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1-1912 Effects of Alkali on Dairy Products C. Larsen

W. White

D.E. Bailey

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Recommended Citation Larsen, C.; White, W.; and Bailey, D.E., "Effects of Alkali Water on Dairy Products" (1912). Bulletins. Paper 132. http://openprairie.sdstate.edu/agexperimentsta_bulletins/132

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Eff eds of Alkali Water on Dairy Products


ABERD�N AMERJCAN PUBLISHING CO. 1912 GOVERNING BOARD Hon. A. E. Hitchcock, President: ...... Mitchell, S. D. Hon. T. W. Dwight, Vice President ...... Sioux Falls, S. D. Hon. A. M. Anderson...... : ...... Sturgis , S. D. Hon. August Frieburg ...... - ...... Beresford, S. D. Hon. H Reinhardt ...... Eureka, S. D. STATION STAFF T. W. Dwight ...... Regent Member A. M. Anderson ...... Regent Member Robert L. Slagle ...... President of College James W. Wilson ...... Director and Animal Husbandman N E. Hansen ...... Vice Director and Horticulturist James H. Shepard ...... Chem1st E.W. Olive...... : ...... Botanist E. L Moore ...... Veterinarian 0. Larsen ...... Dairy"H usbandman A. N. Hume .. Agronomist and Superintendent of Sub-Stations J. 0. Hutton ...... Assistant Chief of Agronomy S. Garver, ...... Crops, Detailed by U.S. DepartmenCof Agriculture ' M. Champlin .. Assistant in Crops and in Co-operation with U. S. Oepartment of _Agriculture C. M. Woodworth ...... Assistant in Crops H H. B iggar ...... Assistant in Soils Howard Loomis ...... Agronomy Analyst Wm. White ...... Assistant and Dairy Baeteriologist D. E. Bailey ...... Dairy Analyst ' M. R . Tolstrup.;...... Assistant Dairyman C. D. Johnson...... _..... Assistant Dairyman Guy E. Youngberg ...... F irst Assistant in R. A. Larson ...... Secretary and Accountant M. M. Johnson ...... Bulletin Clerk and Stenographer CONTENTS EFFECTS OF ALKALI·. WATER ON DAIRY PRODUCTS

PAGE- .. .. Introduction ...... 220 I...... II. Plans of Investigation ...... 221 III. Alkali Water Selected...... 22;{ IV. Milk from Cows Receiving Alkali Water...... 2i7 v. Composition of Milk ...... 228 VI. Total Per Cent Milk Ash...... 280 VII. .. .. Milk Ash Constituents...... 231 VIII. Coagulability of Milk with Rennet ...... IX. 24U Effect of Alkali Water on Butter ...... 248 1. Washing Butter in Alkali Water ...... - . 244 2. Bacteria in Butter and in Wash-water ... . 247 x. Effect of Alkali Water on Cheese ...... XI. 250 Conclusions ...... 252 Effects of Alkali Water on Dairy Products By

0. LARSEN, W�L WHITE, D. E. BAILEY. INTRODUCTION Alkali water, or wnter containing an unusual am01mt of soluble minerals, especially sulphates, is chiefly found in arid -ancl semi-arid regions. Since the minerals are in the soil, th amoun and kind of minerals contained in the ,vater yarie ac­ cording to kind of soil. lay of land, kincl of cultivation, manured or nnlllanuretl, tlrainec] or uuxperiments. .. 1tl1ongh locate(l iu town, the water from tbis well was not US('ll for li\�e stock cxeept in case of necessity. The owner 0£ tlll' well Pxplainecl that it was too strongly alkali and. was too tlan�·erous to use for stock, although he hacl used it at times for the family cmL 'Ihi. water hacl a clistinct saliue, .acrill and sharp ta te. As for ,1 c:oulcl he c.1et 'rmined the water dic.1 not h,\\'v 1111y stale ancl other nIHlesirable flavors 1 clue to decayed or­ :g:rnicma tter. The ,rnll was about 80 .feet iu depth and located 011 a side liill leadi11g to a creek ,ibout 200 feet fro m the well. ..\t i1tterrnls the tot,il rnirn·rals in the ,vater were i1ek:· .. m1ul·ll with a Yicw of ascertaining the strength of same umi11g the

LH' '. TABLE NO. II. Showing Hypothetical Combination in which Minerals Exists in Alkali Waters (Parts per million parts of water) - ---- ] 4 5 6 7 10 t--1-1--12 I 13 14 Numbel' of \\'C'Jl ...... 8 .\ mmouium Chlol'idc .... 1· 0.8 2.5 O. l. 0.1 0.2 0.4 0 .2 7 .0 0.2 I 1.1 , 1 .4 I u l'o1assium Chloriclc .... 1 :: . 2 1:: .5 1, 1 .5 7.2 4 .6 30.9 J6.S 2 1.7 28.6 21 .9 I 2:U I 16.2 1 51.3 20.0 l'otassium SulphnLl' ..... I l!l.2 J 5 ... :(i . i5:� i6ii od!um hlo1·i


