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UBV PHOTOMETRY of DQ CEPHEI ROBERT LEROY JENKS May, 1966 UBV PHOTOMETRY OF DQ CEPHEI By ROBERT LEROY JENKS Bachelor of Arts University of Omaha Omaha, Nebraska 1959 Master of Science Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 1963 Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHil,OSOPHY May, 1966 ,. OKLAHOM~ STATE UNIVERSITY UBRARY NOV 9 1966 · '-'·:·.•.. ~ ..... UBV PHOTOMETRY OF .00 CEPHEI Thesis Approved: Theeis Adviser ~!~£~:( :..,.) ..,;.LUU9. -~ re; O· ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ~ would like to thank Dr. Leon W. Schroeder, my adviser, who sugge_sted this topic for my thesis, provided me generously with his time and advice, and went to the effort of obtaining the observations upon which this paper is based. I am also in debt to Dr. A. M. Heiser, of the Dyer Observatory, who suggested this star as an object of study, provided time at the observatory, supervised the observations, and provided advice about the reduction. Dr. W. s. Fitch generously provided me with the results of his observations which were of great aid during the study. Also, I am greatly appreciative to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration which provided a Traineeship that substantially reduced the amount of time required to complete this study. Financial support for obtaining the observations was supplied by the Research Foundation of Oklahoma State University. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION. 1 II. REDUCTION OF PHOTOELECTRIC DATA • e • • • • 4 Atmospheric Extinction ••• 4 Magnitude and Color Transformations. 9 The U, B, V Photometric System ••• 10 Heliocentric Julian Day Correction. 11 III. DETAILED COMPUrATION OF THE REDUCTION • • 15 · Preliminary Investigation. • • • ••• 17 Extinction (Excluding August 17, 1964) • 23 Comparison Star Evaluation ••• 32 Extinction for August 17, 1964 • • •••• 41 Computation of DQ Cephei Light Curves •••••• 44 IV. PERIOD DETERMINATION. • • • • • 81 Extraction of All Possible Periods • 81 Optimization of Periods •• 84 V. DETAILED COMPUTATION OF THE PERIOD. 87 Location of Extrema. • • • • • • 87 Extraction of Possible Periods • 106 Optimization of the Period ••• 107 Three Color Analysis of the Maxima ••••• 107 Walker's Data. • • • • • ••• 109 Sahade's Data. • • • • •••• 109 Spanning the Gaps. • • • • • • • • • • ••• 110 Fitch's Data. • • • •••• 111 Optimization of the Period Using All Data. 111 Secular Variations in the Period •••• 118 VI. WAVEFORM ANALYSIS AND REDDENING ••• 122 Variations in the Light Curves • • • 122 The Color-Color Curve. • • • • • • • • 128 Extraction of the Modulation Envelope. • • • • • • 130 Extraction and Optimization of the Beat Period • 133 Evaluation of the Modulation Term. • • • • • 140 Periodogram Analysis • • • 141 VII. MACHINE PROGRAM DESIGN ••• 155 Extinction and Reduction. 155 iv TABl.E OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter Pa.ge Heliocentric Julian Day Correction. • 157 VIII. CONCLUSIONS. • • • 162 REFERENCES. • • 164 APPENDIX A • .. • .. • 167 APPENDIX :B • • • • .. 174 AfPENDJX C • • • 178 v LIST OF TABLES Table Page I. Coefficients of Extinction Equations at the Dyer Observatory in 1964. 24 II. Extinction Data for August 13, 1964 • 24 III. Extinction Data for August 18, 1964 . 25 IV. Extinction Data for August 28, 1964 . 26 v. Extinction Data for November 22, 1964 • . • . 27 VI. Extinction and Zero-Point Values for August 13, 18, 28, and November 22, 1964 • • • • • • • • • • • • 32 VII. Comparison and Control Star Reduction for August 13, 1964 •••••••••••• • • • • '!I • • • 33 VIII •. Comparison and Control Star Reduction for August 18, 1964 •••••••••••• IX. Comparison and Control Star Reduction for August 28, 1964 •••••••••••• . 35 X. Comparison and Control Star Reduction for November 22, 1964 ••••••••• 36 XI. UBV Calibration of Comparison Stars • . 