely missed and a tough thing to replace. How- and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call ever with a bit of planning, I have managed the next best thing with a friend. We escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I often have dinner “together” with our iPads setup with a FaceTime chat on the even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny table as we eat! more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to Beyond Zoom and FaceTime, technology can make such a difference in other blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my ways too. The wide selection of movies and TV shows is almost endless with stream- I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in ing. An added bonus is watching mass online as well. While it is not the same as Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket attending church, there is some solace in a virtual mass. even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. t was only when really thinking this through that it became quite clear that no I work in a hospital after all, and this matter how hard this all seems, sometimes, there are still more positives than nega- tives. Perhaps that’s just another lesson learned from these crazy times?


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably SANDRA COHEN-ROSE Country Retreat from City Life during the COVID-19

During this unusual time, everything Where once I travelled the world to seems more intense. I see things I’ve see and experience various places, I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- never noticed before. Generally, I’m now I see them online, until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing in the country, Austin, Eastern Town- way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it ships, Quebec. Besides our kitchen garden, there are house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did wildflowers, and strawberries, black- off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I Away from the city, in the quiet of the berries and a wide selection of forest furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- country, I spend much of my time writ- mushrooms to forage, sunny days and Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was ing the sequel to my epic novel Was- thunderous days, which I try to cap- of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation kaganish, which I’ve been encour- ture in photographs and share on portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, aged to complete by the generous Facebook. biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my comments and five-star reviews. The been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in sequel, set in 2020 Montreal, in the When the occasional visitor comes strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. year of the COVID-19, brings every by, I meet them outside on the deck. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to day a new revelation, making it all-en- Venturing out to shop in the surround- face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was compassing and exciting to write. ing towns and villages, I’m careful. I faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- was tested for COVID-19 – it’s painful. gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- Much of my life is online, from shop- With daily swimming and spending a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. ping to a variety of streamed presen- time with my family, reading, watch- 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid tations and Zoom conferences. ing the rare TV series and movie – I’ve ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all never before had the time for – the over the Milan region, where I had just days are all too short. The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor I count my blessings and am grateful and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call for every day. escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably SALLY COOKE

I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this


I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. learn that a soccer match had been held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to leave and not give in to the urge to Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. leave and not give in to the urge to Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. leave and not give in to the urge to Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- PATRICIA COUTURE Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) Week 1 Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on Spring cleaning done: check. Garage cleaned up: check. Basement “stuff” bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food sorted and reorganized: check. Cars shined and vacuumed: check. Boredom is the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. not part of the equation. Husband and I go on lovely walks. leave and not give in to the urge to Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate Week 2 tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not Books on the to-read list have been located. Netflix is our most recent friend. The by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to table is overflowing with trays and pots of newly planted vegetable and annual come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. seeds. Bridge is online. Zoom has been discovered. Google Hangout connects would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a us with our adorable granddaughter. This is the life. quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I Week 3 would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe The art of grocery shopping once every 2 ½ to 3 weeks has been totally mastered. sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest Freshly baked bread anyone? Cookies? Cake? The walks are longer. There are air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual some streets I had never seen before. As a bonus, with no driving or stores to shop greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed in or restaurants to go to, the bank account is looking good (investments aside). with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a Week 4 transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my Husband and I are sitting cross-legged on the bed, betting on where the robot when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. vacuum will exit. There are long encouraging conversations with the slow- Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) er-to-sprout veggies and flowers planted two weeks earlier. On one exciting day, her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I there were two oversized pigeons trying to share the bird bath. A baby ground- hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that hog is munching on my Echinacea and impatiens – he is so cute! Confinement is she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the becoming long – and yet, I am actually enjoying it. for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. Week 5 herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my Yard and house look great. We have accepted that even talking firmly to some panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this seeds will not cause them to germinate. The groundhog is less cute with each all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- plant remnant we find. Face masks come in sheep, dinosaur, floral or check pat- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let terns. We are doing well. Wish I could hug the family. near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

“It will be alright.”


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- DOLLY DASTOOR Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) Before the lock down began I had Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on In January, we first started hearing of family time, my family is all over the collected the back issues of National bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food the COVID-19 and by March 19 the world, learning new skills, at my age? Geographic, the Economist and the the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. world came to a halt. This microscopic Forget it! but with Zoom I was happy AARP magazines which I had not leave and not give in to the urge to Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something virus was causing havoc around the to visit museums and libraries virtually, read, thinking I would now have all Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate world. Life, as we knew, and lived had around the world, for free, which I the time to catch up. No chance, tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not disappeared. Just yesterday, we were could not have been able to afford, between Zoom, and planning what to by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to still occupied, free and confident. visiting concert halls and hearing cook, the day was gone. I have never come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. Then, society came to a sudden halt. amazing artists and virtuosos, listen to been so busy. It will be difficult to get would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a Our life was turned upside down by world-famous opera singers at mag- back to normal as I have realized I quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a constraints that were previously nificent opera houses, viewed stage love this new normal! England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I unknown, masks, keeping two-metre performances of famous plays, would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe distance, staying indoors. We were award-winning films, which I never I do sympathize with thousands who sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest traumatized, the anxiety of the had time for BC (before Covid). I had are mourning the loss of their loved air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual unknown made us tense. to keep an agenda to fit in all the free ones; those who are grieving the loss greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed items on Zoom! but I did try to keep fit of their jobs, even their businesses, I with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, But the human spirit is very resilient, the with Zumba classes every morning for am very aware of the fault lines it has ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a panic mode, panic buying, we were the free 40 minutes on Zoom and, of exposed in our health care system, in transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my all in - what will we do, how will we course, there was the more academ- our system of caring for our elderly, when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. survive-- quietly calmed down and as ic stuff coming every week from the most vulnerable members of our Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) days went by, I took a deep breath, McGill and Concordia Universities to society. But for me personally this pan- her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I settled down and my resilient spirit keep us informed about the different demic has not caused a major disrup- hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that surfaced. I discovered Zoom! I started aspects of the COVID-19. And there tion of my life except a small discom- she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the enjoying the new normal of working were endless committee meetings, fort of COVID-19 hair, which makes for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove from home, which I had been doing AGMs of the various volunteer groups me look like a cross between an ash linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. anyways, since my retirement, so it I belong to, including MCW to keep blonde (aka white) and a fading bru- herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my really made no difference, I live alone me busy and occupied. nette!! See you soon virtually panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. so no chance of spending more floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) Before the lock down began I had Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on In January, we first started hearing of family time, my family is all over the collected the back issues of National bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food the COVID-19 and by March 19 the world, learning new skills, at my age? Geographic, the Economist and the the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. world came to a halt. This microscopic Forget it! but with Zoom I was happy AARP magazines which I had not leave and not give in to the urge to Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something virus was causing havoc around the to visit museums and libraries virtually, read, thinking I would now have all Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate world. Life, as we knew, and lived had around the world, for free, which I the time to catch up. No chance, tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not disappeared. Just yesterday, we were could not have been able to afford, between Zoom, and planning what to by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to still occupied, free and confident. visiting concert halls and hearing cook, the day was gone. I have never come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. Then, society came to a sudden halt. amazing artists and virtuosos, listen to been so busy. It will be difficult to get would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a Our life was turned upside down by world-famous opera singers at mag- back to normal as I have realized I quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a constraints that were previously nificent opera houses, viewed stage love this new normal! England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I unknown, masks, keeping two-metre performances of famous plays, would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe distance, staying indoors. We were award-winning films, which I never I do sympathize with thousands who sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest traumatized, the anxiety of the had time for BC (before Covid). I had are mourning the loss of their loved air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual unknown made us tense. to keep an agenda to fit in all the free ones; those who are grieving the loss greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed items on Zoom! but I did try to keep fit of their jobs, even their businesses, I with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, But the human spirit is very resilient, the with Zumba classes every morning for am very aware of the fault lines it has ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a panic mode, panic buying, we were the free 40 minutes on Zoom and, of exposed in our health care system, in transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my all in - what will we do, how will we course, there was the more academ- our system of caring for our elderly, when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. survive-- quietly calmed down and as ic stuff coming every week from the most vulnerable members of our Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) days went by, I took a deep breath, McGill and Concordia Universities to society. But for me personally this pan- her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I settled down and my resilient spirit keep us informed about the different demic has not caused a major disrup- hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that surfaced. I discovered Zoom! I started aspects of the COVID-19. And there tion of my life except a small discom- she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the enjoying the new normal of working were endless committee meetings, fort of COVID-19 hair, which makes for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove from home, which I had been doing AGMs of the various volunteer groups me look like a cross between an ash linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. anyways, since my retirement, so it I belong to, including MCW to keep blonde (aka white) and a fading bru- herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my really made no difference, I live alone me busy and occupied. nette!! See you soon virtually panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. so no chance of spending more floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. BONNIE DESTOUNIS free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They March April was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven My life has changed drastically in the Now I was fortunate to have the time many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home past three months. First of all, it to examine what was in my clothing learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) appeared to me that the weeks were cupboards. Well, I discovered lots of held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- flying by very quickly. I couldn’t even beautiful clothes which I have forgot- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say keep up on what day it was. Being a ten about as I had not worn them for lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I senior, I was told by my daughters that at least a couple of years. Yet some- Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I I was not allowed leave my home… how, I still can't give these beautiful I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) During the first couple of weeks when clothes away. This was a dilemma. followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on I was continually reminded that I was Time for my daughters to get involved. wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food a senior and should not go grocery They will help. And so, they did. They shop for my husband and me. I didn’t the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. shopping, my daughter accepted the took over! They quickly packed up big go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to leave and not give in to the urge to After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something task. Not being accustomed to stay- garbage bags and put the garments Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate ing home all week, not going out, not in the bags and wrote Renaissance on all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the May June decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not seeing family or friends, no restau- them and placed them in the garage, judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to Now I was beginning to need outside Summer is here! Some hot days some So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to rants! I decided that this is the time then reported to me job was done. the children of one of our friends, one come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly stimulus and thought about the vari- cold days and many rainy days. Now palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. that I should do things in my home So, this mission was taken care of. Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the ous important events that most orga- tired of seeing the same house street, only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a that I never have time for. On I went to Next activity: I like baking. Phone calls I was sitting at our desk in the comput- quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He nizations hold in May or June. Students etc. I needed a change in surround- volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a do a master job in cleaning every were made to my six grandchildren er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her graduating from various educational ings. Time to go to the cottage. As I allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I corner, etc. This was a tiring experi- asking what kind of cookies, cake or by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth programs were very disappointed not am writing this, I am overlooking trees, days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe ence and I cannot say a very interest- dessert they would like to have…I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated to attend or partake in graduation grass, geese, birds, lakes and a beau- based on what I had just done), chest ing activity. I sort of gave it up. became busy but soon I was over- good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had parties they looked forward to. As tiful sky. I feel liberated, no cluster and On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual whelmed and had to give that up as this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she grandparents we were also disap- a beautiful natural environment. The presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed well. last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying pointed not to attend our grand- local town is quiescent! Not many of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- daughter's graduation from McGill people around. I realize and appreci- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I University. ate how fortunate I am. My mind and get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Fortunately, real action started with soul are experiencing the lack of out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching Zoom, which provided an avenue for restrictions and the high energy of the working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of a welcoming experience. It was nice natural environment. The past three have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding to recognize friends and acquain- months have been difficult but the I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small tances. I also checked out a variety time has provided positive changes. All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself of webinars that the MUHC and McGill This experience has been mind-alter- coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all University put on. Attending the ing and genuinely wonderful! I miss someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see assorted webinars was most interest- going out for dinner and look forward through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. ing. This has been a remarkable expe- to go to a restaurant! Please keep floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the rience. safe and healthy! the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They March April was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven My life has changed drastically in the Now I was fortunate to have the time many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home past three months. First of all, it to examine what was in my clothing learn that a soccer match had been behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) appeared to me that the weeks were cupboards. Well, I discovered lots of held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- flying by very quickly. I couldn’t even beautiful clothes which I have forgot- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say keep up on what day it was. Being a ten about as I had not worn them for lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I senior, I was told by my daughters that at least a couple of years. Yet some- Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I I was not allowed leave my home… how, I still can't give these beautiful I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) During the first couple of weeks when clothes away. This was a dilemma. followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on I was continually reminded that I was Time for my daughters to get involved. wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food a senior and should not go grocery They will help. And so, they did. They shop for my husband and me. I didn’t the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. shopping, my daughter accepted the took over! They quickly packed up big go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to leave and not give in to the urge to After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something task. Not being accustomed to stay- garbage bags and put the garments Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate ing home all week, not going out, not in the bags and wrote Renaissance on all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the May June decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not seeing family or friends, no restau- them and placed them in the garage, judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to Now I was beginning to need outside Summer is here! Some hot days some So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to rants! I decided that this is the time then reported to me job was done. the children of one of our friends, one come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly stimulus and thought about the vari- cold days and many rainy days. Now palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. that I should do things in my home So, this mission was taken care of. Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the ous important events that most orga- tired of seeing the same house street, only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a that I never have time for. On I went to Next activity: I like baking. Phone calls I was sitting at our desk in the comput- quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He nizations hold in May or June. Students etc. I needed a change in surround- volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a do a master job in cleaning every were made to my six grandchildren er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her graduating from various educational ings. Time to go to the cottage. As I allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I corner, etc. This was a tiring experi- asking what kind of cookies, cake or by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth programs were very disappointed not am writing this, I am overlooking trees, days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe ence and I cannot say a very interest- dessert they would like to have…I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated to attend or partake in graduation grass, geese, birds, lakes and a beau- based on what I had just done), chest ing activity. I sort of gave it up. became busy but soon I was over- good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had parties they looked forward to. As tiful sky. I feel liberated, no cluster and On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual whelmed and had to give that up as this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she grandparents we were also disap- a beautiful natural environment. The presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed well. last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying pointed not to attend our grand- local town is quiescent! Not many of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- daughter's graduation from McGill people around. I realize and appreci- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I University. ate how fortunate I am. My mind and get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart Fortunately, real action started with soul are experiencing the lack of out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching Zoom, which provided an avenue for restrictions and the high energy of the working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of a welcoming experience. It was nice natural environment. The past three have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding to recognize friends and acquain- months have been difficult but the I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small tances. I also checked out a variety time has provided positive changes. All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself of webinars that the MUHC and McGill This experience has been mind-alter- coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all University put on. Attending the ing and genuinely wonderful! I miss someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see assorted webinars was most interest- going out for dinner and look forward through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. ing. This has been a remarkable expe- to go to a restaurant! Please keep floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the rience. safe and healthy! the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. I had the raw energy that gripped me was of clear concern to those in man- until I wanted to burst. I was on my agement and to those of us providing way to Italy, to Tuscany, to see my clinical care. Did I have a sense that it house that is being built. To top it all would affect me personally? No. Did off, my best and faithful friend of the I lose sleep about it? No. Did I worry I furry variety was coming with me! might get stranded if l left the coun- Nala, I soon discovered, was the best try? No. Without knowing it, I was of companions for any mode of trans- poised to have my grand initiation portation: planes, trains and automo- into the world of a global pandemic, biles! She looked as though she had just like the one that had killed my been travelling her entire life, as she great-grandfather, Lewis Rowland, in strode through the airport in Montreal 1919. kitted out in her flying jacket ready to face the world. She put smiles on On day three of my stay in Italy, I was faces, with her sexy high-stepped wonderfully ensconced in Hotel Fon- gait, her soulful eyes that connect, at telunga, a stunningly beautiful bou- a glance, to your core and all within a tique hotel an hour south of Florence. 9 lb frame of cuteness and ‘hug-abili- Reports started appearing that Covid ty.’ cases were popping up in clusters all over the Milan region, where I had just The month was February, the begin- spent a glorious weekend browsing ning of reading week at the University, antiques in a crowded outdoor and it was an annual ritual for me to market. They came as a wakeup call escape Montreal’s weary winter, that trouble was coming knocking. I even if only for 10 days. I thought no tried to push the news down, to deny more of the timing of the trip until it it, to think that it was being blown out was too late. I like to think that I was of all proportion, but I was forced to blissfully unaware, rather than foolish. confront reality as I planned my I fully admit that I had heard of onward trip to visit my mother in Covid-19 before I left Canada, and England, from where I had a ticket even had the notion that “it would booked to fly back to Montreal on get worse before it would get better.” March 3rd. I work in a hospital after all, and this