' 227 MILK FROM COWS RECEIVING ALKALI WATER In addition to the re;;ular examination of the milk. mac1e:-­ by the Yarious n1embers of the Dairy Department, a number of dairy students vv ere requested to pass judgment on the compar­ ative cprnlity of milk from the two lots of cows receiYing soft and nlkali water. respecti Yely. The results of their judgment are as follo,rn : Total numb r of, students examining the rni.lk, forty (4(l). Number of stud en ts pronouncing the milk from cows recci \' - • ing the c1lkali ,rnter. the best, twenty-one (21J. Number of students prollouncing the milk from CO\YS rc­ ceiYi11g soft water, the best, hrelve (12). N"umber of stuc1'ents having no preference. se-ven (7). . The students di.d not know from ,vhich lot of cows the milk came. The difference in appearance. flnrnr odor. and other physi­ cal characteristics of the two kinds of milks was so slight that it could not be discerne.cl by the ordinary keenness of sense� S'.Ilell. taste c1rn1 sight. 'rhe milk was cnrefu]ly examined as to flayor and aroma throughout the e.xperimen ts. arnlno Jefini.te difference could b founcl. traceable to the alkali ,vat.er. 'r he reports or complaints made by some cln iry farmers a to the probable, undesirable effec:t of alkali water on the fLrrnr and properties of th� milk, evidently slwuld be accounted for in otlier ways than by the alkaline concliti.onor excesfiiveamount o± minerals in the water. It has been amply demonstrated .that stale and putrid ,rnter will impart undesirable flavor arn.1 odors to mi.lk when drunk by the cow. Some alkali wells contain water which is not only rich in soluble minerals, but which is also brackish and almost putrid in taste anc1 smell. ,Yhen such water is clrnuk by th dairy cow. her milk will not l)e clean of flayor ancl smell. Thi..,.., undesirable quality of milk can not be laid to the alkali or min­ entls in the water, but rather to the decayed organic matter s common in alkali water. In the semi-arid regions, especially in the newly settled localities, shallow wells are common, and the water from such wells many times contains too much organ­ ic matter. 228 Alkali ,v ater 8vidently has the ability of dissolving more organic matter than will ordinary well water. Especially is this true if the water contains very much ()la2 003) or what is known as black alkali. This substance de­ rives its name from the fact that it has the ability to dissolve organic matter. From the analyses made , it appears that this is substantjated. The greater the amount of miner.als, the more organic matter or loss on ignition. The loss on ignition may also be clue in part to the decompositiem of carbonates. Wbether or not the germs have the ability to decompose this organic matter in alkali water . so rapidly as in ordinary water is yet a question. , At any rate, a large proportion of the alkali ,rnlls examined contained water which had a bad odor and taste, not due to minerals, but to decayed organic matter. 8pecial precautions were taken to select alkali water 'from which organic matter was excluded as much as pm,sible for use in these experiments.

COMPOSITION OF MILK Chemical n,nalyses were made of the milk from all the cows and also of the milk ash. The samples of milk for chemical analysis were composite samples carefully taken as to average quality and proportionate in size to .th� amount of milk given by each cow. The taking of these composite samples extended over a period of seven consecutive days, and they were ob­ tained during the latter part of the twenty-four day experi­ mental periods. The following table shows the composition of milk and milk. ash from the two lots of cows fed on normal, soft, and al k.ali water. TABLE 111, Showing Composition of Milk and its Ash, from Cows Drinking Alk�li and Soft Water Preliminary period un�e r normal _conditions _____

. Composition o! Milk (per cent). Conf;titucnts of Ash (parts per milliun of milk) . 0 0: :::; � ..c: a = .:: "'o;;rll . 0 a � � ..t:l(1) a Oc- s .�(1)0 0. (1) � §is r/1 b 0 .s .r:l � -� .e0 Zv $ w. 0::i 1/1 H � .,i �·@ Pol � A. � "5 0 � � � � b() w. «j ::i � ' ... � w.::i ..c: w. C) 0.. C) ( H.« 4.17 3.53 2.7!l 0.74 5.11 0�749 760.0 225 .0 3040.0 )284 .0 118.0 382.0 1435 .0 College �M 4.03 3.83 2.96 0.87 5.00 0.804 770.0 233.0 3288.0 -i_330.o J08.0 441.0 1495 .0 well H.M 4.00 3.24 2.54 0.70 5.05 0.773 802 .0 169 .0 3189 .0 1293.0 110.0 423 .0 1464 .0 Average H.� 4.07 3.53 2.76 0.77 5.05 6.775 777 .0 209 .0 3172.0 1302.0 112.0 415.0 1465.0 II 4 �-h 3.64 3.41 2.68 0.73 4.73 0.791 863 .0 228.0 3556 .0 1085 .0 123.0 379.0 ]661 .0 College 5 fi .� 3.80 3.36 2.66 0.70 4.82 0.725 996.0 220.0 2441.0 1127 .0 115.0 484 .0 1385.0 Well 6 85.77 4.49 3.77 2.95 0.82 5.20 0.768 703.0 208.0 3315.0 1393 .0 125 . 0 375 .0 1207 .0

Average 86 .83 3.98 3.51 2.76 0.75 Experime4.92 0.76ntal1 Period854 .0 I I 219.o 3104.0 1202 .0 121.0 I 413.0 1418.0 N) N) 0 u.m (.:> I 4.27 3.76 2.99 o0.7 . 7 4.94 I 0.775 749.0 224.0 3146 . 0 1255 . 122.0 443 .0 1380.0 On 11oft H.M 4.19 3.96 3.16 80 I 5 . 03 o.779 754.0 217.0 3289 .0 1298 .0 112.0 449.0 1523 .0 Water H.77 4.04 3.35 2.71 0.64 5.05 I 0.788 774.0 198.0 3310.0 1316.0 109 .0 636 .0 144�0 Average H.� 4.17 3.69 2.95 0.74 5.01 0.781 759.0 213 .0 3248.0 1290 .0 114.0 509.0 1450.0 I I 0.71 4.85 0.783 804 .0 281.0 2888 .0 1086 .0 141.0 455 .0 1741.0 II �.��.n 3.55 3.34 2.63 J On Alk'i 3.78 3.46 2.7] 0.75 I 4.74 0.708 1032 .0 213 .0 2402.0 1099 .0 98 .o 656 .0 1334 .0 Water , 85 .M 4.88 3.93 2.90 1. 03 I 5 . 09 o.758 756 . o 256 .0 3153 .0 1393 .0 m .o I 510.0 1191.0 I I I Average 86.71 4.07 3.58 2.75 0.83 Experime I 4.89 �I ntal Peri_ 864od.0 II.250 .0 2s14 .o L1193 .o 114.o �.o 1422.0

