Open Journal of Mathematics and Physics | Volume 2, Article 117, 2020 | ISSN: 2674-5747 | published: 28 Jun 2020 | EN [microreview] Diamond Open Access A finite cancellative semigroup is a group Open Mathematics Collaboration∗† August 4, 2020 Abstract We prove the proposition addressed in the title of this paper. keywords: finite cancellative semigroup, group theory, abstract algebra The most updated version of this paper is available at Notation & Definition 1. [1,2] 2. finite semigroup (finite set + binary operation + associative) S = 3. x, y, z zx zy x y left-cancellative 4. ∀x, y, z ∈ S ∶ (xz = yz) → (x = y) right-cancellative 5. ∀ lef∈t-Sca∶n(cella=tive) → ( =rig)ht-cancellative cancellative ∗(A(llSau=thors with their affiliatio)n∧s (aSppe=ar at the end of this pape)r.) → (S = ) †Corresponding author:
[email protected] | Join the Open Mathematics Collaboration 1 Proposition 6. A finite cancellative semigroup is a group. [1] Proof 1 7. Proposition: All finite semigroups are periodic, i.e., all elements of a finite semigroup are periodic. 8. From (2) and (7), is periodic. 9. Let x arbitraryS. 10. Since x∈ kS xℓ for k ℓ, then xℓ k 1 , so has identity. − n S 11. Let y S=arbitrary,<then y 1S f=or someSn N 1, 2, 3, ... n n 1 n 1 12. y y∈ y yy 1S = ∈ = { } − − 13. So,=yn 1 is =an inver=se (left and right). − 14. Therefore, is a group. S Proof 2 15.