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GOLDEN GRAND PRIX Baku, AZE) GOLDEN GRAND PRIX Baku, AZE) 27-29. November 2015 OFFICIALS GOLDEN GRAND PRIX GR-FW-FS – 2015. BAKU (AZE) UWW OFFICIALS - GOLDEN GRAND PRIX Mr DUSSON Michel General Secretary UWW Mr ALIYEV Namig UWW Bureau Member Mr MESKOUT Fouad UWW Bureau Member & President of the African Council UWW TECHNICAL DELEGATES Mr DUSSON Michel UWW REFEREE DELEGATES Mr SILVESTRI Antonio Mr CICIOGLU Halil Ibrahim UWW DOCTOR DELEGATE Mr ALIYEV Rauf UWW OFFICIAL SECRETARIAT Dr DOKMANAC Milorad VIP OF GOLDEN GRAND PRIX Mr MAMMADOV Fazil President Wrestling federation of Azerbaijan Mr JAFAROV Azhdar General secretary Wrestling federation of Azerbaijan NUMBER OF FINAL GOLDEN GRAND PRIX - Nov 2015 ENTRIES BY TEAM Greco-Roman Teams 59 kg 66 kg 71 kg 75 kg 80 kg 85 kg 98 kg 130 kg TOTAL AZE 4 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 24 BLR 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 BRA 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 BUL 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 CHN 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 5 COL 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 CRO 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 DEN 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 EST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 FRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 GEO 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 GER 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 HUN 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 IRI 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 2 17 JPN 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 KAZ 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 KGZ 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 KOR 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 PRK 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 RUS 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 SRB 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 SVK 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SWE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 TJK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 TUR 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 UKR 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 6 USA 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 UZB 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 VEN 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 5 TOTAL 15 17 14 14 14 18 15 13 120 Number of Teams 29 2015-11-29 20:18:59 FINAL GOLDEN GRAND PRIX - Nov 2015 GR - 59 kg Qualif. 1/4 Final 1/2 Final Final 1-2 COL CARLOS LOPES J. (1) USA THIELKIE J. (3) IRI HAJIPOUR M. (2) 331 USA THIELKIE J. (3) USA THIELKIE J. (3) 232 5-0(11-2) by VT - 05:22 UZB TASMURADOV E. (6) KGZ ERALIEV A. (4) 301 JPN FUMITA K. (5) JPN FUMITA K. (5) 273 UZB TASMURADOV E. (6) UZB TASMURADOV E. (6) 250 UZB TASMURADOV E. (6) 4-1(14-4) by S P - 01:30 IRI MARDANI M. (7) 314 5-0(10-5) by VT - 03:53 PRK WON CHOL Y. (8) 354 PRK WON CHOL Y. (8) AZE MAMMADOV M . (9) 233 3-1(6-4) by PP - 06:00 PRK WON CHOL Y. (8) AZE HAMMADOV T. (10) 291 AZE HAMMADOV T. (10) RUS LABAZ ANOV I. (11) 274 KAZ KEBISPAYEV A. (14) AZE HUXTAROV E. (12) 342 AZE AZ IZ LI E. (13) 4-0(9-0) by S T - 02:43 AZE AZIZLI E. (13) 315 KAZ KEBISPAYEV A. (14) KAZ KEBISPAYEV A. (14) 332 KAZ KEBISPAYEV A. (14) 3-1(4-1) by PP - 06:00 BLR DAUROV S. (15) 234 4-0(8-0) by S T - 02:02 Repechage Final 3-5 IRI MARDANI M. (7) 5-0(0-0) by VB - 00:00 IRI MARDANI M. (7) 267 JPN FUMITA K. (5) 353 USA THIELKIE J. (3) 3-1(8-4) by PP - 06:00 Repechage Final 3-5 BLR DAUROV S. (15) AZE AZIZLI E. (13) 308 AZE AZIZLI E. (13) 4-0(8-0) by S T - 01:51 369 3-1(8-7) by PP - 06:00 PRK WON CHOL Y. (8) 2015-11-29 20:18:59 FINAL GOLDEN GRAND PRIX - Nov 2015 GR - 66 kg Qualif. 