I thought back to the previous day, ing walks. Above all, I think she sensed when on leaving Milan and driving that I was with good people who south to Tuscany we had been care- cared for me and made me happy. free and unaware of how life in Italy What more perhaps could a dog wish RENA ENTUS However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They was about to change and take so for her mistress and what more could members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven many precious lives. Only later did I a mistress wish for her dog. My Story since March 13, 2020.... them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home learn that a soccer match had been and COVID-19 behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) held near Milan just days before I I gently explained to her that we had capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- arrived and that it had brought travel- to leave this idyll, but we would return What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say lers from Spain together with Italian regularly and create a life for our- Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I fans. That event, it is said, was the cat- selves in our new home that was near- I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I alyst for the explosion of cases in the ing completion. Although she tried followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) Lombardy region and what then tum- hard to look as if she understood, I wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on bled, like water over a precipice, into knew that I was really having a talk shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food the rest of Italy. with myself, encouraging myself to go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. leave and not give in to the urge to Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something Even though the thought of quaran- quarantine in such a heavenly place. all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate tining in an Italian five-star hotel, run Nala and I took the train from the judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not by friends, was my fantasy of a dream wonderful nearby town of Arezzo, to Nala charmed a staff member caught up with us as we headed to the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to come true, I realized the pickle that I Florence and then flew to Paris. Nala aboard and he gave us a cabin for customs and immigration. Our burly Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. would be in if I didn’t get out of Italy was the dream dog. Never a bark, a the crossing. Sleep came quickly pilot, who just flew us safely across the I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a quickly. Researching the journey to whimper, or a bathroom issue. In upon us as we curled up together on ocean melted in her presence. He er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a England took endless hours that I Paris, I had organized to meet a the berth. bent down, softened and greeted her by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I would rather have spent soaking up couple who I met on a ride-sharing little inquisitive face with such warmth gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe sun poolside, smelling the sweet spring website. They took me as far as Arriving in England was a relief as we and gentleness. She reciprocated good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest air, marvelling at the awakening Rouen. It was late at night when they only now had to take a series of trains and I couldn’t help but think that had this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual greenery, exploring the country lanes dropped me by a roundabout in an before arriving in Dorchester where he known she was on board she last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed with Nala and generally enjoying the industrial area. They were worried, my mother lives. On what would have would have been offered prime flying of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, ‘old world’ pace that seemed to and thought I was a little mad to think been my father’s 84th birthday I took position on his lap for the entire jour- He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a transport me back to bygone days, that I would be able to travel an hour Nala to his grave and showed ney. It is an enduring image that I get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my when life was sweeter and simpler. north to catch the 5am ferry from ‘daddy’ my Italian antique finds. She hold dear. It always makes my heart out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. Nala was my comforter-in-chief. With Dieppe, to sail to England’s south sat on his headstone as proudly as I sing when I remember this touching working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) her five new found dog friends at the coast. I like to think it was the adven- know she would have sat on his lap moment, in spite of the tragedy of have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I hotel she sent me constant vibes that turous part of me that ‘enjoyed’ the had they ever me. Covid that was and is still unfolding I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that she would be just fine if we had to stay challenge of trying to hitch a ride to around us. Be comforted by the small All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the for weeks, or months on end! Italian Dieppe in the middle of the night on a After several days in England, it was simple moments of life, I tell myself coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove linens suited her just fine, as she made holiday weekend. The hitching didn’t time to return to Montreal and so Nala now. These sweet moments are all someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. herself comfortable as my pillow com- work as traffic was virtually non-exis- and I, replete with suitcases, were off around us, if we just let ourselves see through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my panion every night. Italian gardens, in tent. So, I forked out for an expensive again on a train to Heathrow airport. them and appreciate them. floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this all their resplendent spring glory, were taxi ride to the coast, but felt reas- Being one of the last ones off the the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- the perfect location for our meander- sured that we would catch the ferry. plane in Montreal, the pilot inevitably Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless A Selfie, May 1 2020


My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine.

RENA ENTUS | P27 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

SANDRA HEIJL My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- Nature close to home a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by In March, before the term social distancing was in common use, my husband and on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. I started daily walks along the Lachine Canal early in the morning, normally They sent me an oximeter, to monitor between the Wellington Bridge and the Cote-Saint-Paul locks. Shortly after sunrise, my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for there were not many people using the bicycle/walking paths along the canal, lights to treat my chest area (the something! and we enjoyed the silence that made the sounds of nature stand out. We found lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, these peaceful walks had a soothing effect, while providing some health benefits and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very of exercise. better. thankful. Most of the canal was still covered with ice except for a few spots near the I was taking those pills and Tylenol for Saint-Gabriel locks, where ducks and seagulls could swim. Without much traffic the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, and before construction noise would detract from nature, we started to pay more lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I attention to the birds and other wildlife along the canal. Some birds appeared was grateful to be alive. I was happy regularly, such as a great blue heron and a lone cormorant. The heron was to be alone and not have to talk to patiently waiting for breakfast, often at the same prime location near the locks, anyone. In fact I did not answer the and a cormorant demonstrated great speed flying low over the water, swimming phone except to assure my children and diving or sitting on a buoy, resting and drying its wings. on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with With the arrival of spring, other birds got our attention. Two snow geese made their whatever comes my way. temporary home along the canal, recuperating from a wing injury. A pair of Canada geese, first seen on the ice, were spotted with a single gosling. Over time, Do I have any lingering side effects? we saw this trio regularly, the baby goose growing up to the point where its par- Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows ents encouraged it to take off from the water and fly in July. An abundance of back. If not, so be it. I hope that my red-winged blackbirds were busy raising their young. Occasionally, we would see lung capacity reaches the level it was a groundhog munching with great gusto on fresh young greens. Baby squirrels before Covid. Is there damage to my chasing each other in and around the trees made us laugh at their antics. heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine. The pandemic caused many constraints in our daily lives. Like every dark cloud has a silver lining, we found our walks helped greatly to find peace in these unfa- miliar and challenging times. It was a pleasant surprise to enjoy many aspects of nature close to home.

SANDRA HEIJL | P28 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- CONSTANCE HENRY a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. This pandemic has created a barrage The fact that I could not visit my They sent me an oximeter, to monitor of feelings in me. First I had recently mother took a toll on me and on her. my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for put my mother in an assisted living My mom calls me many times in the lights to treat my chest area (the something! facility after dealing with her for five day, an unusual thing for her to do. I lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, years with dementia. As an essential couldn’t tell if she was scared as she is and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very worker, the fear of travelling on public a woman who doesn’t express her better. thankful. transport to get to work was hard. feelings, but her calling me a lot lead From the start I covered my face with me to believe that she was very I was taking those pills and Tylenol for a bandana while travelling on public scared and lonely since she couldn't the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, transport. If the bus was too full, I see her only daughter. Not seeing my lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I would wait for another. My supervisor mother and fear for her health put my was grateful to be alive. I was happy gave me a hard time for coming to anxiety level on overload. to be alone and not have to talk to work late. I had to anyone. In fact I did not answer the ask if I could arrive Let me tell you, the phone except to assure my children 15 minutes later. news on TV did not on FaceTime that I was alive and Some staff stayed help either, espe- coping. home because they cially when I saw a have children, or white policeman When the COVID-19 test bus came take care of elderly kneeling on a Black into my area I went for a second test, loved ones or are man’s neck, killing and tested positive again. Was I con- scared. This made him. As a Black tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. my fear level rise. woman, I had a mix- But I had to go back into quarantine ture of feelings. Fear for another two weeks. Some colleagues for my family, anger returned to work because 'why is this Thank G-d I have been training my after a couple of weeks, scared happening again?' Anxiety because whole life to be strong and deal with because they were told if they did not there is a pandemic out there that whatever comes my way. they could lose their job. We were can make me sick and is socially given 3% of loyalty compensation for distancing me from family and friends. Do I have any lingering side effects? three weeks to continue work for the Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows company. Keep in mind that most This pandemic has isolated me some- back. If not, so be it. I hope that my workers are women and new immi- what except for going to work and lung capacity reaches the level it was grants. Since I have lived longer in getting safely home. How can I cope before Covid. Is there damage to my Canada, co-workers came to me for with this? Yes, I cannot be physically heart or any other organ? Your guess information. I referred them to Femme there, but I use virtual means to con- is as good as mine. Du Monde, Côte-des-Neiges for sup- nect at times with my friends and port when I didn't know the answers. family, even seeing my mother on FaceTime.