I 85.96 4.35 3.74 2 .92 0 . 82 5 .18 I O.768 713 .0 237 .0 3191.0 1286 .0 117. 0 435 .0 I 1440. 0 On All<"I 85 .96 4.48 3.97 3.07 o.90 4.82 I o.771 775 .0 264 .o 3124 .0 1205 .o Jrn.o 427.0 1508.o Water 86 .67 4.36 3.22 2.5:1 0.69 5.oo 0.753 833.0 206.0 3114.0 1215.0 115 .o 496 .0 I 1440.0 I Avcrng<· 86.20 4.40 3.64 2.84 0.80 5.oo o.764 774 .o 236 .o 3144 .o0 ]235.o 111.0 453 .o 1463.o I J .n,: II 4 86 .96 3.90 3.54 2.8, o.67 4.83 o 852 .0 211.0 2!l74 . ll3!l.O 14'1.0 551 .0 I 1697.0 On Sof1 5 86 .70 4.12 3.69 3.0:i o.64 4.75 o.735 1rn1.o 225 .o 2492 .o 1239.o 123.o 672 .o 1157 .o Water 6 I 85 .38 4.80 4.08 3.13 0.95 •4 .99 0.749 768 .0 185 .0 3184.0 ]332.0 132.0 438.0 1261 .0 I . \ j Averlll?e 86 .3& 4.%7 3.77 !.02 I 0.75 4.86 fl.752 -' 937 .0 �07 .0 2�84 .0 12 37.0 134.0 554 .0 � 230 TOTAL PER CENT MILK ASH I ' he percentage composition of the milk yielded by the same lot of cows receiving the different ki11ds of water in the different periods is normal, and varies so little that the varia­ tion is no greater than such as is within the range al]m,yed for experimental variation. From the table it will be noted that the total per cent of mineral or ash is quite unifoTm, no matter what kind of water drunk by tbe cow. This is true when the same individual cows in the different experimental periods at differenttimes are com­ pared, with the other individuals in the other lot at the same time. For instance: the mi1k fre,m cow No. 1 in Lot No. I, re­ cei vini; soft water. contained 0.77 5 per cent ash. In the second experimental period when this same cow r2ceived alkali water the milk contained 0.7(:i8 per cent of ash, an almost iden­ tical per cent. This same thin� holds true ,...- ith each of the other cows also when similiar]y compared., ""\Yhen the individual covYS in tbe different Jots at tbe same time are compared, there is again a yery slight difference in the per cent of mineralsor ash in the milk from the hrn lots of cows. For instance: t,he milk from cow No. 1 in the first ex­ perimental peri0d contained 0. 775 per cent ash, while the milk� from cow No. 4 at the same time receiving alkali wate.r con­ tained 0.783 per ceut ash. The average per cent ash from the three cows in each lot; shav...- similiar results when compared. 'Ihe aYerage per cent. ash in milk of Lot I, is 0. 78], while receiving soft water, and1 the aYerage of the same iot while on alkali water is 0.764 per cent. \V hen one lot is compared with the other at the same time in the first experimenta l period, Lot I drinking soft water yielded milk containing on an average 0.781 per cent ash, �Yhile the average per cent ash contained in mi]k · from cows in Lot II on alkali water is 0.750. In the second experi-. mental periocl when tbe k'ind of water was changed, the rriilk from cows in Lot I while receiving alkali water, contained th01 average of Q.764 per cent, and the mj.lk from Lot II, receiving: soft water, contained 0.752 per cent of total ash. Although the cows receiving alkali water consumEd about one-half pound more of the different soluble minerals perday, this dicl not have the effect of in creasing the total per cent minerals. 231 ash of the milk. Undoubtedly the cow's. system is so construc­ VTted that in this respect it maintains . a certain constancy in 1':h e total percentage of minerals or ash rn the milk. Just where a:nd how the excess of minerals taken into the digestive tract of i be cow are disposed of, ancl what the possible effect on the secretory and vital organs of the cow are, is now being investi­ �,ated. MILK ASH CONSTITUENTS The results shown in Table III and Table IV as to the milk ash constituents indicate that some of the component p i:rts of the ash may be slightly varied in per cent as well as total amount, by feeding unusual quantities of certain water .so1uble minerals to the cow. This variation however, is slight.

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TABLE IV. Comparison of the Average Composition of Milk and Ash from the Same Lot Drinking the Different Kinds of Water During the Three Successive 24 Day Periods --

Per Cent Composition of Milk ConstituE:nts of Ash. (parts per mill:::1 ion of milk). 8 A 3 (/) 0 A A d "' 8 ·;;; ..... ;... A 0) 1/l 8 '@ ""'.a $ ·A:::; ·;;; "@ d ..c:: '-' .d:::; I d 0 .00) .5 oo. .... 0 .;:; ..., � .d ..., 8 ;... w'; � ' .., oj�::I , t:d:::::."0$5� u ::I � 5�u O..P.. uuoi� ;:g � Zw �o0.. t �1/l :;; b.O O..c:: b.Ob.O ..., I er. w ;:g �I I � :::; I � I I I I 'l1 .o · ,IB.o ) ,Col. Well 86 .57 I 4.07 I 3.53 I 2�76 0.77 I 5.05 0.775 777.0 I 209 .0 3172 .0 1302 112.0 1466 .u I 1 1 I I I 1 1 Soft I 86 .35 I 4.17 3.69 2 .95 1 0.74 II 5.01 0.181 I 759.o 213 .0 3248 .0 1290.0 114.0 509 .0 1450.0 I l I I I Alkali 86 .20 4.40 3.64 l 2.84 0.80 5.00 o.764 774.o 236.0 3144 .0 1235 .0 117.0 453 .0 1463.0 � I m. Col. Well 86 .83 3.98 1 2.76 0.75 4.92 0.761 I 854.0 219.0 3104.0 1202.0 o 413.0 1418.0 L l , I Alkali 86.71 4.07 3.58 2.75 0.83 540.0 I 1422 .0 ' 4.89 0.750 864 .0 O 2814 .0 1193 .0 114.0 i I ) :o I Soft 86.35 4.27 I 3.77 3.02 0.75 4.36 0.752 937.0 I ,207 .0 2884 .0 1237 .0 134.0 554 .0 1372 .0 '.

�./ 233 From these experiments it seems safe to state that the variation in the composition of the milk ash clue to the con­ sumption of a mixture of unusual quantities of soluble minerals, is not so great as to cause any undesirable or othRr clrnracteris­ tics different from those that are natural to normal milk. As shown in Table 6 the cows on alkali water received on an average about one-half pound of mixed soluble minerals ( com­ position of which is shown in Table II) per day more than did those receiving soft ·water. Yet there is bnt slight effect upon the component parts of the ash of milk. Different investignters have experimented with differen minerals and their effect on the milk when fed to cmrs: J. Neuman* reports that he fed calcium phosphate to three cows first during a period of less than hvo weeks without any re­ sults. Tben he £eel one hundred grams of calcium phosphate 1..1aily in the regular ration to each covi'

ln considering the above reported variation in the calcium I phosphate, one should keep in mind that the single minerals were fed in excess. Different results might have L�en ob­ tained lrnd the same amount of cnleium phosphate been fed in connection with a mixture of excP�sive amounts of other 1uine-

