Welcome to Year 3 Home Learning Friday 3rd July 2020 Daily Timetable Before 9am Wake up 9am PE with The Body Coach Please complete the activities in your home learning books. 9.30am Maths Quiz TTRS Battle Email
[email protected] if 10.30am Saturn V Titan you have any questions about Jupiter V Neptune the home learning and we will try to get back to you as soon 11am Break as possible. 11.15am Continue Writing Challenge Please email some home SPAG Activity learning you are proud of each week. We love seeing what you 12pm Lunch and time to play are getting up to. 1pm Reading for Pleasure 1.30pm Inquiry Challenge PE Challenge Here is your weekly PE challenge or activity to do which focuses on PE skills such as, agility, balance and co-ordination. Have a go during your morning break! Click here for the PE Challenge Maths Quiz 1. What time is being shown on 2. the clock? 3. 4. 5. The film Artic Adventures starts at 10:20am and finishes at 12:50pm. How long dies the film last? ____ hours ____ minutes 6. 8. 7. Nijah has football practice at 16:10. It last 45 minutes. What time does it finish? Maths Quiz Answers 3. 1. a) 5:20 or 20 minutes past 5 b) 5:40 or 20 minutes to 6 2. 4. a) 25 minutes 5. 2 hours 30 minutes 6. Both could be correct because we don’t know if the race started at 3.30am or 3.30pm.