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Pdf Clickbook Booklet 137 Rha Frangula californica ssp. cuspidata Sierra hoary coffeeberry 99 138 Ros Adenostoma fasciculatum chamise 4 Plant Checklist For Vista Grande Road 3S08, San Jacinto Mountains 139 Ros Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides birch-leaf mountain-mahogany 1 140 Ros Drymocallis glandulosa var. viscida sticky cinquefoil 99 # Fam Scientific Name Common Name #Pls 141 Ros Horkelia clevelandii var. clevelandii Cleveland's horkelia Ferns 142 Ros Prunus virginiana var. demissa western choke-cherry 7 1 Ble Woodwardia fimbriata giant chain fern 1 143 Ros Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry 20 2 Den Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens bracken 70 144 Rub Galium angustifolium ssp. angustifolium narrowleaf bedstraw 99 3 Pte Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis goldback fern 1 145 Rub Galium aparine common bedstraw 99 4 Woo Athyrium filix-femina var. cyclosorum subarctic lady-fern 2 146 Rub Galium porrigens var. porrigens graceful bedstraw 5 Woo Cystopteris fragilis brittle bladder fern 10 147 Sal Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii Fremont cottonwood 1 Gymnosperms 148 Sal Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow 5 6 Cup Calocedrus decurrens incense-cedar 5 149 Sap Acer macrophyllum bigleaf maple 9 7 Pin Pinus coulteri Coulter pine 99 150 Sax Boykinia rotundifolia round-leaved boykinia 99 8 Pin Pinus jeffreyi Jeffrey pine 15 151 Sax Lithophragma affine woodland star 99 Magnoliids 152 Scr Scrophularia californica California bee plant 15 9 Lau Umbellularia californica California bay 50 153 Sol Solanum xanti purple nightshade 20 Eudicots 154 Urt Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea stinging nettle 99 10 Ado Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea blue elderberry 15 155 Vis Phoradendron serotinum ssp. tomentosum oak mistletoe 99 11 Ana Rhus aromatica basketbush 99 Monocots 12 Api Angelica tomentosa woolly angelica 50 156 Aga Hesperoyucca whipplei chaparral yucca 7 13 Api Tauschia arguta southern tauschia 6 157 Cyp Carex fracta fragile sheath sedge 25 14 Ast Achillea millefolium yarrow 3 158 Cyp Carex multicaulis forest sedge 5 15 Ast Agoseris retrorsa spear-leaved mountain dandelion 10 159 Cyp Carex senta swamp sedge 16 Ast Ambrosia acanthicarpa bur-ragweed 20 160 Lil Lilium parryi lemon lily 29 17 Ast Artemisia douglasiana mugwort 85 161 Orc Epipactis gigantea stream orchid 75 18 Ast Artemisia dracunculus wild tarragon 99 162 Poa Agrostis exarata spike bentgrass 3 19 Ast Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta mountain mugwort 20 163 Poa Bromus carinatus var. carinatus California brome 20 Ast Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriuscula yellow pincushion 99 164 Poa Bromus diandrus *ripgut brome 99 21 Ast Cirsium occidentale var. californicum California thistle 1 165 Poa Bromus richardsonii fringed brome 15 22 Ast Cirsium scariosum elk thistle 166 Poa Bromus tectorum *downy brome 99 23 Ast Corethrogyne filaginifolia California-aster 99 167 Poa Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus blue wildrye 20 24 Ast Ericameria cuneata rock goldenbush 8 168 Poa Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus slender wheatgrass 4 25 Ast Ericameria nauseosa var. bernardina San Bernardino rubber rabbitbrush 3 169 Poa Festuca microstachys small fescue 99 26 Ast Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus leafy daisy 25 170 Poa Festuca myuros *rattail fescue 99 27 Ast Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum golden yarrow 99 171 Poa Glyceria elata tall mannagrass 30 28 Ast Helianthus gracilentus slender sunflower 1 172 Poa Melica imperfecta coast-range melic 40 29 Ast Hieracium albiflorum white hawkweed 40 173 Poa Poa pratensis *Kentucky blue grass 30 Ast Hulsea vestita ssp. callicarpha beautiful hulsea 10 174 Poa Poa secunda ssp. secunda one-sided bluegrass 10 31 Ast Lactuca serriola *prickly lettuce 1 175 The Bloomeria crocea goldenstar 10 32 Ast Malacothrix clevelandii annual malacothrix 176 The Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum blue dicks 20 33 Ast Pseudognaphalium thermale slender everlasting 25 http://tchester.org/sj/flora/3S08.html 34 Ast Solidago velutina ssp. californica goldenrod 99 Updated 28 May 2020. 35 Ast Sonchus asper ssp. asper *prickly sow thistle 1 36 Ast Stephanomeria virgata twiggy wreath plant 10 37 Bor Cryptantha intermedia var. intermedia popcorn flower 99 38 Bor Cryptantha micrantha var. lepida mountain red-root cryptantha 99 39 Bor Cryptantha muricata var. jonesii Jones' prickly-nut cryptantha 99 40 Bor Nemophila menziesii var. integrifolia baby blue eyes 41 Bor Phacelia distans common phacelia 10 89 Mon Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora narrow-leaved miner's lettuce 42 Bor Phacelia imbricata var. patula imbricate phacelia 8 90 Mon Claytonia parviflora ssp. utahensis narrow-leaved miner's lettuce 99 43 Bor Phacelia mutabilis changeable phacelia 91 Mon Claytonia perfoliata ssp. mexicana southern miner's lettuce 44 Bor Phacelia ramosissima branching phacelia 40 92 Mon Claytonia rubra ssp. rubra red-stemmed miner's lettuce 40 45 Bra Boechera californica California elegant rock-cress 15 93 Ona Camissoniopsis confusa San Bernardino suncup 99? 