REG. NO. 150721017




MEDAN 2018

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION










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Date : January 5th, 2018


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Signed :

Date : January 5th, 2018


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK

Skripsi ini berjudul “Forbidden Love Found in Erich Segal’s Novel Love Story and Hamka’s Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck: A Comparative Literature Analysis”. Didalam skripsi ini, penulis menganalisa tentang cinta terlarang di dua negara yang berbeda; Amerika dan Indonesia yang digambarkan di dalam dua novel Love Story oleh Erich Segal dan Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck oleh Hamka. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis cinta terlarang yang digambarkan dalam dua novel dan untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan cinta terlarang dalam dua novel tersebut. Skipsi ini menggunakan teori sastra bandingan untuk melihat cinta terlarang pada dua negara yang berbeda dalam dua novel dari negara yang berbeda pula. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menggunakan kutipan dari dua novel tersebut sebagai datanya. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis menemukan jenis cinta terlarang yang digambarkan dalam novel Love Story adalah cinta terlarang oleh orang tua dan cinta terlarang oleh perbedaan agama, dan di novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck adalah cinta terlarang oleh orang tua dan cinta terlarang oleh masyarakat dan budaya.

Kata Kunci : Sastra Bandingan, Cinta Terlarang, Persamaan Dan Perbedaan


Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT

This thesis is entitled “Forbidden Love Found in Erich Segal’s Novel Love Story and Hamka’s Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck: A Comparative Literature Analysis”. In this thesis, the writer analyzed about the forbidden love in different countries; America and Indonesia which portrayed in the two novels Love Story by Erich Segal and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka. The purposes of this thesis are to find out the nature of forbidden love portrayed in the two novels and to find out the similarities and differences of forbidden love in the two novels. This thesis used theory of Comparative Literature to see the forbidden love in two different countries in the two novels. The writer used qualitative method that the data is from quotation in the two novels. In this thesis, the writer found the nature of forbidden love that portrayed in the novels Love Story are forbidden love by parents and forbidden love by different religion. And in the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck are forbidden love by parents and forbidden love by society and culture.

Keywords: Comparative Literature, Forbidden Love, Similarities and differences.


Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGMENT


First of all, the writer would like to give the huge gratitude to Allah

Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for blessings and bequest in the whole life, especially during the process of analyzing and finishing this thesis. Keep on trying and do not give up yet then Allah will let the way.

The writer grateful to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S. The gratitude is also expressed to the Head of English Department, Dr. Deliana, M.Hum and the Secretary of

English Department Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A, Ph.D. The writer really proud from the bottom of the heart to be a student of this department.

The writer would like to express the biggest gratitude to Dr. Martha

Pardede, M.S as supervisor and Riko Andika Rahmad Pohan, S.S., M.Hum as co – supervisor. The writer so thankful for helps, countless guidance, easiness, and contribution to this thesis.

The writer so blessed to address the countless grateful to her lovely family as they believe she to be anything and do the best to finish this thesis. They are the motivation and source of strength to finish this thesis immediately, especially the writer’s father, Suparno who teaches her how to be strong and stand in own feet.

For the writer’s mother, Misriati thanks for all of the patients, supports, prays, and advices. Thanks for always besides her thru ups and downs. And then big thanks for her lovely young sisters, Naisha Yunita and Suci Nurlita, thanks for all of smile, laughs and spirit that always given to her.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The writer would like to give huge thankful to her bestfriend, Wardhah

Munawwarah. Thanks for kindness, supports, critics and also advices which is given to the writer. And then the writer would like to address big thanks to

Wardhah’s family, Alm. Mrs. Nurizmah Adnan, Mr. Hairul Hidayat, Ahmad

Rasyidi, Ahmad Farhan, and Rizky Azzahra. Thanks for taking the writer as family.

The writer would like say big thanks to all her best fellows she ever had, who always catch whenever she falls and reminds who the real she is, Bella

Gayatri, Shella Burviana, Alfi Navais, Nanda Yustika, Lara Yoriza,

Nurhalimatussa’diah, and Tuti Handayani . She do not know what she have been done that she is deserved them as her best friends. They always be there when she need them and the uncountable understanding of them. And the last but not least, thanks to all of 2015 Extension Class classmates who gave contribution in supporting the writer to complete the study and her thesis.

Finally, may this thesis be advantageous for the readers. May the grace and love of the Almighty Allah SWT be with us all forever. Aamiin

Medan, January 05th 2018

Shella Novianti Reg. No. 150721017


Universitas Sumatera Utara




ABSTRAK ...... vii

ABSTRACT ...... viii




1.1. Background of The Study ...... 1

1.2. Problem of The Study ...... 8

1.3. Objective of The Study ...... 8

1.4. Scope of The Study ...... 8

1.5. Significance of The Study ...... 9


2.1. Theory of Literature ...... 10

2.2. A Brief Description of Comparative Literature ...... 11

2.3. A Brief Description of Forbidden Love ...... 14

2.4. Relevant Study ...... 21


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE ANALYSIS ...... 25

3.1. Research Design ...... 25

3.2. Data and Data Source ...... 26

3.3. Data Collection ...... 26

3.4. Data Analysis ...... 27


4.1 The Natures of Forbidden Love ...... 29

4.1.1 Forbidden Love in Erich Segal’s Novel Love Story ...... 29

4.1.2 Forbidden Love In Hamka’s Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck ...... 36

4.2 The Similarities and Differences of the Two Novels ...... 47

4.2.1 Natures of Forbidden Love in the Two Novels ...... 48

4.2.2 Types of Forbidden Love in the Two Novels ...... 49

4.2.3 The Similarities and Differences of Forbidden Love in The Two Novels ...... 50

4.2.4 Elements in The Two Novels: ...... 54


5.1 Conclusion...... 57

5.2 Suggestion ...... 59

REFERENCES ...... 60



Universitas Sumatera Utara



1.1. Background of The Study

The relationships between two people who love each other do not always run smoothly without obstacles. Many problems coming take turns and sometimes can destroy or decide the love that had long maintained. The breakup of love can happen to everyone for different reasons. But the reaction of the breakup is generally same, for examples: someone will feel sad, disappointment, anger, regret, and despair. Although some of them feel happy because of the breakup.

In general, everyone has a desire to establish a deeper relationship with the people they like. Everyone hopes to get a partner who is appropriate to their choice and accept to their family. It is to do in order to create a good social interaction between couple and family. When someone decides to get married, the blessing of parents is needed to make a happy marriage, where the parents are the person who should be respected in the family. Parents blessing is one of the important components in the continuation of a marriage.

Forbidden love happens when a relationship disapproved by parents, friends or society. Ironically, the more rejected the harder of efforts to continue to that love relationship. Establishing a love relationship is do not only between two people but also between the people who are close to you and also the people closest to your partner.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Human tendency to rebellious. It is one of human nature if prohibited even it will increasingly want to live it. Therefore there are still many people who have not or do not obey the law. It's the same with love, the more prohibited, the more felt hooked and challenged to do so. It is called the effects of Romeo and

Juliet. The stories of these two loving couples undergo a secret love affair, but in the end remains tragic ending on the death of both. The nature of rebellion in humans occurs because humans feel their freedom is threatened because of a ban.

Therefore, when a person is opposed or forbidden their love affair with they are beloved, the person will be more difficult to release their lover and want to rebel and feel the need and have the right to "protest" to those who have opposed the relationship of both.

Forbidden love caused by many factors, such as attitudes and natures of the couple do not in accordance with the parents, social status, religion, culture, age, family background, etc. It is the causes parents worry about the unhappiness of their children when building a marriage. The impact of forbidden love can be caused a person to choose to terminate a relationship or to maintain relationships by doing things that can destroy a child's relationship with parents.

Forbidden love is often to be a motif and theme in literary works, such as in dramas, films, poems, and novels. Many novels from Indonesia are taking a theme of forbidden love such as Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck that the writer discussed in this analysis, which tells the story of a couple who have a love relationship but forbidden because of the cultural differences. In addition, from

Western Java, there is a very famous story named Sangkuriang, which tells about incest. A child fell in love with his own mother. Another story from Gorontalo,


Universitas Sumatera Utara there is a story entitled Ikan Duwo, which tells the story of siblings separated from childhood and when they grow up they fell in love and in the end they know that they are brother-sister. In the end they run away and jump into the river and suddenly they turn into fish. There is another story from Padang that is Siti

Nurbaya, which tells of the story of her marriage to someone she did not love because of her parent's have many debts, and with her married, the man paid off her father's debt.

Forbidden love is often happened in Indonesia as well as in abroad. The legendary story from the old until now is the story of Romeo and Juliet. Story of

Romeo and Juliet is a forbidden love’s story that from the old until now is still often discussed by people. Romeo and Juliet are lovers from two mutually hostile families. Although they both love each other, their relationship is disputed by their families. Nevertheless, Romeo and Juliet stayed in secret ties. This story ended tragically when Romeo swallowed poison and Juliet committed suicide, where finally their love was united by death. Supposing their families harmonious and their relationship sanctioned, perhaps the love that had arisen between Romeo and

Juliet would do not have been that great. This can be explained psychologically.

As humans, we want to be an independent person. Free to choose our own choice.

We do not want to be controlled by others. So when the freedom is threatened, we will try to reclaim so we feel as autonomous individuals, free to make choices.

The analysis which learns about how to see, analyzes, and knows the similarities or the influences among the national literary works in Comparative

Analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to see the nature of forbidden love in literature is depicted in two novels from two different countries. The study


Universitas Sumatera Utara analyzed two novels in order to see the similarities or the differences of certain elements in the theme of the novels with the different language and culture. The two novels are Tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck by Haji Abdul Malik Amrullah who is better known as Buya Hamka and Love story by Erich Segal.

Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck (The Sinking of the van der Wijck) is an Indonesian novel by Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah (Hamka; 1908–1981) published in 1938. It follows the failed love between Zainuddin, a mixed-race man, and Hayati, a pure Minang woman. Hamka, an Islamic scholar who disapproved of Minang adat (traditions), wrote Van der Wijck as a critique of the discrimination against mixed-race persons is commonly in Minang society at the time, as well as obey the role of women. Originally released as a serial, Van der

Wijck was republished as a novel after favourable popular reception. Described by the socialist literary critic Bakri Siregar as Hamka's best work, the work came under fire in 1962 because of similarities between it and Jean-Baptiste Alphonse

Karr's Sous les Tilleuls (Under the Limes; 1832).

The novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck tells about a powerful but tragic love story. This novel tells about forbidden love between Zainuddin,

Hayati, and Aziz. With a background of social differences and life struggles, that leads Zainuddin and Hayati's true love to a tragedy on a sailing with Van der

Wijck's ship. Zainuddin and Hayati is separated by indigenous traditions, the

Minangkabau culture, Padang and Bugis Culture, Makassar in questions of wealth and social status to end in death.

Love Story is a 1970 romance novel by American writer Erich Segal. The book's origins lay in a screenplay that Segal wrote, and that was subsequently


Universitas Sumatera Utara approved for production by Paramount Pictures. Paramount requested that Segal adapt the story into novel form as a preview of sorts for the film. The novel was released on February 14, 1970, Valentine's Day. Portions of the story originally appeared in The Ladies' Home Journal. Love Story became the top-selling work of fiction for all of 1970 in the United States and was translated into more than

20 languages. The novel stayed for 41 weeks in The New York Times Best Seller list, reaching the top spot. A sequel, Oliver's Story, was published in 1977. The film (Love Story) was released on December 16, 1970.

Love Story is a novel written by Erich Segal. This novel tells about

Oliver Barrett IV, who comes from a family of wealthy and well-respected

Harvard University graduates. At Radcliffe library, the Harvard student meets and falls in love with Jennifer Cavelleri, a working-class, quick-witted Radcliffe

College student. Upon graduation from college, they decided to marry against the wishes of Oliver's father, who thereupon severs ties with his son. Without his father's financial support, the couple struggles to pay Oliver's way through

Harvard Law School with Jenny working as a private school teacher. With

Oliver's net income, the pair of 24-year-old decides to have a child. After failing, they consult a medical specialist, who after repeated tests, informs Oliver that

Jenny is ill and will soon die. Oliver then tries again. While this is not stated explicitly, she appears to have leukemia.

The interesting case in this analysis is many affinities of both love stories of Americans and Indonesians. The reality of the two novels shows the forbidden love from the different nation and culture. We can look at the title of each novel; it really shows the contents of the story. Such as in Love Story novel, the contents of


Universitas Sumatera Utara the novel tell a love story. In this novel, Oliver is told the story of his love with

Jenny. And in the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck, the title of the novel shows the contents of the novel, Zainuddin and Hayati’s love is drowned with the ship of Van Der Wijck, because Zainuddin who has been so hurt to

Hayati and he did not want to admit his feelings then the feeling was drowned with the ship of Van Der Wijck.

The two novels tell about forbidden love that happens in America and

Indonesia; although it is in the “varied-cups”, but with the “same-cream”. The following statements below are the affinities or similarities of the two novels; both novels tell about forbidden love with same motif and theme. The motifs which show in the two novels there is forbidden love. And then the theme of the two novels is true love and struggle of love. It is said true love because the main character retains their love despite many obstacles that their faces. And then, both novels have the same ending, which is the female of main characters is dead. In the Love Story’s novel causes of the death of Jenny is cancer. In the

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck’s novel is because the ship that brings

Hayati to come back to Padang is drowned.

These two novels do not only have similarities, but also differences.