*Mill'h. Ztg . No. 43, p. 701. YPar 1893. AbR. E. S. R. Vol . 5, p. 639 . t Landw. Jahrb. d. Scbweiz. 1891 . p. 7o. :\ bs. E. S. R. Vol. 3, p. 7H. § Landw. Jahrb. Schweiz. 7, ( 1903) pp. 210-229. 23f rals. The mixture of minerals may cause chemical changes, cleavages and synthetje producis that wou1d affect the milk differently than if only a single mineral was increased. 0. Schulte & Bauminghaus* studied the influence and disposition of some mineral substances fed to milch cows. A study was made of the effect of feeding , soclium chloride, iron acetate and calcium phosphate. None of these substances affected apparently the yield of milk or its fat content. Neither was the total ash appreciably affected. Calcium hydroxide and calcium phosphate increased slightly the percentage of calcium in the ash. There was no increase in the phosphoric acid or iron due to the feeding of these sub- stances. 0. J ensent :fed laci ate of iron, calcium sulphate, di-sodium phosphate. di-calcium phosphate, di-magnesium phosphate, chloride, sodium chloride and potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate was detected in the milk six hours after in­ gestion, but not after eighteen hours. The other remaining substances did not affect. the yield and c.:.mposition of milk, only the coagulability 0£ the milk with rennet. · G. Von vVendtt added various salts to the rations of milch cows and studied their effect upJn the chemical composition of the milk. Some of the author's conclusions are as follows : Common salt, carbonate of lime, sodium phosphate, mag­ nesium bromide, and calcium glycero-phosphate appeared to have no effect on the composition of the milk. Acid calcium phosphate appears at times to influence favorabJy the fat and to increase the relative amount of original calcium. The per­ centage of albumen does not increase toward the end of the lactation period. Phosphorous, -totalni trogen and casein. are the least variable, while , potassium and albumen are the most variable of the milk constituents. 0. Moi§ experimented with two cows with a view 0£ find­ ing out whether the percentage of iron in the milk could be in,

*Mitt. Landw. Inst . Univ . Breslau No . 2, 1902, No . 1, p. 25 . Abs. E. . R. Vol. 15, p. :m. 'Land w. Zahrb . Sch weiz . 18 (1904) No. 10. p. 4 71. Abst . E. S. R. Vol . 16, p. 1010. iSkand . Arch. Pbysiol . 21 (1908). No. 2-3. pp. 89-lfi, Mitt. Landw. Inst. Leipzig, 1908 . No. 9,-. 127 . Abst. E. S. R. 20, pp. 1177. §Ztschr. Uttersuch . Nahr . u. Genussmtl ., 19 (1910) No . 1. p. 21, Abst . E . S. R. 22, p. 678 . 235 creased. The ration given the cow in a large measure ,ms com- posed of a proprietary feed that contained a large percentage of iron. It was claimed that this woulcl raise the perce�tage ( of iron in the milk. This claim ,vas not sustained by the ex­ periment. In these experirne11ts. the constituent parts of he ash which show evidence of varying most in quantity withI the amount taken into the system i1re the sulphates and potassium. Lot I. on soft water on an avernµ:e.yie lded milk which contained 218 parts of sulphate per million parts of milk . The same Jot on alkali water yielcltcl milk containing 21-36parts of sulphates per; million parts of milk. .,. This same thing holds true with the of Lot II. \\ hil they receiv c1 soft w11ter: their milk avenigCOv\"ed S 207 parts of sul­ phates per million parts of mm�. \Vhen receiving alkali ,r nter the sulpliates increased to 250 pnrts per million parts of milk. The incrense in sulphates is fully as rn mk ed ,,·hen Lot I is compared ·with Lot II during the same time. The cows in Lot I receiviD ci rnft ,r nter JieklEC1 milk ccntai11i11g 213 parts of sulphates pu miJlion ; wbile these in Lot II on alkali water s in the alkali ·water occur in combi­ nation with some minernl, chiefly sodium, it appears that there should at the same time Le an increase in these sub­ stances in the milk Rsh. This is not shown in the results . Considering the properties of sodium aml the combinations in which it oc·c.:.urs with the sulphate, the corresponding increase of the sodium could c1 t the most be only approximately one­ fourth as much as that of the sulphates. The mineral that shows an increase d ne to the effect of drinking alkail Trnter is p tassium. Although a less quantity is present in the alkali \Yater it is probable that the potassium 236 compounds can more easily pass through the various processes of absorption and assimilation into the milk without being eliminated than can any other of the alkali water mineral com­ I) pounds. In this connection one should keep in mind that potassium ranks second highest in quantity in the m1lk ash. The phosphate is the only one exceeding it in quantity. TABLE V . Comparison of the Average Amounts of Milk and Ash Constituents from the Same L, of Cows Drinking Different Kinds of Water During the Three Successive 24 Day Periods, Pounds. -- - ·-

Pounds of Milk ....;onstituents Produced in 24 days. Pounds of Ash Constituents Produced in 24 days ...... a I I :... :... I di a (/) 0 ·w :... � :::, c ,:; 0 I O lfl'O . 2 ·w b I I c,j� A Cl) 0 0 bl) .cl lfl . fla 'O ;... C) cc I d :::, -"' c;i::, ;a0 (ll c j lfl Q�a.> .... .µ -Cl) • . µ !'.),.µ 0. �7,1 00 !'.),·;,;_, ...J �� C) .µ ulfl � .:Ia_ "'1 u .... I c,j �� I ...... ;... a O · c,j I . . :s ;:;a.> lfl I E �� �� i:::_ µ:, c;j I :::, .Cl .Cl .Cl �� I rn .Cl A I �- --- rn o. I 20 I I College well "°'[)ec. H 497 .5 lbs 430.69 20.25 17 .56 13.73 3 .83 25 .13 3.86 0.387 0.104 1.583 0.648 0.056 0.206 0.729 !);1( '('. 18 l Soft .Tan ..n 457.3 lbs 394.88 19.07 16 .87 13 .49 3.38 !:3.91 3.57 0.347 0.097 1.485 0.590 0.05% 0.233 0.663 · 1 .1 n. 15 1 A llrnll L�cl). 8 430.5 lbs 371 .09 18.94 15 .67 12.22 3.44 21.53 3.29 0.333 0.102 I 1.353 0.532 0.050 0.195 0.630

�ov.j)('('. 20 I College Well Occ. 14 411.1 11.Js 356 .96 16.36 14.43 11.35 3.08 20.23 3 .13 0.351 o.o9o 1.276 0.494 0.050 0.170 , 0.58' .[;111 . 18 TT I Alkali .Jnn.l�eb. 11 390 .3 lbs 338.43 15 .89 13 .97 10 .73 3 .24 19.09 2.93 , 0 . 33710.0 98 1.098 0.466 0.044 0.211 0.556 I 15 I Soft 8 324 .6 lbs 280.29 13.86 12.24 9.80 2 .44 15.78 2.44 0.304 0.067 0.936 0.402 0.043 0.180 0.445 c� ·-� ..... -· re:...;.::

TA BLE Vt Pounds of Water and Minerals Consumed in the Water During the 24 Day Periods by Each Lot of Cows.