46 Bra Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum western wallflower 94 Ona Camissoniopsis hirtella field suncup 47 Bra Lepidium virginicum ssp. menziesii wild pepper-grass 50 95 Ona Clarkia dudleyana Dudley's clarkia 48 Bra Sisymbrium altissimum *tumble-mustard 50 96 Ona Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera purple clarkia 5 49 Bra Turritis glabra tower mustard 1 97 Ona Clarkia rhomboidea diamond-petaled clarkia 99 50 Cam Nemacladus parikhiae Parikh's threadstem 20 98 Ona Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium mountain California-fuchsia 99 51 Cap Lonicera interrupta chaparral honeysuckle 99 99 Ona Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum willowherb 10 52 Cap Lonicera subspicata var. denudata southern honeysuckle 1 100 Ona Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum groundsmoke 2 53 Car Silene verecunda white catch-fly 1 101 Oro Castilleja applegatei ssp. martinii Martin's paintbrush 25 54 Car Spergularia rubra *red sandspurry 15 102 Oro Castilleja foliolosa woolly Indian paintbrush 19 55 Cel Euonymus occidentalis var. parishii Parish's burning bush 20 103 Pap Dendromecon rigida bush poppy 4 56 Con Calystegia occidentalis ssp. fulcrata western morning-glory 5 104 Pap Ehrendorferia chrysantha golden ear drops 1 57 Con Cuscuta subinclusa canyon dodder 10sp 105 Pap Eschscholzia californica California poppy 50 58 Cor Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis western dogwood 99 106 Pap Papaver californicum fire poppy 59 Cra Dudleya saxosa ssp. aloides desert dudleya 1 107 Phr Mimulus brevipes wide-throated yellow monkeyflower 60 Cuc Marah macrocarpa wild-cucumber 1 108 Phr Mimulus cardinalis scarlet monkeyflower 99 61 Dat Datisca glomerata Durango root 99 109 Phr Mimulus fremontii var. fremontii Fremont's monkeyflower 2 62 Eri Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastwood manzanita 30 110 Phr Mimulus guttatus common monkeyflower 5 63 Eri Arctostaphylos pringlei ssp. drupacea pink-bracted manzanita 99 111 Pla Collinsia concolor southern Chinese houses 99 64 Eri Arctostaphylos pungens Mexican manzanita 1 112 Pla Keckiella ternata var. ternata whorledleaf penstemon 99 65 Eri Chimaphila menziesii little prince's pine 1 113 Pla Penstemon centranthifolius scarlet bugler 15 66 Eri Rhododendron occidentale western azalea 50 114 Pla Penstemon spectabilis var. spectabilis showy penstemon 25 67 Eup Croton setiger dove weed 5 115 Pla Plantago lanceolata *English plantain 68 Fab Acmispon heermannii var. heermannii silky lotus 50 116 Pol Collomia grandiflora large-flowered collomia 15 69 Fab Acmispon strigosus strigose lotus 5 117 Pol Eriastrum densifolium ssp. austromontanum southern mountain woolly-star 60 70 Fab Hosackia crassifolia var. crassifolia broad-leaved lotus 99 118 Pol Eriastrum sapphirinum ssp. dasyanthum sapphire woolly-star 5 71 Fab Hosackia oblongifolia var. oblongifolia streambank lotus 99 119 Pol Gilia capitata ssp. abrotanifolia globe gilia 50 72 Fab Lupinus bicolor dwarf lupine 10 120 Pol Leptosiphon ciliatus whisker-brush 99 73 Fab Lupinus concinnus ssp. optatus showy bajada lupine 35 121 Pol Leptosiphon liniflorus flax-flowered linanthus 99 74 Fab Lupinus excubitus var. austromontanus mountain grape-soda lupine 20 122 Pol Leptosiphon parviflorus common linanthus 99 75 Fab Lupinus latifolius var. parishii Parish's lupine 25 123 Pol Saltugilia splendens ssp. splendens splendid gilia 99 76 Fag Quercus chrysolepis canyon live oak 99 124 Pol Eriogonum apiculatum San Jacinto buckwheat 30 77 Fag Quercus kelloggii California black oak 99 125 Pol Eriogonum davidsonii Davidson's buckwheat 50 78 Fag Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens interior live oak 99 126 Pol Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium California buckwheat 50 79 Fag Quercus Xmorehus oracle oak 2 127 Pol Eriogonum molestum pineland buckwheat 30 80 Ger Erodium cicutarium *redstem filaree 99 128 Pol Eriogonum nudum var. pauciflorum naked buckwheat 99 81 Gro Ribes malvaceum var. viridifolium chaparral currant 129 Pol Rumex californicus willow-leaved dock 82 Gro Ribes nevadense mountain pink currant 99 130 Pol Sidotheca caryophylloides chickweed oxytheca 99 83 Gro Ribes roezlii var. roezlii Sierra gooseberry 99 131 Ran Aquilegia formosa western columbine 99 84 Lam Monardella nana short-flowered monardella 50 132 Ran Delphinium patens ssp. montanum spreading larkspur 99 85 Lam Stachys rigida rigid hedge-nettle 99 133 Ran Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleri Fendler's meadow-rue 50 86 Lam Trichostema parishii Parish's bluecurls 134 Rha Ceanothus leucodermis chaparral whitethorn 99 87 Mal Sidalcea sparsifolia checkerbloom 135 Rha Ceanothus palmeri Palmer's ceanothus 99 88 Mon Calyptridium monandrum sand cress 2 136 Rha Ceanothus perplexans cupped-leaf ceanothus.
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