However, “the same-cream” can be filled with “varied-toping”, also. America and

Indonesia are the different nation, certainly have the different point of view. The following statements below are the diversities or differences of the two novels: In the two novels, there is the differences point of view of love. In the Love Story novel, it shows that; when they love someone then they has to get it and have it anyway, and when they get it they will not let it go. Same as Oliver, when he got


Universitas Sumatera Utara Jenny, he did not care even though he dumped by his family and still choose life with Jenny. But different with Zainuddin in the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der

Wijck’s novel, he decided to let Hayati go with another man even though he still loves Hayati very much.

The purpose of this analysis is divided into two functions that are theoretical function and practical function. Theoretical Function is the analysis aims to make people know more about Comparative Literature, and show that among literary works, which includes the novel that is from the different language and culture can be compared or contrasted, and then to see how the forbidden love in literature is depicted in two novels from two different countries. Practical

Function is expected to provide the analysis of forbidden love. And then to improve the knowledge of society about causes of forbidden love can happen in someone’s life, and also to understand more about the condition and the struggle of forbidden lovers to fight with their heart and brain and also to face their environment. By reading this analysis, the writer wishes the readers understand about forbidden love and also this analysis can be useful to the students that are interested in the field of study.

The reason of the writer chooses the two novels because the two novels have the same motif that is about forbidden love. Then, the two novels are very famous novels. The two novels have adapted the story into novel form as a preview of sorts for the film. Besides that, Love Story becomes the top-selling work of fiction for all of 1970 in the United States.

Comparative Literature theory is applied to compare both novels in the analysis. The motifs in Erich Segal’s Novel Love Story and Hamka’s Novel


Universitas Sumatera Utara Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck belong to American and Indonesian literature (different language family) that become the prerequisite for Comparative

Literature study.

1.2. Problem of The Study

Based on the background, there are some questions to be raised as the problems of this analysis, they are:

1. What is the nature of forbidden love in the two novels Love Story and

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck?

2. What are the similarities and differences of forbidden love portrayed in

the two novels Love Story and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck?

1.3. Objective of The Study

Based on the problems above, thus objectives of study can be served as follows:

1. To find out what is the nature of forbidden love is portrayed in the two

novels; Love Story and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck?

2. To find out what the similarities and differences of love are portrayed

in the two novels; Love Story and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der


1.4. Scope of The Study

In doing this analysis, the writer has to restrict the fields that are going to be analyzed in order to make sure that the analysis still stays on track. It also helps the writer choose which factors can be categorized into a range of the analysis and


Universitas Sumatera Utara which can not. Therefore, this analysis focused on forbidden love as the theme of each novel, finding the nature of forbidden love found in the two novels, and the similarities and differences that found in the novels by comparing both literary works by intrinsic elements that are characters, plot, conflict and setting.

1.5. Significance of The Study

The significance of the analysis is divided into two functions, which are theoretical function and practical function. Theoretical Function is the study aims to make people know more about Comparative Literature, and show that among literary works, which includes the novel, that is from the different language and culture can be compared or contrasted, and then see how the forbidden love in literature is depicted in two novels from two different countries. Practical

Function is expected to provide the analysis of forbidden love. And then to improve the knowledge of society about causes of forbidden love can happen in someone’s life, and also to understand more about the condition and the struggle of forbidden lovers to fight with their heart and brain and also to face their environment. By reading this thesis, the writer wishes the readers understand about forbidden love and also this thesis can be useful to the students that are interested in the field of study.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER II


2.1. Theory of Literature

Theory of Literature written by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren mention two approaches in analyzing literary works; they are intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. The intrinsic approach is also called the textual analysis because this approach analyzes the literary work based on the text and the structural points of the literary work like characters, plot, setting, theme, style, and point of view. On the other hand, the extrinsic approach analyzes are the literary work and its relation to external factors like a biography of the writer, the environment, society, history, psychology, and so on.

In the book Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren

(1985: 4), Wellek quoted “Literature as one of the imaginary works, literature performs various problem of human and humanity and the life”. They propose their literary work based on the experience and observation on the life of society; in other words, literature portrays the life. It can be accepted in which it is commonly known that authors who write the literary work are also part of society and literature as a social institution, a social creation that represents life. They also mention two approaches in analyzing literary works; they are intrinsic approach and extrinsic approach. In the book Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and

Austin Warren (1985: 114) says:

The intrinsic approach is also called the textual analysis, because this approach analyzes the literary work based on the text and the structural points of the literarywork like characters, plot, setting, theme, style, and point of view. On


Universitas Sumatera Utara the other hand, the extrinsic approach analyzes the literary work and its relation with external factors like biography of the writer, the environment, society, history, psychology, and so on.

Peck and Coyle divided literature into three genres or types; they are poetry, drama, and novel. Peck and Coyle (1984: 102) mention, novels do not, however, present a documentary picture of life. Alongside the fact that novels look at people in society, the other major characteristics of the genre are that novels tell a story. In fact, novels tend to tell the same few stories time and time again. Novelists frequently focus on the tensions between individuals and the society in which they live, presenting characters that are at odds with that society.

Novels can be fiction (unreal) or nonfiction (real-story) to people and surroundings. Novels usually tell about experiences and feelings of people which help readers to read about new things that can happen to us in real life as well as different cultures. Novelists help us to picture the worst condition of life and the possibility to overcome them.

In analyzing the similarities and the differences between Tenggelamnya kapal Van Der Wijck and Love Story, the writer used the intrinsic approach as the theoretical approach because the analysis concerned with the similarities and the differences between the two novels based on the text and the structural points of literary work like plot, setting, characters, and conflicts.

2.2. A Brief Description of Comparative Literature

Talking about the similar characteristics of literary works can be related to

Comparative Literature. Comparative literature is the study which concerns with comparing one national literary work and another national literary work, based on 11

Universitas Sumatera Utara certain aspects. Comparative literature has been started in the 18th and the 19th century, with comparing among the literary works.

Razali Kasim (1996: 26) mentions that comparative literature is an analysis that includes a comparison of literary works form different national literature, the relationship between literary works and science, religion (beliefs), and arts as well as about theories, history, and critics.

Comparative literature is the study of literature from around the world, transcending the restrictions of national and linguistic boundaries. Traditionally, a comparative study has been based on literary movements, periods and lines of influence, as well as on genres, themes, myths, and legends. In recent years comparative literature has come to include the comparison of literature with other areas of human experience. Comparative literature is an excellent major for anyone desiring a broadening and enriching liberal arts education. Its application to foreign cultures is particularly useful for careers in foreign service and international trade. Translating, editing and publishing, journalism, broadcasting, and film are other possibilities, as well as advertising and public relations, politics, writing, library work, and criticism.

The purpose of Comparative Literature is to identify the literary works based on the literary elements weither in intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements.

It does not only concentrate on the literary elements, but as well as other aspects of history, religion, knowledge, society, etc. As David Damrosch (2009: 46) mentions that, reading world literature gives us the opportunity to expand our literary and cultural horizons far beyond the boundaries of our own culture.


Universitas Sumatera Utara In this analysis, the writer looks at the intrinsic elements of the novel to look at how the novels have similar and different to each other. This analysis involves looking at the characters, plot, setting, and conflict. Moreover, the study also involves looking at other aspects of history, society as well as religion to support the idea how those aspects affect the whole idea of the novels.

Comparative literature is the study of inter-relationship between any two or more than two significant literary works or works of literature. It is essential that while making comparative study we must take the sources, themes, motif, myths, forms, artistic strategies, social and religious movements and trends into consideration. A comparative study has been based on literary movements, periods and lines of influence, as well as on genres, themes, myths, and legends.

In recent years comparative literature has come to include the comparison of literature with other areas of human experience. Comparative literature offers students the opportunity to study a broad range of literary subjects from various cultures throughout the world.

Razali Kasim (1996: 16, 17) mentions that American movement shows a wider scope of the study on comparative literature. A comparative study is not only about ‘comparing’ literary works or the authors but also talks about various other fields. Broadly, the comparative literature includes:

1. A study of comparing literary works as well as the authors.

2. A study about the relationship between literary works and other sciences

(such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.), with religion and beliefs

as well as arts (such as paintings, music, architecture, and sculpture).


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. A study of theory, history, and literary criticism (more precisely

‘literary criticism theory’) which covers more than one national literature.

The scope of study of American movement classified above shows the extensive study field because it is not only about literary texts. Needless to say, various studies are not included in one national literary, ‘taken over’ by comparative literature. For instance, Rene Wellek and Austin Warren’s book

Theory of Literature, does not belong to the US national literature, even both authors are American; similarly, Northrop Frye’s Anatomy of Criticism, Tzvetan

Todorov’s The Fantastic, or Robert Schole’s Structuralism are not part of any one national literature.

Based on the view above, a study that compares Indonesia’s and

Malaysia’s literary works, for example, are not included in the comparative literature scope of the study. Indonesia and Malaysia, likewise England with

America and Australia, have a similar cultural background; in this case, if there are similarities found in their literary works, this is a reasonable case. In this thesis, the writer uses two different novels from different nations which are from

America and Indonesia which has the different cultural background as Love Story is from America whilst Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck is from Indonesia.

However, they are similar to each other in case of a motif which is Forbidden


2.3. A Brief Description of Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love means a love that does not go smoothly or may end badly. Love that ends badly could be death or breakup, restricted by family or society, etc. According to Cheryl Lightfoot that the writer finds in the website 14

Universitas Sumatera Utara ( defines that forbidden love is a relationship that in some way violates established cultural, ethical or legal mores, rules or laws.

Culture to be one of the important aspect when someone have a love relationship. Establishing relationships with people of different tribes is difficult- easy bother. The hardest constraint that is often encountered in cross-tribal relationships is the blessing of parents. In this case, it is very important for both of lovers to start building relationships with partner's family. Of course, this requires a process, it cannot happen instantly. What is meant by couple’s families is of course not only the main family but includes large families because Asian culture is generally still kinship. So, when someone entering a marriage, it is do not only talking about you and the main family but also the big families of each party.

Forbidden love that caused by ethical or legal more or in this case have same meaning as love is morally wrong, it is a love relationship that forbidden because violating the norms and the values prevailing within the community.

Basically, human in this life can not live with their own way, because in the life of society there are various rules, where the rules are in accordance with the norms and values in accordance with the rules that apply in the community. In society we often find a state or condition where a person or a group of people begin to disobey the rules, order and ignore the values and norms. That’s condition called

Social Deviation. Examples of social deviations that often occur in a love relationship is to love someone who married and a love affair or commonly known as lesbians. That’s all called as morally wrong because the act is not in


Universitas Sumatera Utara accordance with social rules, or concerning the rules or customs that govern the behavior.

Marriage is a ceremony binding a marriage promise that is celebrated or executed by two people with the intention of formalizing marriage bonds by religious norms, legal norms, and social norms. In marriage there are laws that must be fulfilled if a marriage is to take place. For example, in Indonesia there is a principle of a marital affirmation which stipulates that a marriage is lawful if done according to the law of each religion and belief. The statement is described in the articles of Law Number 1 Year 1974 are contained in the article 2 paragraph (1).

If someone breaks the law that has been applicable to marriage issues, then the marriage is considered illegitimate. Another examples for the things that make a love relationship is forbidden by law that is incest. Incest is sexual activity between family members or close relatives. Incest is forbidden by religion because that is one of big sins if someone to do it. In the medical world, incest is also strictly forbidden because it is very dangerous and can be bad for the descendants of people who do incest.

Besides that, there are five types of forbidden love according to Clay Ton on his website ( terlarang.html). The first one is Love is forbidden by parents, second is incest, third is loves someone who is getting married, fourth is the different religion, and the last is forbidden by society or culture.

1. Forbidden by parents. A love relationship which is forbidden by

parents is very painful. This love is classified as forbidden love

because a love affair must get an approved of parents to give a peace


Universitas Sumatera Utara of life. Parental restoration is one of the primary considerations for

determining the direction of a relationship. On the other hand, we try

as much as possible to keep the relationship with the couple, especially

for couples who have long established romance. While on the other

hand, as a dutiful child to parents, we also do not want to disappoint


2. Incest. Incest is sexual activity between family members or

close relatives. This typically includes sexual activity between people

in a consanguineous relationship (blood relations), and sometimes

those related by affinities, such as individuals of the

same household, stepfamily, those related by adoption or marriage, or

members of the same clan or lineage.

3. Loving someone who is getting married. Falling in love with

someone who has a partner is not a good lover because it will only hurt

the three people who involved in it. Losing someone who you are in

love is the best way if you really want to see him or her happy because

true love is true loyalty and sacrifice. It is often happened in our

environment, loving someone who is getting married. Loving someone

who is getting married is one of forbidden love. It is not approved by

society in our environment because it can destroy someone


4. Different Religion. Having different religious views undoubtedly

causes a lot of problems in the world. Falling in love with someone


Universitas Sumatera Utara who is different relligion perhaps many people have ever felt this

feeling. To choose a religion is the right of everyone. But to choose

separated and united in love which is different religion will be their

respective decisions. But it is much better if in a household the

religions of each other are the same. Because morally, ethnically and

legally is wrong.

5. Forbidden by Society and Culture. Often misunderstandings and

negative perceptions arise not from married couples, but from relatives

or their extended family. This is difficult to prevent in different tribal

relations. It takes a lot of understanding, patience, and tolerance both

from couples and from their families. When the blessing of parents is

obtained, not automatically everything becomes easy. Because the

tribe differences also means cultural differences and habits. All these

differences of course need to be addressed wisely.

Someone who experiences and undergoes a forbidden love will not feel their love is forbidden. We will know whether love is a forbidden love after knowing the nature of people who are in love forbidden love. According to Rina in her website ( menjalani-cinta-terlarang.html) there are three natures of forbidden love, they are: justification, secret, and apathy.

