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[email protected] Return of the coastels? AN outline planning application submitted to FIG is seeking ap- proval in principle for the siting of a floating accommodation barge in Stanley Harbour. The application, submitted by the Falkland Islands Company, covers two different types of barge in two different sites, but the four options are mutually ex- clusive and, were the proposal to go ahead, only one of the options would be taken forward. One of the barges proposed is a two-storey 108-bed facility, while the other is a six-storey facility with 667 beds. In a press statement released on Wednesday, FIC said that it continues to explore possible op- Above: The proposed theatre, looking north west. Image: One Creative Environments Ltd tions to meet respective expres- sions of interest for provision of accommodation recently released by FIG and Premier Oil. “These KEMH theatre planning options include land and sea based solutions and in prepara- tion for possible future tender situations The Falkland Islands decision deferred Company are in the process of The Planning & Building Com- building, and therefore “it is not Penguin News, Ms Clausen ex- submitting a number of outline mittee last week deferred plan- unreasonable for an extension to pressed concern that more “fit- planning applications to FIG,” ning approval for the installation have a modern design.