Overview An overview of analysis Marcia´ Oliveira and Joao˜ Gama∗

Data mining is being increasingly applied to social networks. Two relevant rea- sons are the growing availability of large volumes of relational data, boosted by the proliferation of social media web sites, and the intuition that an individual’s connections can yield richer information than his/her isolate attributes. This syn- ergistic combination can show to be germane to a variety of applications such as churn prediction, fraud detection and marketing campaigns. This paper attempts to provide a general and succinct overview of the essentials of for those interested in taking a first look at this area and oriented to use data mining in social networks. C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article: WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov 2012, 2: 99–115 doi: 10.1002/widm.1048

INTRODUCTION bers of a group were depicted using the so-called so- he world is a complex system of interconnected ciograms, which can be defined as charts where in- T parts. Each part itself constitutes a smaller sys- dividuals are represented as nodes and the relations tem whose networked structure can be, most of the among them are represented by lines. Such diagrams times, analyzed through the lens of social network revealed to be very useful in uncovering the hidden analysis (SNA). structures of groups, by means of the identification SNA is an interdisciplinary methodology re- of, for instance, stars, alliances, and subgroups. search area with contributions from Sociology, So- In a broader sense, a social network is con- cial Psychology, Anthropology, Physics, Mathemat- structed from relational data and can be defined as ics, Computer Science, among others, being a rich a set of social entities, such as people, groups, and scientific field that has significantly benefited from organizations, with some pattern of relationships or the collaborative efforts of researchers from different interactions between them. These networks are usu- scientific areas. Because networks were studied inde- ally modeled by graphs, where vertices represent the pendently by distinct disciplines, for a considerable social entities and edges represent the ties established amount of time, each one developed its own jargon. between them. The underlying structure of such net- To avoid ambiguity and clarify the adopted language, works is the object of study of SNA. SNA methods in Table 1 we present the network terminology used and techniques were thus designed to discover pat- in different fields. Throughout this document, we will terns of interaction between social actors in social use these terms interchangeably. networks. The origins of SNA, as a basis for developing Hence, the focus of SNA is on the relationships useful sociological concepts, can be traced back to the established between social entities rather in the social early 1930s, when Moreno1 developed the sociomet- entities themselves. In fact, the main goal of this tech- ric approach as a way to conceptualize the structure nique is to examine both the contents and patterns of the social relations established among small groups of relationships in social networks to understand the of individuals. These interpersonal ties between mem- relations among actors and the implications of these relationships.

∗ Common tasks of SNA involve the identification Correspondence to: [email protected] of the most influential, prestigious, or central actors, Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; The Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support, Insti- using statistical measures; the identification of hubs tute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto, University of and authorities, using link analysis algorithms, and Porto, Porto, Portugal. the discovery of communities, using community de- DOI: 10.1002/widm.1048 tection techniques. These tasks are extremely useful

