Electronic Records Management Guidelines GLOSSARY

Application: A piece of software that performs : A copy of all or portions of software or a function; a computer program. files on a system kept on storage media, Architecture: The design and specifications of such as tape or disk, or on a separate system so hardware, software, or a combination of that the files can be restored if the original data thereof, especially how those components are deleted or damaged. In information interact. An enterprise-wide architecture is a technology, archive is commonly used as a logically consistent set of principles that guide synonym for backup. the design and development of an Backward-compatible: The ability of a organization’s information systems and software program or piece of hardware to read technology infrastructure. files in previous versions of the software or Archive: To transfer records from the hardware. individual or office of creation to a repository rot: Also known as data degradation, it is authorized to appraise, preserve, and provide the gradual corruption of computer data due to access to those records. Computing — Data an accumulation of non-critical failures in a stored offline and retained for recordkeeping device. Overtime, the and purposes; also — A backup that supports bytes (the 1s and 0s) of computer data will restoration of the entire system after a disaster. reverse until the data is no longer Archives: The division within an organization readable. This is another reason digital files responsible for maintaining the organization’s must be migrated and converted at least every records of enduring value; can also refer to 10 years. government agencies such as the South Bitmap (BMP files): A relatively low-quality Carolina Department of Archives and History digital image file format, used most often in (SCDAH). word processing applications. BMP format Authenticity: The judgment that something is creates a lossless compression. Files end with a genuine, based on internal and external .bmp extension. evidence, including its physical characteristics, Bits: The smallest discrete units of digital data. structure, content, and context. Short for binary digit.

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Blu-ray: A high-capacity medium Conversion: Changing a record’s file format, similar to CD and DVD. It was developed to often to make the record software-independent record, store, and playback video and audio at and in a standard or open format. higher resolutions and storage capacities than Digital Asset Management System (DAMS): A DVDs or CDs. system for organizing, storing, and retrieving Browser: A browser is an application program electronic files (both born digital and that provides a way to look at and interact with digitized). all the information on the World Wide Web. Digital Audio Tape (DAT): A type of digital Popular browsers include, but are not limited storage media, DATs are in a cartridge format a to, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox and little larger than a credit card. The industry Mozilla. standard for DAT cartridge format is a digital Byte: Eight consecutive bits of digital data. data storage (DDS) cartridge. DDS cartridges Checksum: A checksum is a count of the provide sequential access. number of bits in a transmission unit that is Digital Linear Tape (DLT): DLT is a high included with the unit so that the receiver can speed magnetic tape and drive system in check to see whether the same number of bits cartridge format that can hold up to 70 arrived. If the counts match, then one can Gigabytes of data. Super DLT can hold up to 100 assume that the complete transmission was GB on a single cartridge. DLT offers significant received. speed and storage advantages over DAT. Compact Disk (CD): A type of optical disk Digital certificate: A file issued by a certificate storage medium, compact disks come in a authority that binds an individual or variety of formats. These formats include CD- organization to a public key so that the identity ROMs that are read-only, CD-Rs that you can of the individual or organization can be write to once and are then read-only, and CD- authenticated. RWs that you can write to in multiple sessions. Digital data: Data that consist, at their most Compound document: A document with basic level, of 0s and 1s. multiple elements (e.g., images, text, animation, Digital Obsolescence: A situation where a hypertext). digital asset is no longer readable because of its Compression: A process, using special archaic format. This can be due to its software software, that reduces the file size of a given or its hardware. For example, the electronic file. drive was ubiquitous in the 1990s but floppy Content management system (CMS): disk drives are no longer available in modern Software, policies and procedures that collect, computers. Digital obsolescence is one of the manage and deliver information for an main reasons digital files must be migrated or enterprise. Content management may include converted every 10 years. records management as a function of the Digital signature: Extra data appended to a overall system. message identify and authenticate the sender Convenience Copy: All copies of a document and message data using public-key encryption. that are not the “official” or “record” A digital signature (not to be confused with a copy. These are secondary copies of any digital certificate) is an electronic signature document and do not need to be kept for any that can be used to authenticate the identity of set amount of time. the sender of a message or the signer of a document. Digital signatures can also be used ______South Carolina Department of Archives & History www.scdah.sc.gov January 2021 Page 2