1. Justification. You live in love with someone in whom there is a

forbidden substance, and you say to yourself if you will do just

this once. It means you feel that you are comfortable in a wrong

way. When you love someone and it turns out that already has


Universitas Sumatera Utara someone or vice versa, then you feel that you are not wrong. That

is one nature that you are living in a forbidden love.

2. Secret. You hide your bad habits to everyone but you still always

to do the routine of the bad habits. You always to do badness on

the basis of your love to someone, and you always repeat it with

the same love. It is a nature that you are living in the wrong and

forbidden love. Because of that love, you always to do badness.

And you always make the badness as a secret that you always run.

3. Apathy. Usually, a person who is trapped in sin or forbidden

circumstances, whether on the basis of love or otherwise, he will

do not care that he has made a mistake. But on the other hand,

you know that it is actually forbidden and wrong. Because you

are too comfortable and happy in the mistake, you do not care and

do not want to stop it.

Forbidden love is certainly a little different from ordinary love affairs.

The meaning is broad, ranging from the love between siblings, love that is not sanctioned by parents, friends, or community, love between same-sex, forbidden by culture and religion, and many more types of the forbidden love relationship that has been there. It is called forbidden love because the love relationship should not be lived. However, there are still people who have such illicit relationships.

Many causes of people live in forbidden love, the first cause is because of love unknown where and how it comes. Love is blind. This term is often touted as the main reason people stay in love relationships even though their love


Universitas Sumatera Utara involves a forbidden love. As has been said before, that love is unpredictable the arrival.

Second, the human tendency to rebellious. It is one of human nature if prohibited even it will increasingly want to live it. Therefore there are still many people who have not or do not obey the law. It's the same with love. The more prohibited, the more felt hooked and challenged to do so. It is called the effects of

Romeo and Juliet. The stories of these two loving couples undergo a secret love affair, but in the end remains tragic ending on the death of both. The nature of rebellion in humans occurs because humans feel their freedom is threatened because of a ban. Therefore, when a person is opposed or forbidden their love affair with they are beloved, the person will be more difficult to release their lover and want to rebel and feel the need and have the right to "protest" to those who have opposed the relationship of both.

Third, the lovers feel is a challenge for them to do forbidden love.

Humans love adventure and challenge, including in terms of romance. Still related to the previous reasons that the existence of a ban that makes people rebelled, undergoing a forbidden love relationship is a pleasure for some people because it has become a kind of challenge. The challenged is to show how much love we have for the beloved, so big that it can not be separated by the small waves of the ban from some people that are felt to have nothing to do with their relationship of love. Because they feel challenged people can not immediately leave a forbidden love relationship, but instead turned against the first banned people with all his might.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Fourth, the right to love and to be loved. One more thing that is the main reason for the forbidden love affair which is also related to other reasons above.

People feel and do have the right to love and to be loved. If the feelings possessed for others are reciprocated, then there is a relationship of romance. Although this relationship is forbidden, this right is still very strong feelings. Therefore some people who undergo a forbidden love relationship feel the power to fight for their rights. That was some of the reasons people had a forbidden love affair.

2.4. Relevant Study

Relevant study is an essential part of academic analysis project. The relevant study is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. As the literature review, the writer has chosen some important books, articles, and journals that related to the idea of forbidden love and comparative literature analysis. Some of the books are to explain about the definition, types of love, and the impact of forbidden love. The writer also searches much information for interpreting the real meaning of forbidden love.

Those are important to focus the purpose of this analysis. In choosing library material, there are should be relevant to the problem and the information has to original to support the analysis of the problem. Become an interesting discussion to be studied in this analysis.

The writer shows the books and journals which is used to write this thesis, they are:

The Relationship of Literature and Society by Milton C. Albrecht In most theories of the relationship of literature and society reflection, influence, and


Universitas Sumatera Utara social control are implied. Literature is interpreted as reflecting norms and values, as revealing the ethos of culture, the processes of class struggle, and certain types of social "facts." "Influence" is not strickly the reverse of reflection, since social stability and cultural ideals are involved. Social control, however, articulates closely with one version of reflection, though to a limited extent in complex, dynamic societies.

Forbidden Love of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Fuzûlî’s Layla and Majnun by Nilay Avci. The aim of this comparative literature study is to discuss two major examples of stories based on the theme of forbidden love. The focus of this study is the love stories of Romeo and Juliet, and Layla and Majnun.

While Romeo and Juliet is one of the greatest examples of this theme in Western

Literature, the story of Layla and Majnun is one of the most significant expressions of this theme in Old Turkish Literature. Despite the fact that these literary works were created at different times and different places, they both address the same themes that we see throughout the literary traditions of world cultures. This study attempts to explore the reason for these similarities and to locate the origin of these ideas at the essence of human nature and culture. The archetypal essence of the forbidden love theme suggests that it is an ongoing aspect of human consciousness on which many writers have drawn throughout the ages. The role of the writer is to bring these ideas to the awareness of the reader to teach a moral lesson and to elevate the reader through the connection with universal ideas which define the nature of human experience and which are, the archetypes of the collective unconscious.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Comparative Literature Studies written by Thomas. O. Beebee.

Comparative Literature Studies publishes comparative critical articles that range across the rich traditions of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South

America, and that examine the literary relations between East and West, North and South. Articles may also explore movements, themes, forms, the history of ideas, relations between authors, the foundations of criticism and theory, and issues of language and translation. Each issue of CLS also contains numerous book reviews of the most important comparative literature monographs and essay collections.

The Strategies of Forbidden Love: Family across Racial Boundaries in

Nineteenth-Century North Carolina by Warren E. Milteer Jr. This article contends that although local beliefs and legal edicts attempted to discourage sexual and familial relationships between women of color and white men in North Carolina, free women of mixed ancestry and white men developed relationships that mimicked legally-sanctioned marriages. These unions often produced children who maintained frequent interaction with both parents. In nineteenth-century

Hertford County, North Carolina, free women of mixed ancestry and their white partners developed creative strategies to deal with the legal limitations inherent in their situation. Women and men in these relationships found ways to secure property rights for women and children and developed methods to prevent legal scrutiny of their living arrangements.

A Case of Forbidden Love: Camila O'Gorman, Ladislao Gutiérrez, and the Gender Anxieties of a Nineteenth-Century Argentine Caudillo by Thomas

John Brinkerhoff. Since her execution in 1848, Camila O'Gorman has emerged as


Universitas Sumatera Utara a mythical figure in Argentine history and has captivated the attention of popular audiences around the globe. Camila, a young woman from an elite family in

Buenos Aires, flouted the societal and sexual moves of her time by secretly eloping with Ladislao Gutiérrez, a local parish priest stationed in the city. Upon their discovery, Buenos Aires Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas ordered the executions of the lovers, despite the fact that Camila was eight months pregnant with her illegitimate child. Although Camila's story has found spotlight in historical fiction, it has largely disappeared from more serious academic scholarship, partly due to a scarcity of source material. This essay represents an exploratory attempt to reexamine Juan Manuel de Rosas' decision to execute

Camila O'Gorman and Ladislao Gutiérrez by analyzing the socially and historically constructed gender ideologies that dominated Argentine elite society throughout the century.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III


3.1. Research Design

The method that the writer used is a descriptive qualitative method.

Qualitative method characteristic is descriptive, use texts rather than numbers.

Craswell (2009: 4) says qualitative research is an approach to exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or group describe to a social or human problem. This method is suitable for this research in finding the forbidden love in the two novels Love Story and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. By using this method, the writer will explain descriptively. The authors point out that qualitative data can include physical objects, media images, audio and files, and a range of textual material from the novel to brochures and ads. In short, qualitative research involves collecting and working with text, images, or sounds.

In analyzing this thesis, the writer used comparative literature theory by

Razali Kasim. Razali Kasim (1996: 26) in his book entitled Sastra Bandingan:

Ruang Lingkup dan Metode mentions that:

Comparative literature is an analysis that includes a comparison of literary works form different national literature, the relationship between literary works and science, religion (beliefs), and arts as well as about theories, history, and critics.

The motifs in Erich Segal’s Novel Love Story and Hamka’s Novel

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck belong to American and Indonesian literature (different language family) that become the prerequisite for Comparative

Literature study. This analysis aims to make people know more about


Universitas Sumatera Utara Comparative Literature, and show that among literary works, which includes the novel that is from the different language and culture can be compared or contrasted, and then to see how the forbidden love in literature is depicted in the two novels from two different countries.

3.2. Data and Data Source

In writing this thesis, the data is the most important material to find out the infomation. The writer collects the data from some books, enclycopedia, journals, e-book, and other sources that can be related to the object of research. The data in this thesis is all of the quotation from the novel Love Story by Erich Segal and

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka. The source of the data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained. The novel Love Story by Erich Segal and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka are the source of the data in this thesis. The secondary data that the writer used is the books that contain information about forbidden love, comparative literature, and literature. Other sources that the writer used are the articles, journals, electronic book, and encyclopedia.

3.3. Data Collection

The first step in the process of collecting the data is reading the primary data. The primary data in this thesis is all of the quotation from the novels Love

Story by Segal and Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka. The source of data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained. The writer reads the


Universitas Sumatera Utara first novel: Erich Segal’s Love Story and the second novel: Hamka’s Tengelamnya

Kapal Van Der Wijck as the source of the datan this thesis.

The second steps are searching and reading the secondary data. The secondary data that the writer used is the book that contain information about comparative literature, sociology of literature, and forbidden love. The writer also searches and reads the books, journals, electronic book, and articles are related to

Comparative Literature and forbidden love.

The third step is classifying the data. The writer classifies the data which obtained from the secondary data. Classifying the data is purposed to make arranging of the data, based on the subject matter: Comparative Literature and forbidden love.

3.4. Data Analysis

The first step in the process of analyzing the data is re-reading the data. In this step, the writer re-reads these two novels: in Erich Segal’s Love Story and

Hamka’s Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck, to interpret what is the content of the novels; however, it is hard enough if people who want to analyze the novels, but just read once. Even, they should read the novels more than twice.

The second step is interpreting the data. In this step, the writer interpretes in both novels Erich Segal’s Love Story and Buya Hamka’s Tengelamnya Kapal

Van Der Wijck based on their theme. Both novels have the similar themes, is forbidden love. The writer takes the quotation from these two novels. The quotations can be stated from the text-from words, sentences, or clauses.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The third steps is analyzing and comparing the data. In this step, the writer analyzes the forbidden love in novels Erich Segal’s Love Story and Buya Hamka’s

Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck.

After analyzing, the writer compares the forbidden love of the two novels, through either the similar meaning or the different meaning of text, of each words, sentences, and clauses.

The last steps are concluding and summarizing the data. The writer concludes and summarizes the similarities and the differences of forbidden love in novels Erich Segal’s Love Story and Hamka’s Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der


The research design is the picture of the planninng and the implementation of this study in order to back up the writer in completing this analysis in accordance with the correct element. So, the writer makes the chart to help the readers in understanding the research method, and here is a chart that has been arranged below.

SOURCE DATA: Researcer Data Selection: Novel Tenggelamnya Quotations kapal Van Der Wijck dan Novel Love Story Interpretation And Analysis


Conclusion Descriptive- Qualitative


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV


4.1 The Nature of Forbidden Love

4.1.1 Forbidden Love in Erich Segal’s Novel Love Story

Love Story is a novel written by Erich Segal. This novel tells about Oliver

Barrett IV who comes from a family of wealthy and well-respected Harvard

University. At Radcliffe library, the Harvard student meets and falls in love with

Jennifer Cavilleri, a working-class, quick-witted Radcliffe College student. Upon graduation from college, they decide to marry against the wishes of Oliver's father. Without his father's financial support, they struggled to pay Oliver's tuition at Harvard Law School with Jenny working as a private school teacher. The plot of this novel is linear, though it was told in a flashback, the story guide us through the events. The settings of place are taken in some places in the United States and the setting of time in 1961s – 1966s. The themes of the novel are true love, the struggle for love, and struggle living a marriage life without parents blessing. The novel is written in past tense narrating Oliver retelling his miserable life as a son of famous and rich people which is changed to be a poor people.

The main discussion of this topic focuses on the motifs of forbidden love in the both literary works. From analyzing the novel the writer tries to find forbidden love that shows in the sentences or words in the novel Love Story that written by Erich Segal. Forbidden love happens for many causes, one of it is forbidden love by parents. Parents forbidden their son or daughter because of some reasons, the general reason is social status. Parents want their children live


Universitas Sumatera Utara in happy life, and many parents think that wealth is the solution of a happy life. In this novel found the differences of social status. It can shows in the sentence below:

“Ollie, don’t be stupid,” she said. “It’s inevitable.” “What’s inevitable? “We graduate and we go our separate ways. You’ll go to law school-“ “Wait a minute – what are you talking about?” Now she looked me in the eyes. And her face was sad. “Ollie, you’re a preppie millionaire, and I’m a social zero.”

(Erich Segal, 1970: 46)

From the quotation above, Jennifer realized that she is nothing. She comes from lower class and Oliver come from higher class and they are never together through this life. They would be graduated and they would be separated ways. But Oliver refuses it and he believes that they can live together although they have different social status. Oliver convinces Jenifer that he will do anything for them to live together.

Since the beginning, Oliver has a bad relationship with his father. He seldom talks to his father. One day, when Oliver invites Jenny to come to his parents' house, Oliver's mother tells him that his father is appointed as director of the Peace Corps, but his reaction is common, he did not happy. Jenny angry at the

Oliver because he behaves impolite to his father.

“I don’t think you’d stop at anything, just to get to your old man.” “I’ts impossible to ‘get to’ Oliver Barrett III.” There was a strange little silence before she replied, “Unless maybe if you marry Jennifer Cavilleri...”

