Owhn Newsletter
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Ontario Women's History Network, Dept of History , University of Waterloo, Hagey Hall, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1, 519.888.4567 ext. 28500 http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/ OWHN NEWSLETTER ~owhn/ http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/~owhn/ OCTOBER 2010 Ten Years of Feminism The Spring 2010 Launching the Second Wave: Voice of Women OWHN conference celebrated the femi- On Saturday morning, the conference started off emphasized the point that VOW was nism of 1960-1970. An with three fascinating perspectives on the group a women’s peace movement—a exciting and informative Voice of Women (VOW): Ursula Franklin, Martha movement that was not simply about program included a Goodings, and Marie Hammond-Callahand. We were speeches; everyone did something. It behind-the-scenes visit fortunate to have Ursula Franklin lead off with a dis- was these women who undertook to the Royal Ontario cussion of the early days of VOW’s activism. Ursula the research on peace issues at the Museum, talks by height of the Cold War. Ursula Franklin, Martha Following Ursula Franklin’s talk on Goodings, Marie the early days of the VOW, Martha Hammond-Callahand, Goodings, a former Ontario Council Cerise Morris, Beth chair for the VOW, reflected on her Atcheson, Alison Pren- personal experiences with VOW tice, Linda Ambrose, since the 1970s. For Martha, the Tracy Penny Light, and VOW was a godsend in her life as a Rose Fine-Meyer. Some wife and mother in the suburbs. of these talks were VOW provided a political and activist video-recorded and are outlet for many women as they ad- posted at the OWHN (Continued on page 7) website. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Fashion Trends in the 1960s News from 2- the North Senior Curator Alexandra tory of western textiles and by Dr. Palmer. Many indi- Herstories 2 Palmer led the OWHN dele- fashionable dress, with par- vidual items from the 1960s Cafe gates on a Friday evening ticular emphasis on the 20th collection were presented on tour of the Royal Ontario and 21st centuries. Dr. Palmer tables for delegates to view Lessons in 3 Liberation Museum collection of textiles has authored catalogue essays closely. Delegates were also and fashions from the 1960s. for many international exhibi- privy to a private tour of the Royal Com- 3 Dr. Palmer is the Nora E. tions. Her book Couture & costume collection in the mission on Commerce: The Transatlantic Patricia Harris Gallery of the Satus of Vaughan Fashion Costume Curator for the Graduate Pro- Fashion Trade in the 1950s Textiles & Costume on the (2001) won a Clio award for fourth floor. Research 4 gramme in Art History at Note: York University. She is also Ontario history. Dr. Palmer is After the talk and tour, OWHN’s a professor in Fine Art His- currently working on Chris- delegates attended a recep- History tory at the University of To- tian Dior: Constructing His- tion held at the Duke of Keynote: 5 ronto and is the exhibition tory 1947-1957, to accom- York Pub. A wonderful eve- Many Worlds editor for Fashion Theory: pany the exhibition at the ning was had by all!! Royal Ontario Museum The Journal of Dress, Body Rose Fine-Meyer AGM Minutes 6 & Culture. Dr. Palmer's re- planned for fall 2011. search as a costume and tex- OWHN delegates were tile historian covers the his- treated to an outstanding talk PAGE 2 HerstoriesCafe Coordinators Rose Fine-Meyer in places which are historically Women’s Day at the Cum- and Kate Zankowicz announce relevant to the evening topic, berland House, International A forum for those the inauguration of Herstories and will often include an on-site Student centre: University of who work on and are Café which aims to start con- historical walking tour. Toronto campus, St. George. interested in women’s history—a versations between history en- Tentative Schedule: Speakers TBA community of like- thusiasts, historians, archivists, minded people. November 23, 2010: Nina Friday, April 2011. “Women museum practitioners, history Bascia, “Women and Unions” and Museums” at the Food teachers and students. at the Centre for Social Innova- Studio, ROM . Speaker: TBA “Think of it as a salon: a place to tion, 215 Spadina Avenue 5-7 May, 2011. “Women and share ideas, pool historical re- pm. Food” at the Gladstone Hotel sources, and stimulate debate in January 20, 2011: Afua Coo- an intimate and relaxed setting.” per, Topic and Location TBA Website: http:// Cafe talks will be located herstoriescafe.blogspot.com/ March 08, 2011: International Prizes throughout the city of Toronto, Dr. Kristina Huneault, a Concordia University Research Chair in Art History, is the 2010 News from Northern Ontario winner of the Marion Dewar Award presented each year by From Sara Burke, Chair of History at Linda M. Ambrose, “Zelma and Beulah Argue: the National Capital Committee Laurentian