CONSTANCE HENRY | P29 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor DONNA JENSEN my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, From the start of the pandemic shutdown, I spent many weeks eating too much and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very chocolate and watching too many YouTube videos trying to pass the time. I was better. thankful. safe and healthy, but experienced bouts of lethargy – I often didn’t get dressed and had trouble focusing. I tried starting a quilt to keep my hands busy, went on I was taking those pills and Tylenol for a few power walks, but also read a wonderful book called “Where The Crawdads the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, Sing” by Delia Owens. It captivated my imagination and took me out of my own lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I head for a while. Beautifully written, it’s a story of a young girl growing up alone in was grateful to be alive. I was happy the marshlands of North Carolina, a girl who eventually finds strength through the to be alone and not have to talk to natural world around her. Interwoven throughout is a mystery that will keep you anyone. In fact I did not answer the guessing to the end. It was a wonderful distraction in these anxiety-ridden days. phone except to assure my children I think I’ll read it again! on FaceTime that I was alive and coping.

When the COVID-19 test bus came into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. But I had to go back into quarantine for another two weeks.

Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine.

DONNA JENSEN | P30 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor BRANDY JUGANDI my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, Many of us, myself included, have of the front door. Convinced I was Near the end of a workday like it were and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very had to take a deep breath and missing nothing, I closed the recording part of her schedule, Ginger becomes better. thankful. accept ‘making do’ with a new life in my laptop and the years went by: I what I at-first thought was jealousy but under lockdown: Personally, I have went to work, Ginger stayed home now understand as more of a timely I was taking those pills and Tylenol for stopped making efforts to wear any- and slept. awareness of the sound and speed of the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, thing other than a pyjama pants to my fingers along the keyboard. lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I work and I love that my office wear Going into lockdown, it became Slowly, carefully, she inches her head was grateful to be alive. I was happy has been reduced to a few blouses, quickly evident in the daily excite- toward the clicking of my fingers on to be alone and not have to talk to earrings, and a hair clip. Hygiene, now ment Ginger had when I would look the keys waiting for a moment to slip anyone. In fact I did not answer the reduced to optics, has become a at her and say, “You and me today, her head between the two as if phone except to assure my children genuine act of self-care. all day babe,” that Ginger’s dreams assigning me the new task of gentle on FaceTime that I was alive and On the other hand, the window into were coming true. I now know that head petting and ear scratching. coping. private lives through the learning what that little bean dreams of all “Your day is done,” she would seem curve of virtual meeting places has day, is just being with me in literally to say. And she knows. I know she’s When the COVID-19 test bus came been as reassuring as it has been whatever specific room I happen to right. I’m done. I close my laptop and into my area I went for a second test, exhausting: We are all making do. be in! –“Going to the bathroom? our evening of eats, treats, belly rubs, and tested positive again. Was I con- Holding on and holding it together, Wonderful, let me come with you! and sitting in the evening breeze tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. we are finding our way in this new Making another coffee, are we? Let’s begins. But I had to go back into quarantine reality. In social isolation, we are by no watch the kettle boil together.” And for another two weeks. means alone. what she delights in doing is a combi- These days have changed me, as nation of sitting up looking at me, lying they have all of us. Ginger may have Thank G-d I have been training my Some of us though, seem to have just down looking at me, or sleeping with won the lottery back in mid-March whole life to be strong and deal with won the lottery… some part of her touching some part when my work was relegated to whatever comes my way. of me. The latter of these options is being done from home, but what she Many years ago, I wondered what my often timed with the wane of my has taught me since then is that the Do I have any lingering side effects? then young doggo did all day. So, I set energy in a Zoom meeting, and her win was ours. And looking back to the Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows up my laptop to record her while I was appearance briefly on camera while way it was before, I think to myself, I back. If not, so be it. I hope that my at the office. When I reviewed the she settles into a comfortable spot is never want to get used to the separa- lung capacity reaches the level it was footage later that evening, I saw, to always a welcome moment of tion ever again. before Covid. Is there damage to my my boredom, that she pretty much distraction for anyone still paying heart or any other organ? Your guess just slept all day with a two-minute attention in the game show view of is as good as mine. barking stint when the mail carrier virtual meetings and remote viewing. slipped the post through the mail slot

BRANDY JUGANDI | P31 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, Many of us, myself included, have of the front door. Convinced I was Near the end of a workday like it were and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very had to take a deep breath and missing nothing, I closed the recording part of her schedule, Ginger becomes better. thankful. accept ‘making do’ with a new life in my laptop and the years went by: I what I at-first thought was jealousy but under lockdown: Personally, I have went to work, Ginger stayed home now understand as more of a timely I was taking those pills and Tylenol for stopped making efforts to wear any- and slept. awareness of the sound and speed of the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, thing other than a pyjama pants to my fingers along the keyboard. lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I work and I love that my office wear Going into lockdown, it became Slowly, carefully, she inches her head was grateful to be alive. I was happy has been reduced to a few blouses, quickly evident in the daily excite- toward the clicking of my fingers on to be alone and not have to talk to earrings, and a hair clip. Hygiene, now ment Ginger had when I would look the keys waiting for a moment to slip anyone. In fact I did not answer the reduced to optics, has become a at her and say, “You and me today, her head between the two as if phone except to assure my children genuine act of self-care. all day babe,” that Ginger’s dreams assigning me the new task of gentle on FaceTime that I was alive and On the other hand, the window into were coming true. I now know that head petting and ear scratching. coping. private lives through the learning what that little bean dreams of all “Your day is done,” she would seem curve of virtual meeting places has day, is just being with me in literally to say. And she knows. I know she’s When the COVID-19 test bus came been as reassuring as it has been whatever specific room I happen to right. I’m done. I close my laptop and into my area I went for a second test, exhausting: We are all making do. be in! –“Going to the bathroom? our evening of eats, treats, belly rubs, and tested positive again. Was I con- Holding on and holding it together, Wonderful, let me come with you! and sitting in the evening breeze tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. we are finding our way in this new Making another coffee, are we? Let’s begins. But I had to go back into quarantine reality. In social isolation, we are by no watch the kettle boil together.” And for another two weeks. means alone. what she delights in doing is a combi- These days have changed me, as nation of sitting up looking at me, lying they have all of us. Ginger may have Thank G-d I have been training my Some of us though, seem to have just down looking at me, or sleeping with won the lottery back in mid-March whole life to be strong and deal with won the lottery… some part of her touching some part when my work was relegated to whatever comes my way. of me. The latter of these options is being done from home, but what she Many years ago, I wondered what my often timed with the wane of my has taught me since then is that the Do I have any lingering side effects? then young doggo did all day. So, I set energy in a Zoom meeting, and her win was ours. And looking back to the Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows up my laptop to record her while I was appearance briefly on camera while way it was before, I think to myself, I back. If not, so be it. I hope that my at the office. When I reviewed the she settles into a comfortable spot is never want to get used to the separa- lung capacity reaches the level it was footage later that evening, I saw, to always a welcome moment of tion ever again. before Covid. Is there damage to my my boredom, that she pretty much distraction for anyone still paying heart or any other organ? Your guess just slept all day with a two-minute attention in the game show view of is as good as mine. barking stint when the mail carrier virtual meetings and remote viewing. slipped the post through the mail slot

BRANDY JUGANDI | P32 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor JOAN MACKLIN my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! If there is one thing the pandemic has confirmed for me is that I am not a home- lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, body. The confinement has proven to be extremely difficult as I keep thinking and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very that I am getting on in age and unable to live a full life. Never would I have better. thankful. thought this possible in 100 years, but here we are.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for At the risk of sounding vain, I seem to remember that long hair suited me in my the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, twenties. This certainly isn’t the case today, that’s for sure! lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy As each day turns into a week and then into months, it is unbelievable to me that to be alone and not have to talk to something as simple as getting one’s hair cut is impossible, doing one’s groceries anyone. In fact I did not answer the is a mission and picking up my medication has turned into having it delivered. phone except to assure my children Sadly, while I visited or was visited by my daughter and granddaughter two to on FaceTime that I was alive and three times a week, the only time I saw the latter was when she delivered food at coping. the door. As for the little one, I only saw her again on her birthday when we were allowed to celebrate outside; when she came to kiss and hug me, I had to stop When the COVID-19 test bus came her. The disappointed look on her face broke my heart. into my area I went for a second test, and tested positive again. Was I con- On a more positive tone, I have kept busy with my work relating to the Montreal tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. Council of Women, have been reading much more, especially various docu- But I had to go back into quarantine ments on health and I certainly have much time to stay in touch with family mem- for another two weeks. bers and friends. Thank G-d I have been training my whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine.