(Erich Segal, 1970: 59)


Universitas Sumatera Utara The quotation above explained the conversation between Jenny and

Oliver. Jenny feels Oliver disturbs or rebel his father, but he never feel it. Oliver

III thought that nobody could disturb his father. And after they silence for a while,

Jenny said his father would be disturbed if he married her. This quotation above shows that Oliver’s father will not give blessing for their wedding and he feel disturb if Oliver married with Jenny.

After Jenny invited by Oliver, he ask his father’s response about Jenny, but his father just give a flat response. He slightly praises Jenny and said Jenny is awesome, a woman who is does not come from a respected and wealthy family could get all the way to Radcliffe campus. Oliver feels dissapointed to his father’s answer.

“Father, you haven’t said a word about Jennifer.” What is there to say? You’ve presented us with a fait accompli, have you not?”

(Erich Segal, 1970: 61)

According to explanation above, Oliver Barret III feels he faced the situation that he must to be through although he did not want. He feels Oliver

Barret IV force him to accept Jenny in their family even though he do not like her.

But his father do not straight to the point that he is disagreeing with his son’s choice, he gave too much compliment about Jenny. He said Jenny was an awesome woman, she did not come from a wealthy and respected family but have the way to study at Radcliffe campus. Oliver Barret IV could no longer stand for the words of his father which is too long-winded, and he started to get angry.


Universitas Sumatera Utara A social status difference is clearly show in the two novels. Their parents have forbidden them because their couples do not come from respected family. In the Love Story novel, Jenny portrayed as a lucky woman because she could study at Radcliffe University because of her ability, do not because of her family’s money. And in the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck novel Zainuddin portrayed as an orphan man and do not have tribe because his father is

Minangkabau tribe and his mother is Bugis from Macassar.

“Get to the point, Father!” “The point has nothing to do with the young lady,” he said, “it has to do with you.” “Ah?” I said. “Your rebellion,” he added. “You are rebelling son.”

(Erich Segal, 1970: 61)

From the quotation above, we know the conflicts are started happen,

Oliver’s father said Oliver is a rebellious son because he wants to get married to

Jenny. His father do not like his son treats him like that, he wants his son respect and his son listen to anything what he said, but his son do not listen to his father's words. Oliver confuse why his father said he is a rebellious son just because he wants to get married to a girl who he loves the most.

“What irks you most, Father-that she’s Catholic or that she’s poor?” He replied in kind of a whisper, leaning slightly toward me. “What attracts you most?”

(Erich Segal, 1970: 61)


Universitas Sumatera Utara

The quotation above explains another reason for Oliver’s father does not give them his blessing. In this case, Jenny is a Catholic and Oliver is an Atheist. It is hard to unite two people who have differences in faith into one because many people still can not accept a marriage that’s different in faith. In another hand, they do not only have different in faith, Jenny is a poor person and Oliver is a rich person. Oliver guest both of these reasons to be the biggest reason his father do not give them his blessing. Oliver really mad to his father because he think that his father has too many reasons to give his blessing to them.

The couples who different in religion marriage strongly affect the relationship of the household because of the differences can give many causes such as anxiety, difficulty in communication and various obstacles. Therefore the question of different religion in the household is a big problem and it does not easy.

Oliver Barrett III asks Oliver Barrett IV to postpone his marriage until he finishes college at the law school. His father think that he is do not old enough to get married. Her father said that Oliver and Jenny will stand the test of time if they really love each other.

“Finish law school. If this is real, it can stand the test of time” “ It is real, but why in hell should I subject it to some arbitrary test? My implication was clear, I think. I was standing up to him. To his arbitrariness. To his compulsion to dominate and control my life.

(Erich Segal, 1970: 62)


Universitas Sumatera Utara Oliver angry to his father because he feels his father obstructs his relationship with Jenny. He do not want to temporize his marriage with Jenny because he convince and believe married to Jenny. His father asks him to finish his college is just an excuse to cancel his marriage with Jenny. He does not need to do such tests. He feels his father just playing him. The reason does not because he is still young, 21 years old, but because he wants to obstruct it. He feels his father arranges his life. His father had been arbitrarily against him. Oliver do not want his father to take control of his life. Because he is old enough and he knows what the best for his life and his future.

After a long and very emotional debate between Oliver Barrett III and

Oliver Barrett IV, Oliver could no longer hold his voice high. And finally, Oliver

Barrett III whispers to Oliver Barrett IV that made the feud between father and son begins.

“Marry her now, and I will not give you the time of day” Who gave a shit if somebody overheard. “Father you don’t know the time of day.”

(Erich Segal, 1970: 62)

From the quotation above, Oliver Barrett III get angry and do not want to speak again with his son. Oliver Barrett IV accepts graciously if his father does not want to talk to him anymore. And Oliver IV decides to leave his parents and married with Jenny. He is no longer care about his parents' blessing. He will marry Jenny even though his father does not give his blessing. Afterwards, Oliver

Barrett IV meets Jenny and asks her to meet him with Jenny's dad. Oliver IV meets Jenny's dad for asks the blessing of their marriage. After they have a long 34

Universitas Sumatera Utara conversation, Oliver finally delivers the intent and purpose why he comes, which is marrying to Jenny. And Jenny's dad agrees to their plan.

Jennifer is graduated on Wednesday. All sorts of her relatives from

Cranston, Fall River gathered in Cambridge to attend the ceremony by prior arrangement, but Jenny do not introduce Oliver as her fiance, and Jenny do not wear her ring.

“Aunt Clara, this is my boyfriend Oliver,” Jenny would say, any adding, “He isn’t a collage graduate.” There was plenty of rib poking, whispering and even overt speculation, but he relatives could pry no specific information from either of us – or from Phil, who I guess was happy to avoid a discussion of love among the atheists.

(Erich Segal, 1970: 73)

From the quotation above, Jenny’s families have many questions about

Oliver, but they did not want to ask Jenny directly and Jenny also did not want to give any pieces of informations of Oliver IV. She did not want to have a discussion of love among the Atheists and Catholics.

They end up marrying without the blessing of Oliver's parents, and their marriage between atheist and catholic. They did a wedding ceremony headed by a

Unitarian pastor and they only invite their closest relatives and the wedding on

Sunday. Their reason for excluding Jenny’s relatives is out of genuine concern that their ommision of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost will make the occasion far too trying for unlapsed Catholic.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.1.2 Forbidden Love In Hamka’s Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

Tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck (The sinking of Van Der Wijck Ship) is a fiction work by Haji Abdul Muhammad Kharim Amrullah or known as

Hamka. The plot is linear which gives us a clear idea where the story is going to.

The settings of place are taken in some places, such as in Macassar, Padang

Panjang, Batipuh, Batavia, and Surabaya around 1930’s – 1936s. The story is written in third person point of view. The novel by Hamka entitled The sinking of the Van Der Wijck Ship, which is theme about true love, struggle of love, sincere and faithful love between man and woman but could not be united and did not conveyed because of the Minangkabau tradition which is so binding and overly discriminating to other customs at that time. The novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal

Van Der Wijck tells about a powerful but tragic love story. This novel tells about forbidden love between Zainuddin, Hayati, and Aziz. With a background of social differences and life struggles, that leads Zainuddin and Hayati's true love to a tragedy on a sailing with Van der Wijck's ship. Zainuddin and Hayati are separated by indigenous traditions, the culture Minangkabau, Padang and Bugis

Culture, Makassar in questions of wealth and social status to end in death.

When Zainuddin was a child his mother died. A few months later his father followed his mother. He took care by Mak Base. One day, Zainuddin asks

Mak Base's permission to go to Batipuh, Western Sumatra, looking for his relatives in his father's real village. With a difficult heart, Mak Base release

Zainuddin to go to Batipuh to meet his relatives there. Arrive in Padang,

Zainuddin to go to Batipuh. Once there, he was so excited but did not long after that happiness disappeared because everything does not as he thought. He


Universitas Sumatera Utara considered a foreigner, considered a Bugis, Mengkasar people. He was an unfortunate a man, because in his mother's village he considered a foreigner, while in Padang he also considered a stranger because of the strong customs in

Minangkabau. He is saturated living in Batipuh and he meets Hayati, a Minang girl who makes his heart restless. It is the reasons of Zainuddin to stay alive in

Batipuh. They have started correspondences. They become closer and eventually love each other. Unfortunately, they could not be in a state of affairs because they could violate customary rules if they have a special relation.

“Saya tahu juga sedikit-sedikit adat negerimu yang kokoh. Agaknya buruk saya berkirim surat ini dalam pemandangan umum. Tapi, saya tak akan mengganggu adatmu, tak akan mengganggu dirimu sendiri, tak akan menyintuh kebesaran dan susunan rasam basi orang Minangkabau.”

“I know a little of your strong village customs. It seems bad I am writing this letter in a public scene. But, I will not interfere with your custom, will not disturb yourself, and will not touch the greatness and the tribe regulations of Minangkabau.

(Hamka. 1938: 27)

From the quotation above, we can know that Minangkabau’s custom is very strong against the rules of custom and religion. In Batipuh is forbidden between young man and woman to communicate through correspondence because it is considered impolite. Hayati refused to send letters to Zainuddin because she is afraid of violating the Minangkabau custom rules that are still very thick.

Barangkali berkirim surat itu adalah satu cela paling besar, sebab baik di Minangkabau atau di Mengkasar sekalipun, amat dicela orang anak muda yang berkirim surat kepada perempuan. Barangkali, akan terlepas Hayati


Universitas Sumatera Utara selama-lamanya dari tangannya, sebab dia dipandang rendah budi.

Perhaps sending the letter is one of the biggest blemishes, either in Minangkabau or in Mengkasar though, it is highly reproached by young people who send letters to women. Perhaps, Hayati will be released forever from his hands, because he regarded as low-minded.

(Hamka. 1938: 29)0

The sentences above explain that Minangkabau and Makasar have the same rules that are strictly prohibit opposite of young people for exchange letters.

They are considered to have no character and no shame if they are did it. It is so different from now life, which is very easy for teenagers to send and reply messages and ask each other for news without feels anxious or shame.

After that, Zainuddin meet Hayati and Zainuddin said about his feeling, he said that he loves Hayati and want to spend his life together with Hayati. But

Hayati refuses him. She refuses him because she is afraid of the rules of her custom. Many people will dislike them if they have a special relationship.

"Segala perkataan tuan itu benar, tidak ada yang salah. Tapi peredaran masa dan zaman senantiasa berlain dengan kehendak manusia, di dalam kita tertarik dengan tertawanya, tibatiba kita diberinya tangis. Saya ingat kekerasan adat di sini, saya ingat kecenderungan mata orang banyak, akan banyak halangannya jika kita bercinta-cintaan. Saya takut bahaya dan kesukaran yang akan kita temui, jika jalan ini kita tempuh."

"All of your words is true, nothing is wrong, but the circulation of the times and ages are always different of mankind, inside we are attracted by laughter, suddenly we are weeping. I remember the big rules of this custom here, I remember the tendency of the eyes of the people, will have many obstacles if we have special relationship. I am


Universitas Sumatera Utara afraid of the danger and the difficulties we will encounter, if we take this path. "

(Hamka. 1938 : 35)

Zainuddin asks Hayati to pass all of the problems together, but Hayati hesitates. She does not have the courage because Hayati is one of the nobility, if she broke the rules then the good name of her family will be shaken. Hayati knows they will be lived hard if they violated the custom. And there will be a lot of scorn from Batipuh’s people to them, and they will be regarded as having no moral and character. She did not have any brave to take risks.

Zainuddin left Hayati with devastated feelings because his love is rejected due to customs rules and the spirits of the surrounding society. Hayati cry loudly, she could not afford to lose Zainuddin. So, she sends her younger brother named Ahmad to calls Zainuddin. And Hayati honestly expresses her feelings to


"Saya cinta akan dikau, biarlah hati kita sama-sama dirahmati Tuhan. Dan saya bersedia menempuh segala bahaya yang akan menimpa dan sengsara yang mengancam." "Hayati ..... kau kembalikan jiwaku! Kau izinkan aku hidup. Ulurkanlah tanganmu, marilah kita berjanji bahwa hidupku bergantung kepada hidupmu, dan hidupmu bergantung kepada hidupku. Yang menceraikan hati kita, meskipun badan tak bertemu, ialah bila nyawa bercerai dengan badan."

"I love you, let our hearts be equally blessed by God, and I am willing to take all the dangers that will befall and the menacing misery." "Hayati ..... you give back my soul, you allow me to alive." Stretch out your hands, let us promise that my life depends on your life, and your life depends on my life, the one who divorces our hearts, even if the body does not meet, is when the soul divorces with the body. "


Universitas Sumatera Utara (Hamka. 1938: 36-37)

Hayati also honestly express her feelings to Zainuddin. Hayati said she is ready to face all the dangers that will be coming to them. Hayati is willing to take all the dangers that will befall and miserable that threatens their relationship.

Zainuddin is very happy to hear what Hayati’s said. Zainuddin feels his heart has been broken get better after heard what Hayati said. He feels like comes alive after the storm that comes to his life for a long time. He also asked Hayati to promise that the life of Hayati depends on Zainuddin's life and vice versa, Zainuddin's life depends on Hayati’s life. Nothing could be separated their love accepted the death.

The women in the shower whisper one to another when they see Hayati bathing there, they whisper while look at Hayati with the corner of the eye. The unmarried young people in the village are very upset with Hayati. For them, it is such an act of degraded for them if the village is done not guarded. The especially humiliated person like Hayati’s tribe, especially his own mamak datuk who said blind only his eyes see his embarrassment make a shame, stepped over the head ninik-mamak. Datuk’s ear was no longer able listen to the words of the villagers.

So one night he came to Zainuddin, brought him talked face-to-face.