Lbs. of Mineral constituents consumed in water in 24 days ,!:1 fs -� g � § E � <� : � 8 �- � � .::

1 N> Prclim. Co liege well I 5616 2.772 o.036 I 0.257 1.714 0 .163 0. 008 0.1"1 .20 61 0 .137 0 .013 w II ° 00 1st Exp. Alknli I 4816 34. 292 I 1 ·99 I " 72 3.219 0.064 0.034 2.0601 O.S07 ! 7.598 0.137 I 2nd Exp Soft I 4921 ...... \ \ TABLE VII Comparison of the Average Amount of Milk and Ash Constituents from the Two Lots of Cows Dr.inking Different Kinds of Water at the Same Time During the Three Succesive 24 Day Periods.

I Total Pounds of Milk Constituents Produced Pounds of MilK-ash Constituents produced in 24 davs K.ind of Period Lot \\",i1er .\rntot l'ro­ cas­ .\ llrn- --'hlor- :sn..J l'bos- <..!al- "' :L� • fled- Potas- \ \[ilk Water I,'at tein <'in men ,ugar .\ sb ine phn1cs •1hates cium nesin111 ium sium l'n:liminary I I I Nov 20. 1 Col. well 497 .5 430 .69 20 .25 17.56 13 . 73 3.83 3.86 0.387 0.104 1.583 0.648 I o.056 0.206 I 0.729 Dec. 14 [I ('ol. well 411.1 356 .96 16 .36 H.43 11.35 3.03 �-"w.� 3.13 0.351 O .Ol!O 1.276 0.494 0.050 0.170 0.583 1st Exper �-� 1 DCC'. ]8 I �oft 457 .3 394 .88 19.07 16.87 � 13 .49 3.33 �.00 3.57 0.347 0.097 1.485 0.590 0.052 0.233 0.633 .T:tll. 11 [l Allrnli 390 .3 338.43 15.89 13 .97 10.73 3.24 2.93 0.337 0.0:)8 1.098 0.466 0.0·1'1 0.211 0.556 2nrl Ex])L'l' 1 F�b. 8 ] A!lrnli 430.5 371.09 18.94 15.67 12.22 3.44 fil .� 3.29 0.333 0.102 1.353 0.532 0.050 .0.195 0.630 N> .Tan. 15 lI Sr1ft 324.6 28�.29 13.86 12.24 9 .80 2.44 IB .n 2.44 0.304 0.067 0.936 0.013 0.180 I 0.445 0.402 �cs:, 240 COAGULABILITY OF MILK WITH RENNET At the same time that the composite samples of milk were iobtained for chemical analysis. larger samples were taken from .each cow's milk for the purpose oE te ting the effect of alkali water on the coagulability of the milk. These samples were taken and rennet tests 1rn:ide at once after milking. Th.e l\Iarschall rennet te t \"\-as used. The same kind of rennet ,rns used throughont for the various tests. Otherwise rennets having different strengths might have caused an error in the res�lts for comparison. Efforts were made to use the same amount of rennet for ea<:h test, thus having the difference show only in the time or nnmber of spaces on the test required for coagulation. On account of th@ limited num­ ber of spaces on the test, it was found necessary to Vary the amount of rennet used. TABLE VIII Effect of Rennet Test of Milk From Cows Drinking Soft and Alkali \V ater.

Preliminary Period Experimental Period Experiment:il Period Nov. 20 to Dec. 14 nee. 18 to .T nn. 11. .J:in. 15 to Feb. 8 I ...... 1 b I . b .... I � 0 .... 0 1) ". ..., !:>l) J:l bl) 00 � I �� ...... l:,l) "1� t Q) Q)c::J Q) Ul c::J o:l <.).Q) ""'o ... �It �� .!:: " 0 Q) Q) Q) 0 Q) Q) 88� ...... i:: " ... � � $ § §'g --i �8Q) §'g--i o:j -' r/1 •;.....> . •,-j OJ -'1'-. D " °' o r;,j 8..µ =:, Q)C)h - - zu / � o �p " �2� I t""Bo :i...--1:::: ::::o- � 0.,-j:'.::: O � w ...... O.,�;:: - --1- 0 - - Ccllrg<' 1 I 47-8 ,LOO mi_n .16 ...... 2 33-8 2.90 min -.16 2 3 1-8 2.75 min .16 Lot 1 4 1-2 1 . 5.10 mm .17 ..... 2 4 3.65 min , .17 A lka- 2 4 3-8 3.75 min .]7' ll o I 2 3 W <' 1 41-4 4.65 min .15 rn 10 3 7-8 JL25 min .16 I, 2 4 1-8 3.50 min .15 4 Cclle ·e 5 6 3-8 6.85 min .]4 10 5 1-4 4.90 min .14 ...... 10 3 3-8 3.65 min .14 Lot 5 "' 5 I 2 1 4 I 2.35 min .13 .-\ll rn 2 2 1-2 2.25 min .13 ..... 10 11-2 J.35 min .12 l Ii 0 rr 6 We l 1 3 1 � 3.40 min .17 2 3 2.60 min .16 rn 2 3 2.75 min .16 N) I "'"" t-" 242