JOAN MACKLIN | P33 However, I also had some family Well, in the world of a pandemic I back to the kitchen, I realized that to say, they were livid with me. (They members who wanted me to allow went home alone. I was actually what was on the floor was dried were right. I should never have driven them to speak to the doctors on my happy to be alone for several reasons. blood. I figured that I must have alone either going to or coming home behalf; I refused their request. I felt I was happy to quarantine. passed out, and banged my head on from the hospital.) capable. They ignored me. the kitchen table. I have no recollec- What I have left out of my story is that tion of doing that. Nor do I recall The next day I received the call to say Like everyone across the Global world response from him, I immediately These same people kept urging me to I really wasn’t feeling well. I was feel- standing up. Nor do I recall getting I tested positive for COVID-19. I I was aware of the pandemic. I picked up the phone and called 911. put a feeding tube into Eddy. I ing exhausted, tired and generally dressed or how I got to the kitchen. stayed at home in bed all by myself. (I followed the protocol, washed, and Even without a medical degree I refused their harassing suggestion. lousy. At first I attributed this to the did not want anyone to stay with me.) wore a mask. However I did go out to could see it was a stroke. Needless to say, this was stress I didn’t fact that I had spent two weeks After telling this saga to a few people, People were more valuable to me on shop for my husband and me. I didn’t need. watching and preparing to lose my a doctor in the family suggested that I the outside. They brought me food go to many places; I only went to After Eddy left I sent an email out to husband. But, to tell you the truth, I go to the hospital to be checked. and drink. Costco, IGA and my local fruit store, the immediate family. Our remaining After one week of consultation with was concerned that it was something all this against my children’s better five children live all over the world as doctors using FaceTime, we made the else. I was concerned I might be sick. So, brilliant me.... I didn’t want to For a whole month I quarantined, ate judgment. do our grandchildren. I also emailed decision to let nature take its course. That is why at the funeral standing on infect anyone, so I did not call my 3 meals and a snack each day. (Not the children of one of our friends, one So, on April 8 Eddy was moved into the cemetery every time one of my daughter, or a friend, or even a cab; I a lot; but I ate.) I forced myself to Around 10:00 a.m. on April 1, as usual, of whom works at the CHUM. palliative care. One family member children attempted to come within drove myself. When I got to emer- drink. I had to survive. I was sitting at our desk in the comput- only was allowed to be with him; I seven feet of me I made a big fuss. (I gency, I was immediately given a er room when my husband stopped Eddy was taken to the CHUM Hospital volunteered myself. My daughter was wasn’t about to break the physically tetanus shot, registered; I was put on a by the door. He stood looking at me, out east; we were not allowed to visit. allowed to join me on his last two distancing protocol.) Actually all did heart monitor, had a CT brain scan (I gave me a beautiful big smile to say Eddy had a massive left brain stroke days, April 14 &15. follow the protocol. do have a brain... hard to believe good morning. Little did I know that which left him without speech, with- based on what I had just done), chest this would be the last smile and the out the ability to swallow, and without On April 15, Eddy passed away in the So for one week I sat Shiva at home, X-ray, etc., etc. They did all the usual last words he would say to me. the ability to respond to the simplest presence of my daughter and me. alone. I fed myself and survived the things for a woman of 81 who passed of instructions. The funeral on April 17 took place at week. out and smashed her forehead. But, He nodded, went to the front door to the cemetery with only 10 people being pandemic time, they also did a get the newspaper. I heard him pull During that week, our friend Moishe, present; obviously very different from On April 25, 2020, I found myself stand- Covid test. I was sure they found my out the kitchen chair. I continued the doctor, saw Eddy every day. He normal. ing in the kitchen around 6 a.m. (That brain during that test too. working. Working? I am retired; but I FaceTimed so that we could see Eddy is not unusual.) have several full-time jobs. too. It was a great comfort to see him. Usually after the cemetery the mourn- After four hours they could see that I I am very fortunate to have a large ers go back home where they are What was unusual was that I noticed could breathe on my own and that All of a sudden there was a loud crash circle of friends and a wonderful comforted by family and close something on the floor near the kitch- there was no reason to keep me in the coming from the kitchen; (I was sure family to support me. friends, are fed, and comforted by a en table. As I bent to touch it, I was hospital. So, I got dressed and drove someone or something crashed steady stream of people. The pur- dizzy and felt pain on my forehead myself home. through the ceiling from the fourth I knew that I would have to deal with pose of Shiva is to remind the mourn- close to my eyebrow. I touched my floor.) I called Eddy’s name as I ran to the loss of my husband. I was pre- ers that they are not alone and that forehead and found my fingers were Oh, I forgot to mention that by this the kitchen. The only one there was pared for that. I knew that I would not they are surrounded by community. bloody. In the bathroom mirror, after I time I had called my Montreal daugh- Eddy lying on the floor. Since I had no be alone and without support. washed the blood off, I saw a big cut ter to tell her where I was and to let near my eyebrow. Before I went the rest of the family know. Needless

My children and grandchildren set up Today, September 3, I became a par- a telephone chain to call every hour ticipant in a COVID-19 study by on the hour to see that I was alive. donating several vials of blood. They sent me an oximeter, to monitor my oxygen level; they sent me special At least now I can say I am good for lights to treat my chest area (the something! lungs); they sent me special vitamin C, and special pills to help my lungs work I am a very lucky woman. I am very better. thankful.

I was taking those pills and Tylenol for the fever. I stayed in bed for 3 weeks, lethargic, looking like I lost the fight. I was grateful to be alive. I was happy KATHRYN MCMORROW to be alone and not have to talk to anyone. In fact I did not answer the phone except to assure my children I haven’t left my apartment building for the last thirteen weeks and it has on FaceTime that I was alive and been quite an experience! My heart goes out in sorrow to all those whose coping. parents, friends and family have died. My gratitude goes out to all those on the frontlines from the health care workers to the lovely young woman When the COVID-19 test bus came who takes my grocery orders over the phone and has them delivered to into my area I went for a second test, my door. It has been a time of increased family contact through social and tested positive again. Was I con- media, getting used to Zoom as I’ll be teaching online next year, improv- tagious? I doubt it, as did the nurse. ing my French and Spanish as well as playing my piano keyboard and But I had to go back into quarantine singing my favourite songs. Reaching out with “phone visits” to those find- for another two weeks. ing confinement very difficult.

Thank G-d I have been training my Most important: mindfulness and meditation and living one day at a time. whole life to be strong and deal with whatever comes my way.

Do I have any lingering side effects? Well, I hope that the hair I lost grows back. If not, so be it. I hope that my lung capacity reaches the level it was before Covid. Is there damage to my heart or any other organ? Your guess is as good as mine.