to verify that the original content of a message two levels: Simple and Qualified. Simple Dublin or document is complete and unaltered. Core comprises fifteen elements; Qualified Digital Versatile Disk (DVD): An optical disk Dublin Core includes an additional element, with more storage capacity than CD-ROMs. Audience, as well as a group of element DVDs are also called digital video disks, but do refinements (called qualifiers). The semantics not necessarily include video. They are of Dublin Core have been established by an accessed using a DVD drive attached to a international, cross-disciplinary group of personal computer. No single standard exists professionals from librarianship, computer therefore several varieties of DVD are available science, text encoding, the museum community, to consumers. and other related fields of scholarship and Digital Versatile Disk — Random Access practice. Memory (DVD-RAM): Rewritable DVD disks Electronic document management system with exceptional storage capacity. (EDMS): Electronic document management Digital Versatile Disk—Read Only Memory systems are programs, procedures and/or (DVD-ROM): These DVDs are pressed and software that manage, control and provide molded, non recordable read-only disks that access to electronic documents. EDMS provide also have enough storage capacity for a full- document version control, collaborative work length feature film. Most of these drives are environments, indexing, and some access backward-compatible with CD-ROMs and can controls but do not usually incorporate records play DVD video disks. management processes. EDM systems usually Digital Versatile Disk-Write Once focus on streamlining work flow. (DVD+R, DVD-R): DVD-Rs and DVD+R’s Electronic mail (e-mail): Electronic can be written to once and are then read- correspondence sent from one user to one or only. more recipients. Digital Versatile Disk + Rewritable Electronic record: As defined by the South (DVD+RW, DVD-RW): DVD+RW and DVD-RW Carolina is a direct competitor to DVD-RAM with similar Uniform Electronic Transactions Act [UETA] functionality and slightly greater storage (Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, Section capacity. They permit the erasing of earlier 26-6-10 through 26-6-210) an electronic information and the recording of new material record is “a record created, generated, sent, in the same location on the disk. communicated, received, or stored by Disposition: Either the destruction or electronic means.” permanent retention of a record as authorized Electronic record management system by the Public Records Act. (ERMS): A software application coupled with Document: Information or data fixed in a program and procedures that prevents the medium. A document has content, context and modification of records and permits deletion structure. It is not limited by media or format based on records retention rules. An ERMS type and may, in some instances, qualify as a provides a secure records repository that record (see Record). preserves the business context of an individual Dublin Core metadata set: The Dublin Core record. metadata standard is a simple element set for Electronic signature: As defined by UETA, “an describing a wide range of networked electronic sound, symbol, or process attached resources. The Dublin Core standard includes to or logically associated with a record and ______South Carolina Department of Archives & History www.scdah.sc.gov January 2021 Page 3

executed or adopted by a person with the geographic data. A GIS can be as complex as intent to sign the record.” whole systems using dedicated databases and E-mail account: An email account includes an workstations hooked up to a network, or as email address and mailboxes. Incoming emails simple as “off-the-shelf” desktop software. A are held in your mailbox and accessed via an GIS is able to combine and overlay separate email client. layers of geographic data, making it a valuable E-mail client: A program that can retrieve tool for organizations needing to map and email from an email account, allowing a user to analyze spatial information. read, forward, delete, reply to, and manage Gigabyte: 1,024 megabytes, or 1,024,000,000 email messages. bytes, of digital data. Erasable Optical (EO) disk: The user can Gopher: A URI protocol used primarily in write to, read from, and erase from EO disks as academic and governmental settings that is often as they can magnetic disks. EO disks rarely used today. HTTP and the World Wide require special hardware. Web supplanted Gopher as the primary means Extranet: A type of Internet site to which to transfer information. organizations allow only selected external Graphics Interchange Format (GIF): A digital access. image file format, GIF supports color and File name: The name of a grayscale. Limited to 256 colors, GIF is a independent of location. lossless compression more effective for images File path: The location of a computer file as it is such as logos and graphics rather than color stored in a series of directories. photos or art. It should be noted that although File transfer protocol (FTP): A set of formal the format is widely used, it is technically rules used to exchange files between proprietary. GIF files end with a .gif extension. computers. Group list: A list of names and e-mail Forward-compatible: The ability of a software addresses, organized into a group, that enables program to create files that can be read by the e-mail message sender to enter only the more advanced versions of the software. group list name when sending an e-mail Freedom of Information Act: The South message to the group list members. Carolina Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] Hypertext: Connected associations that users (Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, Section make to incorporate and organize large 30-4-10 through 30-4-165) supports amounts of information content. Hypertext government accountability by ensuring the links are fundamental to the Internet. right of citizens to inspect or copy public Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP): A set of records. The establishment of fees, formal rules used by computers to transfer files on the public notification, and restrictions limiting Internet. public disclosure of certain records is covered. Information: Organized data in various Free-text search/Full-text search: A formats including text, images, sounds, motion, document searching function that searches codes, computer programs, software, and every word in a document or specified group of databases. Information that has content, documents. context or structure may qualify as a record Geographic Information System (GIS): A (see also Document). system of hardware and software used for Instant Messaging (IM): A service that permits storage, retrieval, mapping, and analysis of individuals to quickly exchange electronic ______South Carolina Department of Archives & History www.scdah.sc.gov January 2021 Page 4