"Zainuddin," ujarnya, "telah banyak nian pembicaraan orang yang kurang enak kudengar terhadap dirimu dan diri kemenakanku. Kata orang tua-tua telah melakukan perbuatan yang buruk rupa, salah canda, yang pantang benar di dalam negeri yang berauat ini. Diri saya percaya bahwa engkau tiada melakukan perbuatan yang dada senonoh dengan kemenakanku, yang dapat merusakkan nama Hayati selama hidupnya. Tetapi, sekarang saya temui engkau untuk memberi eugkau nasehat, lebih baik sebelum perbuatan 40

Universitas Sumatera Utara berkelanjuran, sebelum merusakkan nama kami dalam negeri, suku sako turun temurun, yang belum lekang dipanas dan belum lapuk dihujan, supaya engkau surut."

"Zainuddin," he said, "I have a lot of not good conversations from many people about you and my niece," the elderly said who had done bad deeds, misguided, abominable act in this mystical village. That you have not committed any indecent profanity with my niece, which can damage the name of Hayati during his life. But now I meet you to give you advice, preferably before the act of spreading, before destroying our name in this village, the hereditary sako tribe, which has not hollowed and not yet rotting in the rain, so that you may recede. "

(Hamka. 1938: 37)

Hayati’s mamak (uncle) comes to Zainuddin to ask about their relationship. Zainuddin shock accepts the odd conversation, like a single shot sense of head. Zainuddin is very surprises when he asked for leaving that village.

Mamak carry the name of custom and descendant that make Zainuddin fear about it. Mamak said Zainuddin is deemed bad deeds, wrong jokes that does not true in circumcise the village. Mamak asking to Zainuddin for leaving Hayati before it is too late. Because the custom rules in their villages still very tight and very upheld and should not be violated. But Zainuddin still try to defend his decision with

Hayati, because they have promised to do not to be separated except the death is separated them.

"Harus hal itu saya tanyai, karena di dalam adat kami di Minangkabau ini, kemenakan di bawah lindungan mamak. Hayati orang bersuku berhindu berkaum kerabat, bukan dia sembarang orang."

"I must ask that because in our tribe in Minangkabau, the niece is under the protection of the mamak. Hayati is a tribe nobility, not just anyone."


Universitas Sumatera Utara (Hamka. 1938: 37)

Mamak asks a question to Zainuddin because mamak in the

Minangkabau’s tribe is a substitute for an already-dead parent. Besides that,

Hayati is tribe nobility, did not just anyone. His family highly respected in the village and she is also known as the village flower (the most beautiful woman) in that village. Mamak’s Hayati feels sorry to Hayati because Hayati considered the interested woman in the tribe. Formerly she is a straight and happy woman, but now she is a gloomy woman. Her heart has been destroyed since she becomes acquainted with Zainuddin and if she seems to be thin, and if she continues to perish, the whole tribe and the protection of the gedang house lost the diamonds of that village.

Zainuddin! Serba susah saya di dalam hal ini. Nama saya sendiri, gelar pusaka turun temurun menjadi buah mulut orang, dikatakan mamak yang tak pandai mengatur kemenakan. Dan lagi engkau sendiri, belumlah tinggi pemandangan orang kepada didikan sekolah. Kejadian ini telah mereka pertalikan dengan sekolah - itulah bahaya anak kemenakan diserahkan ke sekolah kata mereka- sudah pandai dia berkirim-kiriman surat dengan laki-laki, padahal bukan jodohnya. Sebab itu, sangatlah saya minta kepadamu, Zainuddin, sudilah kiranya engkau melepaskan Hayati dari dalam kenanganmu, dan berangkatlah dari negeri Batipuh yang kecil ini segera, untuk kemaslahatan Hayati."

Zainuddin! It's hard for me in this case. My own name, the title of heirloom to be what other people saying, it is said mamak is not good at take care of a niece. And again you yourself, not yet high sight of people to school upbringing. This incident had them in contact with the school - that's the danger that nieces are handed over to school they said - already good at sending letters with men, but not her couple. Therefore I am very fond of you, Zainuddin, may you let Hayati out of your memory, and depart from this small Batipuh village immediately, for the good of Hayati. " 42

Universitas Sumatera Utara

(Hamka. 1938: 38)

These words plunged into Zainuddin's heart, like a very sharp arrow. He reminds himself that he do not have a tribe, do not have ambition, a son of an outcast, and he do not consider a valid tribe in Minangkabau tribe. Hayati is a noble child, offspring of the headman. What a great sacrifice that must be taken by Hayati if they directly married, and certainly Hayati will not be bear suffered such a severe blow.

Zainuddin pensive remember the mercy, which only taste the love like a shadow in a dream. But the sacred love is willing to take the sacrifice, willing to disappear, losing for the benefit of love, willing to take any death, if death is necessary. Because for pure love, lagging far behind the physical encounter with the body, forgetting the merging of the body and the body, is only the sincerity and the sanctity of the soul that it expects. And finally, he decided to leave

Batipuh and leave Hayati.

Hayati sits in the living room contemplate a pillowcase. Suddenly her

Mamak coming and giving information to Hayati that Zainuddin has left that village. The face of Hayati looks pale and the seams slip from her hand.

Zainuddin asked to leave Batipuh by Hayati’s mamak. If he wants to study as well as his intention from the start, it is better if he to go to Padang Panjang or Bukit tinggi and get what he is wanted.

"Hai upik, baru kemaren kau memakan garam dunia,kau belum tahu belit-belitnya. Bukanlah kau sembarang orang, bukan tampan Zainuddin itu jodohmu. Orang yang begitu tak dapat untuk menggantungkan hidupmu,


Universitas Sumatera Utara pemenung, pehiba hati, dan kadang-kadang panjang angan-angan. Di zaman sekarang haruslah suami penumpangkaa hidup itu seorang yang tentu pencaharian tentu asal usul. Jika perkawinan dengan orang yang demikian langsung, dan engkau beroleh anak, ke manakah anak itu akan berbako? Tidakkah engkau tahu bahwa Gunung Merapi masih tegak dengan teguhnya? Adat masih berdiri dengan kuat, tak boleh lapuk oleh hujan, tak boleh lekang oleh panas?"

"Hi upik, just yesterday you eat the salt of the world, you do not yet know the bells, it's you are not just anyone, not the handsome Zainuddin is your soul mate. People so incapable of hanging your life, pensive, gentle heart, and sometimes long- fancy. Nowadays, the life-giving husband must be a livelihood, of course, of origin.When marriage with such a direct person, and you have a child, where will the child be bribed? Do not you know that Mount Merapi is still upright firmly? strongly, shall not be dyed by the rain, shall not be hollow by the heat? "

(Hamka. 1938: 39)

Hayati crying for herself and wept over Zainuddin, the lounge at the foot of her mamak asked for pity. But it is useless, it is useless to plant the rice in the waterless rice field, it is useless to root the betel root. Hayati’s Mamak to the heart killed Zainuddin and killed his own niece with his deeds, which is to expel

Zainuddin from Batipuh. Hayati is very disappointed with her mamak’s have done. But Hayati’s mamak feels did not kill and he did not wrong. But straightened the way of Hayati’s life and her mamak feels have many experiences.

All night, after listen to the words of Mande Jamilah, and after remember the painful words, the sarcasm that slashed the heart from Datuk,

Zainuddin's eyes could not to fall asleep. It is like comes to Minangkabau, like a traveler who expected a drink and sees water in the middle of the desert for the sake of his visited there, nobody saw him. He is expelled, albeit in a subtle way.


Universitas Sumatera Utara His actions are reproached, his name is decomposed. It is as if this Minangkabau village is the very righteous of sin.

Kadang-kadang disesalinya perkawinan ayahnya dengan ibunya. Kadang-kadang pula dia menyadar untung malangnya, mengapa dia tak dilahirkan dalam kalangan orang Minangkabau! Tapi bukan itu agaknya yang menutup pintu baginya untuk bertemu dengan Hayati, agaknya lantaran dia tak berwang. Orang tak melihat, bahwa sekedar belanja menunggu dapat penghidupan tetap, dia masih menyimpan. Tetapi bukan itu yang jadi sebabnya, walau pun wang berbilang, emas bertahil, namun pemisahan adat masih tebal di negeri itu.

Sometimes he regrets his father's marriage with his mother. Sometimes he also realized the unfortunate gain, why he was not born among Minangkabau people! But that's not what seems to shut the door for him to meet with Hayati, presumably because he did not have the money. People do not see, that just shopping can wait a permanent livelihood, he still save. But that's not the case, even though the money is spelled out, gold is stupid, but the customary separation is still thick in that village.

(Hamka. 1938: 41)

The strongly customary rules destroy Zainuddin's life, a young man who come to the village, born of a legitimate marriage, and his mother did not a descendant of any kind, but a Malay choice from Bugis, regarded by others. A young man acquainted with a daughter, with good intentions, intent to marry, is decomposed and despised.

Take a deep breath, Zainuddin walked across the side yard of the customary house in rows, after shaking Mande Jamilah's hand that delivered him to the yard. With a very sad feeling, he steps and his steps stunned. In the near of

Hayati’s house, deliberately he pushed his head because it is hopelessly to meet

Hayati. The village of Batipuh, the page where he plays, surau place to spend


Universitas Sumatera Utara overnight, the loom where he begins to make an appointment with Hayati and will stay Hayati herself. He leaves that village with a sad feeling inside. He moved to

Padang Panjang to study and to obey the regulations of Minangkabau tribe.

A few months later Hayati comes to her best friend home in the Padang

Panjang. She is to go to the Padang Panjang did not only to visit her best friend, but also wants to see and meet Zainuddin. When Hayati visited her friend's home, she meets Aziz. Azis is the brother of her friend. Then Azis fall in love to Hayati because of her beauty. And finally, Azis decided to take Hayati as his wife.

After all requests from Aziz's family are submitted to Datuk and to the entire ninik-mamak ruling in that gedang house. And in another hand, a letter that sent by Zainuddin arrives, and the deliberations of ninik-mamak according to the customs is started. Present on a big house and they cut 4 chickens and also spread the white pandanus mat.

They begin to answer one by one among the present, to say the origin and suggestion, to studied Hindu and tribe, to investigate where Aziz comes from, whether he is a child from outside Minangkabau, because in Padang Panjang city, people have been mixed. One of the attendees, Sutan Muncak of his title, said that he had investigated the genealogy of Azis, apparently from Batu Sangkar, moved to Pariangan Padang Nan Panjang, lived in Padang Panjang since the old Market exchanged with the new market.

They have a long debate and them almost unanimous to received Aziz.

But suddenly Mak-tengah Limah said that the love of Hayati apparently still attach to Zainuddin the Mengkasar people. The people who come in the discussion were dumbfounded. Mamak Datuk Garang red eyes listened to the


Universitas Sumatera Utara words of Limah. Mak Limah afraid if Hayati killed herself because she did not met with her beloved or she died miserably.

"Membuat malu, hendak menginjak kepala kami ninik- mamak. Bagaimana akan bisa seorang Mengkasar, seorang Bugis, akan diterima menjadi menantu." "Lebih baik dia mati, senang kita; dari pada dia memberi malu ninik mamak, merusak adat dan lembaga, mengubah cupak nan usali. Apa guna dia hidup kalau akan mencorengkan arang di kening dan menggoreskan malu di muka kita?"

"Too embarrace, to step on our heads ninik-mamak. How to be a Truth, a Bugis will be accepted into a son-in-law." "Is better if she die, glad of us, than she gives shame ninik mamak, corrupt customs and institutions, change the cup nan usali. What's the use of her if she will streak the charcoal on the forehead and scratch shame in our face?"

(Hamka. 1938: 71)

Hayati’s mamak is very angry because Lima said Hayati’s love just for

Zainuddin. And mamak said that is better she died, glad of them than she gives shame of ninik mamak, corrupt customs and institutions, changed the cup Nan usali and heard it no one dared to answer his words, and Limah is silent. Hayati loves Zainuddin, but if the parents did not approve them then they would not be able to unite. And finally her families chosen Azis as her husband and refused


4.2 The Similarities and Differences of the Two Novels

Based on the Analysis above, there are similarities in motifs found in the two novels as well as the differences. The writer presented into four tables dividing nature of forbidden love in the two novels, types of forbidden love, similarities and differences of forbidden love portrayed in Love Story and


Universitas Sumatera Utara Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck as well and elements of the novel as looking at the plot, setting of the place and time, conflict and characters.

4.2.1 Nature of Forbidden Love in the Two Novels

There are three natures of forbidden love, they are: justification, secret, and apathy.

1. In the two novels contains the nature of forbidden love. In the novel Love

Story ‘justification’ that shows Oliver Barret IV did not listen what his

father said, he thinks that his decided is right. And in the novel

Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck is also contains ‘justification’ that

shows when Zainuddin and Hayati decided to have special relationship

although they know that they are forbidden to have a special relationship

because they have different culture and tribe.

2. Both novels cointains one of the nature of forbidden love, that is secret. In

Love Story, ‘secret’ that shows when they discover their love relationship

to Jenny’s family. She introduces Oliver as her friend do not as her fiance

because they have different in faith. And also in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Der Wijck is also contains ‘secret’ that shows when they are sending

letters and decided to have special relationship, but they are discover their

relationship from their family and from society.

3. In the Love Story contains the last nature of forbidden love, that is apathy.

It is shows when Oliver do not care about the blessing of his family about

his marriage with Jenny. And also Jenny, she do not care anymore about

her family critics about her forbidden love with Oliver who have different


Universitas Sumatera Utara in faith. In the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck do not exists apathy.

Because Zainuddin and Hayati still listen what their parents said. They are

still obey the regulations of their culture and tribe.

