Multicultural Resource Directory & Community Database Sunshine

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Multicultural Resource Directory & Community Database Sunshine Multicultural Resource Directory & Community Database Sunshine Coast Region Page 1 of 11 (Updated Version (6) April 2018) Nambour Community Center Building Community by Working Together Nambour Community Center (NCC) has been operating since 1980 and continues to provide support, resources and opportunities for community involvement. NCC is a casual place to relax, meet people or just come along and have a cup of tea. It’s open to everyone! Contact for more information & appointments Nambour Community Center 2 Shearer Street (Cnr James & Shearer Street) Nambour QLD 4560 Phone: (07) 5441 4724 Website: Linda Dennis (Migrant Settlement Worker) Phone: (07) 5441 4660 / 0402 128 978 Email: Shine Jang (CAMS Worker) Phone: (07) 5441 4724 / 0456 000 527 Email: NCC is a community based, not-for-profit organisation whose multicultural programs are funded by: Multicultural Affairs Queensland, Department of Social Services. Page 2 of 11 (Updated Version (6) April 2018) MULTICULTURAL FOOD Krishna Spice GROCERS 2/74 Kingsford Smith Parade Contact: Hansraj Phone: 0430 548 491 Arundell Ave Store Opening Hrs: 9am – 6.30pm (7 days) 19 Arundell Ave, Nambour Contact: Elizabeth Indian and Multinational grocery store. (Speaks Cantonese) Phone: 54413300 *Best to call prior, as some afternoons they are closed. Mirch Masala Indian Grocery Store Opening Hrs: Mon-Sat 6am – 6pm Shop 2, 35 Duporth Ave,Maroochydore (Sun Closed) Contact: Waqas Tarar—Indian (Speaks Hindi, Urdu, Arabic) Chinese products. Phone: 54794029 Opening Hrs: 10am-6pm Mon-Sun Asian Food 4 U Indian, Pakistani, Sri-Lankan and Malaysian Filipino & Asian Groceries spices and groceries, Free Newspaper- Shop 1, 25-27 Plaza Parade, Brisbane Indian Times. Maroochydore Phone: 5443 8109 (Speaks Tagalog) Opening Hrs: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat 9am–5pm Thurs 9am –6pm Spiceland Sun 10am –4pm 1/3 Burns St. Buddina, Qld 4575 Contact: 5326 3716 / 0411 422 694 (Antony or Jason) Good range of Filipino & Asian groceries from Opening Hrs: Mon–Sun 9.30am-7pm (7 days) fresh, frozen and packaged. Indian spices, fresh and frozen food items. Bangkok Mart by Aey 3/112 Aerodrome rd, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Phone: 5479 3337 Suncoast Oriental Foodmart Opening Hrs: 8am–5pm Mon-Fri 157 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba 9am-3pm Sat-Sun Contact: Bonita (Korean) Phone: 54777262 They sell Asian groceries, Thai magazines, Opening Hrs: Mon – Fri 9am-5pm Thai kitchenware and airline tickets to Sat & Sun 9am-4pm Thailand. Korean, Japanese and Chinese groceries. Crunch - At Forest Glen Shop 2 Forest Glen Shopping Centre, Mons Rd, Forest Glen Zebra Crossing Contact: Christo & Mariane 3/86-94 Wises Rd, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Phone: 5453 7888 Hours: 8:30am–5:30pm Mon-Fri Email: 8:30am – 5:00pm Saturday, Opening Hrs: Mon - Fri 8:30am -5:30pm 10:00am -2:00pm Sunday Sat 8:30am –1pm Phone: (07) 5443 6369 Menu: South African groceries, fruit & veg. South African products and an onsite café. Page 3 of 11 (Updated Version (6) April 2018) RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS Baha'i Faith - Baha'i Greek Orthodox Parish PO Box 640, Maroochydore, QLD 4558 @ Uniting Church (Cnr Millwell Rd & Evan St, Contact Person: Karen Barnett Maroochydore) Phone: 5478 5116 / 0448239293 Phone: 0412 968 704 / 0400 787 511 Email: Email: Social Media: Social Media: Sunshine-Coast-161372840607280/ Parish-Sunshine-Coast-20503046289991 Website: Services: First Sunday each month at Meet: Check FB or email for updates on 10:30am. activities. Korean Church - Christianity 6 Millwell Rd, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Chenrezig Institute for Wisdom Culture Reverend James Stevenson FPMT - Buddhist (Tibetan) Phone: 0427 106 531 (English) / 0413 836 557 PO Box 41, Eudlo, QLD 4554 (Korean) 33 Johnsons Road, Eudlo QLD 4554 Website: Phone: 5453 2108 Office Fax: (07) 5453 2188 Services: 8.30am (English), 11am (Korean), Office Email: Sunday. Website: Muslim Organisation of Sunshine Coast Check website for various activities. Kawana Family