University, Sudbury: Sisters in the Canadian Pentecostal Movement,” on the Scholarship, Preservation in Winds from the North: Canadian Contributions to and Dissemination of Women’s The 2010 John Bullen Prize of the Cana- the Pentecostal Movement, Michael Wilkinson and History. dian Historical Association was awarded Peter Althouse, eds. (Leiden & Boston: Brill Aca- 2010 John Bullen Prize of the to Dr. Amélie Bourbeau of the De- demic Publishers, 2010), 99-127. Canadian Historical Association: partment of History at Laurentian th Dr. Amélie Bourbeau of the University, for her doctoral thesis: La Laurentian University will celebrate its 17 an- Department of History at réorganisation de l'assistance chez les nual Women’s History Week from October Laurentian University, for her 18-22, 2010 with a series of “open classrooms” doctoral thesis: La réorganisation catholiques montréalais : la Fédération de l'assistance chez les des Œuvres de charité candiennes- including lectures in the History, Sociology, and catholiques montréalais : la françaises et la Federation of Catholic Women’s Studies departments. On Tuesday, Fédération des Œuvres de Charities, 1930-1972. (UQÀM, 2009). October 19, we will host a “Brown Bag Dis- charité candiennes-françaises et The prize, in the amount of $500, was cussion: Working on Work-Life Balance,/ la Federation of Catholic "Causerie midi : Les défis de la concilia- Charities, 1930-1972. (UQÀM, awarded in 2010 for the outstanding 2009). historical dissertation written by a Ca- tion travail-famille.” On Thursday, October nadian citizen or landed immigrant living 21, at 7 p.m. we look forward to this year’s in Canada accepted for a doctoral de- LEAF Sudbury event: the world premiere of REMINDER: gree at a Canadian university between 1 Recovering Love, a documentary film about Renew your October 2008 and 30 September 2009. women and addiction. A Q&A and reception will membership for The award was given in May 2010 at the follow with the film’s Director Laura Sky and 2011 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Histori- Executive Director Diane Massicotte. cal Association at Concordia University, Montreal. http://www.cha-shc.ca/en/ Prizes_24/items/15.html PAGE 3 Lessons in Liberation: Teaching the Women’s Royal Commission on the Movement of the 1960s Status of Women The last session of the day during faced as participants offered their ideas Dr. Cerise Morris spoke to "'Simple the spring conference was entitled about topics, texts, resources, and Justice' is not so simple: the RCSW “Lessons in Liberation: Teaching films that they have successfully incor- then and now." Dr. Morris dis- the Women’s Movement of the porated in their own teaching; ideas cussed the structure and findings of 1960s, An Interactive Work- that they encouraged Linda to build the Royal Commission, profiling the shop” and featured three present- into the course she was revamping for insights of the Commissoners and ers who are teachers of history: the fall of 2010. Tracey Penny Light those who presented to the Royal Dr. Linda Ambrose, from shared a wealth of ideas about how to Commission. Beth Atcheson of- Laurentian University in Sudbury; incorporate teaching strategies that fered a personal account of the Dr. Tracy Penny Light, from St. both model and reinforce feminist early days of Second-Wave Femi- Jerome’s University, in Waterloo; practices. Using Tracey’s concepts, nism, recounting some of the genu- and Rose Fine-Meyer, winner of participants left the workshop with inely ground-breaking achievements the Governor General’s Award several new ideas about how to of women in those years, many of for Excellence in the Teaching of achieve greater student engagement which were grounded in the rec- Canadian History from OISE in through a variety of student-centered ommendations of the RCSW. At Toronto. learning activities. Rose Fine-Meyer the same time, she identified the movement’s failures, including the Each presentation proved focused on sources and resources that lack of a national child-care to be very practical with confer- can be used in the classroom to en- act. Beth’s commitment to femi- ence participants taking away lots gage students with the texts, materials, nism has not dimmed at all, as evi- of practical suggestions for making and ideas that typified the women’s denced by her central role in the the history of the second wave movement in the 1960s. The group Feminist History Society, which has women’s movement come alive in was transported back in time as Rose now published its first volume. To the classroom. Linda Ambrose reviewed a set of instructions for how become a subscribed member, invited audience participation as to lead a consciousness-raising group please contact the Feminist History she presented the group with the and participants offered suggestions Society at 2938 Dundas St. W., challenge of making suggestions about what might be included in a time P.O.