Trail Breakers – Vol 35, July 2008 to June 2009 Clark County Genealogical Society, Vancouver, Washington TRAIL BREAKERS Vol. 35 (1 issue - 2008-2009) is the publication of the Clark County Clark County Genealogica l Society (CCGS) is an Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 5249, Vancouver, WA 98668-5249. educational service organization dedicated to the Issues are being published annually if collection and publication of the heritage of Clark an editor is available. Articles from County. CCGS offers assistance to genealogical this publication are indexed in PERSI. researchers and family historians. TRAIL BREAKERS EDITORS: Asst. Secretary-Treasurer: Membership contact is Pat LaRock Diana Cruz Vacant Jane Germann DUES: $30.00 per year for an Immediate Past President: individual; $40.00 for joint members The Editor accepts donations of articles, fill-ins, how-to's, Diana Cruz (two people, only one publication biographies, etc. Material being mailing). Life membership is submitted may be sent by e-mail to BOARD MEETINGS: $650.00; joint life is $800.00.
[email protected] in RTF format Meetings are held at the CCGS Contributing patron is $50.00 or or left in the editor's file at the CCGS Library Annex on the 2nd Monday. more per year (no mailings). Dues Library. If a reprint is being turned All members are welcome to attend. are for one year from date paid. in, please include source information. See monthly meeting schedule under Check mailing label to see when your General Meetings membership expires. While the editor will take reasonable effort to review presented material, INTERNET WEB SITE: neither CCGS nor editor of the Trail GENERAL MEETINGS: Breakers accept responsibility for Anyone interested in family research http//