The writer represents the listed of the nature of forbidden love into a table to look at the similiarities and the differences in easier and clearer way.

No Natures of Forbidden Love Story Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

love Der Wijck

1. Justification √ √

2. Secret √ √

3. Apathy √ X


√ : The nature of forbidden love is exists

X : The nature of forbidden love is nothing

4.2.2 Types of Forbidden Love in the Two Novels

There are six types of forbidden love. The first one is forbidden by parents, second is incest, third is lesbian and homosexual, fourth is loving someone who is getting married, fifth is different religion, and the last is forbidden by society or culture.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The writer represents the listed of the nature of forbidden love into a table to look at the similiarities and the differences in easier and clearer way.

No The Nature of Forbidden Love Story Tenggelamnya

Love Kapal Van Der


1. Forbidden by Parents √ √

2. Incest X X

3. Loving someone who is X X

getting married

4. Different Religion √ X

5. Forbidden by Society and X √



√ : The type of forbidden love is exists

X : The type of forbidden love is nothing

4.2.3 The Similarities and Differences of Forbidden Love in The Two Novels

The writer drawn into a conclusion that below are the forbidden love portrayed in both novels. The listed below show how the both novels differ and similar to each other: 50

Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. These two novels tell about the difference of social status. In Love Story's

novel the role of the man was a respected rich man and the woman was a

poor person. Whereas in the novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

the role of woman as a respected descendant of the village and the man

considered a poor man who did not have tribe.

2. Both novels tell about the similarities and the differences of Religion. In

Love Story's novel the main characters have differences in faith and in the

novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck the main characters have

similiar religion.

3. Both novels tell about the the differences of culture. In Love Story's novel

the main characters have different culture, which is the man was American

and the woman was Italian and in the novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Der Wijck the main characters have tribe differences, the man is considered

to have no tribe because his mother was Bugis, Makassar, while his father was

Minang. In Minangkabau he is considered do not has tribe because in Padang is

matrilinial and in Makassar he is also considered do not has tribe because in

Makassar is patrilinial. And the character of the woman was a Minangkabau


4. The nature of forbidden love that portrayed in Love Story’s novel are

forbidden by parents and forbidden by religion and the nature of forbidden

love that portrayed in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck were forbidden

by parents and forbidden by culture.

5. Both novels have same ending, the woman of main characters is death. In

the Love Story’s novel the death caused by Jenny has cancer. In the


Universitas Sumatera Utara Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck’s novel the death caused by the ship

that’s brought Hayati to come back to Padang is drowned.

6. In the two novels have the different struggles to shows love. In the Love

Story, the struggle of the man to keep his love he go out from home and

get married with woman who he loves the most although did not getting a

bless from his parents. But, in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck, the

struggle of the man to keep his love, he let Hayati happy to married with

another man when he has refused by her family. And after that Zainuddin

close his heart to another women outside because he loves Hayati until she


Nevertheless, the writer represents into a table to look at the similarities and differences in easier and clearer way.

No Similarities and Love Story Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Differences Der Wijck

1. Social Status Man : A respected rich Man : An orphan and poor

man man

Woman : A poor person Woman : A respected

descendant of the village

2. Religion Man : Atheist Man : Moslem

Woman : Catholic Woman : Moslem


Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Culture Man : American Man : Has no tribe, his

father Minangkabau and his Woman : Italian mother Bugis.

Woman: Minangkabau,


4. Types of Forbidden Forbidden by parents and Forbidden by parents and

Love forbidden by different forbidden by culture


5. The Ending of The woman of main The woman of main

Both Novels characters died. In the characters died. In the

Love Story’s novel causes Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

of the death of Jenny was Der Wijck’s Novel causes

cancer. of the death of Hayati was

the ship whose brought

Hayati to came back to

Padang is drowned.

6. Struggle to show The struggle of the man to The struggle of the man to

love kept his love; he went out kept his love; he let Hayati

from home and got happy to married with

married with woman who another man when he has

he loves the most although refused by her family. And

did not got blessing from after that Zainuddin close


Universitas Sumatera Utara his parents. his heart to another women

outside because he still

loving Hayati until she


4.2.4 Elements in The Two Novels:

Throughout the analysis, the elements in the two novels that the writer comes across are listed below. These elements found in the two novels show how the differences and similarities between each other.

1. Both novels, Love Story and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck have

same plot. In Love Story flashback events but linear and in Tenggelamnya

Kapal Van Der Wijck is a linear event.

2. The two novels have a different setting of places. Love Story takes some

places in the United States of America whilst Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Der Wijck takes some places in Indonesia.

3. The two novels have a different setting of times. Love Story tells a story

around 1961s – 1966s and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck tells a

story around 1930s – 1936s.

4. Characters of both novels are male and female. The characters in Love

Story they were Oliver Barrett IV, Jennifer Cavilleri, Oliver Barret III and

Phil Cavilleri. And the characters in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck

are Zainuddin, Hayati, Azis, and Mamak datuk, Azizah, and Muluk.


Universitas Sumatera Utara The writer represents the similarities and differences of elements in a table to make it easier.

No Elements of The Love Story Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Novel Der Wijck

1. Plot Linear Linear

2. Time 1961s – 1966s 1930s – 1936s

Setting Place Some cities in America Macassar, Batipuh, Padang

(Specifically in Cranston Panjang, Surabaya, and

Rhode Island, New York, Batavia.


Groton Street, Boston

3. Conflict Conflict with parents Conflict with parents,

culture and society

4. Characters Oliver Barrett IV : Zainuddin : An orphan,

Smart, assertive, hard have no tribe, religious, hard

worker, a rich man, worker, a writer, a poor man

student of Harvard, ice turned into a rich man, and

hokey athlete, faithful.

commitment, disobidient Hayati : Beautiful, from the

to parents and dauntless. respected family, an orphan,

obidient to parents, Jennifer Cavilleri :


Universitas Sumatera Utara Beautiful, brilliant, submissive. instrumentalist, a poor Mamak : Uncle of Hayati, a woman, Italian, Student of respected person, a tribal

Radcliffe. leader, obtrude, and

decisive. Oliver Barrett III : Stone Azis : Rude, drunks, face, a bankir, a rich man, gamblers, a respected, rich alumni of Harvard, athlete. man, and playboy. Alison Barrett : A Azizah : A respected and museum volunteer, small rich person, modern girl, talk type person, very glamorous, likes to affect, supportive of her husband and nice person. in everything. Muluk : Faithful,

Phil Cavilleri : Jenny’s kindhearted, helpful, often father, a baker, kindly, giving advice, nimble,

175cm and 82kg, hard thugs, Zainudin's personal worker, very fond or his assistant. daughter.


Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V


5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of the Analysis and Finding in chapter IV, the writer can takes conclusion of the study related to the analysis and findings in the chapter before:

1. The subject matter which portrayed in the two novels, Love Story by Erich

Segal and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck by Hamka is a forbidden

love. The nature of forbidden love that portrayed in the Love Story Novel

they are justifaction, secret, and apathy. And the types of forbidden love

that contains in Love Story are forbidden love by parents and forbidden

love by different religion. The nature of forbidden love that portrayed in

the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Novel they are Justification and

secret. And the types of forbidden love that contains in Tenggelamnya

Kapal Van Der Wijck are forbidden by parents and forbidden by society

and culture.

2. There are the similarities and differences of forbidden love that found in

the two novels, they are:

 These two novels tell about the difference of social status. In Love Story's

novel the role of the man is a respected rich man and the woman is a poor

person. Whereas in the novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck the

role of woman as a respected descendant of the village and the man

considered a poor man who did not have tribe.


Universitas Sumatera Utara  Both novels tell about the similarities and the differences of Religion. In

Love Story's novel the main characters have differences in faith and in the

novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck the main characters have

similiar religion.

 Both novels tell about the the differences of culture. In Love Story's novel

the main characters have different culture, which is the man is American

and the woman is Italian and in the novel of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Der Wijck the main characters have tribe differences, the man is considered

to have no tribe because his mother is Bugis, Makassar, while his father is

Minang. In Minangkabau he is considered do not has tribe because in Padang is

matrilinial and in Makassar he is also considered do not has tribe because in

Makassar is patrilinial. And the character of the woman was a Minangkabau

 Both novels have similarities in the ending, the woman of main characters

is death. In the Love Story’s novel the death caused by Jenny has cancer.

In the Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck’s novel the death caused by

the ship that is brought Hayati to come back to Padang is drowned.

 In the two novels have the different struggles to show their love. In the

Love Story, the struggle of the male character to keep his love he go out

from home and get married with woman who he loves the most although

did not getting a bless from his parents. But, in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van

Der Wijck, the struggle of the male character to keep his love, he let

Hayati happy to married with another man when he has refused by her

family. And after that Zainuddin close his heart to another women outside

because he loves Hayati until she death.


Universitas Sumatera Utara 5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusions above, the writer wants to give the suggestions to the readers and everyone who are interested in learning the comparative study of literature. Comparative literature would help readers to open up our eyes and look at the different national literary works which represent the respective society which possibly have the same social problems. Finally, we can conclude that similar things do happen in different places, yet we only realized it if we try to look at them closely and wisely. Therefore, the authors of the two novels help people to see the possible issue on forbidden love in the world which open eyes with many regarding the issue.

For the readers, the writer suggests that people must be aware of everything that happens in this life. When we on situation of forbidden love, please think back what is the best for us. When our relationship is forbidden by our parents, it is probably just a perspective difference and the ultimate goal of that love. For the solution, first asks the opinion of the people around us about the opinions of our parents and our partner. Compare objectively, sometimes love makes us subjective, but try to be objective. Second, in that opinion reassure our parents to accept our partner. Think well of our choices, because just ourselves are know what is the best for ourselves.


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Roberts, V. Edgar. 1995. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Segal, Erich. 2012. Love Story. United States: Harper & Row.

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Universitas Sumatera Utara Wellek, Rene and Warren, Austin. 1976. Theory of Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace&World.

Wellek, Rene & Austin Warren. 1977. Theory of Literature. New York: New York: Harcourt Brace and World Inc.


Universitas Sumatera Utara APPENDICES

Appendix 1 : Biography of Erich Segal Erich Segal (June 16, 1937 – January 17, 2010) was an American author, screenwriter, and Classics Professor. He was best known for writing the phenomenally successful novel Love Story (1970), and the hit major motion picture of the same name. Love Story Film – the movie was nominated for 7 Academy Awards and won Erich a Golden Globe for his screenplay. Oliver’s Story, the sequel to Love Story was published in 1977, the movie was released in 1978. In December 2011 Love Story audio (read by the author) and Love Story ebook and Oliver’s Storyebook were re-launched in the US. You can download the audiobook, read by Erich, from iTunes, Audible or eMusic. Other well-loved novels by Erich Segal include The Class, Doctors, Acts of Faith, Prizes and Fairy Tale. The son of a rabbi, Segal attended Midwood High School in Brooklyn and traveled to Switzerland to take summer courses. He attended , graduating as both the class poet and Latin salutatorian in 1958, after which he obtained his master's degree (in 1959) and a doctorate (in 1965) in comparative literature, from . Segal was a professor of Greek and Latin literature at Harvard University, Yale University, and Princeton University. He had been a Supernumerary Fellow and subsequently an Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College at Oxford University. His first academic book, Roman Laughter: The Comedy of , revolutionized the great Roman comic playwright best known today as the inspiration for the Broadway hit, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. In 2001 Harvard published his The Death of Comedy, the all- encompassing literary history. Yellow Submarine In 1967, from the story by Lee Minoff, he was one of the writers of the screenplay for ' 1968 motion picture, Yellow Submarine.


Universitas Sumatera Utara In the late 1960s, Segal collaborated on other screenplays, and also had written a synthetic romantic story by himself about a Harvard student and a Radcliffe student, but failed to sell it. However, literary agent Lois Wallace at the William Morris Agencysuggested he turn the script into a novel and the result was a literary and motion picture phenomenon called Love Story. A New York Times No. 1 bestseller, the book became the top selling work of fiction for 1970 in the United States, and was translated into 33 languages worldwide. The motion picture of the same name was the number one box office attraction of 1970. Segal went on to write more novels and screenplays, including the 1977 sequel to Love Story, called Oliver's Story.

He published a number of scholarly works as well as teaching at the university level. He acted as a visiting professor for the University of Munich, Princeton University, and Dartmouth College. He wrote widely on Greek and Latin literature. His novel The Class (1985), a saga based on the Harvard Class of 1958, was also a bestseller, and won literary honour in France and Italy. Doctors was another New York Times bestseller from Segal.

Segal was an accomplished competitive runner. He was a sprinter at Midwood High School, and ran the 2 mile at Harvard College. He began marathon running during his second year at Harvard, when track and field head coach Bill McCurdy was impressed with how fast he had run ten miles. Segal ran in the Boston Marathon almost every year from 1955 to 1975. He finished in 79th place at 3 hours, 43 minutes in his first attempt, and his best performance was in 1964 when he finished 63rd with a time of 2:56:30. He recounted that after one Boston marathon someone yelled "Hey, Segal, you run better than you write".

Segal covered the marathon as a color commentator for telecasts of both the 1972 and 1976 Summer Olympics for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). His most notable broadcast was in 1972 when he and Jim McKay called 's gold-medal-winning performance. When an impostor, West German student Norbert Sudhaus, ran into Olympic Stadium ahead of Shorter, an emotionally upset Segal screamed, "That is an


Universitas Sumatera Utara impostor! Get him off the track!...This happens in bush league marathons!...Throw the bum out!...Get rid of that guy!" Moments later he personalized his on-air remarks by saying, "Come on, Frank! You won it!...It's a fake, Frank!" Amby Burfoot called Segal's account "one of the most unprofessional, unbridled, and totally appropriate outbursts in the history of Olympic TV commentary", taking into consideration the fact that Segal had taught Shorter at Yale. In 2000, The Washington Post included the phrase among the ten most memorable American sports calls.

