Provincial Gazette Provinsiale Koerant
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Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag No. 99 FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2007 No. 99 VRYDAG, 30 NOVEMBER 2007 No. Index Page No. Inhoud Bladsy MISCELLANEOUS ALLERLEI Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits........ 2 Aansoek om Openbare Padvervoerpermitte .. 2 NOTICE Please takenotethat the last publication of the Provincial Gazette for the year2007 and the next publication for 2008 16 2 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 30 NOVEMBER 2007 I 30 NOVEMBER 2007 APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC ROAD CARRIER PERMITS Particulars in respect of applications for public road carrier permits (as submitted to the respective local road transportation board) indicating, firstly, the reference number and then - (a) the name of the applicant, (b) the place where the applicant conducts his business orwishes to conduct hisbusiness, as well as his postal address: (c) the nature of the application, thatis whether it is an applicant for- (C1) the grant of such permit, (C2) the grant of additional authorisation, (C3) the amendment, of a route, (C4) the amendment, of a timetable, (C5) theamendment of tariffs, (C6) the renewal of such permit, (C7) thetransfer of such permit, (C8) thechange of the name of theundertaking concerned, (C9) thereplacement of a vehicle, (C10) the amendment of vehicle particulars, or (C11) an additional vehicle with existing authorisation;-as well as,in the case of an application contemplated in C6 of C7,- (C12) thenumber of thepermit concerned. (d) the number and type of vehicles, including thecarrying capacity or gross vehicle, mass of thevehicles involved in the application, (e) the nature of theroad transportation or proposed road transportation, (1) the points between or the route or routes along or the area or areas within which the road transportation is conducted or the pro posed road transportation is to be conducted where any of (a)to (1) are applicable, are public able, are published below in terms of section 14(1) of the road Transportation Act, 1977 (Act 74of 1977). In terms of regulation 4 of the Road Transportation Regulations, 1977, written representations supporting these applications must within 21 days from the date of this publication, be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to, the local road transportation board concerned in quadruplicate, and lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to, the applicant at his advertised address (see (b)) in single copy. Address to which representations must bedirected: TheSecretary, Free State Permit Board, Private Bag X20579, Bloemfontein, 9300 Full particulars in respect of each application areopen to inspection at the Local Transportation Board's office. AANSOEKE OM OPENBARE PADVERVOERPERMITTE Besonderhede ten opsigte van aansoeke om openbare padvervoerpermitte (soos ingedien by die onderskeie plaaslike padvervoerrade) met aanduiding van, eerstens, die verwysingsnommer, en dan - (a) dienaam van dieaansoeker, (b) die plek waar die aansoeker by besigheid dryfof wildryf, asook sy posadres, (c) dieaard van die aansoek, dit wil se of dit 'n aansoek om- PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1PROVINSIALE KOERANT 30 NOVEMBER 2007 / 30 NOVEMBER 2007 3 (C7) die oordrag van sodanige permit, (C8) die verandering van die naarn van die betrokke onderneming, (C9) die vervanging van 'n voertuig, (C10) die wysiging van voertuigbesonderhede; of (C11) 'n bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging is;- asook, in die geval van 'n aansoek in C6 of C7 bedoel, (C12) die nommer van die betrokke permit. (d) d!e getal en tipe voertuig, metinbegrip van die dravermoe of die bruto voertuigmassa van die voertuie watby die aansoek betrokke is, (e) die aard van die padvervoer of voorgenome padvervoer, dit wil seofditpersone of goedere, of albei behels, (f) die punte waartussen of die roete of roetes waaroor of die gebied of gebiede waarbinne die padvervoer onderneem word of die voorge noemde padvervoer onderneem staan te word waar enige van (a) of (f) van toepassing is, word ingevolge artikeI14(1) van die Wet op Padvervoer, 1977 (Wet 74van 1977), hieronder gepubliseer. Ingevolge regulasasie 4 van die padvervoerregulasies, 1977, moet skriflelike vertoe ter ondersteuning of bestryding van hierdie aansoeke, binne 21 dae vanaf die datum van hierdie publikasie, in viervoud of perhand ingedien word by, of pergeregistreerde pos gestuur word aan die aansoeker bysygepubliseerde adres (kyk (b)). Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris, Vrystaat Permitraad, Privaatsak X20579, Bloemfontein, 9300 Volle besonderhede ten opsigte van elke aansoek Ie terinsae bydiePlaaslike Padvervoerraad sekantoor. OP.1564784. (2) NTLANGANI A ID NO 4002105421087. (3) DISTRICT: BLOEMFONTEIN. POSTAL ADDRESS: 52366 PHASE THREE, TURFLAAGTE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9323 C/O M.T.R.O. POSBUS 8847, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. (4) NEW APPLICATION (LATE RENEWAL). (5) 1 X 4 PASSENGERS. (6) THE CONVEYANCE OFTAXI PASSENGERS. (7) AUTHORITY: (A) ON TRIPS FROM RUSSEL SQUARE TAXI RANK, CNR HANGER STREET AND HARVEY ROAD, BLOEMFONTEIN TOROCKLANDS, BLOEMFONTEIN VIA BATHO/BOCHABELA; PHAHAMENG, BLOEMFONTEIN AND RETURN. (VEHICLE TO BE STATIONED ATRUSSEL SQUARE TAXI RANK, CNR HANGER STREET AND HARVEY ROAD, BLOEMFONTEIN AND MUST BE OPERATED FROM THERE). OP.1565135. (2) RAMARIKHOANE LJ 10 NO 7807065674088. POSADRES: THABONG, MOTSETHABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 209374/2 VAN SIBANYONI MD (4 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: WELKOM). