Stunning Sunshine Coast Win First Prize $1.65 Million

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Stunning Sunshine Coast Win First Prize $1.65 Million STUNNING SUNSHINE COAST WIN FIRST PRIZE $1.65 MILLION OR CHOOSE BALMAIN SYDNEY DRAW 479 ORDER NOW! ONLY 380,000 TICKETS CLOSES 5 SEPTEMBER 2018 | 1800 555 079 DRAWN 7 SEPTEMBER 2018 UNSPOILT BEAUTY 53 MONS SCHOOL ROAD, MONS QLD 4556 4 3 1 1 1 1 3 Dining Living Includes: • $150,000 Gold Bullion • 12 Months Council & Water Rates 1st Prize $1,652,919 • $127,350 Furniture & Electrical • 12 Months Building & Contents Insurance • $1,500 Flight Centre Voucher • Transfer Fees SIT BACK Your designer home is furnished to be modern, Master Bedroom sophisticated and supremely comfortable to AND RELAX... complement the relaxed coastal lifestyle you will enjoy. DOWNSTAIRS With its own self-contained area, complete with a luxurious ensuite, lounge and kitchen, Living areas 272m2 2 there’s plenty of space for Master Ensuite Outdoor (Balcony/Patio) 102m Garage 118m2 extended family. Total 492m2 Established 2016 OR CHIC INNER SYDNEY 101/106 ELLIOTT STREET, BALMAIN NSW 2041 This Prize Home IS NOT OPEN for inspection and ticket sales. Bedroom 3 To view more go to Ground floor N First floor PEACEFUL LIVING Live amidst the tranquil Sunshine Coast 53 Mons School Road, Mons QLD 4556 Hinterlands. Gaze out over a lush green for inspection and ticket sales. landscape of rolling green hills and the IS NOT OPEN TWIN WATERS ocean. Maroochy River dillibah Road Did 70 Diddillibah Road Maroochy River Relaxing in one of the many luxurious ad untain R o Motorway Sunshine o M Kiel DIDDILLIBAH MAROOCHYDORE entertaining areas in this spectacular home d R d Roa s re t do a KIELS l hy F c MOUNTAIN KULUIN o lo ro d a is a must! E u M B Horton Park r M d u aroochy e Roa Golf Course c d dor e R e H r oo W d KUNDA PARK Amazing beaches are just y Sunshine Motorway Y h LIMITED oc ro CLOSES WEDNESDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 2018 a M d 70 l O d a DRAW 479 o ALEXANDRA DRAWN FRIDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2018 R d a short drive away too. s R FOREST GLEN Buderim e HEADLAND TO ONLY l is o W o Forest rim Avenue h Bude V c is S Park B e r s u R n c d o N e M Point Cartwright H Sunshine Motorway Lighthouse 380,000 W Y HERE IT IS! ba R treet la oa MOOLOOLABA S C o ing lo d K o o M1 o g M i l l TICKETS BUDERIM B a R l o Headland Golf Club li n a Like us on Facebook ons MONS d s Road M R g n o e o a D M d r R ix o o BUDINA a n d R ad o M o a ORDER TICKETS ns R MINYAMA o d S Chevallum Road t r Now yourtown, Reply Paid 2944 i MOUNTAIN n g Accepting y CREEK Bathroom b Karawatha Drive a Ballinger r k Kids Park Brisbane QLD 4001 Kawana R Online Free call 1800 555 079 Free post o Surf a d Club Helping Helpline 479 MWWW 479 young people For more pictures, the latest results ORDER FORM Anytime. MY PAYMENT DETAILS / find their place and a 360° view of the homes Any reason. MasterCard Visa Amex Diners Expiry Date ____ ____ Credit Card Number (please print clearly) YES! I’d like to join as a myplace member* Left on a doorstep as a baby, Cassandra go to experienced 23 foster homes, 14 schools, and was homeless by age 13. yourtown helped Please send me tickets Cardholder her to access accommodation, counselling, 2nd Prize: $10,000 3rd Prize: $5,000 name: w win Million dollar win Million dollar Prize Homes education and financial support. She was Flight Centre Voucher Flight Centre Voucher per draw until @ $15 per ticket = $ inspired by our Youth Workers and thought OR Woolworths WISH Card OR Woolworths WISH Card BUY EXTRA TICKETS… further notice Cardholder Prize Homes 10 times a year, PLUS:signature: “That’s what I want to do.” OR Harvey Norman OR Harvey Norman WIN MORE GOLD 4 OR MORE TICKETS BONUS DRAW Gift Card Gift Card 10 times a year, PLUS: *As a myplace member you may alter your membership at any time. Cassandra is now a Youth Worker for WITH FIRST PRIZE! $25,000 Bonus Prize twice a yearOR I enclose: Cheque Money Order for $ yourtown’s Youth Engagement Program. Draw 479 closes Wednesday 5 September 2018 10pm AEST. Drawn win Please make payable to yourtown Friday 7 September 2018 10am AEST. Draw to be conducted at Suite OR Having found her place, Cassandra now helps 5 Cordova Street, Milton QLD 4064. Public welcome. Winners notified WIN $2,000 win $25,000 Bonus Prize twice a year BUY 20 = WIN $200K win $10,000 Gold Bullion 10 times a year young people struggling at school to find their by registered mail. Results published in “The Australian” Tuesday 11 (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms) First Name September 2018 and on the yourtown website at Woolworths Wish Gift Card win $10,000 Gold Bullion 10 times a year Please send tickets $1,000 for Draw purchasing/gift 479 only card weekly place in life. She knows that each person’s Gold valued at purchase price on the day – selling costs and market win BUY 10 BUY 4 Surname situation is unique, so they need personalised variations apply. Small prop items used for photographic display. $1,000 Visa Gift Card weekly† Persons under the age of 18 years are not eligible to enter. Maximum = WIN $100K = WIN $40K win support to re-engage with education. support children, young people and families in need number of tickets 380,000. Promoter: T J Adams, yourtown, Suite 5 Please send me tickets Address Cordova Street, Milton Qld 4064; GPO Box 2469, Brisbane Qld 4001. Simply purchase When you buy a ticket in this Art Union, you’re Phone: +61 7 3368 3399. In Australia free call 1800 555 079. Website BUY 8 BUY 3 4 or more tickets for automatic support children, young people creating brighter futures for children and “yourtown fundraising in aid of yourtown programs = WIN $80K = WIN $30K Postcode and services provided nationally”. yourtown ABN 11 102 379 386. QLD and families in need @ $15 per ticket = $ young people. entry for your chance to WIN! Licence No: 29586. ACT Permit No: R 18/00092. VIC Permit No: 10317/18. Phone Mobile NSW Permit No: GOCAU/2033. SA Licence No: M13511. If you do not BUY 6 BUY 2 Tracy Adams wish to receive further information from yourtown, please email = WIN $60K = WIN $20K * Chief Executive Officeryourtown or call 1800 500 101 or +61 7 3867 1252 from For T&Cs see *FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS VISIT YOURTOWN.COM.AU Email NZ/International. †Gold Bullion for Victorian residents only..
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