Segal was married to Karen Marianne James from 1975 until his death; they had two daughters, Miranda and Francesca Segal. Francesca, born in 1980, is a freelance journalist and literary critic and currently The Observer's Debut Fiction columnist.

Segal, who suffered from Parkinson's disease, died of a heart attack on January 17, 2010, and was buried in London. In a eulogy delivered at his funeral, his daughter Francesca said, "That he fought to breathe, fought to live, every second of the last 30 years of illness with such mind-blowing obduracy, is a testament to the core of who he was – a blind obsessionality that saw him pursue his teaching, his writing, his running and my mother, with just the same tenacity. He was the most dogged man any of us will ever know."

Filmography  Yellow Submarine (1968)

 The Games (1970)

 R. P. M. (1970)

 Love Story (1970)

 Jennifer on My Mind (1971)

 Oliver's Story (1978)

 A Change of Seasons (1980)

 Man, Woman and Child (1983)

 Doctors (1988)

 Acts of Faith (1992) 65

Universitas Sumatera Utara Bibliography

 Segal, Erich (1970) [1968], Roman laughter : the comedy of Plautus, Harvard studies in comparative literature, Harvard University Press, OCLC 253490621

 Segal, Erich (1968), Euripides. A collection of critical essays, Prentice- Hall, OCLC 490074853

 Segal, Erich (1993) [1970], Love Story, Oxford bookworms, Oxford University Press, OCLC 271780786

 Segal, Erich (1973), Fairy tale, Hodder and Stoughton, ISBN 978-0-340- 17703-7

 Segal, Erich (1977), Oliver's Story, Granada, ISBN 978-0-246-11007-7

 Segal, Erich (1980), Man, Woman and Child, Granada, ISBN 978-0-246- 11364-1

 Segal, Erich (1983), Oxford readings in Greek tragedy, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-872110-9

 Millar, Fergus; Erich Segal (1984). Caesar Augustus: Seven Aspects. Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-814858-5.

 Segal, Erich (1985), The Class, Bantam, ISBN 978-0-593-01004-4

 Segal, Erich (1988), Doctors, Toronto, ISBN 978-0-553-05294-7

 Segal, Erich (1992), Acts of Faith, OCLC 472522180

 Segal, Erich (1995), Prizes, Bantam, ISBN 978-0-593-03837-6

 Segal, Erich (1996), Four comedies : the braggart soldier, the brothers Menaechmus, the haunted house, the pot of gold, World's classics, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-283108-8

 Segal, Erich (1997), Only love, G.P. Putnam's Sons, ISBN 978-0-399-14341-0

 Segal, Erich (2001), The death of comedy, Harvard University Press, ISBN 978-0-674-00643-0

 Segal, Erich (2001), Oxford readings in Menander, Plautus, and Terence, Oxford Univ. Press, ISBN 978-0-19-872193-2

 Pelzer, Linda C. (1997), Erich Segal: A Critical Companion, Greenwood Press, ISBN 0-313-29930-7 66

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Appendix 2 : Summary of Love Story

Love Story is a 1970 romance novel by American writer Erich Segal. The book's origins lay in a screenplay that Segal wrote, and that was subsequently approved for production by Paramount Pictures. Paramount requested that Segal adapt the story into novel form as a preview of sorts for the film. The novel was released on February 14, 1970, Valentine's Day. Portions of the story originally appeared in The Ladies' Home Journal. Love Storybecame the top-selling work of fiction for all of 1970 in the United States, and was translated into more than 20 languages. The novel stayed for 41 weeks in The New York Times Best Seller list, reaching the top spot. A sequel, Oliver's Story, was published in 1977. A film adaptation was released on December 16, 1970.

Love Story is romantic and funny yet tragic. It is the tale of two college students whose love enables them to overcome the adversities they encounter in life: Oliver Barrett IV, a Harvard jock and heir to the Barrett fortune and legacy, and Jennifer Cavilleri, the quick-witted daughter of a Rhode Island baker. Oliver (Ollie) was expected to assume control of his father's business empire, while Jennifer (Jenny), a music major studying at Radcliffe College planning to study in Paris. From very different worlds, Oliver and Jenny are immediately attracted to each other and their love deepens. The story of Jenny and Ollie is a story of two young people who come from two separate worlds and are joined together in the unlikeliest of ways.

Love Story by Erich Segal is a timeless story of tragic love. Oliver is a child of privilege, the son of a family of importance dating back many generations. Jennifer is the only child of a widowed baker, as opposite from Oliver as one person can be. However, their union is one of strength and volatility that sweeps them both up in an uncontrolled wave, their love surviving every obstacle except one, mortality. Love Story is the Romeo and Juliet of the twentieth century.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Oliver meets Jennifer at the library on the Radcliffe campus. Oliver prefers this library to the one at Harvard, because the required reading material is much easier to find. However, Jennifer, the clerk on duty one fateful night, disagrees with Oliver's preferences and feels free to tell him so. This encounter leads to coffee, which in turn leads to a date to one of Oliver's hockey games. Oliver tries to convince himself that he does not like this opinionated girl, who does not even know who he is, let alone how prestigious his family is, while Jennifer attempts to convince Oliver she could not care less about his family or his impressive athletic abilities. However, neither is very good at convincing the other of anything but their joy in spending time together.

It is not long before Oliver and Jennifer are spending every free moment together. Oliver feels different with Jennifer, afraid to use his normal lines on her for fear she will see through him. Jennifer is different. Oliver does not want the same things from her that he has wanted from other girls. It does not take long before Oliver realizes the depth of his feelings for this girl.

Oliver has a strained relationship with his father, due to the fact that Oliver feels he can never compete with his father's accomplishments. Jenny sees this when Oliver takes her to meet his parents. Soon after, Oliver's father informs Oliver that if he marries Jenny, he will be cut off from the family fortune. Oliver takes this declaration as the severing of the relationship he has been waiting for. Oliver marries Jenny and begins his life separate from the Barrett legacy.

Oliver and Jennifer live on Jennifer's income for the three years that Oliver is in law school. During this time, Oliver and Jennifer find new ways to scrounge every day, making every penny stretch. Oliver's father attempts a peace offering by inviting Jennifer and Oliver to his sixtieth birthday party, but Oliver refuses to go. Unhappy with his decision, Jennifer argues with Oliver, until he explodes and throws the phone across the room. Jennifer rushes out of the apartment, and Oliver spends the rest of the night searching for her, finally finding her waiting on the top of the steps to their apartment.

Upon graduating from law school, Oliver receives many job offers. Finally, Oliver accepts a job with a law firm in New York City at a salary that is a 68

Universitas Sumatera Utara record for a Harvard Law School graduate. Jennifer and Oliver enjoy their new wealth by buying every luxury they missed out on while living on Jennifer's teaching salary. Jennifer and Oliver also decide to try to have a baby. When Jennifer does not become pregnant right away, they go to a fertility doctor to rule out any problems. During the course of this investigation, the doctor discovers that Jennifer has a fatal type of leukemia. Oliver does not tell Jennifer at first, preferring to keep things as normal as possible. Jennifer, on the other hand, knows there is something wrong with her and goes to the doctor, insisting he tell her the truth.

Within weeks, Jennifer becomes so ill that she agrees to be placed in the hospital. Oliver stops going to work, preferring to be at Jennifer's side as often as she will allow. Oliver wants Jennifer to have everything she needs, so he goes to his father and asks for five thousand dollars without telling his father why. Jennifer's health declines quickly. Jennifer makes Oliver promise he will allow her father to have a Catholic funeral for her, just moments before she dies. When Oliver leaves the hospital after his wife's death, he finds his father rushing in. Oliver's father has just learned of Jennifer's illness and has come to support his son. Oliver allows himself to be consoled in his father's arms for the first time since he was a small child.

Upon graduation from college, the two decide to marry, against the wishes of Oliver's father, who promptly severs all ties with his son. Without financial support, the couple struggles to pay Oliver's way through Harvard's Law School, with Jenny working as a private school teacher. Graduating third in his class, Oliver gets several job offers and takes up a position at a respectable New York law firm. Jenny promises to follow Oliver anywhere on the East Coast. The couple move to New York City, excited to spend more time together, rather than working and studying. With Oliver's new income, the pair decide to have a child. After Jenny fails to conceive, they consult a medical specialist, who after repeated tests, informs Oliver and Jenny that Jenny is suffering from leukemia and will not be able to live longer than a few months.


Universitas Sumatera Utara As instructed by his doctor, Oliver attempts to live a normal life without telling Jenny of her condition. Jenny nevertheless discovers her ailment after confronting her doctor about her recent illness. With their days together numbered, Jenny begins a costly cancer therapy, and Oliver soon becomes unable to afford the multiplying hospital expenses. Desperate, he seeks financial relief from his father. Instead of telling his father what the money is truly for, Oliver misleads him. From her hospital bed, Jenny speaks with her father about funeral arrangements, and then asks for Oliver. She tells him to avoid blaming himself, and asks him to embrace her tightly before she dies. When Mr. Barrett realizes that Jenny is ill and that his son borrowed the money for her, he immediately sets out for New York. By the time he reaches the hospital, Jenny dies. Mr. Barrett apologizes to his son, who replies with something Jenny had once told him: "Love means not ever having to say you're sorry..." and breaks down in his arms.

Appendix 3 : Buya Hamka

Prof. Dr. Haji Abdul Malik bin Dr. Syekh Haji Abdul Karim Amrullah, is better known by the nickname Hamka. He was born in Kampung Molek, Sungai Batang, Tanjung Raya, in the Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indieson 17 February 1908 and died in Jakarta, Indonesia on 24 July 1981 at the age of 73 years.[1] He was an Indonesian ulama, novelist, philosopher and political activist.

Hamka was born on 17 February 1908 (Hijri Calendar: 13th of Muharram 1362AH) in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, as the first child of seven brothers. He was raised in a family of devout Muslims. His father was Abdul Karim Amrullah, a clerical reformer of Islam in Minangkabau who was known as Haji Rasul. His mother, Sitti Shafiyah, came from artists of Minangkabau descent. The father of Abdul Karim, Hamka's grandfather, namely Muhammad Amrullah was known as a follower of cleric Congregation Naqsyabandiyah.

Before his education in formal schools, Hamka lived with his grandmother in a house south of Maninjau. When he was six years old he moved with his father to Padang Panjang, West Sumatera. Following common tradition in Minang, as a


Universitas Sumatera Utara child he studied the Quran and slept in a mosque near the place where he lived because Minang boys did not have a place to sleep in the family house. In the mosque he studied the Quran and silek. Outside he liked to listen to kaba, the stories which are sung along with traditional Minangkabau music. Interaction with these storyteller artists gave him knowledge of the art of storytelling. Later, through his novels, Hamka often drew on Minang terms. Minang rhymes and proverbs adorn his works.

In 1915, even after the age of seven, he enrolled in a village school (Sekolah SMKA Sultan Muhammad) and studied general science such as numeracy and literacy. Those times, as considered by Hamka himself, were one of the beautiful eras in his life. In the morning, he rushed off to school so that he can play before class started. Then after school, he would go play again with his friends, such as hide and seek, wrestling, chasing after one another, like the other kids his age played. Two years later, while still learning every morning at the village school, he also studied in Diniyah School every afternoon. But since his father enrolled him in Sumatera Thawalib in 1918, he could no longer attend classes at the village school. He quit after graduating two classes. After that, he studied at the Diniyah School every morning, while in the afternoon and evening studying in Thawalib back at the mosque. Those are young Hamka's activities everyday, something which, as he admitted, was not fun and curbed the freedom of his childhood.

While studying in Helmi Talib, he was not considered as a smart child, he even often did not attend in a few days because he felt bored and chose to seek knowledge in his own way. He preferred to be in a library owned by his public teacher, Afiq Aimon Zainuddin 5 Sains Teknikal rather than messing around with lessons that he must memorise in class. In the library, he was free to read a variety of books, even some he borrowed to be taken home. However, because of the books he had borrowed have nothing to do with lessons in Thawalib, he was scolded by his father when he was caught busy reading Kaba Cindua Mato. His father said, "Are you going to be a pious person or become a storyteller?"


Universitas Sumatera Utara In an effort to prove himself to his father and as a result of his contact with the books he was reading about the appeal of Central Java, causing Hamka to be very interested to migrate to the island of Java. At the same time, he was no longer interested in completing education at Thawalib. After studying for four years, he decided to get out of Thawalib, while the school's educational program is designed for seven years. He came out without obtaining a diploma. In those days after that, Hamka was taken to Parabek, about 5 km from the Pengkalan Batu in 1922 to learn with Aiman Ibrahim Wong, but did not last long. He preferred to follow his heart to seek knowledge and experience in his own way. He decided to leave for Java. However, the first attempt was discovered by his father.

Hamka has ventured into a number of places in Minangkabau since he was a teenager, he was nicknamed by his father as "The Faraway Kid" (Si Bujang Jauh). At the age of 15, after experiencing an event that shook his soul, the divorce of his parents, Hamka decided to go to Java after learning that Islam in Java is more advanced than in Minangkabau, especially in terms of movement and organisation. But when he was in Bengkulu, smallpox stroke him, so that after about two months of being in the bed, he decided to return to Padang Panjang. Even so, his intention to go to Java was not diminished. In 1924, a year after recovering from smallpox, he departed to Java.