KATHRYN MCMORROW | P34 LINDA MONTEIRO It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On December 2020 primary school where I would sepa- Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome I write this testimonial a day before our rate 1st graders from fist fights before 8 renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her journal is unveiled at our holiday Zoom a.m. on a daily basis. Not the best cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended meeting. I have been waiting for the when you are dealing with unpleas- escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed right moment to write about my pan- ant feelings of emptiness and just have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast demic experience, wanting to have want life to be kind to you. As the daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some gained some perspective or confi- months ensued, I was one of the lucky annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches dence that I have understood the life ones to have a job, a salary, my Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines lessons COVID has thrown at me. That health but I only felt despair. Depres- Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our moment is now, and not just by dead- sion is not linear, it comes and goes. ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we line, but because now is as good a This was my second time with it. of myself. We are work in progress. time and fewer social activities have a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went time as any and thanks to COVID, ‘Hadn’t I sent you away? Hadn’t I Some of us are construction sites, really changed our youth. The job is my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. most of us have realized, now is all figured you out?’ I really struggled having to rebuild strong foundations very demanding and I am learning to And not to be discounted, Spring that we have. So here goes, a stroll accepting I was that ‘emotional while letting go of the façade. The give value to what I do, celebrate arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was with my thoughts. woman’. I didn’t want to be sensitive, façade is especially tricky for women, small victories while keeping some of On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of scared, insecure, lost and depressed. I exacerbated by a society that uses my energy to myself. I hope our soci- excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation I have always been someone who wanted to be fun, vibrant, confident, filters on selfies. We spend a lot of ety will soon make big changes to the weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 prefers the company of others. only then could I be worthy. I couldn’t energy appearing a certain way way we value health care and edu- we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- Throughout my life, I’ve been a social stomach myself so how could anyone even when inside, the house is a mess. cation and that government will stop house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. butterfly, busy working a few jobs, else? As a single woman, my fear of I am learning to embrace all the parts seeing it as an expense. I think COVID a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as going to school in the evenings and being alone forever was the demon of myself, my mood, my fears, so that I has brought a lot of what is important centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or looking forward to my next big trip. I that tucked me in every night during can welcome the good parts too. I to light on personal scales and large spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks would routinely find myself exhausted confinement. am learning to be kind and patient. I societal ones. More tough conversa- started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- with extracting as much I could from am learning to be my own kind of tions are being had, changes are know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto life. At 30, I had gone back to school Looking back, I can’t provide a woman. being made and we are moving day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still part-time to become a teacher and sequence of transcendental ah-ha towards a better direction. In every had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it recently graduated in 2018. The moment to wrap the year up with Aside from the inside job I have, grey cloud, there is a silver lining. positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, following year was a year where the bow. It is a constant ebb and flow and teaching this year has been especial- storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy dust settled, I was no long chasing a I am lucky to feel every motion of the ly challenging. I teach English at two I am happy to have shared my story February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical career, working two jobs and going to ocean, every teardrop of emotion. primary schools. I have been asking with the MCW and I commend the seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would school. Now I could just be, work at The pandemic has raised many colleagues about their experience to organization for the wonderful activ- weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. my dream job and fill the other areas mental health issues because for benchmark my own. “Do you also go ism and social outreach it has done day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased of my life with… a giant void topped many it has robbed us of certainty, to bed at 8:00 p.m.? Have your this year. Thank you ladies for your bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. with desperate dread. security and illusion, forcing us to face students lost all self-control, courtesy candidness, guidance and kindness. and documented the beauty of new our mortal selves. I have learned that I and social skills? Are you exhausted With love. blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called When COVID hit, it actually worked may have a predisposition to anxiety, too?” Months of isolation at-home, and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, out for me, I was at a very difficult therefore I cannot abandon that side with busy parents, extended screen blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On December 2020 primary school where I would sepa- Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome I write this testimonial a day before our rate 1st graders from fist fights before 8 renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her journal is unveiled at our holiday Zoom a.m. on a daily basis. Not the best cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended meeting. I have been waiting for the when you are dealing with unpleas- escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed right moment to write about my pan- ant feelings of emptiness and just have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast demic experience, wanting to have want life to be kind to you. As the daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some gained some perspective or confi- months ensued, I was one of the lucky annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches dence that I have understood the life ones to have a job, a salary, my Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines lessons COVID has thrown at me. That health but I only felt despair. Depres- Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our moment is now, and not just by dead- sion is not linear, it comes and goes. ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we line, but because now is as good a This was my second time with it. of myself. We are work in progress. time and fewer social activities have a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went time as any and thanks to COVID, ‘Hadn’t I sent you away? Hadn’t I Some of us are construction sites, really changed our youth. The job is my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. most of us have realized, now is all figured you out?’ I really struggled having to rebuild strong foundations very demanding and I am learning to And not to be discounted, Spring that we have. So here goes, a stroll accepting I was that ‘emotional while letting go of the façade. The give value to what I do, celebrate arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was with my thoughts. woman’. I didn’t want to be sensitive, façade is especially tricky for women, small victories while keeping some of On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of scared, insecure, lost and depressed. I exacerbated by a society that uses my energy to myself. I hope our soci- excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation I have always been someone who wanted to be fun, vibrant, confident, filters on selfies. We spend a lot of ety will soon make big changes to the weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 prefers the company of others. only then could I be worthy. I couldn’t energy appearing a certain way way we value health care and edu- we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- Throughout my life, I’ve been a social stomach myself so how could anyone even when inside, the house is a mess. cation and that government will stop house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. butterfly, busy working a few jobs, else? As a single woman, my fear of I am learning to embrace all the parts seeing it as an expense. I think COVID a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as going to school in the evenings and being alone forever was the demon of myself, my mood, my fears, so that I has brought a lot of what is important centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or looking forward to my next big trip. I that tucked me in every night during can welcome the good parts too. I to light on personal scales and large spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks would routinely find myself exhausted confinement. am learning to be kind and patient. I societal ones. More tough conversa- started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- with extracting as much I could from am learning to be my own kind of tions are being had, changes are know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto life. At 30, I had gone back to school Looking back, I can’t provide a woman. being made and we are moving day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still part-time to become a teacher and sequence of transcendental ah-ha towards a better direction. In every had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it recently graduated in 2018. The moment to wrap the year up with Aside from the inside job I have, grey cloud, there is a silver lining. positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, following year was a year where the bow. It is a constant ebb and flow and teaching this year has been especial- storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy dust settled, I was no long chasing a I am lucky to feel every motion of the ly challenging. I teach English at two I am happy to have shared my story February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical career, working two jobs and going to ocean, every teardrop of emotion. primary schools. I have been asking with the MCW and I commend the seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would school. Now I could just be, work at The pandemic has raised many colleagues about their experience to organization for the wonderful activ- weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. my dream job and fill the other areas mental health issues because for benchmark my own. “Do you also go ism and social outreach it has done day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased of my life with… a giant void topped many it has robbed us of certainty, to bed at 8:00 p.m.? Have your this year. Thank you ladies for your bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. with desperate dread. security and illusion, forcing us to face students lost all self-control, courtesy candidness, guidance and kindness. and documented the beauty of new our mortal selves. I have learned that I and social skills? Are you exhausted With love. blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called When COVID hit, it actually worked may have a predisposition to anxiety, too?” Months of isolation at-home, and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, out for me, I was at a very difficult therefore I cannot abandon that side with busy parents, extended screen blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- ALISON OXLADE It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Everybody’s circumstances are so During the time that we were moving Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome different. For me, Covid happened at our son-in-law’s mother, who was in a renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her a time when we had recently arrived care home in Montreal with cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended in Montreal from England - a time of advanced dementia, became escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed great transition for me, leaving our acutely ill with Covid-19. She was in have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast home, extended family and friends to ICU, critically ill but, of course, not able daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some be with our daughters and grandchil- to have contact with the family. She annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches dren here in Montreal. So when Covid recovered but it was, of course, a terri- Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines happened there was a huge mix of ble time for everyone. She is still wait- Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our feelings, relief that we were here with ing to go into a care facility with an ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we our immediate family but anxiety and appropriate level of care. a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went sadness about our family and friends my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. in the UK. One of the issues that I think we all And not to be discounted, Spring struggle with is that we all have differ- arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was We had to move out of our rented ent tolerance levels for anxiety On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of apartment and had to buy a property around Covid and that sometimes excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation under a lot of pressure in the middle of leads to conflict in the family about weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 Covid. We made a very quick deci- what people view as safe or accept- we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- sion to buy something and in fact it able. But what I do see is that we all house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. has turned out very well. One of our seem to realize that if we have a con- a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as daughters lives on the next street with flict. We need to resolve it quickly and centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or three of our grandchildren so we can let it go. This isn’t a time to be harbour- spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks see a lot of them. ing grudges. started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto Ending on a positive note- I think day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still because I’m not travelling and am had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it staying in my locality I’m walking more positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, and seeing the small daily changes in storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy nature. In the spring the ice gradually February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical going and the buds slowly growing seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would and now seeing the beautiful colours weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. of the trees. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. So we don’t know what lies ahead but and documented the beauty of new I think we are all more resilient than we blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called realize and we will get through this. and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended mid-March, I send daily comic videos escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed MARIA PELUSO about the pandemic to my list of have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast friends. I am by no means bored and daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some busier than ever. Once a month, I am annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches a volunteer with a food bank in the Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines My pandemic life has been a little larly the lacunas at the municipal and Cote-des-Neiges area. I enjoy listen- Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our manic. I am sad about family health provincial levels. Conservative male ing to our Prime Minister, who has ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we issues I continue to live with, fatality leaders seemingly worldwide have instilled a sense of confidence. Com- a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went rates in many countries, especially in polarized the pandemic as political pared to most countries, Canada has my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. the developing world. Other days I rather than on health and safety. fared well during the pandemic. I And not to be discounted, Spring get annoyed, angry about our con- have signed dozens of petitions and arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was servative leaders who are critical In between moments of despair, I produced a myriad of resolutions. I On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of about the deficits all countries will have taken advantage of my isola- have turned into a research junkie excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation inherit rather than directing concern tion by speaking to my family daily. about the pandemic. weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 towards the health of citizens. There My family is spread across the country, we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- have been traumatic events that and it has been super to connect Most of all, the pandemic has provid- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. have occurred. Mass killings, Canadi- often with family and friends. I enjoy ed opportunities for me to improve a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as an helicopter crashes off the shores of most of all, speaking to my grandchil- our world, to contribute to improving centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or Greece, floods, the neglect of seniors dren. I tend, as therapy, to my garden the lives of others, especially those of spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks in both private and public residences, or spend time cooking up a storm in women. I am inspired by our essential started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- the number of infected people work- the kitchen and honing my workers who put their lives on the line know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto ing on our food supply chain, the bread-making skills. I have gained so that the rest of us remain safe in day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still abuse and neglect of ethnic, indige- weight! My sleeping patterns are all isolation. I am thankful for these brave had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it nous and visible minorities. Sadly, over the map, either wanting to souls who serve all of us. My Zoom positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, there are no shortages of issues that remain in bed some days or getting meetings have been frequent but storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy the pandemic has not exposed. Not up with interrupted sleep all through worthy of communicating with collec- February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical surprisingly, as an activist, I continue to the night. Netflix, Amazon Prime and tive efforts to deal with issues raised seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would be involved in addressing concerns Crave provide ample opportunities to during the pandemic. For me, the weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. the pandemic has revealed – particu- entertain through film. Since glass is always half-full. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended mid-March, I send daily comic videos escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed about the pandemic to my list of have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast friends. I am by no means bored and daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some busier than ever. Once a month, I am annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches a volunteer with a food bank in the Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines My pandemic life has been a little larly the lacunas at the municipal and Cote-des-Neiges area. I enjoy listen- Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our manic. I am sad about family health provincial levels. Conservative male ing to our Prime Minister, who has ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we issues I continue to live with, fatality leaders seemingly worldwide have instilled a sense of confidence. Com- a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went rates in many countries, especially in polarized the pandemic as political pared to most countries, Canada has my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. the developing world. Other days I rather than on health and safety. fared well during the pandemic. I And not to be discounted, Spring get annoyed, angry about our con- have signed dozens of petitions and arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was servative leaders who are critical In between moments of despair, I produced a myriad of resolutions. I On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of about the deficits all countries will have taken advantage of my isola- have turned into a research junkie excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation inherit rather than directing concern tion by speaking to my family daily. about the pandemic. weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 towards the health of citizens. There My family is spread across the country, we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- have been traumatic events that and it has been super to connect Most of all, the pandemic has provid- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. have occurred. Mass killings, Canadi- often with family and friends. I enjoy ed opportunities for me to improve a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as an helicopter crashes off the shores of most of all, speaking to my grandchil- our world, to contribute to improving centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or Greece, floods, the neglect of seniors dren. I tend, as therapy, to my garden the lives of others, especially those of spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks in both private and public residences, or spend time cooking up a storm in women. I am inspired by our essential started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- the number of infected people work- the kitchen and honing my workers who put their lives on the line know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto ing on our food supply chain, the bread-making skills. I have gained so that the rest of us remain safe in day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still abuse and neglect of ethnic, indige- weight! My sleeping patterns are all isolation. I am thankful for these brave had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it nous and visible minorities. Sadly, over the map, either wanting to souls who serve all of us. My Zoom positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, there are no shortages of issues that remain in bed some days or getting meetings have been frequent but storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy the pandemic has not exposed. Not up with interrupted sleep all through worthy of communicating with collec- February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical surprisingly, as an activist, I continue to the night. Netflix, Amazon Prime and tive efforts to deal with issues raised seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would be involved in addressing concerns Crave provide ample opportunities to during the pandemic. For me, the weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. the pandemic has revealed – particu- entertain through film. Since glass is always half-full. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- what isn’t raw is the truth that few if any of us can honestly say that we too PENNY RANKIN have not suffered or noted at some Having been invited to submit a testi- struck, by the range of emotions I level the weight of these times on our monial some weeks ago, I have to experienced as I went about seem- psyches. I deeply believe that there is It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On admit that I have struggled to ingly familiar tasks: How strange it was a universal truth in linking honesty to Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome respond. In part, this was and is due to to enter a supermarket and feel disori- our vulnerability - and if there is one renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her an overriding lethargy that has ented if not threatened by what was thing this pandemic underscores is the cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended plagued me-though not completely and has been a task I have carried fact that we are all vulnerable. escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed paralyzed me. I, like others, stood in out all my adult life. There- I admitted have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast shock as catastrophes crashed into it, suddenly buying bananas, testing It seems to me that as time goes by, daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some the shores of what we so nostalgically the ripeness of a melon became that this pandemic is exposing an annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches refer to as the “good old days when questionable acts...cartons, packag- extraordinary range of truths: some Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines things were normal.” But “normal” I ing and even receipt slips were (and good, some bad and more than a Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our fear, had been creeping away continue to be) subject to 70% solu- few downright ugly. It has exposed ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we unseen by the majority of us for tions of door handles our undeniable skill at skirting, rewir- a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went months if not years- a fact that and steering wheels wiped down, ing/rewriting what needs to be and my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. science, environmental and other- time and time again...madness mixed should be addressed. Our oft unparal- And not to be discounted, Spring wise has been pointing to for with caution that intensified when my leled avoidance strategies have arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was decades...Not only blind, but also 95-year-old mother was diagnosed helped catapult us into this seemingly On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of deaf it seems, it is my hope that as we with COVID. surreal- yet painfully real situation. We excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation edge ourselves away from the preci- can’t tackle each and every hardship weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 pice that we will not be so collectively Etymologically speaking, a testimonial or inequity exposed by this unseen we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- dumb (in the other sense of the word) is defined as a “sworn statement of enemy...we can take on issues, house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. as we have been. witness” with capital “T” truth under- march, protest and lobby – but our a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as stood to be at its heart. If testimonies path will be a lot easier I believe when centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or Generally speaking, on a personal are about truth...then the telling we tackle the enemy within that spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks level, our lives changed overnight. needs to be honest....and honesty, as decision-maker and spiritual guide as blinds us to the truth that as long as we started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- Terms and procedures associated a rule, tends to open the door to one’s well as a communicator was held identify others as other than us than know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto with looming danger-the closing of own vulnerability. Here goes. together by family, friends and prayer. the work that truly needs to be done – day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still borders, travel alerts and grim head- Mum survived against all odds-and will forever be undone. I have hope- had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it lines diverted then fixed our attention The truth is that for weeks on end I we have concluded that she did so and it is that hope that through the positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, onto the spectacle of our lives unrav- listened with an intensity that literally for a reason. As to what that reason is- thick and thin of the months ahead storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy elling in real time. Strangely, I found felt as though there was an electric I believe it unfolds in the heart of those that I will seek to nurture...making February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical this to offer both a welcome release current running through me 24/7. It is who hear her story, sometimes con- progress on the good days...and seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would and yet simultaneously a daunting almost impossible to characterize sciously and for others not. That’s OK. being forgiving of myself and others weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. and definitely an altogether unwel- those days as being anything other Parallel to the above was the those days when it all seems too day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased come reality. The “release” came in than a is a term that full-fledged breakdown of someone much...Resilience, creativity and bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. the form of having a fail-safe “excuse” speaks to the strange highs (celebrat- also very dear to me...The reality is thoughtfulness along with knowledge, and documented the beauty of new not to have to do the things I really do ing not being transferred off the that the weight of the pandemic has skills and shared talents will see us blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called not enjoy doing...The daunting new island) as well as the easily imagined dramatically impacted those with through. Take care my friends-my and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, reality was a more complex experi- lows of gasps, faint appeals and muf- mental health illnesses and condi- ramblings have turned into a letter- blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to ence as the gravity sank in. I was fled cries. My role as an advocate, tions. That story is too raw to share-but and I end with wishing us all well. xo


