LEFT EQUALIZER SIMPLE SEMIGROUPS 1 ATTILA NAGY Department of Algebra, Mathematical Institute Budapest University of Technology and Economics 1521 Budapest, PO Box 91 e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract In this paper we characterize and construct semigroups whose right regular representation is a left cancellative semigroup. These semigroups will be called left equalizer simple semigroups. For a congruence ̺ on a semigroup S, let F[̺] denote the ideal of the semigroup algebra F[S] which determines the kernel of the extended homomorphism of F[S] onto F[S/̺] induced by the canonical homomorphism of S onto S/̺. We examine the right colons (F[̺] :r F[S]) = {a ∈ F[S] : F[S]a ⊆ F[̺]} in general, and in that special case when ̺ has the property that the factor semigroup S/̺ is left equalizer simple. 1 Introduction and motivation Let S be a semigroup. For an arbitrary element a of S, let ̺a denote the transformation of S defined by ̺a : s 7→ sa (s ∈ S). It is well known that θS = {(a,b) ∈ S × S : (∀x ∈ S) xa = xb} is a congruence on S; this congruence is the kernel of the homomorphism ϕ : a 7→ ̺a of S into the semigroup of all right translations of S. The homomorphism ϕ is called the right regular representation of S; this is faithful if and only if S is a left reductive semigroup (that is, whenever xa = xb for some a,b ∈ S and for all x ∈ S then a = b). For convenience (as in [3] or [4]), the semigroup ϕ(S) is also called the right regular representation of S.