41 XII. Extinction Data for August 17, 1964 • . .. 41 XIII. Early and Late Extinction and Zero-Point Values for August 17, 1964 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 44 XIV. Heliocentric Julian Day Correction Terms. • 44 XV. DQ Cephei Reduction •• 45 XVI. Observed Maxima and Minima of DQ Cephei • 87 XVII. Results of Period Extraction. 106 XVIII. Phase-Shift Between Colors in Days at Maximum and Minimum • • • • • • • • • 107 XIX. Observed and Predicted Epochs • • 113 XX. Values of m(t} •••••••• . 134 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page XXI. Values of (m(t)> 0 0 0 0 • • e O • 0 0 0 0 • • • • • 0 • 136 XXII. Observed Epochs of <m(t)> • . • • • • 9 ... • 139 XXIII. Results of Beat Period Extraction • • • • • . 139 XXIV. Equally Spaced Values of V..... .. • • • • • . • • 147 XIV. Fractional Distances of Periodogra.m Points from Peaks Due to Gap n=lO ••••••••••••••• 0 • 150 XXVI. Prewhitened Values of V • • • • • • • • • • • •· . 151 XXVII. A~curacy of Air Mass Formula. •• . • • . 172 XXVIII. Fortran IV Listing of Reduction Program •• . 180 XXIX. Fortran IV Listing of Julian Day Correction Program • • • 182 vii LIST OF.FIGURES Figure Page 1. The Geocentric Ecliptic System. • • · • e • • • • • • • • 12, 2. Sample Strip Chart Recording •• . .16 3. Preliminary Light Curves of HD199938 for August l.3, 1964. .18 4 •. Preliminary Light Curves of HD199938 for August 17, 1964. • .19 5. Preliminary Light Curves of HD199938 for August 18, 1964. .20 6. Preliminary Light Curves of HD199938 for August 28, 1964. .21 7. Preliminary Light Curves of HD199938 for November 22, 1964. .22 8. Extinction Regression Lines for August 13, 1964 . .28. 9. Extinction Regression Lines for August 18, 1964 • ·29 10. Extinction Regression Lines for August 28, 1964 . ·30 11. Extinction Regression Lines for November 22, 1964 . • ·31 12. Light Curves of HD199938 and HD199067 for August 13, 1964 • ·37. 13. Light Curves of HD199938 and HD199067 for August 18, 1964 • . 38 14. Light Curves of HD199938 and HD199067 for August 28, 1964 . 39 15. Light Curves of HD199938 and HD199067 for November 22, 1964 • • . 40' 16. Extinction Regression Lines for August 17, 1964 . .43 17. Light Curve in V of DQ Cephei for August 13, 1964 . · 51- 18. Light Curve in V of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Early) · 52: . 19. Light Curve in V of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Late). 53. 20. Light Curve in V of DQ Cephei for August 18, 1964 . ,54 21. Light Curve in V of DQ Cephei for August 28, 1964 . , 55. 22. Light Curve in V of DQ Cephei for November 22, 1964 . -56: 23. Light Curve in B of IXQ. Cephei for August 13, 1964 . • • • • · 57. 24. Light Curve in B of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Early) • -58. viii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 25. Light Curve in B of DQ. Cephei for August 17? 1964 (Late). 59 26. Light Curve in B of IQ Cephe:i for August 18» 1964 . • • • • • • 60 27. Light Curve in B of DQ Cephei for August 28,9 1964 • . • • • . ··61 28. Light Curve :in B of DQ Cerphei f'or November 22.v 1964 • • 0 . • . 62 29. Light Curve in U of DQ Cephei :for August 13.9 1964 • . • • • 63 30o Light Curve :in U of DQ C,ephei for A:ugust 17 p 1964 (Early) • • . 64 31. Light Curire in U of DQ Cephr~ri :for. August l.1y 1964 (Late). • . 65 32. Light Curve i:n U of DQ Cephei for August 18.,:, 1964 • • . • 66 33. Light Curve in U of w Cephei for August :28, 196,4 • . 67 34. Light Curve in U of D'Q Cephe:i for Thfov·am1t;~r ~2y 1964 . • . • • 68 35. Light Curve i.n :B-V of DQ Cephei for August 13.,. 1964 • • • • • . .69 36. Light Curve :it.n B-V of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Early) 70 37. Light Curve i.n B-V of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Late). • . .. 