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- what isn’t raw is the truth that few if any of us can honestly say that we too have not suffered or noted at some Having been invited to submit a testi- struck, by the range of emotions I level the weight of these times on our monial some weeks ago, I have to experienced as I went about seem- psyches. I deeply believe that there is It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On admit that I have struggled to ingly familiar tasks: How strange it was a universal truth in linking honesty to Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome respond. In part, this was and is due to to enter a supermarket and feel disori- our vulnerability - and if there is one renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her an overriding lethargy that has ented if not threatened by what was thing this pandemic underscores is the cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended plagued me-though not completely and has been a task I have carried fact that we are all vulnerable. escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed paralyzed me. I, like others, stood in out all my adult life. There- I admitted have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast shock as catastrophes crashed into it, suddenly buying bananas, testing It seems to me that as time goes by, daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some the shores of what we so nostalgically the ripeness of a melon became that this pandemic is exposing an annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches refer to as the “good old days when questionable acts...cartons, packag- extraordinary range of truths: some Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines things were normal.” But “normal” I ing and even receipt slips were (and good, some bad and more than a Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our fear, had been creeping away continue to be) subject to 70% solu- few downright ugly. It has exposed ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we unseen by the majority of us for tions of door handles our undeniable skill at skirting, rewir- a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went months if not years- a fact that and steering wheels wiped down, ing/rewriting what needs to be and my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. science, environmental and other- time and time again...madness mixed should be addressed. Our oft unparal- And not to be discounted, Spring wise has been pointing to for with caution that intensified when my leled avoidance strategies have arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was decades...Not only blind, but also 95-year-old mother was diagnosed helped catapult us into this seemingly On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of deaf it seems, it is my hope that as we with COVID. surreal- yet painfully real situation. We excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation edge ourselves away from the preci- can’t tackle each and every hardship weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 pice that we will not be so collectively Etymologically speaking, a testimonial or inequity exposed by this unseen we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- dumb (in the other sense of the word) is defined as a “sworn statement of enemy...we can take on issues, house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. as we have been. witness” with capital “T” truth under- march, protest and lobby – but our a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as stood to be at its heart. If testimonies path will be a lot easier I believe when centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or Generally speaking, on a personal are about truth...then the telling we tackle the enemy within that spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks level, our lives changed overnight. needs to be honest....and honesty, as decision-maker and spiritual guide as blinds us to the truth that as long as we started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- Terms and procedures associated a rule, tends to open the door to one’s well as a communicator was held identify others as other than us than know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto with looming danger-the closing of own vulnerability. Here goes. together by family, friends and prayer. the work that truly needs to be done – day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still borders, travel alerts and grim head- Mum survived against all odds-and will forever be undone. I have hope- had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it lines diverted then fixed our attention The truth is that for weeks on end I we have concluded that she did so and it is that hope that through the positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, onto the spectacle of our lives unrav- listened with an intensity that literally for a reason. As to what that reason is- thick and thin of the months ahead storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy elling in real time. Strangely, I found felt as though there was an electric I believe it unfolds in the heart of those that I will seek to nurture...making February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical this to offer both a welcome release current running through me 24/7. It is who hear her story, sometimes con- progress on the good days...and seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would and yet simultaneously a daunting almost impossible to characterize sciously and for others not. That’s OK. being forgiving of myself and others weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. and definitely an altogether unwel- those days as being anything other Parallel to the above was the those days when it all seems too day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased come reality. The “release” came in than a is a term that full-fledged breakdown of someone much...Resilience, creativity and bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. the form of having a fail-safe “excuse” speaks to the strange highs (celebrat- also very dear to me...The reality is thoughtfulness along with knowledge, and documented the beauty of new not to have to do the things I really do ing not being transferred off the that the weight of the pandemic has skills and shared talents will see us blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called not enjoy doing...The daunting new island) as well as the easily imagined dramatically impacted those with through. Take care my friends-my and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, reality was a more complex experi- lows of gasps, faint appeals and muf- mental health illnesses and condi- ramblings have turned into a letter- blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to ence as the gravity sank in. I was fled cries. My role as an advocate, tions. That story is too raw to share-but and I end with wishing us all well. xo


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- LINDA SERPONE Covid19-2020 - A Deadly Italian Spring

It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to


take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse- It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse-

LINDA SERPONE | P43 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse-

LINDA SERPONE | P44 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but nich-Montreal, but this was subse-

LINDA SERPONE | P45 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

VIVIANNE M. SILVER take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow My mourning walk Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in Today, as most days when the sun is shining, I’m out for my mental and physical would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all health walk. Armed with rubber gloves and a required mask, I chart the route that another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to will take me past the community garden on Kellert where I’ve been a member for contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the the past four years. registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to Sadly, because of Covid-19 restrictions, it is tightly shut. Our volunteer Coordinator, we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- Mandie who’s been in touch with the members since early March, has informed and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only us that the combination of the lock for the entry gate was changed. New rules will stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been soon be in place and strictly enforced. We are now waiting for the Cote St. Luc no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the Council meeting’s recommendation as to getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not when it will open. However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been Walking past the Community Aquatics checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- Centre, I lament the loss of my weekly On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are Aqua fitness and Zumba classes. Here, on ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor the doors of the deserted building, there is tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- no sign to indicate potential opening. My northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with steps take me further along to the end of day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of the road to the CSL Tennis Club. Yet anoth- ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to er special outdoor sports activity place quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our where I’ve been a member for forty-five rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern years. The steel barricade forbids all entry 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. and holds no information as to whether it production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost will open this season. stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I On the way back to my condo, I stop A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last behind the Eleanor London Library –a won- On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty derful former source of my reading books, Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well concerts, and enriching lectures. Here, my to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and membership goes back fifty-five years to its very early inception in the upstairs of would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we the CSL shopping centre. large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- In a moment of sad reflection of all things past, my eyes are drawn to magnificent Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that forsythia bushes; they relish the sight of red tulips and blue hyacinths. They then celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy linger on the surrounding trees whose nascent spring buds hold the promise of Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled more beauty. Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but The joyful song of robins and cardinals add to the reminder of nature’s healing nich-Montreal, but this was subse- message. Rather than to mourn all that cannot be, we must remain hopeful for better days to come.

VIVIANNE M.SILVER | P46 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

never been my priorities. Together I am also the contact person for a Very slowly people are returning to take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow with watching the daily updates of 102-year-old family friend who lives our local shopping centre and when Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned RENATE SUTHERLAND the COVID-19 pandemic on TV and independently in a Seniors’ Residence they do, they wear their masks, keep her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in the CBC radio, I also enjoy PBS pro- (luckily no COVID-19 outbreak to their distance and comply with the would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all Coping with Covid gramming, especially their daily eve- date), and the support person to my hand sanitizers’ procedures. Visits to another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to ning’s PBS News Hour and the Sunday 95-year-old Alzheimer aunt, who is my hairdresser and dentist have contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the March – May 2020 cancellation of our trip to Italy’s Masterpiece programs, Netflix (occa- being cared for at her home. All that, worked out just fine and I was very registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We These are certainly unprecedented “Spring in Tuscany” in April and of our sionally) and leisurely reading the Ga- and together with connecting with impressed with the health and in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to and challenging times that we are all annual trip to the Stratford Festival in zette and Globe & Mail with my morn- family and friends in the rest of the distance precautions they had in we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- experiencing. I am grateful that our September 2020 were all indicators ing coffee. I do admit, I am a bit of a country and in Germany, leaves me place to welcome me back. and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only family and friends with whom we are that these were not normal times….. “news junky” and am always fascinat- at times with little downtime but with stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been in touch regularly, are in good health ed how the current news on health, the knowledge that there will be For the near future, we are not plan- no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the and all are looking forward to the start Being at home and living in isolation is long-term care facilities, education better days ahead. ning any restaurant outings or using getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not of normalcy in our lives. Though that not at all boring but presents a lifestyle and the economy, etc. and all the public transportation but we look However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it may take some time yet…..! The early that is more balanced, less hectic and reactions to it, are reported, interpret- June and July 2020 forward to welcoming a small group tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been ed, manipulated by the media and Now that spring and summer have of family and friends to a BBQ on the checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- the politicians. arrived, our garden became priority patio. Going on a trip to the Maritimes On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are and I thoroughly enjoyed spending to visit our son and family in Halifax is ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor Moreover, the isolation we are all many hours pursuing my gardening not yet an option either. tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- facing, does not seem to stop my hobby, maintaining a small vegetable northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with work and participation in the not-for patch but mostly re-creating four I continue to be grateful for family, day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of profit organizations with which I am rather large flower beds with perenni- friends, good health and the ability to ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to involved in presently. Most days I con- al plants and annual flowers. I love serve the larger community. quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our tinue to be “inundated” with emails puttering around in the garden and rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern and Zoom meetings. Adjusting to find it very therapeutic and relaxing. All in all, this COVID-19 crisis continues 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. Zoom meetings is indeed a new learn- to challenge us all and there is no production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost ing experience! There are many a Now that social distancing, doubt that it will bring new perspec- stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I provides more time for reflection and enjoyable. time when I am “Zoomed out”! hand-washing and wearing a facial tives and creative ways of doing A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last renewal. Not for one minute, do I miss Unfortunately, it was also during the mask in public places have become things. Mask wearing has become On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty running here, there and everywhere early days of this pandemic that three an important component of our daily ordinary, something we just need to Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to attend the Board meetings and former colleagues, who had been in routine and probably, the “new do as members of a society. Assuming to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and program events of the numerous long-term care facilities, passed away normal” for some time to come, I find our daily activities in this “new normal” would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we organizations, with which I have been because of COVID-19 complications. that I can live with that. I am back will take patience, perseverance, large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. involved since my retirement twen- doing my own errands and going ingenuity and “stepping out of our Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- ty-one years ago. As a retired educa- Given the ”stay-at-home isolation,” I shopping (our son looked after that in box” and hopefully, a better aware- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that tor, it has been life-long learning, now have more time for yoga exercis- the early days of the COVID-19) and ness and understanding of what it celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy community service/ advocacy and es, meditation and daily walks along have found that just going before the means to be human and live more Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled exploring health and wellness issues, Lac St. Louis, and, when “in the store closes, is just a very convenient harmoniously within the world’s natu- Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April which have, and continue to provide mood,” cleaning out kitchen cup- time, because there are only a few ral creation. booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but the positive energy that sustains me boards and various room closets. people around. nich-Montreal, but this was subse- and makes my life meaningful and Though these latter activities have

RENATE SUTHERLAND | P47 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

never been my priorities. Together I am also the contact person for a Very slowly people are returning to take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow with watching the daily updates of 102-year-old family friend who lives our local shopping centre and when Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned the COVID-19 pandemic on TV and independently in a Seniors’ Residence they do, they wear their masks, keep her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in the CBC radio, I also enjoy PBS pro- (luckily no COVID-19 outbreak to their distance and comply with the would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all gramming, especially their daily eve- date), and the support person to my hand sanitizers’ procedures. Visits to another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to ning’s PBS News Hour and the Sunday 95-year-old Alzheimer aunt, who is my hairdresser and dentist have contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the March – May 2020 cancellation of our trip to Italy’s Masterpiece programs, Netflix (occa- being cared for at her home. All that, worked out just fine and I was very registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We These are certainly unprecedented “Spring in Tuscany” in April and of our sionally) and leisurely reading the Ga- and together with connecting with impressed with the health and in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to and challenging times that we are all annual trip to the Stratford Festival in zette and Globe & Mail with my morn- family and friends in the rest of the distance precautions they had in we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- experiencing. I am grateful that our September 2020 were all indicators ing coffee. I do admit, I am a bit of a country and in Germany, leaves me place to welcome me back. and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only family and friends with whom we are that these were not normal times….. “news junky” and am always fascinat- at times with little downtime but with stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been in touch regularly, are in good health ed how the current news on health, the knowledge that there will be For the near future, we are not plan- no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the and all are looking forward to the start Being at home and living in isolation is long-term care facilities, education better days ahead. ning any restaurant outings or using getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not of normalcy in our lives. Though that not at all boring but presents a lifestyle and the economy, etc. and all the public transportation but we look However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it may take some time yet…..! The early that is more balanced, less hectic and reactions to it, are reported, interpret- June and July 2020 forward to welcoming a small group tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been ed, manipulated by the media and Now that spring and summer have of family and friends to a BBQ on the checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- the politicians. arrived, our garden became priority patio. Going on a trip to the Maritimes On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are and I thoroughly enjoyed spending to visit our son and family in Halifax is ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor Moreover, the isolation we are all many hours pursuing my gardening not yet an option either. tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- facing, does not seem to stop my hobby, maintaining a small vegetable northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with work and participation in the not-for patch but mostly re-creating four I continue to be grateful for family, day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of profit organizations with which I am rather large flower beds with perenni- friends, good health and the ability to ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to involved in presently. Most days I con- al plants and annual flowers. I love serve the larger community. quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our tinue to be “inundated” with emails puttering around in the garden and rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern and Zoom meetings. Adjusting to find it very therapeutic and relaxing. All in all, this COVID-19 crisis continues 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. Zoom meetings is indeed a new learn- to challenge us all and there is no production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost ing experience! There are many a Now that social distancing, doubt that it will bring new perspec- stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I provides more time for reflection and enjoyable. time when I am “Zoomed out”! hand-washing and wearing a facial tives and creative ways of doing A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last renewal. Not for one minute, do I miss Unfortunately, it was also during the mask in public places have become things. Mask wearing has become On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty running here, there and everywhere early days of this pandemic that three an important component of our daily ordinary, something we just need to Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to attend the Board meetings and former colleagues, who had been in routine and probably, the “new do as members of a society. Assuming to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and program events of the numerous long-term care facilities, passed away normal” for some time to come, I find our daily activities in this “new normal” would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we organizations, with which I have been because of COVID-19 complications. that I can live with that. I am back will take patience, perseverance, large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. involved since my retirement twen- doing my own errands and going ingenuity and “stepping out of our Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- ty-one years ago. As a retired educa- Given the ”stay-at-home isolation,” I shopping (our son looked after that in box” and hopefully, a better aware- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that tor, it has been life-long learning, now have more time for yoga exercis- the early days of the COVID-19) and ness and understanding of what it celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy community service/ advocacy and es, meditation and daily walks along have found that just going before the means to be human and live more Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled exploring health and wellness issues, Lac St. Louis, and, when “in the store closes, is just a very convenient harmoniously within the world’s natu- Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April which have, and continue to provide mood,” cleaning out kitchen cup- time, because there are only a few ral creation. booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but the positive energy that sustains me boards and various room closets. people around. nich-Montreal, but this was subse- and makes my life meaningful and Though these latter activities have