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TABLE 1 Network Terminology for Different Fields of Knowl- In turn, information networks are based upon the exchange of information among entities usually aiming to enhance knowledge diffusion, business, or Mathematics Computer Science Sociology Physics Others social aims. Examples include networks of citations between academic papers, commonly represented by Vertex/vertices Node Actor/agent Site Dot an acyclic-directed graph where vertices represent pa- Edge Link/connection Relational tie Bond Arc pers and there is a direct edge if paper A cites paper B; and preference networks, which are generally mod- in the process of extracting knowledge from networks eled through bipartite graphs and represent individu- and, consequently, in the process of problem solving. als’ consumption preferences for a given commercial Because of the appealing nature of such tasks and to product13 (e.g., books). Another important example the high potential opened by this kind of analyses, of an information network is the World Wide Web, SNA has become a popular approach in a myriad of which can be represented as a directed graph, in which fields, from Biology to Business. For instance, some vertices represent static Web pages and edges corre- companies use SNA to maximize positive word of spond to the hyperlinks between them.14 mouth of their products by targeting the customers Technological networks are man-made net- with higher network value (those with higher influ- works designed for distribution of some commodity ence and support).2–4 Other companies, such as the or resource (e.g., electricity, information). Some ex- ones operating in the sector of mobile telecommu- amples are networks of roads and railways, networks nications, apply SNA techniques to the phone call of airline routes, and networks of physical connec- networks and use them to identify customer’s pro- tions between computers (Internet). files and to recommend personalized mobile phone The last type of networks are the so-called bio- tariffs, according to these profiles. These companies logical networks15 and, as the name implies, are those also use SNA for churn prediction, i.e., to detect cus- that arise from biological processes, such as networks tomers who may potentially switch to another mo- of chemical reactions among metabolites, protein in- bile operator by detecting changes in the patterns teraction networks, genetic regulatory networks, real of phone contacts.5,6 Another interesting application neural networks, and food webs or predator–prey net- emerges from the domain of fraud detection. For in- works. stance, SNA can be applied to networks of organiza- Despite the fact the origins of network stud- tional communications (e.g., Enron company dataset) ies go back a few centuries ago, in recent years we to perform an analysis of the frequency and direc- witnessed an impressive advance in network-related tion of formal/informal email communication, which fields, mainly because of the growing interest in so- can reveal communication patterns among employees cial networks, which became a ‘hot’ topic and a focus and managers. These patterns can help identify peo- of considerable attention. For this reason, a lot of ple engaged in fraudulent activities, thus promoting students, practitioners and researchers are willing to the adoption of more efficient forms of acting toward enter the field and explore, even superficially, the po- the eradication of crime.7,8 tential of SNA techniques for the study of their prob- Besides social networks, there are other types lems. Bearing this in mind, in this paper our aim is of real-world structures that can be represented by to provide a general and succinct overview of the es- networks. According to Newman,9 real-world net- sentials of SNA for those interested in knowing more works can be categorized into four main types: social about the area and strongly oriented to use SNA in networks, information networks (or knowledge net- practical problems. works), technological networks, and biological net- The remainder of this document is organized works. as follows. We begin by pointing out some types of As previously mentioned, social networks are representations that can be used to model social net- the ones that arise as a result of human and so- works. Then, we introduce the best known statistical cial interactions and encompass studies of friend- measures to analyze them, according to two levels of ship networks,10 informal communication networks analysis: the actor level and the network level. Af- within companies,11 collaboration networks12 (e.g., terward, we talk a little about the link analysis task networks of coappearance in movies by actors, in and explain how it can be used to identify influential which two actors are connected if they appeared and authoritative nodes. Then, we distinguish two together in a movie, and networks of coauthorship important network models and introduce the main among academics, in which individuals are linked if properties of real-world networks. Later, we devote they coauthored one or more papers), among others. a section to the problem of finding communities in

