D’CACTUS REZEPT ROASTBEEF WELLINGTON PREPARATION TIME: 60 MINS VUN DER WOCH LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM INGREDIENTS FOR 4 PEOPLE: 650 g joint of 2 Herta puff pastry sheets 250 g mixed wild mushrooms, finely chopped 1 ‘cuisse de poulet’ shallot (long and round), finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 10 g chives, finely chopped 200 g large spinach leaves Butter Sunflower oil Fleur de Sel sea salt Freshly ground black pepper Beaten egg INSTRUCTIONS: Start by preparing the chopped mushroom mixture (duxelles). Finely chop the mushrooms, fry them in a little butter and then stir in the finely chopped shallot, crushed garlic and chopped chives. Season with salt and black pepper and then ROASTBEEF leave to cool. Blanch the spinach leaves and refresh in iced water. Drain to remove the water. Using a really hot pan, sear the roast beef and leave it to rest for WELLINGTON 10 minutes. Wipe off any excess fat. Roll out the puff pastry sheets and arrange the dry spinach leaves on top, next AVEC spread the mushroom duxelles over the spinach leaves and finally place the roast beef on top. Roll the pastry up to make a sort of ballotine and brush it all over with the egg wash. To get the beef medium rare, cook it in a preheated oven at 175*C for 25 – 30 minutes. Serve the with seasonal vegetables, a gratin dauphinois and a light made with black truffle breakings.