RENATE SUTHERLAND | P48 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

never been my priorities. Together I am also the contact person for a Very slowly people are returning to take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow with watching the daily updates of 102-year-old family friend who lives our local shopping centre and when Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned the COVID-19 pandemic on TV and independently in a Seniors’ Residence they do, they wear their masks, keep her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in the CBC radio, I also enjoy PBS pro- (luckily no COVID-19 outbreak to their distance and comply with the would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all gramming, especially their daily eve- date), and the support person to my hand sanitizers’ procedures. Visits to another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to ning’s PBS News Hour and the Sunday 95-year-old Alzheimer aunt, who is my hairdresser and dentist have contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the March – May 2020 cancellation of our trip to Italy’s Masterpiece programs, Netflix (occa- being cared for at her home. All that, worked out just fine and I was very registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We These are certainly unprecedented “Spring in Tuscany” in April and of our sionally) and leisurely reading the Ga- and together with connecting with impressed with the health and in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to and challenging times that we are all annual trip to the Stratford Festival in zette and Globe & Mail with my morn- family and friends in the rest of the distance precautions they had in we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- experiencing. I am grateful that our September 2020 were all indicators ing coffee. I do admit, I am a bit of a country and in Germany, leaves me place to welcome me back. and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only family and friends with whom we are that these were not normal times….. “news junky” and am always fascinat- at times with little downtime but with stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been in touch regularly, are in good health ed how the current news on health, the knowledge that there will be For the near future, we are not plan- no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the and all are looking forward to the start Being at home and living in isolation is long-term care facilities, education better days ahead. ning any restaurant outings or using getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not of normalcy in our lives. Though that not at all boring but presents a lifestyle and the economy, etc. and all the public transportation but we look However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it may take some time yet…..! The early that is more balanced, less hectic and reactions to it, are reported, interpret- June and July 2020 forward to welcoming a small group tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been ed, manipulated by the media and Now that spring and summer have of family and friends to a BBQ on the checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- the politicians. arrived, our garden became priority patio. Going on a trip to the Maritimes On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are and I thoroughly enjoyed spending to visit our son and family in Halifax is ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor Moreover, the isolation we are all many hours pursuing my gardening not yet an option either. tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- facing, does not seem to stop my hobby, maintaining a small vegetable northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with work and participation in the not-for patch but mostly re-creating four I continue to be grateful for family, day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of profit organizations with which I am rather large flower beds with perenni- friends, good health and the ability to ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to involved in presently. Most days I con- al plants and annual flowers. I love serve the larger community. quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our tinue to be “inundated” with emails puttering around in the garden and rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern and Zoom meetings. Adjusting to find it very therapeutic and relaxing. All in all, this COVID-19 crisis continues 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. Zoom meetings is indeed a new learn- to challenge us all and there is no production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost ing experience! There are many a Now that social distancing, doubt that it will bring new perspec- stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I provides more time for reflection and enjoyable. time when I am “Zoomed out”! hand-washing and wearing a facial tives and creative ways of doing A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last renewal. Not for one minute, do I miss Unfortunately, it was also during the mask in public places have become things. Mask wearing has become On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty running here, there and everywhere early days of this pandemic that three an important component of our daily ordinary, something we just need to Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well to attend the Board meetings and former colleagues, who had been in routine and probably, the “new do as members of a society. Assuming to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and program events of the numerous long-term care facilities, passed away normal” for some time to come, I find our daily activities in this “new normal” would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we organizations, with which I have been because of COVID-19 complications. that I can live with that. I am back will take patience, perseverance, large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. involved since my retirement twen- doing my own errands and going ingenuity and “stepping out of our Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- ty-one years ago. As a retired educa- Given the ”stay-at-home isolation,” I shopping (our son looked after that in box” and hopefully, a better aware- Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that tor, it has been life-long learning, now have more time for yoga exercis- the early days of the COVID-19) and ness and understanding of what it celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy community service/ advocacy and es, meditation and daily walks along have found that just going before the means to be human and live more Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled exploring health and wellness issues, Lac St. Louis, and, when “in the store closes, is just a very convenient harmoniously within the world’s natu- Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April which have, and continue to provide mood,” cleaning out kitchen cup- time, because there are only a few ral creation. booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but the positive energy that sustains me boards and various room closets. people around. nich-Montreal, but this was subse- and makes my life meaningful and Though these latter activities have

RENATE SUTHERLAND | P49 It was to be our grand escape from confirmed to us our good fortune. On Canadian winter. A two-month house February 19, we took a train to Rome renting experiment in Pisa that, if suc- to reunite with our daughter and her cessful, could lead to annual winter husband for a five-day extended escapes in other towns in Italy. We weekend. Together, we enjoyed have a history with Italy: a married Rome and a drive up along the coast daughter living in Rome and therefore into southern Tuscany to visit some annual Easter visits to Rome and beautiful towns and ancient churches Tuscany; university sabbatical years in and, of course, to sample the wines Bologna and Ferrara; 50 years of con- and food of the local agritourism. Our ferences up and down the boot; and little Roman escapade at an end, we a multitude of friends and cousins on returned to Pisa by train and life went my husband’s side still living there. on as usual. And not to be discounted, Spring arrives in Italy at the end of January! On February 21, a virus cluster was On February 1st we arrived in Pisa detected in Lombardy in the north of excited to see our rental house. The Italy and within weeks the situation weather was mild and lightly rainy as became critical there. On Feb 23 we taxied from the airport to our small northern towns hit by the out- house in a residential neighbourhood, break were placed under quarantine. a ten-minute walk from the city We were not overly concerned as centre. Already there were hints of there was no outbreak in our area or spring, as some trees and flowers had in the rest of Italy. For the next weeks started to bloom. What we did not we watched it all unroll on the eve- know then, was that on that same ning news. It spread east to Veneto day, in Rome, two Chinese tourists and south to Emilio Romagna but still had fallen ill and eventually tested we felt safe. I think we all hoped it positive for COVID-19. Ignorant of the would be controlled and contained, storm building elsewhere, we enjoyed never believing that in the wealthy February exploring the area and mu- north, with their great medical seums, fresh local foods and balmy resources and hospitals, that it would weather. Spring progressed and every eventually overwhelm the system. day more trees and flowers burst into Outbreaks and casualties increased bloom. Every day we took long walks at an incredible rate. and documented the beauty of new blossoms and ancient architecture February 29th my sister-in-law called and were grateful. Tales from home of to cancel her birthday visit to Italy, blustery cold winds and snow only Portugal and England not wanting to

WANDA LEAH G. TRINEER take a chance of contracting quently cancelled. We were then allowed entry at a time. One took a need to fly home was hopefully suffi- conversation with loved ones was an just around the corner. We had snow Covid19 in Italy and then bringing it to booked on a flight Rome-Paris-Mon- number and waited outside. I would cient reason to travel to satisfy Italian almost giddy experience! We initiated flurries at least twice and I mourned Friday, March 13, 2020, is a date that couldn’t help but smile when she said her friends in England. Her big trip treal, but this too was eventually can- walk around to get some Fitbit steps law. During the lockdown in Pisa, I a daily cocktail hour to lift spirits as we the loss of the beautiful Italian spring in will forever be etched in my memory. that the last time she spoke to him, he would have to be postponed to celled when France closed the until my number was called – usually a never went for a walk or to the store sat and discussed rapidly evolving full bloom. I also grieved the loss of all It was the last day that life resembled was just his normal self. Since the another year! Around this time, we Charles de Gaulle Airport to connect- 40-minute wait/walk at the local large without my printed form stating my world events. Restricted movements those Italians who had lost their lives to what we will probably call the “old family tradition of a church funeral contacted the Embassy in Rome and ing flights. Frankly, at this point I did supermarket. Hardly any wait time at address and purpose of travel – to go meant my daughter and I cooked up this virus and dreaded reliving the normal.” For me, it was the last time I was not going to happen for some registered as Canadians abroad – just not want to return to Canada for sev- all at our neighbourhood bakery and for a walk or shop for groceries. For a baking storm and enjoyed long traumatic experience in Canada. We was able to visit my father at St Mar- time, he had to be cremated; thank in case. We still felt safe but were glad eral reasons. News reports of masses Enoteca (wine store). Wine is a life the trip by train to Rome we had to walks in the silent Abbey gardens. A had in fact returned to what was to garet’s Home in Westmount. My hus- goodness, he had never expressed an we had brought supplies of hand gels of people congregating at airports in necessity in Italy and a balm during a print out a new form (thanks to our more subdued Easter came and went become the Canadian Covid19 epi- band and I had visited him after work opinion one way or the other about and wipes with us from Canada as the North America without masks were stressful time! Thankfully, there was still gracious landlord downstairs) at 11pm with Papal services watched by centre, Montreal, and we could only that evening and when we left, we cremation. We learned that a small stores were selling out. Still there were frightening. I still felt safer in Pisa. no cluster of contagion in Pisa prov- the night before our early morning millions only on television. Three days hope that important lessons had been wished him a good night and said, funeral from the funeral parlour no cases in our area, but tourism was Safety measures were in place here ince. However, controls strengthened train as it had changed again that before we left, we had a real scare learned and we would survive the “See you tomorrow.” Of course, we chapel was allowed since he had not getting thinner which was a plus for us. and people were adhering to Italian to avoid outbreaks. Walks became day! Happily, for us, the police at Pisa when my son-in-law thought he had a storm. Our Covid19 story is not never did! On the 14th, the govern- passed away from COVID but a family However, we started taking precau- government orders so as not to pay limited to our neighbourhood and I Centrale and Rome Termini Train Sta- fever and felt some vague symptoms. finished and we do not know how it ment banned all visitors to long-term funeral and burial from Grace Church tions. heavy fines and the police were only went to the supermarket once a tions were thorough and polite and He confined himself to his room for will end or when it will end. It has been care facilities. I didn’t worry about the in Arundel, Quebec was going to checking! We lived in a quiet residen- week. We started to rely on our corner travel was a breeze. There were literal- two days while we all avoided think- a great adjustment, but we are learn- care that he was receiving as we had have to wait until after churches were On March 8th, the Italian Prime Minis- tial area with no crowds. The shops bakery for refills of milk, breads, chees- ly two other people in our first-class ing of the possibilities. Finally, the third ing to adapt to a new reality. We are been more than pleased with the allowed to open. At the time of his ter G. Conte expanded the quaran- were cleaned regularly, and masks es and other grocery items. I cooked coach due to restraints on travel! We day he came out and declared all making our indoor and outdoor level of care and understanding of death, travel across county lines pre- tine to all of Lombardy and other and hand washing were required on all our meals now as there were no arrived in Rome to an empty and was well and we all breathed a sigh of spaces work for us. We are connect- the staff on the 4th floor since he had vented us from even getting to our northern provinces and the following entry with only a few customers open coffee shops and restaurants. silent Termini Station and eerily empty relief! ing to family, friends and work with moved there last November. Even home in Arundel, let alone to the day on March 9th to all of Italy, plac- The change I missed the most was the downtown streets. We were met by programs like Zoom. We have a lot of over the next few weeks, they would cemetery where a private burial with ing more than 60 million people in closing of the University Sport complex an impeccable private taxi driver and With a heavy heart and not knowing time to think, to read, and to get to reach out to us with updates about fewer than ten people would have quarantine. On March 11th, all restau- two blocks from our house with its car (sanitized before and after each when we would be together again, know ourselves and reflect on our how he was doing or take my calls been allowed. We had hoped that rants and bars were closed. On March scenic outdoor track around the client) and headed to our daughter’s we said our goodbyes to family and place in this epic moment in modern when I would call to enquire. Speak- having a proper funeral and burial on 22nd, all factories and nonessential multi-sport facility at the foot of the house in the EUR neighbourhood, flew home just a few days before our history. ing to him on the telephone was not June 25th, which would have been his production was halted in an effort to Pisan Hills. relieved and happy to embrace original departure date on an almost an option as his hearing was too far 95th birthday, might have been possi- stop the spread of the virus. family again. empty flight Rome-Munich-Montreal. I gone; even face-to-face conversa- ble but that too must now be post- A little nervous and sad we left Pisa at think it may have been one of the last tions were difficult at times. poned to some other date in the On March 17th, Prime Minister the end of March as our lease was Once in Rome we printed out new flights! By now airports were empty future. Trudeau urged all Canadians abroad coming to an end. We headed to documents and adhered to all the and the airline staff was well On Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, to come home. Only four airports Rome for Easter and to be in place to same rules: wearing masks in stores equipped to protect themselves and about 2:15 in the morning, I received I retired from McGill University over five would remain open in Canada in the catch our fourth tentative flight home and in proximity to others on the passengers. I was extremely glad we a telephone call to say that they had and a half years ago and a week later large populated centres of Montreal, to Montreal on April 14th. During lock- streets and limiting our walks to our had waited to leave. just gone in to check on him and was asked to go work for a friend who Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. down, to move around Italy or even own neighbourhood. We were fortu- found that he had passed away in his was a Financial Advisor; a part-time Around this time Air Canada can- within your neighbourhood, you nate that the neighbourhood was We arrived home to a Canada that sleep. The nurse said that they had position and “just for a while” to help celled our direct flight home from needed to carry official papers on bordering on an Abbey with lovely was at least three weeks behind Italy looked in on him about two hours ear- out. Part-time had become full-time Rome to Montreal. After contacting your person! And the government wooded walks and chapels and our in the pandemic timeline and settled lier and he had been his usual “resis- except for managing to play golf Air Canada in Rome, we were changed the required forms almost apartment balconies were filled with in for another quarantine! It was April tant self.” My father was not always once a week in the summer. During booked on a flight Rome-Mu- daily. The end of our lease and our colourful blooms. Sharing meals and 14 and Spring was not quite here but the easiest man to get along with so I the latter part of February, I was nich-Montreal, but this was subse-