1/8 Final 1/4 Final 1/2 Final Final 1-2 IRI MOHAMMDALI G. (1) 3-1(4-1) by PP - 06:00 IRI MOHAMMDALI G. (1) 247 KOR HANSU R. (2) 3-1(3-2) by PP - 06:00 IRI MOHAMMDALI G. (1) 259 RUS ORSHOKDUGOV A. (3) CHN Z HENG P. (4) 288 CHN ZHENG P. (4) 3-1(5-2) by PP - 06:00 AZE MAMMADOV K . (7) 265 UKR DENYANKOV D. (5) RUS KABALOEV Z . (6) 329 RUS KABALOEV Z. (6) 3-1(5-5) by PP - 06:00 AZE MAMMADOV K . (7) 300 AZE MAMMADOV K . (7) 4-0(9-0) by S T - 02:41 3-0(4-0) by PO - 06:00 AZE MAMMADOV K . (7) 248 KAZ Z HADRAYEV D. (8) 3-1(3-2) by PP - 06:00 356 IRI ZEYDVAND M. (9) 3-1(6-1) by PP - 06:00 IRI ZEYDVAND M. (9) 289 IRI ARSLAN A. (10) 3-1(6-4) by PP - 06:00 IRI ZEYDVAND M. (9) 341 COL CUERO A. (11) 4-0(8-0) by S T - 02:38 SVK LEVAI I. (12) 330 SVK LEVAI I. (12) 4-0(8-0) by S T - 00:57 IRI ZEYDVAND M. (9) 306 VEN RIVAS W. (13) 3-0(2-0) by PO - 06:00 3-1(8-4) by PP - 06:00 VEN RIVAS W. (13) 249 AZE MIKAYILOV R. (14) AZE ALIYEV H. (16) 260 AZE ALIYEV A. (15) AZE ALIYEV H. (16) AZE ALIYEV H. (16) 290 AZE ALIYEV H. (16) 4-0(8-0) by S T - 03:40 SRB STEFANEK D. (17) 313 3-0(5-0) by PO - 06:00 Repechage Final 3-5 KAZ Z HADRAYEV D. (8) RUS KABALOEV Z. (6) 307 RUS KABALOEV Z. (6) 4-0(8-0) by S T - 05:58 355 4-0(8-0) by S T - 05:29 IRI MOHAMMDALI G. (1) Repechage Final 3-5 IRI ARSLAN A. (10) 3-1(6-4) by PP - 06:00 IRI ARSLAN A. (10) 312 SVK LEVAI I. (12) 370 AZE ALIYEV H. (16) 3-1(6-3) by PP - 06:00 2015-11-29 20:18:59 FINAL GOLDEN GRAND PRIX - Nov 2015 GR - 71 kg Qualif. 1/4 Final 1/2 Final Final 1-2 CHN RI DONG Z. (1) 3-0(6-0) by PO - 06:00 CHN RI DONG Z . (1) 255 UZB KHOLMVKHAMMA N. (2) AZE ALIYEV R. (4) BRA DINZ DA SILV L. (3) 263 AZE ALIYEV R. (4) AZE ALIYEV R. (4) 322 3-0(6-0) by PO - 06:00 AZE ALIYEV R. (4) AZE ASGEROV I. (5) 296 VEN TORRES M. (6) 3-0(3-0) by PO - 06:00 VEN TORRES M. (6) 241 USA SMITH P. (7) 358 IRI BYABANGARD A. (8) IRI BYABANGARD A. (82) 82 GER STABLER F. (10) CRO ETLINGER D. (9) 337 GER STABLER F. (10) 3-0(2-0) by PO - 06:00 GER STABLER F. (10) 323 3-1(7-1) by PP - 06:00 GER STABLER F. (10) IRI BELFAKEH F. (11) 304 IRI BELFAKEH F. (11) 3-0(4-0) by PO - 06:00 KGZ TSAREV R. (12) 242 HUN KORPASI B. (13) HUN KORPASI B. (13) 256 HUN KORPASI B. (13) SWE TALLROTH Z . (14) 283 3-0(5-0) by PO - 06:00 Repechage Final 3-5 BRA DINZ DA SILV L. (3) VEN TORRES M. (6) 351 VEN TORRES M. (6) 357 4-0(8-0) by S T - 02:19 CHN RI DONG Z. (1) 4-0(9-0) by S T - 04:02 Repechage Final 3-5 CRO ETLINGER D. (9) IRI BYABANGARD A. (8) 270 IRI BYABANGARD A. (8) 371 3-1(2-2) by PP - 06:00 HUN KORPASI B. (13) 3-1(3-2) by PP - 06:00 2015-11-29 20:19:00 FINAL GOLDEN GRAND PRIX - Nov 2015 GR - 75 kg Qualif. 1/4 Final 1/2 Final Final 1-2 IRI TAHERISARTAN R. (1) 3-0(3-0) by PO - 06:00 IRI TAHERISARTAN R. (1) 293 UZB DILSHODION T. (2) IRI BOVEYRIPAYAN P. (3) IRI BOVEYRIPAYAN P. (3) 343 IRI BOVEYRIPAYAN P. (3) COL MUNOZ C. (4) 318 4-0(8-0) by S T - 05:34 IRI BOVEYRIPAYAN P. (3) KGZ AZISBEKOV A. (5) 334 KGZ AZ ISBEKOV A. (5) 3-1(4-3) by PP - 06:00 AZE QULUZ ADA S. (6) 237 AZE MAZ ANOV A. (7) 360 UKR PYSKOV D. (8) UKR PYSKOV D. (8) 278 KOR HYEONWOO K. (10) SRB NEMES V. (9) 253 KOR HYEONWOO K. (10) 3-1(4-2) by PP - 06:00 KOR HYEONWOO K. (10) 319 3-1(7-1) by PP - 06:00 KOR HYEONWOO K. (10) DEN OVERGAARD M. (11) 262 DEN OVERGAARD M. (11) 3-0(3-0) by PO - 06:00 RUS LABAZ ANOV C. (12)238 3-0(5-0) by PO - 06:00 DEN OVERGAARD M. (11) USA BISEK A. (13) 294 USA BISEK A. (13) KAZ BAYAKHMETOV D. (14) 279 Repechage Final 3-5 COL MUNOZ C. (4) KGZ AZ ISBEKOV A.
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