Arriving in Java, Hamka went to Yogyakarta and settled in the house of his father's younger brother, Amrullah Ja'far. Through his uncle, he got the opportunity to follow the discussions and trainings organised by Islamic movements, Muhammadiyah and Sarekat Islam. In addition to studying with the Islamic movements, he also expanded his views in the disruption of Islam's progress by Christianization and communism. While in Java, he was active in various social and religious activities. On many occasions, he studied to Bagoes Hadikoesoemo, HOS Tjokroaminoto, Abdul Rozak Fachruddin, and Suryopranoto. Before returning to Minangkabau, he had wandered into Bandung and met with Masjumi leaders such as Ahmad Hassan and Mohammad Natsir, which gave him the opportunity to learn to write in the magazine Islam Defenders (Pembela Islam). Subsequently, in 1925, he 72

Universitas Sumatera Utara went to Pekalongan, East Java to meet Sutan Mansur Ahmad Rashid, who was the chairman of Muhammadiyah, Pekalongan branch at the time, and learn Islam to him. While in Pekalongan, he stayed at his brother's house and started giving religious talk in some places.

In his first wandering in Java, he claimed to have a new spirit in studying Islam. He also saw no difference between Islamic reformation mission in Minangkabau and Java. The reformation in Minangkabau is aimed at the purification of Islam who is considered one of the practices, such as congregation, imitation, and khurafat, while in Java is more focused to the effort of combat of backwardness, ignorance and poverty.

After a year in Java, in July 1925 Hamka was going back to Padang Panjang. In Padang Panjang, he wrote his first magazine titled Chatibul Ummah, which contains a collection of speeches that he listened on Iron Bridge Mosque (Surau Jembatan Besi), and Tabligh Muhammadiyah. Between the business of his activity in the field of Dawah through writing, he took speech in several places in Padang Panjang. But at that moment, everything is precisely sharply criticised by his father, "Speeches alone are useless, fill yourself with knowledge, then those speeches would be meaningful and useful." On the other hand, he did not get a good reception from the public. He was often derided as "uncertified Islam orator", even he had received criticism from some scholars because he did not master Arabic language well. Criticism he received in his native land, he made it as a whip to make himself more mature.

In February 1927, he took the decision to go to Mecca to extend his knowledge in Islam, including learning the Arabic language and performing his first hajj pilgrimage. He left without saying goodbye to his father and went with his own expenses. While in Mecca, he became correspondent of the daily "Andalas Light" (Pelita Andalas) and also worked at a printing company owned by Mr. Hamid, son of Majid Kurdish, which is the father-in-law of Ahmad Al- Khatib Minangkabawi. At his work place, he could read classic Islamic kitab, books, and Islam newsletters in Arabic, the only foreign language he mastered.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Towards the pilgrimage, Hamka with several other pilgrims candidate founded the East Indian Association (Persatuan Hindia Timur), an organisation that gives lessons to the candidate of Hajj pilgrims from Indonesia. After the pilgrimage, and for some time lived in the Holy Land, he met with Agus Salim and had expressed his desire to settle in Mecca, but Agus Salim instead advised him to go home. "A lot of more important works regarding the movement, study, and struggle that you can do. Therefore, it would be better to develop yourself in your own homeland", Agus Salim said. He soon returned to his homeland after seven months of living in Mecca. However, instead of going home to Padang Panjang, Hamka instead settled in Medan, the city where the ship bringing him home anchored.

While in Medan, he wrote many articles in various magazines and had become a religion teacher for several months in Tebing Tinggi. He sent his writings to the newspaper Pembela Islam in Bandung and Voice of Muhammadiyah led by Abdul Rozak Fachruddin in Yogyakarta. In addition, he also worked as a correspondent for the daily Pelita Andalas and wrote trip reports, especially about his journey to Mecca in 1927. In 1928, he wrote the first story in Minangkabau titled Sabariyah. In the same year, he was appointed as editor of the "Era Progress" (Kemajuan Zaman) magazine, which is based on the results of the Muhammadiyah conference in Padang Panjang. The next year, he wrote several books, among others : Religion and Women, Islamic Defenders, Minangkabau Tradition, Islam Defender, Dawah Importance, and Mi'raj Verses. However, some of his writings were confiscated because they were considered as dangerous by the colonial government in power that time.

When in the field, the people in the village have repeatedly asked him to send some letters home, but was turned down by Hamka. Therefore, his father asked Sutan Mansur Ahmad Rashid to pick him up and persuade him home. His persuasion finally melted him, and then he returned to his hometown in Maninjau, while his father's house in Padang Panjang lantah yield due to 1926 earthquake. Arriving in his hometown, he hoped to meet his father with great emotion until he shed tear. Hamka was shocked to learn his father leaving for Hajj and paid with his own. His father even said, "Why do not you let me know that so noble and 74

Universitas Sumatera Utara sacred mean? Abuya (father) when it is being difficult and impoverished. If that's the case, no wooden ladder dikeping, honed not gold nugget. "Got a welcome as warm as it was, he began to realise how much his father's love for him. Since then, the view Hamka against his father began to change. However, after about a year settling in Sungai Batang, he again left his hometown.

Hamka moved to Medan in 1936. On the field, he worked as an editor and became editor in chief of a magazine which he founded with Islamic knowledge M. Yunan Nasution, the magazine Community Guidelines. Through Community Guidelines, he for the first time introduced the pen name "Hamka". While in Medan, he wrote Protection Under the Kaaba, which was inspired by his trip to Mecca in 1927. After Under Protection Kaaba published in 1938, he wrote Sinking of the van der Wijck, which was written as a serialised story in Community Guidelines. In addition, he also published several novels and other books such as: Going away to Deli, Divine Justice, The Director, New Forces' ', Driven, In The Valley of Life, father, Modern Mysticism, and Life philosophy. But in 1943, People Magazine that led Guidelines banned by Japanese, who was Indonesia's ruling.

During the Japanese occupation, Hamka was appointed adviser to the Japanese in terms of Islam. He was also a member of Sangi Kai Syu (a kind of assembly) that handle government and Islamic matters in 1944. He accepted this position because he believed the Japanese's promise to grant independence to Indonesia. But after occupying this position, he was regarded as an accomplice to the invaders by his friends. When Japan was defeated and surrendered to the Allies, Hamka was subjected to endless criticism. This is what forced Hamka out of the field back to the Minangkabau after the Revolutionary War broke out in 1945. Hamka was also fighting to repel the invaders. He had joined against the return of the Dutch to Indonesian guerrillas in the jungle in Medan.

After his marriage to Siti Rahm, Hamka Muhammadiyah branch is active in the management of Minangkabau, whose origin stems from the association Joints bakalnya Safe founded by his father in 1925 in Batang River. In addition,


Universitas Sumatera Utara he had become the head of Tablighi School, a religious school founded Muhammadiyah on 1 January 1930.

Since attending the congress of Muhammadiyah in Solo in 1928, Hamka never missed attending congresses next Muhammadiyah. Upon his return from Solo, he began to assume various positions, until finally he was appointed as Chairman of Muhammadiyah branch of Padang Panjang. After the 19th Muhammadiyah Congress in Bukittinggi in 1930, followed by the next congress in Yogyakarta, he meets an invitation to set up a branch of Muhammadiyah in Bengkalis. Subsequently, in 1932, he was sent by Muhammadiyah to Makassar to prepare and move the spirit of the people to welcome the Muhammadiyah Congress to-21 in Makassar. While in Makassar, he had published Al-Mahdi, the Islamic science magazine, published once a month. In 1934, a year after attending a congress of Muhammadiyah in Semarang, he was made a permanent member of the Council of Muhammadiyah Council for the region Central Sumatra.

Muhammadiyah increasingly uphill career when he moved to Medan. In 1942, along with the fall of the Dutch East Indies to the Japanese colonial power, Hamka was elected as leader of East Sumatra Muhammadiyah to replace H. Mohammad Said. But in December 1945, he decided to return to the Minangkabau and the release position. The following year, he was elected Chairman of the Assembly of West Sumatra Muhammadiyah leaders replace SY Sutan Mangkuto. This position he embraces until 1949.

In 1953, he was elected as the leader of the centr Muhammadyiah Muhammadiyah Congress to-32 at Purwokerto. Since then, he has always chosen the Muhammadiyah Congress further, until in 1971 he pleaded not elected because he was senile. However, he was still appointed as an adviser to the central leadership of Muhammadiyah until the end.

A prolific writer, apart from his magnum opus, the thirty-volumes Qur'anic commentary called Tafsir Al-Azhar, he is said to have written "over 100 books, ranging from philosophy, politics, Minangkabau adat, history and biography, Islamic doctrine, ethics, mysticism, tafsir, and fiction."


Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Khatibul Ummah (written in Arabic). 2. Pembela Islam (History of Abu Bakar as-shiddiq) (1929). 3. Ringkasan Tarikh Ummat Islam (1929). 4. Kepentingan Melakukan Tabligh (1929). 5. Tasawuf Modern (1939) 6. Hikmat Isra' dan Mikraj 7. Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah (1937) 8. Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck (1939) 9. Tuan Direktur (1939) 10. Merantau ke Deli (Travelling to Deli) (1940) 11. Revolusi Agama (1946). 12. Mandi Cahaya di Tanah Suci (1950). 13. Mengembara di Lembah Nil (1950). 14. Ditepi Sungai Dajlah (at the Tigris River) (1950). 15. Kenangan-kenangan Hidup (4 series, Hamka's autobiography) (1950). 16. Sejarah Ummat Islam /Sejarah Umat Islam edisi Baru tulisan dan kajian Prof Dr.Hamka (4 series). 17. 1001 Soal Hidup (1950). 18. Pelajaran Agama Islam (1956). 19. Sayid Jamaluddin Al-Afghani (about Jamal-ad Din Al-Afghani) (1965). 20. Ekspansi Ideologi (Alghazwul Fikri) (1963). 21. Hak Asasi Manusia Dipandang dari Segi Islam (Human Rights from the Islam Perspective) (1968). 22. Falsafah Ideologi Islam (1950). 23. Keadilan Sosial Dalam Islam (Social Justice in Islam) (1950). 24. Studi Islam (1973). 25. Himpunan Khutbah-khutbah. 26. Muhammadiyah di Minangkabau (Muhammadiyah in Minangkabau) (1975). 27. Pandangan Hidup Muslim (1960). 28. Kedudukan perempuan dalam Islam (1973). 77

Universitas Sumatera Utara 29. Tafsir Al-Azhar 30. Falsafah hidup 31. Falsafah ketuhanan

Appendix 4 : Summary Of Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck.

Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck ( The Sinking of the van der Wijck) is an Indonesian serial and later novel by Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah(Hamka; 1908–1981) published in 1938. It follows the failed love between Zainuddin, a mixed-race man, and Hayati, a pure Minang woman.

Hamka, an Islamic scholar who disapproved of Minang adat (traditions), wrote Van der Wijck as a critique of the discrimination against mixed-race persons prevalent in Minang society at the time, as well as the subservient role of women. Originally released as a serial, Van der Wijck was republished as a novel after favourable popular reception. Described by the socialist literary critic Bakri Siregar as Hamka's best work, the work came under fire in 1962 because of similarities between it and Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr's Sous les Tilleuls(Under the Limes; 1832).

Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, better known as simply Hamka, was the Sumatran-born son of a devout Muslim who viewed local traditions as hindering the progress of religion[1] – his father's opinions influenced his.[2] After a trip to Java and Mecca beginning when he was sixteen, he became a religious scholar in Deli, East Sumatra, then in Makassar, South Sulawesi.[3] During these travels, especially while in the Middle East, he extensively read works by Islamic scholars and authors, such as those by the Egyptian writer Mustafa Lutfi al- Manfaluti,[4] as well as Arabic-language translations of European works.[5] In 1935 he left Makassar for Medan, North Sumatra, where he became the editor of an Islamic weekly magazine, Pedoman Masjarakat.[2] It was while in Medan that he wrote Van der Wijck, which was inspired in part by the sinking of an actual vessel in 1936.


Universitas Sumatera Utara Zainuddin is an orphan. His Minang father died in exile after killing a relative over inheritance; his non-Minang mother has also died. He is now living with his father's friend Mak Base in Batipuh, Sumatra. As a person of mixed descent, he faces much discrimination from Minang conservatives. Although he loves Hayati, the daughter of local nobleman, he is not allowed to be with her. He decides to move to Padang Panjang, although he continues to write to Hayati.

One day, Hayati goes to Padang Panjang to see Zainuddin and stays with her friend Khadijah. However, Khadijah's elder brother Aziz falls in love with Hayati, leading to Zainuddin and Aziz to compete for Hayati's affections. Aziz, who is of purely Minang descent and a noble background, is favoured by her family; they look down on Zainuddin, who is poor and of mixed heritage. Although Zainuddin receives a sizeable inheritance from Mak Base, he is too late to inform Hayati's family, and Aziz marries her.

In despair, Zainuddin and his friend Muluk go to Java, first to Batavia and then to Surabaya, where Zainuddin becomes known as a writer and philanthropist. Aziz and Hayati also move to Surabaya, after Aziz is transferred. However, their relationship has soured and Aziz's temper leads to him being fired, leaving the couple homeless. After a period living with Zainuddin, Aziz runs away to Banyuwangi, leaving Hayati for Zainuddin; in a letter, Aziz writes that Zainuddin is more deserving.

Zainuddin, who has suffered from his longing for Hayati, spurns her and tells her to return to Sumatra. The next day she boards the Van der Wijck, which sinks off the coast of northern Java. Hearing the news, Zainuddin and Muluk rush to Tuban to search for her. They find her in a hospital, where Zainuddin and Hayati make up; she then dies in his arms. Zainuddin's health worsens not long afterwards. After he dies, he is buried next to Hayati.


Universitas Sumatera Utara