71 38 .. Light Curve in B-V of DQ Cephei for August 18,;l 1964 . • . 0 • . 72 39. Light Curve in B-V of DQ Cephei for August :2:8 JI 1964 ·• .. • 73 4o .. Light Curve in B-V of DQ Cephei for Nove.mbear :2:2p 1964 • • . 74 41. Light Curve in U=B of DQ Ce;phei for August 13» 1964 • .. 75 42. Light Curve in U-B of DQ Cephei for Ailllgust 17.9 1964 (Early) 76 43. Light curve in U-B of DQ Cephei for August 17.,. 1964 (Late). ·77 44. Light Curve in U-B of DQ Cephei for August 18y 1964 0 . 0 • . • ·78 45. Light Curve in U-B of DQ Cephei for August 28.11 1964 • . 79 46. Light Curve in U-B of DQ. Cephei for November 22v 1964 • . ·BO 47. Extrema in V of DQ Cephei for Augus~·l3, 1964 . 0 . • . 88 48. Extrema in V of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Early) 0 • . • • -89 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 49. Extrema in V of DQ Cephei for Auguit 17, 1964 (Late) ••• • • • 50. Extrema in V of DQ Cephei for August 18., 1964 • 0 • • • • • • • ·91 51. Extrema in V of DQ Cephei for August 28, 1964 • • • • • • • .92 52. Extrema in V of DQ Cephei for November 221 1964 •• 0 • • • • • 53. Extrema in B of DQ Cephei for August 13, 1964 • • • • • 0 • . .94 54. Extrema in B of .DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Early) . • 0 .95 55. Extrema in :B of~ Cephei for August l.7, 1964 (Late). • • • • 0 .96 56. Extrema in B of DQ Cephei for August 18, 1964 • • • • • • • 0 • .97 57. Extrema in B of DQ Cephei for August 28, 1964 • • • • • • • . • .9sc 58. Extrema in l3 of DQ Cephei for November 22 1 1964 o . • 0 • , 99 59. Extrema in U of DQ Cephei for August 13» 1964 • • • 0 • • 0 • • wcr~· 60. Extrema in U of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Early) • • • 0 0 101 61. Extrema in U of DQ Cephei for August 17, 1964 (Late). • • . • • 102 62. Extrema in U of DQ Cephei for August 18, 1964 0 • 0 • • • • • . 10;3 63. Extrema in U of DQ Cephei for August 28» 1964 • • • • • • • . • 104 64. Extrema in U of DQ Cephei for November 22 1 1964 . .. 0 0 0 O • • 105 65. Light Curve in V versus Phase of DQ CepheL . 0 .. • • • • . 123 66.
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    Publications of the Astronomical Institute rais-mf—ii«o of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publication No. 70 EUROPEAN REGIONAL ASTRONOMY MEETING OF THE IA U Praha, Czechoslovakia August 24-29, 1987 ASTROPHYSICS Edited by PETR HARMANEC Proceedings, Vol. 1987 Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Publication No. 70 EUROPEAN REGIONAL ASTRONOMY MEETING OF THE I A U 10 Praha, Czechoslovakia August 24-29, 1987 ASTROPHYSICS Edited by PETR HARMANEC Proceedings, Vol. 5 1 987 CHIEF EDITOR OF THE PROCEEDINGS: LUBOS PEREK Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 251 65 Ondrejov, Czechoslovakia TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface HI Invited discourse 3.-C. Pecker: Fran Tycho Brahe to Prague 1987: The Ever Changing Universe 3 lorlishdp on rapid variability of single, binary and Multiple stars A. Baglln: Time Scales and Physical Processes Involved (Review Paper) 13 Part 1 : Early-type stars P. Koubsfty: Evidence of Rapid Variability in Early-Type Stars (Review Paper) 25 NSV. Filtertdn, D.B. Gies, C.T. Bolton: The Incidence cf Absorption Line Profile Variability Among 33 the 0 Stars (Contributed Paper) R.K. Prinja, I.D. Howarth: Variability In the Stellar Wind of 68 Cygni - Not "Shells" or "Puffs", 39 but Streams (Contributed Paper) H. Hubert, B. Dagostlnoz, A.M. Hubert, M. Floquet: Short-Time Scale Variability In Some Be Stars 45 (Contributed Paper) G. talker, S. Yang, C. McDowall, G. Fahlman: Analysis of Nonradial Oscillations of Rapidly Rotating 49 Delta Scuti Stars (Contributed Paper) C. Sterken: The Variability of the Runaway Star S3 Arietis (Contributed Paper) S3 C. Blanco, A.
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