100 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis networks. After introducing the main concepts, we ces (contains both adjacency and information), provide a list of the most popular SNA software and and matrices (identical to the adjacency ma- tools for those readers interested in applying network trices with the difference that the entries of the matrix analysis in professional or academic problems. This are the lengths of the shortest paths between pairs of overview ends with the identification of the current vertices) are appropriate to represent full matrices. trends arising in the field of SNA. Several types of graphs can be used to model dif- ferent kinds of social networks. For instance, graphs can be classified according to the direction of their REPRESENTATION OF SOCIAL links. This leads us to the differentiation between NETWORKS undirected and directed graphs. Undirected graphs (or undirected networks) are graphs whose edges connect A social network consists of a finite set of actors and unordered pairs of vertices or, in other words, each the relations, or ties, defined on them.16 The estab- edge of the graph connects concomitantly two ver- lished relationships can be of personal, or profes- tices. A more strict type of graph is the so-called di- sional, nature and they can range from casual ac- rected graph (or directed network). Directed graphs, quaintance to close familiar bonds. Besides social or in the abbreviation form digraphs, can be straight- relations, links can also represent flow of informa- forward defined as graphs whose all edges have an tion/goods/money, interactions, similarities, among orientation assigned (also called arcs), so the order others. The structure of such networks is usually rep- of the vertices they link matters. Formally, a directed resented by graphs. Therefore, networks are often re- graph D is an ordered pair (V(D), A(D)) consisting garded as equivalent to graphs. of a nonempty set V(D) of vertices and a set A(D), A graph is composed of two fundamental com- disjoint from V(D), of arcs. If e12 is an arc and ν1 and ponents vertices and edges. Every edge is defined ν2 are vertices such that e12 = (ν1, ν2), then e12 is said by a pair of vertices, also called its endpoints. Ver- to join ν1 to ν2, being the first vertex ν1 called ini- tices represent a wide variety of individual entities tial vertex,ortail, and the second vertex ν2 called the (e.g., people, organizations, countries, papers, prod- terminal vertex,orsimplyhead. Graphically, directed ucts, plants, and animals) according to the applica- edges are depicted by arrows, indicating the direction tion field. In turn, an edge is the line that connects of the linkage. This type of graphs can be either cyclic, two vertices and, analogously, it can represent nu- i.e., graphs containing closed loops of edges or ‘ring’ merous kinds of relationships between individual en- structures, or acyclic (e.g., trees). A typical example tities (e.g., communication, cooperation, friendship, of an undirected graph is FacebookTM because, in this kinship, acquaintances, and trade). Edges may be di- social network, the established friendship tie is mu- rected or undirected, depending if the nature of the tual or reciprocal (e.g., if I accept a friend request from relation is asymmetric or symmetric. a given person then it is implicitly assumed that me Formally, a graph G consists of a nonempty set and that person are friends of each other). Likewise, V(G) of vertices and a set E(G) of edges, being defined TwitterTM is an example of a directed graph because as G = (V(G), E(G)). According to Diestel,17 the order a person can be followed by others without necessar- of a graph G is given by the total number of vertices ily following them. In this case, the tie between a pair n or, mathematically, |V(G)| = n. Analogously, the of individuals is directed, with the tail being the fol- size of a graph G is the total number of edges |E(G)| lower and the head being the followed, meaning that = m. The maximum number of edges in a graph is a one-way relationship is established. = n(n−1) = mmax 2 , for undirected graphs, and mmax n(n Regarding the values assigned to edges, we can − 1), for directed ones. make a distinction between unweighted and weighted In the literature, two main types of graph- graphs. Unless it is explicitly said, we always assume theoretic data structures are referred to represent that graphs are unweighted. Unweighted graphs are graphs: the first one are list structures and the sec- binary since edges are either present or absent. On ond are matrix structures. These structures are ap- the other hand, weighted graphs are richer graphs ∈ + propriate to store graphs to further analyze them because each edge has associated a weight w R0 using automatic tools. List structures, such as inci- providing the user with more information about, for dence lists and adjacency lists, are suitable for storing instance, the strength of the connection of the pair of sparse graphs because they reduce the required stor- vertices it joins. According to Mark Granovetter,18,19 age space. On the other hand, matrix structures such in social networks the weight of a tie is generally a as incidence matrices (A↓(n × m)), adjacency ma- function of duration, emotional intensity, frequency trices or sociomatrices (A↓(n × n)), Laplacian matri- of interaction, intimacy, and exchange of services.

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network. The latter provides more compact informa- tion and allows the assessment of the overall structure of the network, giving insights about important prop- erties of the underlying social phenomena.

Actor-Level Statistical Measures FIGURE 1| A directed graph D represented by means of an ,orprestige, is a general measure of how (left-hand side of the figure) and an adjacency list the position of an actor is within the overall struc- (right-hand side of the figure). ture of the social network and can be computed re- sorting to several metrics. The most widely used are Therefore, strong ties usually represent close friends, degree, betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector cen- 20 and weak ties represent acquaintances. In other kinds trality. The first three were proposed by Freeman of networks, the weight of a tie can represent a variety and were only designed for unweighted networks. Re- 21 of things, depending on the context; for instance, a tie cently, Brin and Page came up with extensions to can represent the number of seats among airports, the weighted networks. The fourth metric—eigenvector 22 number of exchanged products, and so on. centrality—was later proposed by Bonacich and has For undirected and unweighted graphs, adja- its foundations on spectral . It became es- cency matrices are binary (as a consequence of being pecially popular after being used as the basis of the unweighted) and symmetric (as a consequence of be- well-known Google’s Pagerank algorithm, which we will talk about in the next Section. ing undirected, meaning that aij = aji), with aij = 1 representing the presence of an edge between vertices Although more actor-level statistical measures were proposed in the literature, in this subsection we i and j, and aij = 0 representing the absence of an edge between vertex pair (i,j). For directed and weighted will focus on explaining the mentioned measures of graphs, the entries of such matrices take values from centrality. These measures determine the relative im- interval [0, max(w)] and are nonsymmetric. In both portance of an actor within the network, showing cases, we deal with nonnegative matrices. how the relationships are concentrated in a few in- In Figure 1, we provide an example of how a dividuals and, therefore, giving an idea about their graph can be represented by an edge list and by an social power. Higher centrality measures are associ- adjacency matrix. ated to powerful actors in the network because their central position offers them several advantages, such as easier and quicker access to other actors in the network (useful for accessing resources such as infor- ELEMENTARY STATISTICAL mation) and ability of exerting control over the flow MEASURES between the other actors.20 These central actors are Mathematics is used to represent networks, while also called ‘focal points’. At the end of the section Statistics is mainly used to analyze them. In this sec- we will also introduce the concept of transitivity and tion, we present some graph measures and popular explain how it can be computed using a clustering metrics used in the analysis of social networks that coefficient. arose from the field of Statistics. These measures are The reader must take into account that some of useful in the sense that they provide us insights about these actor-level metrics (e.g., degree, betweenness, the structure of the network without the need to know and closeness) may need to be normalized to perform its graphical representation. Studying the structure of comparisons of networks with different orders and these networks aims at understanding the behavior sizes. of the social systems that generated those networks, which is normally the final goal of such analysis. Degree or Valency The measures we will introduce in the following The degree,orvalency, of a node ν, usually denoted subsections can be divided according to the level of as kν , is a measure of the immediate adjacency and analysis one wants to perform: at the level of small the involvement of the node in the network and is units, such as actors, or at the level of the whole net- computed as the number of edges incident on a given work. The former explores general measures of cen- node or, similarly, as the number of neighbors of node trality as a way to understand how the position of ν. The neighborhood Nν is thus defined by the set of a vertex is within the overall structure of the graph nodes that are directly connected to ν. Degree can be and, therefore, helps identify the key players in the computed in, at least, two different ways: based on