messages with selected others in an informal Internet: The vast network of computer manner that mimics conversation. systems that enables worldwide connectivity among users and computers. The Internet programs and files you work with daily. relies on TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate Magnetic disks provide random access. Also data transmission and exchange. included are removable hard disks, floppy Intranet: A network belonging to an disks, zip disks, and removable cartridges. organization that is accessible only by the Magnetic tape: A type of digital storage organization’s members, employees, or others medium; magnetic tapes come in reel-to-reel as with authorization. Intranets are protected by a well as cartridge format (encased in a housing firewalls to prevent unauthorized access. for ease of use). The two main advantages of Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG): A magnetic tapes are their relatively low cost and digital image file format, JPEG is a lossy their large storage capacities (up to several compression technique for color and grayscale gigabytes). Magnetic tapes provide sequential images. Depending upon the degree of access to stored information, which is slower compression, the loss of detail may be visible to than the random access of magnetic disks. the human eye. Files in JPEG format end with a Magnetic tapes are a common choice for long- .jpg extension. term storage or the transport of large volumes Kilobyte: 1,204 bytes of digital data. of information. Linear Tape-Open (LTO): Linear Tape Open is Master: An item from which duplicates are to an open standard magnetic tape system similar be made. (see Original) to DLT in capacity and speed. LTO’s Megabyte: 1,024 kilobytes or 1,024,000 bytes standardized format allows interoperability of digital data. between tapes and tape drives made by Metadata: Data about data. Information (e.g., different manufacturers creator name, creation date) that is used to Long-term value: Applies to records facilitate intellectual control of, and structured established as useful and/or significant to an access to, other information. individual or organization for 10 years or Migration: Moving files to another computer longer. platform which may require changing their Lossiness: The degree to which data are lost formats. during file compression. Near-line storage: Storage in a system that is Lossless compression: Refers to data not a direct part of a network, but that can be compression techniques in which no data are accessed through a network. lost. Off-line storage: The storage of digital data Lossy compression: Refers to data outside a network (e.g., on backup tapes) only compression techniques in which some amount accessible through an offline storage system. of data is lost. Lossy compression technologies Official copy: (see Record Copy) attempt to eliminate redundant or unnecessary On-line storage: The storage of digital data as information. fully accessible information on a network. Mailto: This protocol is used for e-mail Open source software: Computer source code exchange. made public so that anyone can copy, refine, Magnetic disk: A type of digital storage and redistribute free of distribution medium, magnetic disks include the hard disk restrictions, not necessarily free of charge. found in your computer that stores the ______South Carolina Department of Archives & History www.scdah.sc.gov January 2021 Page 5

Optical Character Recognition (OCR): OCR is analysis of the scanned-in image, and then the recognition of printed or written text translation of the character image into characters by a computer. This involves character codes, such as ASCII. OCR is being applied by libraries, businesses, and developed. Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Facebook government agencies to create text-searchable and Twitter are examples of platforms. files for digital collections. Portable Document Format (PDF): PDFs are Original: The most authentic form of a useful for viewing and printing documents and document, based on the assumption that any images. Commonly used to capture, distribute, copy involves some loss of fidelity. An original and store electronic documents, PDF preserves may have preceding versions, which may the fonts, images, graphics, and overall “look” themselves be considered distinct originals. of the original digital files. As with the GIF Such an assumption is questionable in the format, the PDF format is proprietary, although electronic environment, where a sequence of widely used. Files in PDF end with a .pdf digits may be demonstrated to be identical extension. although the display of those digits may vary Portable Document Format-Archive (PDF- depending on the system used to view them. A): An open standard, PDF-A was developed by Personal Storage Table (PST): An open the Adobe corporation with governmental and proprietary file format used to store copies of independent advice. The format is intended for messages, calendar events, and other items electronic data archiving and excludes within Microsoft software such as Microsoft proprietary and executable codes. Exchange Client, Windows Messaging, and Portable Network Graphics (PNG): A lossless Microsoft Outlook. digital image file format, PNG files are designed Persistent uniform resource locator (PURL): to replace GIF files. The format is completely PURLs are functionally Uniform Resource patent and license free and is of higher quality Locators. They act as an intermediary for the than GIF. PNG files can be ten to thirty percent URL of a web site by redirecting the client more compressed than GIFs. Files in PNG browser to a PURL server instead of the web format end with a .png extension. site host server. The PURL server associates the Public record: FOIA affirms that a “‘public PURL with the real URL and returns the web record’ includes all books, papers, maps, page to the viewer’s browser. photographs, cards, tapes, recordings, or other Pixel: A unit of measure used to describe the documentary materials regardless of physical size or resolution of an image. A pixel may be form or characteristics prepared, owned, used, represented by a single bit. in the possession of, or retained by a public Pixel Bit-Depth: Defines the number of shades body.” that can actually be represented by the amount Public Records Act: The South Carolina Public of information saved for each pixel. These can Records Act [PRA] (Code of Laws of South range from 1 bit/pixel for binary (fax type) Carolina, 1976, Section 30-1-10 through 30-1- images to 24 bits per pixel or greater in high 140, as amended) governs the management of quality color images. all public records created by agencies or Platform: A group of technologies that are used entities supported in whole or in part by public as a base upon which other applications, funds in South Carolina. processes, or technologies are