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGENOEMDE PERMIT(TE). OP.1565200. (2) KHOZA DA 10 NO 6903230926080. POSADRES: 16816 THABONG, MOTSHETHABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 213196/2 VAN CHAUQUE AM (15X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: WELKOM). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGE NOEMDE PERMIT(TE). OP.1566803. (2) MTAMZELI H 10 NO 5501025803083. POSTAL ADDRESS: 29486 THABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4)TRANSFER, PERMIT NO. 202843/4 FROM RALETING TF(14X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: WELKOM). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1568128. (2) LETEANE MD ID NO 6410205865087. POSADRES: 3829 MAHLATSANE STREET, THABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 202822/0 VAN DIHLABI PS (9 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: ODENDAALSRUS). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGENOEMDE PERMIT(TE). OP.1568130. (2) LETEANE MD 10 NO 6410205865087. POSADRES: 3829 MAHLATSANE STREET, THABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 202379/1 VAN DIHLABI PS (15 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: ODENDAALSRUS). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGENOEMDE PERMIT(TE). OP.1568131. (2) LETEANE MD ID NO 6410205865087. POSADRES: 3829 MAHLATSANE STREET, THABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 202240/0 VAN DIHLABI PS (14 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: ODENDAALSRUS). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGENOEMDE PERMIT(TE). 4 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 30 NOVEMBER 2007 I 30 NOVEMBER 2007 OP.1568132. (2) LETEANE MO 10 NO 6410205865087. POSADRES: 3829 MAHLATSANE STREET, THABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 202235/0 VAN DIHLABI PS (14 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: ODENDAALSRUS). (7) MAGTIGIII.JG SOOS IN LAASGENOEMDE PERMIT(TE). OP.1571131. (2) MOKOENA KL 10 NO 6806190798086. POSADRES: 45BRAND STREET, THABA NCHU, 9780. (4) OORDRAG VAN PER MIT, PERMIT NO. 552801/2 VAN MOROKA MR (15 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: WITSIESHOEK). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGE· NOEMDE PERMIT(TE). OP.1571328. (2) NTJOKO MP ID NO 5112195245087. POSTAL ADDRESS: 5731 THABONG, MOTSETHABONG, WELKOM, 9463. (4) TRANSFER, PERMIT NO. 558105/2 FROM NTJOKO ME (4 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: WELKOM). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MEN TIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1571535. (2) CHAUQUE GA 10 NO 6302015122082. POSTAL ADDRESS: 42 BLESBOK, VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA, 9430. (4) TRANSFER, PERIVIIT NO. 560560/0 FROM MATLOKOTSI RI (4 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: VIRGINIA). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1572206. (2) MOLLO MD 10 NO 5311255556082. POSADRES: P.O. BOX 11265, MOKODUMELA, 9868. (4) OORDRAG VAN PERMIT, PERMIT NO. 551920/0 VAN LOAPE L (12 X PASSASIERS, DISTRIK: WITSIESHOEK). (7) MAGTIGING SOOS IN LAASGENOEMDE PER MIT(TE). OP.1574638. (2) LEBAKENG PO 10 NO 7008015757087. POSTAL ADDRESS: 57367 J.B. MAFORA, KAGISANONG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9323. (4) TRANSFER, PERMIT NO. 555429/0 FROM LEKHINA EM (13 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: BLOEMFONTEIN). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERIVIIT(S). OP.1574781. (2) CHOEU MCC 10 NO 5407270768080. POSTAL ADDRESS: 341 RATAU LCATION, THABA NCHU, THABA NCHU, 9780. (4) TRANSFER, PERMIT NO. 565355/3 FROM CHOEU BM (9X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: THABA NCHU). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1575608. (2) MSIBI BJ 10 NO 6411165353080. POSTAL ADDRESS: POSBUS 10569, MOKODUMElA, 9868. (4) TRANSFER, PERMIT NO. 569355/2 FROM lAKOJE PR (4 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: WITSIESHOEK). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN lAST MENTIONED PERMIT (S). OP.1575733. (2) WIESE C 10 NO 6104125150080. POSTAL ADDRESS: 71 MURISON STREET, HEIDEDAl, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9306. (4) TRANSFER, PERMIT NO. 552776/0 FROM BOTHA N (4 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: BLOEMFONTEIN). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN lAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1576392. (2) BEZUIDT SP 10 NO 5809045112082. POSTAL ADDRESS: 1255 ELiTELAAN, BRONVlllE, WELKOM, 9473. (4) TRANS FER, PERMIT NO. 206062/3 FROM MCBETTY JT(8 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: WElKOM). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PERMIT(S). OP.1576692. (2) MASOEU TA 10 NO 7412155582083. POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 14076, WITSIESHOEK, 9870. (4) TRANSFER, PER MIT NO. 555531/0 FROM NYAREDI A (4 X PASSENGERS, DISTRICT: WITSIESHOEK). (7) AUTHORITY AS IN LAST MENTIONED PER MIT(S). OP.1576755. (2) THUPA MID NO 5908085816089. POSTAL ADDRESS: 38 CHURCH STREET, DOORN,