WANDA LEAH G. TRINEER | P50 approached by another Investment to get logged on to a myriad of new Advisor who offered me a position computer software, most of which I where I could work three days a had never heard of before, let alone week, year-round. Needless to say, on knew how to use. Then there were my March 23, 2020, I started a new job, in new colleagues, only one of whom I the midst of COVID-19! knew and none of which I would get to see. Introductions to colleagues The Friday before I was to start work, and clients have been made over an envelope of general office sup- Microsoft Teams, telephone, and plies and a new laptop was delivered email with the promise to meet to my home in anticipation of starting face-to-face when all of this is over. my new job… from home. The first When will I actually get to go to my couple of days were spent just trying new office in Place Ville Marie? There

is only speculation on that subject, in the kitchen. maybe in the fall, maybe in twelve to eighteen months, no one knows! I, for Two weeks ago we were supposed to one, am looking forward to the day as celebrate my daughter’s convoca- I have decided that working from tion from McGill University. She gradu- home, while an occasional luxury, is ated with a B.Ed. (Phys Ed) and a by no means my preferred method of minor in Music Education but universi- work. I am hoping that the prediction ty convocations are just one more of of a hot summer is overly exaggerat- life’s events that are not allowed to ed as I live in a 113-year-old home happen because of COVID-19. This with no air-conditioning and an AGA past week McGill put together a series

WANDA LEAH G. TRINEER | P51 of “virtual” convocations, by faculty, and far to shop at Tony’s; we wish and has said that they intend to com- Tony and Kathryn much happiness in bine the classes of ’20 and ’21 at the their retirement but they will be sorely convocation of 2021. We celebrated missed. the graduation quietly at home with balloons, cake, and a special I am an active volunteer with a take-out meal from one of our favour- number of local not-for-profit organi- ite local restaurants. zations and all have moved their monthly meetings and AGMs to plat- I have always been a strong supporter forms such as Zoom. How many of us of local shops and restaurants but had ever heard of Zoom before never as much as now. Picking up March 13, let alone used it? Even my pre-ordered household necessities weekly church service has moved to from the back door of Hogg Hard- Zoom! If you want to share a glass of ware, having new slippers for my hus- wine before dinner with family and band delivered to the door by “Tony” friends, near or far, it has become the himself, and ordering take-out from means by which to do so. Thankfully, our local, independently owned the government is now allowing us to restaurants and coffee shops two or get together in small to medium-sized three times a week is an important groups to be able to socialize once part of doing what we can to help again, always remembering to main- each other get through this. I smile tain good sanitation and social each time I pick up a meal and I’m distancing. My hope is that when we told, “Thanks for letting me feed your read accounts of our lives during family tonight.” At the time of writing, COVID-19 at some time in the future we have just learned that Tony’s that it will all seem like a distant dream Shoes will be closing after 83 years but I am sure that there will be rem- and three generations of serving the nants of this time that will become community. People came from near part of our future new normal.

WANDA LEAH G. TRINEER | P52 MAÏR VERTHUY human beings, or because one or more of us clever human beings had March 13 came and we were all con- friend sent me a text about the word successfully developed a vaccine. fronted by a pandemic. That’s when 'up' and it has, apparently more you realize how important prefixes meanings or uses than any other So, I concentrated briefly on the can be: endemic; epidemic; pan- two-letter word in the English lan- expressions: 'locked up' and 'locked demic, and start frantically consulting guage. Incredibly funny. 'Down,” down.” They were certainly in partial dictionaries! So, this one wasn’t just although slightly longer and also offer- agreement. Both presumed native, nor was it confined to the ing many different meanings and long-term confinement in a closed Western world; no, this one was a real words, is also more modest, so, in that space: a very unattractive prospect! whopper and covered, or so I read, case, reading the dictionary took me Did this government really expect to the universe. Wow! I did briefly try to slightly less time. In both cases, never- be re-elected afterwards? But a wave discover what prefix might apply theless, one had to wonder, at least I of tolerance overtook me: "They are when we start sharing our viruses with did, how all the expressions that doing their best," I said to myself, a outer space but my efforts were included 'up' and 'down' came to remark reminiscent of earlier class- unsuccessful and I abandoned them exist. room teachers! And they were, of to start thinking about two other course. It was great to see they didn’t words: up and down, both capable of I did start making another list, but have much choice either! Just like us. being adverbs, prepositions, and decided that it wouldn’t help me 'Up' and 'Down' did, however, offer a adjectives, etc. Life is really very con- survive a pandemic! The government slight difference, as I learned. Did you fusing! had already decided that, to that know that the first word meant simply end, I should stay indoors either forev- that someone else had the key to the 'Up' of course, is, I think, more open to er or, in a more optimistic moment, door, whereas the second word multiple meanings than its opposite: until this virus disappeared, possibly means that you have the key in your 'down.” At that very point, a good because it was worn out, like us poor own grasp? It sounds so much better. We were all locked down and not up, so we were free theoretically to choose whether we stayed in or not. Of course,with Covid-19 waiting on the doorstep, theory and reality meant two different things. So I decid- ed that I was going to settle down with my two cats and watch my favourite French and British comedies: "As Time Goes By" and "Munch." What a relief. What a release. Nothing like a comedy to survive a pandemic!

Away with dictionaries!

MAÏR VERTHUY | P53 human beings, or because one or more of us clever human beings had March 13 came and we were all con- friend sent me a text about the word successfully developed a vaccine. fronted by a pandemic. That’s when 'up' and it has, apparently more you realize how important prefixes meanings or uses than any other So, I concentrated briefly on the can be: endemic; epidemic; pan- two-letter word in the English lan- expressions: 'locked up' and 'locked demic, and start frantically consulting guage. Incredibly funny. 'Down,” down.” They were certainly in partial dictionaries! So, this one wasn’t just although slightly longer and also offer- agreement. Both presumed native, nor was it confined to the ing many different meanings and long-term confinement in a closed Western world; no, this one was a real words, is also more modest, so, in that space: a very unattractive prospect! whopper and covered, or so I read, case, reading the dictionary took me Did this government really expect to the universe. Wow! I did briefly try to slightly less time. In both cases, never- be re-elected afterwards? But a wave discover what prefix might apply theless, one had to wonder, at least I of tolerance overtook me: "They are when we start sharing our viruses with did, how all the expressions that doing their best," I said to myself, a outer space but my efforts were included 'up' and 'down' came to remark reminiscent of earlier class- unsuccessful and I abandoned them exist. room teachers! And they were, of to start thinking about two other course. It was great to see they didn’t words: up and down, both capable of I did start making another list, but have much choice either! Just like us. being adverbs, prepositions, and decided that it wouldn’t help me 'Up' and 'Down' did, however, offer a adjectives, etc. Life is really very con- survive a pandemic! The government slight difference, as I learned. Did you fusing! had already decided that, to that know that the first word meant simply end, I should stay indoors either forev- that someone else had the key to the 'Up' of course, is, I think, more open to er or, in a more optimistic moment, door, whereas the second word multiple meanings than its opposite: until this virus disappeared, possibly means that you have the key in your 'down.” At that very point, a good because it was worn out, like us poor own grasp? It sounds so much better. We were all locked down and not up, so we were free theoretically to choose whether we stayed in or not. Of course,with Covid-19 waiting on the doorstep, theory and reality meant two different things. So I decid- ed that I was going to settle down with my two cats and watch my favourite French and British comedies: "As Time Goes By" and "Munch." What a relief. What a release. Nothing like a comedy to survive a pandemic!

Away with dictionaries!


You asked us to tell you what we are doing during these surreal times, so I’ll try to detail what my life has been like. I would have included a selfie, except the lens on my phone is all clouded over with flour and you wouldn’t see much anyway. By last count, I have peeled what seems like fifty pounds of potatoes, caramel- ized loads of onions and run out of cheese making approximately 400 pierogi, or so it seems. I have also baked, pureed, sautéed and roasted until my pantry is empty and my freezer full. It’s there are only two of us to partake of all this. Ah well, Christmas is coming.

Our car is standing shiny clean in the garage (inside and out), my books are sorted by author, theme, title, etc. and my cupboards have half the clothes in them. Even my files are in order.

I have called or texted every human being I know and am pleased to report that all are doing fine.

I’m trying not to drink more than one (maybe two) martinis per week, as I do not want our son, who is purchasing our groceries, to think that his mother is a lush.

My poor kids keep calling. I think they believe I’m bored and need some stimula- tion. We have talked on FaceTime, and actually that was good because it was the only time I have put on lipstick since March 12th.

Other than that, things are more or less normal!


Producer: Maria Peluso Editor: Linda Monteiro Graphic Designer: Lilliane Andres-Teixeira