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Raster graphics: A type of graphics file that designed for records that are common to many stores the images as a collection of pixels. Also government offices. Specific schedules are called bitmapped images. designed for records that are unique to one Record: UETA defines a record as “Information government office. Both may be applied to that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is agency records. stored in an electronic or other medium and is Records series: Records arranged according to retrievable in perceivable form.” also — a filing system or kept together because they Information created or received during the relate to a particular subject or function or course of government business that becomes result from the same activity. part of an official transaction. Reliability: The quality of being consistent, Record copy: The single version of a document dependable and worthy of trust. A reliable that is designated as the official copy for record is one whose contents can be trusted as reference and preservation. a full and accurate representation of the Recordkeeping: The act or process of creating, transactions, activities or facts to which they maintaining, and disposing of records. (see also attest and can be depended upon in the course Records management) of subsequent transactions or activities. Records continuum: An archival concept that Resolution: A measure of the sharpness or reduces the distinction between current and detail in an image or optical system. The historical recordkeeping. The records greater the resolution, the higher the quality of continuum promotes cooperation between an image. Factors such as the size of the display records managers, archivists and creators in device also affects overall sharpness. identifying and managing records. Server: A computer on a network that is Records life cycle: A concept for the dedicated to a particular purpose and which management of records used by records stores all information and performs the critical managers and archivists. The life cycle functions for that purpose. recognizes distinct stages of a record’s life Social Media: Interactive, computer-mediated including creation, maintenance and use, and technologies that facilitate the creation or disposition. sharing of information, ideas, career Records management: The planning, information, etc. via virtual communities and controlling, directing, organizing, training, networks. promoting, and other managerial activities Tagged Image File Format (TIFF): A digital related to the creation, maintenance, use, and image format, TIFF supports black and white, disposition of records. (see also Recordkeeping) gray-scale, and color. TIFF is a non-proprietary Records retention period: The length of time format offering the option of lossless a given records series must be kept for compression. TIFF files are usually indicated administrative, physical, legal and historical with the .tif extension. reasons, expressed as either a time period (e.g., Telnet: An access protocol that provides the four years), an event or action (e.g., audit), or a user remote control (not just access) to another combination (e.g., six months after audit). computer. Most commonly used for interactive, Records retention schedule: A document text-based sites. describing records by series that specifies the Terabyte: 1,024 gigabytes or length of time required for their maintenance 1,024,000,000,000 bytes of digital data. and final disposition. General schedules are ______South Carolina Department of Archives & History www.scdah.sc.gov January 2021 Page 7

Transfer protocol: A series of commands that Vital record: A record that is essential to the defines how information is formatted, organization’s operation or to the re- retrieved, and delivered. Usually used in establishment of the organization after a reference to information transferred over the disaster. Internet. Voice mail: A highly sophisticated, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act: The computerized system for receiving, recording, South Carolina Uniform Electronic Transactions saving, and managing voice messages. Act [UETA] (Code of Laws of South Carolina, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP): A term 1976, Section 26-6-10 through 26-6-210) used for a set of facilities that manage the facilitates electronic commerce and electronic delivery of voice information in digital form government services by legally placing using the Internet Protocol (IP). electronic records and signatures on equal Web site: A collection of Uniform Resource footing with their paper counterparts. The law Identifiers (URIs) in the control of one does not require the use of electronic records administrative entity. May include different and signatures but allows for them where types of URIs (e.g., file transfer protocol sites, agreed upon by all involved parties. telnet sites, as well as World Wide Web sites). Uniform resource identifier (URI): A short Web site snapshot: The capture of a complete text string that describes an item on the web site using special software. Internet. Also known as the resource’s Workflow: A series of tasks or procedural “address.” steps required to complete a process. In digital Uniform resource locator (URL): A type of imaging systems, workflow is divided into URI scheme that allows users to access stages. Each stage contains a series of tasks that resources on the Internet. must be completed before moving on to the Uniform resource name (URN): A type of URI next stage. scheme that is designed to serve as a World Wide Web: Computer network persistent, location-independent resource consisting of a collection of internet sites that identifier. offer text, graphics, sound, and animation Vector graphics: A type of graphics file that resources through the hypertext transfer stores the image as a collection of geometric protocol (http) for viewing with a browser. formulas.

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