Jhineas ~Olrott Qtook FAMILY ORGANIZATION Nlew§ Lllelllller
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Jhineas ~olrott Qtook FAMILY ORGANIZATION NlEW§ lLlElllllER Number 8 July, 1975 EXCELLENT BOOKS AVAILABLE THROUGH PHINEAS WOLCOTT COOK FAMILY ORGANIZATION Dear Family Members: .Jls we near the time of a family reunion, set by the by- laws to be held the second Saturday of each August , it is appropriate to review the progress and goals of our organization . The Board of Directors have met quarterly throughout the year and have set goals for the organization through the year of ]978 . They have directed the officers to complete the staffing of fifteen separate com mittees, each under the direction of a chairman, each to accomplish specifically as~igned tasks . Fully staffed this requires eight board members , five officers, fifteen committee chairr.ian, and at least thirty four members of the various committees . This adds up t o a number in excess of sixty people. It is my pleasure at this time ·~ ~Pnort that all positions on the board and that all corporation off~~~- - Some of the committees are fully staffed and functioning, some are run ctioning under acting chairman, and some committees need more people to help . You will find a letter enclosed with this newsletter from the chairman of the Recruiting Committee asking you to volunteer your help . Also , you will find a letter from the finance committee soliciting your assistance. In behalf of the organization, I wish to express our deepest sympathy to the family of Rex D. Cook, who passed away in December of 1974 . Rex was our vice president in charge of genealogy . We will miss his dilig ent efforts and contribution to our work. I would like to thank Mabel C. Rex for being willing to complete his unexpi red term of office. We would also like to express appreciation to Vera Hunsaker for her many years of excellent work in the preparation of many newsletters for our ~ra Ta~ Benson has called The Autobiography of Melvin A. Cook , organization. Vera is now working in the genealogical research area . Volume I - Reflections on Ancestry and Early Life, the finest publica LaWana D. Osborne is the present Newsletter Committee Chairman and has tion of its kind he has ever seen. The book has been so artistically the assistance of seven committee members, including reporters from arranged and bound that it won the Sweepstakes Award and two other each of the four families . First Place Awards in Utah Printing Week Competition of 1974 . Some time ago a suggestion was made that we consider regional reunions , Volume I - Reflections on Ancestry and Early Life, is a 670 page '...ook possibly one on the West Coast and one on the East Coast . For a large with over 350 pages devoted to photographs , maps and sketches of our number of our family members , the reunions held in Utah are hundreds ancestors which span four generations . Seventy- six pages concern of miles from their homes and difficult to attend. McKay Phippen, Phineas Wolcott Cook including many early pictures of Salt Lake City Chairman of the Reunion Committee , is presently evaluating the regional illustrating certain periods in his life is now available at a price reunion feasibility . of $50.00. I wish to thank the board and the officers for their support and I wish This is a limited edition and should be of great interest to members of to congratulate them on their accomplishments this year . I ask their the family. Dr . Cook has made it available in such a way as to support continued efforts toward the accomplishment of the many goals set by the financial base of the family organization. All proceeds received the board including a greatly increased effort in the area of geneal from this purchase remain in the Phineas Wolcott Cook Family Organizat ogical research in the coming year. ion for use in genealogical r esearch and other worthy endeavors benef icial to the objectives of the organization. Sincerely, A collection of the poems of Maude O. Cook , have also been given to the family organization. Copies of this volume entitled, You Le~ us With a Smile, are also available at $7 .50 each. All proceeds for this book also remain in the Phineas Wolcott Cook Family Organization. This is a hard bound ~2 0 page volume including over a hundred poems pre- vi blished in church publications and national poetry magazines . a great fin.ancial boost to our family organization. Alton D. Cook We urge you to take advantage of this gift quickly as there are a l:ilnited number of books. .. -... 