102 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis the adjacency matrix or based on the neighborhood least asymptotically. This means that, in these net- of a node. In Eqs (1) and (2), we present each one works, the distribution of the vertex degree is very of the alternatives, for undirected networks. Despite heterogeneous and highly right skewed, with a large its simplicity, degree is an effective measure to assess majority of vertices having a low degree and a small the importance and influence of an actor in a social number having a high degree. These networks are network. Yet, it has some limitations. The main one known as scale free, an expression coined by the same is that it does not take into consideration the global researchers. Other common functional forms are ex- structure of the network: ponential (e.g., railways and power grids networks)  n and power laws with exponential cutoffs (e.g., net- ki = aij, 0 < ki < n, (1) j=1 works of movie actors and some collaboration net- works). where aij is the entry of the ith row and jth column of the adjacency matrix A; Betweenness =| |, < < , kν Nν 0 kν n (2) Node betweenness bν measures the extent to which a node lies between other nodes in the network and can where |Nν | is the neighborhood of node ν be computed using the formula presented in Eq. (6). For directed networks, there are two variants + Nodes with high betweenness occupy critical roles of degree centrality: in degree, denoted by kν , and − in the network structure, since they usually have a out degree, denoted by k . The former is given by ν network position that allow them to work as an in- the number of incoming nodes (i.e., number of edges terface between tightly knit groups, being ‘vital’ el- beginning at vertex ν) and the latter by the number ements in the connection between different regions of outgoing nodes (i.e., number of edges ending at of the network. In the social networks perspective vertex ν), as defined in Eqs (3) and (4). The measure ‘interactions between two nonadjacent actors might of degree in directed networks is also referred to as depend on other actors in the set of actors, especially prestige. This expression is especially used in the liter- the actors who lies on the paths between the two’,16 ature of social networks because it was developed for which stresses out the importance of a good value of measuring the prominence or importance of actors in betweenness. These actors are also called gatekeepers the network. There are two types of prestige: support because they tend to control the flow of information and influence. The first is related to the in-degree cen- between communities. trality, which is seen as a measure of support, and the  second is related to the out-degree centrality, which σst(ν) bν = , (6) is seen as a measure of influence: σst s,t ∈ V(G)\ν n + = , ki aji (3) where σ st denotes the number of shortest paths be- = j 1 tween vertices s and t (usually σ st = 1) and σ st(ν) ex- presses the number of shortest paths passing through n node ν. − = . ki aij (4) This quantity can also be computed for edges. = j 1 The betweenness of an edge be is commonly defined as the number of shortest paths between nodes that run On weighted networks, strength is the equiv- along a given edge of the network. It is quite useful alent of degree, being computed as the sum of the in SNA since it allows discovering bridges and local weights of the edges adjacent to a given node, as ex- bridges which are, by definition, edges with high be- pressed by Eq. (5): tweenness. In the context of SNA, bridges are connec- n tions outside an individual’s circle of acquaintances. w = w. ki aij (5) These connections are of great interest for individu- j=1 als seeking to access new information and resources, since they ease the diffusion of information across A significant research effort was undertaken entire communities.25 However, situations like these in studying the of several types are quite rare in real-world scenarios and, even if of networks, which turned it possible to classify a they happen, the advantages they confer are usually network based on this distribution. For instance, temporary, due to the temporal instability of such Barabasi´ and coworkers23,24 discovered that most edges. A more common and realistic situation is local real networks follow a power-law distribution, at bridges. Equation (7) indicates how this measure can