From the table above it will be seen that there is consider­ able difference in the coagulabi1ity of the milk from the differed cows. This difference cloes not seem to vary with the kind of , water drunk and the amount of minerals taken into the body, but rather according to the individuality of the cow and ad­ vance in gestation period. As formetly stated the cows in Lot I were barren or not in calf, while the three cows in Lot II were about five months along in the gestation period at the time of the seconcl experi­ mental period. This fact may have a bearing on the greater quantity of rennet needed for coagulating a given amount of milk. It seems probable that some of the calcium is utilized by the de­ veloping foetus, which otherwise should go to the milk. This appears to bear out the theory that the blood in the individual cow is capable of assimilating only so much of the necessary minerals. Certainly there was more than enough calcium present in the water and feed to satisfy the demand of the foetus and milk both, if the circulatory system could have ab­ sorbed and assimilated it. The milk from cows Number four anJ five in Lot II con­ tained considerably the least calcium, as may be seen from Table III, and it was this milk which required the most rennet · for coagulation and which had th softest coagulurn. It ap­ pears to be quite evident, that the more calcium in the milk, the less rennet is necessary for coagulation and the firmer the curd. The less calcium in the milk the more rennet was necessary and the softer was the coagulum. In fact, after a certain point an increase in the rennet did not hasten the co­ agulation of the milk in proportion to the increase of the ren­ net. It seems, as though only so much rennet is necessary, and when tl is necessary amount has been added, 1:tn increase of · rennet over this amount hastens the coagulation of the milk but little. From the above results it appears that a cow well advanced in the gestation period is likely to yield milk low in calcium and therefore less coagulable. If a cow is already receiving a normal ration containing normal quantities of the various 'minerals, especially calcium phosphate, an addition of excessive amounts of minerals, such 243 as is co ntained in alkali water does not affect the coagulability of milk when rennet is added. In this connection it is also interesting to note that the acidity of the milk from these two cows is lower than that of the others. The acidity of the milks was determined at once after milking, so the acid reaction cannot be due to any de­ veloped acid in the milk, but evidently is · due principally to the acid calcium phosphate, partially if not wholly combined with the casein. The less aciJity therefore corroborates the less calcium found by analysis.

EFFECT OF ALKALI WATER ON BUTTER Bt1tter was manufactured. from the milk of each of the two lots of cows, first when the cows were on normal ration and drinking the normal well water. This was done with a view of getting a rating on the quality produced before the cows in the two lots were changed to soft and alkali water respectively. Likewise butter was made from the milk of the cows in each of the two lots, while drinking alkali and soft water. The butter was judged by J. C. Joslin, Federal Dairy Ex­ pert, stationed in the Chicago butter market, and by C. Larsen. The tubs of butter were numbered and their source was un­ known to the judges. C. Larsen scored the butter when fresh, and J. C. Jqslin when it was about a week old . The shipping of the butter from Brookings to Chicago delayed the scoring about one week. The average results are shown in the following table : TABLE IX. Butter from Cows Drinking Alkali Water vs. Butter from Cows Drinking Soft Water. - Test No. of Water '' C. Larsen I Score by Average of I , ":::,co · b \ Acidity No �tcows 1 Drank Y J. C. Joslin both scores � I _s ( 'cllege Well 92 92 92 • 1. C�ege Well 921-1 93 92 '.'.0 :-;oft 9 I 93 I -93-, --I 1--:S ..\ lkali _ 93_ __1 92- --/ 921 J .8 Soft ----92 92 92 ;; .e Alkn.U 91 I 92 I 91i 2 .0 The butters from the two lots of cows were made under like conditions through the various processes of manufacture. From the results shown in the table there is very little dif­ ference in the quality of the b�tter made from the milk pro- 244 duced by the cows receiving alkali and soft water. , This wn& rather to be expected, inasmnch as alkali water had been found not to affect the quality of the milk. Inasmuch as the quality of the butter corroborates what has already been found m re­ spect to the effect of alkali water on the quality of the milk it was deemed unnecessary to repeat this experiment more than three times. WASHING BUTTER IN ALKALI WATER A certain amount of cream was put in a vat and thoroughly mixed. This cream was prepared for churning in the usual way. r1ie details of manufacture shall not be given here, cl they are alike for each experiment and therefore do not affect compiuisons, This crenm was divided into two equal lots and dnuned separately. The butter from one lot, or oirn half of the cream, was washec1 in water from . the college we11. or in freshly cooled conclensed steam, as indicated in the taLle. The butter from the other half ,m s ,yashecl in alkali water from the various alkali wells, which is also indicated in table X. 'rhenlkali ,rn ter used for washing the butter bad a distinct sharp and slightly saline taste, but otherwise it had no real of­ fensive smell and taste. The washing of the butter was done in th� usual way 'by first rinsing the butter and draining· it. Then it was thoroughly washed in the particular kind of water. Equal amounts of water and ,,·ashing ,w re used in "·ashing the butters to be compared. In two experiments the butter was not salted. The unsalted butter really rrfforc1ed the best opportunity for finding the effect of alkali l'i·ater on the quality of the butter. This is also the only butter in ,Y hich the alkali water flarnr could at all be detected. It will be noticed that after the first ,rnek the butter washeLl in alkali water scored a trifle lmrer than did the butter washed in the. regular well water and con­ densed steam. The average difference at the end of the first week in favor of the butter not washed in alkali water is one point. This c1ifference is hmrnver small, but inasmuch as it was continuously noticed, the differen<.:e must be due to the alkali water, and cannot be considered within the limit of error usually allowed in judging butter. In the salted butter neithe the local or the Chicago judge could find any difference in th· qua1i ty -clue to the alkali water. 'rAIJLE X. Effect of Washing Butter with Alkali Water

- .-. ------�CO iE -�NU -�C�Dl' l - I l'Y OF DOT'l'El l WHEN .\ .\"".� LYSIS OF BUT'.rEil l•'1·esl1 [ 2 w0c�s 4 \V('0k�. 1 6 wcC'ks Constituents of .A sh per rni.llicn 11::it·ts b111 t,·1·

;., "-< 0 1 0 ;., ..!::� � t •e- -...- 0 -� k · c., +' C) +' t · 6 +' n 6 -j,0 . rg3�

J The question has often been raisecl : Do certain mineral� ·contained in the wash-water go into chemical combination wi h lactic acid an(l probably other decomposition product a ready in the butter ,d1en made, or developed- in the butter on standing: and there Ly produce unclesiraule effects on the ·(p1ality and keeping property of the butter. Tbeoreticaily, the soluule lirn or cakium carbonate, lime or calcium sulphate may possibly under favorable condition unite with lactic acid to form their salts and thereby produce a sourish :fla\ or in the butter. From a practic:al standpoint this theory was not found to be of any importance. It is pos- ible that if the lacti acid is not properly washed out of the b 1tter that the abon� mentioned prinC'iple ,voukl affect the ·quality of the butter. The alkali water u eel in these experinrnnts contained very little iron and magnesium. Iron and magnesium are known to ,c::rn 1 hine with lactic ncicl to form the respective lada{es, and en.ch substance imparts a bitter flayor to butter. If butter -i thoroughly ,rn shed while in granulated condition, the acid ·O t butter is reclucecl to its minimum, and if the wash water does not contA.in abnormally large amounts of these minerals, as 1-1 ·ually it does not, a11cl if the butter is kept in cold storage at Jow temperature, whicb reduces chemical changes , there should not lJe enough changes deleterious to 1Jutter due to the soluble mine rnlsin the alknli wash-water .