Centre, 57 Iluka Ave, Buddina QLD 4575 Contact Person: Dr Naveed Phone: 0412 174 849 Forest Way Zen - Zen Buddhism Email: PO Box 631, Cooroy QLD 4563 Website: Contact Person: Marie / Barry Farrin Phone: 5471 1332 (call for appointments) Services: Friday Prayers, 12.50pm. Email: Website: Samoan Pastor- Christianity Meet: Check website for details. PO Box 404, Nambour 4560 Pastor Lawrence Seiuli Phone: 0401 184 296 Email: Grace Christian Church - Christianity Website: 2-4 Toral Dr, Buderim QLD 4556 Phone: 5445 8933 Services: 10am Sunday. Website: Services: 7.45am & 9.30am (English) & Tongan Church, Palmwoods - Christianity 1.30pm (Chinese) Sunday. 10 Church St, Palmwoods QLD 4555 Pastor Kay Nixon / Reverend Sione Afu Phone: Pastor 0412 539 020 Reverend 0451 126 110 Website: 351 Services: 10am (English) & 1pm (Tongan Language) Sunday. Page 4 of 11 (Updated Version (6) April 2018) COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS Alliance Francaise De La - French Buddies Refugee Support Group PO Box 347, Bli Bli 24 King Street, Buderim Contact Person: Cecile Couper Contact Person: Jenny Hughes Phone: 5448 8048 / 0407 738 443 / Phone: 5444 7181 Cecile 0407 070 467 Email: Email: / Website: Website: Meet: 4th Sunday of each month at 11am. Meet: Socially meet every 2nd Sat at Twin- Waters, Nouveau Restaurant (10am -12pm) Monthly. Chenrezig Institute – Buddhist PO Box 41, Eudlo 33, Johnson Road, Eudlo Contact Person: Lisa Perry ASUMSI ( Asosiasi Masyarakat Indonesia ) Phone: 5453 2108 Contact Person: Tutty Laxmiwati Fax: 5453 2188 Phone: 0411 336 466 Email: Email: Website: FB: search in groups, ASUMSI ( Asosiasi Masyarakat Indonesia ) Sunshine Coast Meet: Check website for current events. Meet: Once a month. Descendants of the Australian South Sea Islanders Baha'i Faith - Baha'i PO Box 884, Coolum Beach, QLD 4573 PO Box 640, Maroochydore, QLD 4558 President: Mr Mick Fewquandie Contact Person: Karen Barnett Phone: 0402 109 733 Phone: 5478 5116 / 0448239293 Email: Email: Secretary: Ms Leona Byquar Social Media: Phone: 0412 092 131 Email: Sunshine-Coast-161372840607280/ Treasurer: Mrs Helen Jones Website: Phone: 0400 173 637 Email: Meet: Check FB or email for updates on activities. Meet: Please email for updates on activities or meetings. Bambu Indonesian – Dutch 173/52 University Way, Sippy Downs Dzogchen Community of Namgyalgar Contact Person: Andreas Flach Incorporated Phone: 5477 0104 206 Woodford Road, Glasshouse Mountains, Email: QLD 4518 / PO Box 307, Glasshouse Mountains, QLD 4518 Meet: Every 2nd Thursday: 9am-12pm. Phone: 5438 7696 Email: Mobile: Topgyal Gontse: 0468 853 125 Website: Meet: Please contact Topgyal for more details. Page 5 of 11 (Updated Version (6) April 2018) COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS FESTURI - A Multicultural Celebration Inc Maroochydore Korean Church PO Box 427, Nambour, QLD 4560 6 Millwell Road, Maroochydore 80 Howard Street, Nambour, QLD 4560 Contact Person: Gilyoung Park Treasurer: Mrs Judy Gragg Phone: 0413 836 557 Phone: 0401 052 649 Email: President: Mr Dominique Cisse Phone: 0401 052 649 Meet: Weekly, Sunday 11am. Email: Office Email: Social Media: Muslim Organisation Website: PO Box 1913, Maroochydore Sunshine Plaza 4558 Meet: Please check FB or website for updated Contact Person: Dr Naveed activities. Phone: 0412 174 849 Email: Website: / FB under MoSC for details on activities German Singing Group PO Box 329, Moffat Beach, QLD 4551 Meet: Check website for more information on 102 Grigor St, Caloundra QLD 4551 Muslim Friday-prayers, Religious and Arabic Coordinator: Mr Manfred Klink OAM Classes. Phone: 54937823 Mobile: 0413 527 769 Email: Nambour Scottish Country Dancers Treasurer: Mrs Anneliese Haug QCWA Hall, Short Street Telephone: (07) 5493 2328 Contact Person: Paula/ John O'Shea Phone: 5476 4976 / 0423 559 000 Email: Meet: Every Thursday 7pm. Italian School Committee Inc. Relocating to a new premises Contact Person: Gabriella Matacchioni Phone: 54765797 / 0421 853 698 Noosa Folk Dancers Email: 25 Hesper Drive, Doonan QLD 4562 Website: Contact Person: Danni MacKenzie Phone: 5471 0409 Meet: Call or email for more details on Email: updated activities. Meet: Every Friday 9am - 11am. Dancing from Greece,
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