Volume 2, March/April 2012 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 103 Overview wires.wiley.com/widm be computed: Local Clustering Coefficient  σ Social networks are naturally transitive, which means = uν (e), be (7) that a given actor’s friends are also likely to be friends. σuν u,ν∈V(G) This property of transitivity is quantified by a cluster- ing coefficient that can be global, i.e., computed for where σ uν (e) expresses the number of shortest paths passing through edge e. The sum indicates that this the whole network, or local, i.e., computed for each 26 fraction needs to be computed for every pair of nodes node. Watts and Strogatz proposed a local version = ... u and ν in the network. of the clustering coefficient, denoted ci (i 1, , n). In this context, transitivity is a local property of a Closeness node’s neighborhood that indicates the level of cohe- Closeness is a rough measure of the overall position sion between the neighbors of a node. This coefficient of an actor in the network, giving an idea about how is, therefore, given by the fraction of pairs of nodes, ν long it will take to reach other nodes from a given which are neighbors of a given node that are con- starting node. Formally, it is the mean length of all nected to each other by edges [see Eq. (10)]: shortest paths from one node to all other nodes in the 2|e | = jk ν ,ν ∈ , ∈ , network. Because of its definition, usually this mea- ci : j k Ni ejk E (10) ki (ki − 1) sure is only computed for nodes within the largest ν component of the network, using the formula pre- where Ni is the neighborhood of node i, ejk repre- ν ν sented in Eq. (8). In the social networks context, close- sents the edge that connects node j to node k, ki is ν ness is a measure of reachability that measures how the degree of node i, and |ejk| indicates the proportion fast a given actor can reach everyone in the network: of links between the nodes within the neighborhood of node ν . n − 1 i Clν = . (8) u ∈ V(G)\ν d(u,ν) Network-Level Statistical Measures Before explaining each one of the network-level sta- Eigenvector Centrality tistical measures, there are three fundamental con- This metric is based on the assignment of a relative cepts that should be first introduced: path, geodesic score to each node and measures how well a given ac- distance between two nodes, and eccentricity of a tor is connected to other well-connected actors. This vertex. score is given by the first eigenvector of the adjacency A path is a sequence of nodes in which con- matrix. The basic idea behind eigenvector centrality is secutive pairs of nonrepeating nodes are linked by an that the power and status of an actor is recursively de- edge; the first vertex of a path is called the start vertex fined by the power and status of his/her alters. Alters and the last vertex of the path is called the end ver- is a term frequently used in the egocentric approach tex. Of particular interest is the concept of geodesic of social networks analysis, and it refers to the actors distance,orshortest path, between nodes i and j, de- that are directly connected to a specific actor, called noted as d(i,j). The geodesic distance can be defined as ego. In other words, we can say that the centrality the length of the shortest path, or the minimal path, of a given node i is proportional to the sum of the between nodes i and j. of i’s neighbors. This is the assumption In turn, the eccentricity is the greatest geodesic behind the eigenvector centrality formula, which is as distance between a given vertex ν and any other in follows: the graph, as defined in Eq. (11). These three concepts n are formed on the basis of most of the network-level 1 , xi λ aijxj (9) metrics we are going to introduce, namely, the diame- j=1 ter/radius,theaverage geodesic distance,theaverage where xi/xj denotes the centrality of node i/j, aij rep- degree,thereciprocity,thedensity, and the global resents an entry of the adjacency matrix A (aij = 1if clustering coefficient. nodes i and j are connected by an edge and a = 0 ij ∈ν = max d(ν,i). (11) otherwise) and λ denotes the largest eigenvalue of A. i ∈ V(G)\ν Eigenvector centrality is a more elaborated ver- sion of the degree, once it assumes that not all con- nections have the same importance by taking into ac- Diameter and Radius count not only the quantity, but especially the quality The diameter D is given by the maximum eccentricity of these connections. of the set of vertices in the network and, analogously,