1 RECRUITING COMMITTEE LETTER .. -.. May 17, 1975 Trie annual PHINEAS WOLCOTT COOK FAMILY REUNION will be held th s year Dear Family Members: at tne T.agoon Resort in Farnllngton, lJtah, on 3aturday August 9, 1975. Reservations have been made there in the Turquoise Plaza fran 10 . A~ M. You belong to a family organization of over four thousand members for the entire day. Lunch is planned for 2:30 P.M. and will be "Pot scattered throughout the United states. Luck." Bring your favorite picnic dish, enough to serve 10 to 15 people, and together we will have a real "spread." The reunion ccmn we have been working to effect an organization that will include all ittee will furnish punch and desert. members of this great Phineas Wolcott Cook Family. The first few years have been devoted to organizing, staffing and determining the A~er lunch there will be a special program which will interest all scope of the work to be accanplished. family members . We will have a short business and genealogical meeting for interested members later in'the day. We now have a skeleton organization canpleted, thanks to a number of people who have given unstintingly of their time and talents. Now we A special price has been obtained for "Full Day Pass" which will entitle need to canplete the full organization. the holder to any number or kinds of rides, swirrrning, etc. available at the resort for the entire day. This pass is $5.50 for adults, and $2 .50 This letter is being sent to each member now listed in hopes .that we for children. will be able to find the necessary help to carry on this great work now and 1fl the future. - The reunion carrnittee would like to help you with reservations for camp ers, trailers, motels, or to stay with relatives while you are here. We need Chairmen, or Chairwanen, for sane of the following carrnittees Write to Mrs. Maurine P. Dunford at 1752 Browning Ave., Salt Lake City, and people to' staff them: Utah 84108, or · pho~e her at 581-1024 area code 801. Write or call early enough for her to make the arrangements and get the information .iack to you . Desending Pedigree Ascend1ng Pedigree We are looking forward to having the biggest and best reunion since the Genealogical Research founding of our organization. Special contacts will be made where poss Data Verification ible to make sure of this, so plan to be with·us. Reserve the date, Family Records & .Al'c.h.1 ves · 9 August, and mark your calendars. Historian Reunions Finance Newsletter Publications Book of Anectedotes Recruiting Public Relations FINANCE COMMITTEE LETTER Mailing Republish the Phineas W. COQll: Diary May 17. 1975 Dear Family Members: MworJa who can type, work programs for ccmputers, do research of any kind, proofread, do printing, or use talents in any other reeded way This letter pertains to finance in relation to our gr-eat family and are willing to contribute to the advancement of the organization. organization. WIIL YOU PIEASE, UPON RECEIPI' OF 'lliIS IEI'I'ER, TAKE 'IHE TIME TO SIT DONN AND WRI'm A SROffi' N<Jl'E TO 'lliIS ccmITl'EE, IEl'l'ING US KNC1tl WHAT YOU ARE As you know, we have received many wonderful printed publications WILLING TO 00 ·AND WHEN. through the devoted efforts of the individuals who are working on the various carrnittees within the organization. We have been drawn ·more closely together and .have met one another on a friendly family basis many times through the past years •. We have been highly blessed ibe address is: s. Bryson Cook by the Lord both individually and collectively. I am sure much of :Recru:t.tir]g Carmi ttee this is due to the great heritage which we enjoy. 66 So. MaBcn Lane North Salt Lake City. Utah 84054 We are continuing·efforts to publish newsletters, books, and results of genealogical research. As these endeavors proceed, you will or call 801-752-1243 receive the results. At the present time we have two fantastic books which are designed to help the organization raise money and to give us at the same time choice publications which can be used and enjoyed by all, The funds derived therefran will be used in behalf of the We will classify the information and make a card index that will be Phineas Wolcott Cook Family Organization to meet it's goals. forwarded to the President. He will then have a list of willing workers to fill the carrnittees. Please participate with tis in these efforts. For copies send Yc:>Ur check today made pey.able to the Phineas Wolcott Cook Family Organ We urgently request your inmediate response. ization. Mail the check to: Sincerely, Dean S. Cook, Chairman Finance Carrnittee 66 So. Ma.sen Lane North Salt Lake City, Utah 84054 S. Bryson Cook, Chairman Recruiting Carrnittee JOSEPH WOLCOTT COOK During the six or seven years the Cook family had been in Swan Creek, they had established a farm, built a comfortable log house, a grist mill, a saw mill, and a shingle mill.