The great dangPr to butter from 1Y ash-,vater comes not so much from jnorganic impurities as it cloes from organic ubstances and the presence of unc1esira le organisms . 'Ih former under fa,-ornule conditions may undergo chemical chm1ges; but the latter (organic matter) jn the presence of rncteria uncl ergocs both fermentative and chemical changes de­ leterious to butter. Such putricl water may affect the smell , ta-- te and even the healthfu lness 0£ dairy products. Ferments associated with organic impurities in wash-water are known to belong to the groups of bacteria that decompose constituent , ,e ·pecially the proteids of butter. At the same time tlwt the butter ,rn shecl in the differen kinds 0£ wash-,Yater 1Yas judged at Brookings, the aciclity wa lso determined. 'l'he aciclities were determined as a clwc:k on he j nuges to cletermi 110 the com para ti \'e keeping properties of 247 butter washed in alkali ,rnter, versus that washed in other kind­ of water. The acid tests corroborated the results of the judge �­ that alkali water 1£ otherwise pure and free from organic.; mat­ ter does not materially affect the <-1t1ality of salted. butter. rr i · alkali water flavor of unsalted butter washed in alkali vrn te!" <:an be rerngnized and slightly lm-rnrs the quality of the butter-

BACTERIA IN BUTTER AND IN WA'S H-WATER Quantitative bacterial analyses were made of the different kinds of water used for washiog butter, and also of the butter when fresh, one montb, and three months old. Qualitative: analyses of bacteria in the "·ater were made to the extent in­ (1icatecl in table 11. The samples of water and butter reported in table XI are the same as those reported in previous table, No. X. In rea,lity this table should be a part of table X, bnt is sepnratecl for the sake of conYenience. TABLE XI.- Part I. �Showing. Number of Bac ia in Alkal�ater ���-==- ====- _ �

R.\CTlm L'J)C'l'. I::\" WASH-\\'A'l'ETI. :'\umber cubic centimeter ��.S te0 n .:::: A u .:..:: c1 � -� tr. :g ,;::; �i� ?c: r:;; rn'0 --25�-- � ;,:;;::::c,o;:- o � � ·········· ...... (: ...... -,:: :::--, �re City I . Uk. I Ko. 9 I C'ncl('llS'cl I Steam 268 160 400 I 828 none none .-\ .lk. I ;\'o. 13 11000 200 10000 ! 21200 none none� �-�n('ge ·I 400 WO 1200 slight lsligbt ...\.lie I I I No. 10 1'2000 200 I 31000 4.3200 w'd'r'te great �:�ncge urn I 250 I 1690 sl··········ight Sl·····igh···t .J. .Uk. I '�o. 14 I I I College I \\·ell 450 450 none lsligh t .\.lk, � ·o. 12 I1 2200000 l:2200000 m'd'r'te jvI •y gr'1 t b I ColJ('o·e I \l' >Il 48000 I 4 000 none slight 6 .\.lk. ! Xo. 13 0 372000 none f 1372000 1 sligb f Colkge I ell 0 I 5 000 5 000 none light .\.ii,, I :-;"o. 13 I > I 370000 I 370000 none I slight < \l'Cll I .\ lknli ······••>, 153 80 I 1 182 I 1 361 ...... i ..,,,,, .., 4600 200 I 5!16600 I 601280 ..;:... ��

TABLE Xl. Part IL Showing Number of Bacteria in Alkali Water ·and Butter BACTERIA DJ DUT'J'EH �umber per grnm of l>uLter \Yhrn Fresh \Vllrn 1 . monlh old \Yllcu 1.lircc monll1s old �::,� ...., ...., ::, .:i +-> � 3 r.j:::; �...., �2�.:I rJJ ·s .s CJ "O 'O@ Cl) 'O 'O Cl) .�8 ;::tJJ !Cl :3 :::; 'O·u Cl) • .-.a;J ,.-. �� '-1 � '-1 0 8 (;�r:j __""1 ,..... 8 r City ....• . -.•---: ...... • I ...... I ...... I ...... Alk. No. 9 ······· ···· ··· ··· ...... I ... • ... I ...... I I I I C'nd'n"l1 I I Steam 3LOOOOO 600000 3700000 none noue 100000 1:300000 2100000 I 3GOOOOO I 1200000 9GOOOO 2260000 Alk. o I No. 13 2900000 700000 :JGOOOOO nonc 11011(' 100000 I :�200000 I :i:100000 I 1250000 50000 1110000 3530000 I ·1 College I I 401000G o e I well 3010000 1000000 n n none 600000 400000 I 1100000 - I 5100000 3000000 30000 �O'.lOOOO t� Alk. / >l'>- No. 10 :JOOOOOO 1030000 ,JQ:10001 sl igll t none J 200000 l.00000 :200000 J 500000 I :JOOOOOO 20000 90000 3110000. 00 I I I I I College I I well 4800000 12000 4812000 v. sl. none ]010000 0 I 30000 10 IOOOO 160000 0 40000 200000 4 Alic · I I No. 14 4700000 ]62000 ,1s62000 m o·r·1v none 1020000 I O I :JOOOO I 1D50000 Ii 28000 0 2000 30000 College ! well 3250000 :JOOOOO 3550001 sl igli l none 7 LOOOO O 20000 730000 200000 30000 190000 393000 Alk. I No. 12 3100000 290000 :J:J!'JOOOC sligli t none 700000 0 10000 710000 10000 0 12000 j I College I . I WC'][ 260000 2000 2G200' slight I 1g·!1 l i ...... · ···· · · Alk. ( ...... I . . I ... II ... -Xo. 1:l :)00000 10000 :JlOOOOsl igll t sl ig:11 I ' .. . l II ...... I l �ilitJ[)'tl Cl1i<::1.;·o I I I 0 I .. I C'ol lr. ·p ...... I ...... I ...... I I 1�rJL ..., 7000000 :300000 7::0000(1 s] igllt llOJl(' . . . . . I .\.lie , l I I �o. 13 [1200000 500000 11'100000 ,-;Jigii( llCl]l(' ...... II ...... I ...... I I ...... I ... I I :;�:;�[(��I: : : : : : : : I I I I I � I \Vel( :15701100 :160000 GO:iOIJO tJ25000 1G:l7fi00 I 21iG7500 I 810000 I :11 GOOO I 295000 I 470iGO � .\. Jim Ii ,1200000 tJ ISGG7 !):iGOOO GOOOO I_ kGOOOQ___ I 1 :-:65QQQ__ I 1072GO_Q l___:1_2G00 I :JOROOO llli0500 249 It will be noticed that moulc1s and diromogenic or color producing b:1 ·teria are numerous in the water used in the first e.·periments. It is possible that the timo of year may hase some bearing on this. It was during the fall before a hard frost that these experiments were conducted. and the \Yell had not been o thoroughly pumped out previous to this time. Later the ground surface became frozen aml coyered with snov,, ·wbich prenmted surface seepage ,rnter from entering the well. Tl e well ,,as nearly pum ped dry eac:h time that the ten cans 1rere filled. This appears to be the only expbnation of the change in the bacterial flora of the 1rn sh-1rnter during tlrn different seasons. 'f he number of germs in the college 1,e]] water al o varied consi 1erably. This is as expected. This lrater is pump d from the well into a large tank, and from there it passe through a system of pipes to the creamery. The average total 1111mber 0£ germs fourn1 in the colk'-' e 1,·ell li·oter is 21,G�G per c:. c. and 601.2, 0 per c. c. in the alkali water. The .total average number of germs in the fre h buiter 1rnshecl in the college we11 water is 3.9;3�),000 per �ram. 'l 'be bntter ,rnshod in the alkali water contained 4,6JS.OOO per grnm of fresh butter. From the table it will be notic:e<1 tlrnt the total numher of bacteria in these butters decrease ,, it h age. ·w hen one month old the germ content in the bti.tter ,rnshed in alkali \Yater

EFFECT OF ALKALI WATER ON CHEESE The milk from the three cows in Lot II ·was not used in de­ termining the effect, if any, alkali ·water might have on the milk for cheese making. These cows ga\-e so small a quantity of milk that too long a time was necessary for obtaining the re­ quired amount to make cheese. Secondly they were so nefu freshening time that it Yrn s deem eel inadvisable to compare thl' milk of these cows with that �f Lot I. Especially consideri ng th difference that was found to exist in the coagulability of the milk, from this particular lot of cmYs. The three cows in Lot I, not in calf, ·were fed the alkali water from well No. continuously after the milk and butter data preYiously reportedrn had been obtained . Cheese was made from the mi]k yielded by this lot and com­ pared with the cheese from an equal amount of milk of the re­ mainder of the herd, drinking the normal ·w ater from well No. 1. .'TABLE XII. I Showing Comparative Scores and Analyes of Cheese Made of Milk from Cows Receiving Alkali, Soft and Normal Water.

Rcorc Acidity .\ n:11:p;cs when Frci:;b :1.11alysci:; wbcn 1 month old @ � Nitrogen as Nitr,.g-cn as 0 "O0 "O .µ 0 "O0 'v0 � <:.) :S (!) rfJ ArfJ. .9 '° !;::: P, 2, �:o·c3 a>:C"C) (!) (!) ..q ..q ..Cl B ..--lor--, """' .c A '"' ,-.....! I .S.t� a.> £6 A a.> A .� �b ...... (!) Cl) s:: � .S .b �Ebs:: S,36


1. Cows receiving alkali water did not produce milk con­ taining a greater per cent nor a greater amount of total minerals than did cows receiving soft water, although each cow receiving alkali water consumed about 0.5 of a pound more of soluble minerals per day than did those fed on soft water. 2. The milk ash from cows receiving the alkali water may vary in its percentage composition without affecting the total per cent of ash. In these experiments the sulphate and potas­ sium were the two chief ash constituents that showed an in­ crease by feeding alkali water. Considering the large amount of sulphates consumed this increase is however small, and so . far as the investigators were able to ascetain, this variation in per cent of ash constituents was not sufficiently great to affect in any way the various normal properties of the milk and its products (butter and cheese). 3. The coagulability of milk with rennet was not affected by feeding alkali water to the cows. On the other hand the variation jn the coagulability of the milk appears to bear a relation to the per cent of calcium in the milk and individuality of the cow. The milk low in calcium required the most rennet for curdling and produced the softest coagulum ; and this milk was produced by cows well advanced in the gestation period. 4. Alkali water, free from decayed organic matter and foreign odors, when fed to cows did not taint the milk, even though the water had a distinctly sharp and slightly saline taste. Neither did the butter made from this milk differ in quality from that made of milk produced by cows recei�ing normal and soft water. · Some of the alkali water examined was foul and stale and gave evidence of containing decayed organic matter. Such water is dangerou1 to use for dairy cows, for cleaning dairy utensils, and in connection with the manufacture of dairy products. 5. Butter washed in alkali water and containing a normal percentage of salt, was not found to differ materially in quality from _that washed in normal water and condensed steam. 254 The unsalted butter washed in alkali water was scored about one point lower in quality than was the butter washed in normal wash-water . .Although the -alkali wash-water contained a large number of non-acid producing germs, these were almost entirely 1rnp­ planted by a still larger number of acid producing germs in the butter shortly after its manufacture. 6. The cheese, made from the milk produced by the cows fed alkali water, was normal, both through the various stages of manufacture and during the curing time. By the senses of taste, smell and sight no qualities were found different from those of cheese . made of milk from cows receiving normal water. From the analysis, the brine soluble protein is low, and the insoluble protein is high, in freshly made cheese from the milk produced by the cows receiving alkali water. These differ-­ ences however are much diminished after the cheese had been cured one month .