104 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis the radius R can be defined as the minimum eccen- Reciprocity tricity of the set of vertices, as defined in Eqs (12) and Reciprocity r is a specific quantity for directed net- (13). Sparser networks have generally greater diam- works that measures the tendency of pairs of nodes to eter than full matrices, due to the existence of fewer form mutual connections between each other. There paths between pairs of nodes. Leskovec et al.27 dis- are several ways to compute this metric. The most covered that, for certain types of real-world networks, popular and intuitive way is to compute the ratio of the effective diameter shrinks over time, contradicting the number of mutual connections in the network to the conventional wisdom of increasing diameters. In the number of all connections, as shown in Eq. (17). the context of SNA, this metric gives an idea about the Adopting this definition, the value of reciprocity rep- proximity of pairs of actors in the network, indicating resents the probability that two nodes in a directed how far two nodes are, in the worst of cases: network point to each other. By definition, in an undi- rected network, reciprocity is always maximum r = 1 D = max{∈ν : ν ∈ V}, (12) because all pairs of nodes are symmetric: #mut r = , 0 < r < 1, (17) R = min{∈ν : ν ∈ V}. (13) #mut + #asym where #mut denotes the number of mutual dyads and #asym the number of asymmetric dyads. Average Geodesic Distance Taking the definitions of Wasserman and The average geodesic distance for all combinations of Faust,16 we say that an asymmetric dyad is a pair vertex pairs in a network is usually denoted by l and of nodes that has an arc going in the direction of one is given by Eq. (14). This metric gives an idea of how node or the other, but not both directions. In turn, a far apart nodes will be, on average. For instance, in mutual dyad is defined by a pair of nodes connected the SNA context the average geodesic distance can be by two arcs, each one going in a different direction used to measure the efficiency of the information flow (e.g., a → b and b → a, being a and b two nodes in a within the network: network). 1  l = d(i, j), (14) 1 n(n − 1) i≥ j Density 2 Density ρ is an important network-level measure, where d(i, j)isthegeodesic distance between nodes i which is able to explain the general level of con- and j, and 1/2n(n–1) is the number of possible edges nectedness in a network. It is given by the propor- in a network comprising n nodes. tion of edges in the network relative to the max- When there is the case of a network having more imum possible number of edges, as defined in Eq. than one connected component, the previous formula (18). Density is a quantity that goes from a minimum does not hold, because the geodesic distance is con- of 0, when a network has no edges at all, to a max- ventionally defined as infinite when there is no path imum of 1, when the network is perfectly connected connecting two vertices. In such situations, it is more (also called or ). Therefore, appropriate to use the harmonic average geodesic dis- high values of ρ are associated to dense networks, tance, defined in Eq. (15), once it turns infinite dis- and low values of density are associated to sparse tances into zero nullifying their effect on the sum: networks:  − 1 1 m(G) l 1 = . (15) ρ(G) = , 0 <ρ<1, (18) 1 + i≥ j d(i, j) m 2 n(n 1) max(G) where m is the number of edges in the network and mmax(G) denotes the number of possible edges, which Average Degree − is n(n 1) for undirected networks and n(n–1) for di- The average degree is simply the mean of the degrees 2 of all vertices in a network, as represented in Eq. rected ones. (16). According to Costa et al.28 the average degree can be used to measure the global connectivity of a Global Clustering Coefficient network: There are several ways to compute the global ver- n sion of the clustering coefficient. We adopt the one 1 26 k¯ = k . (16) proposed by Watts and Strogatz that obtains the n i i=1 global clustering coefficient c, for the whole network, through the computation of the average of all local

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values ci (i = 1,..., n), as shown in Eq. (19). more popular that web page is). Nevertheless, in this Small-world networks,26 such as the ones we find in process of weighting web pages, not only the num- real social contexts, are characterized by high global ber of links or, equivalently, the degree of a node is clustering coefficients, meaning that the property of relevant, but also the importance of the web pages transitivity among nodes emerges more often and in linking to them. Therefore, Pagerank measures the a stronger way, increasing the probability of clique relative importance of a set of web pages based not formation: only on the quantity but especially the quality of their links. 1  c = c . (19) The basic Pagerank is computed as follows (ac- n i i cording to the definition provided by Easley and Kleinberg31): Initialization: In a network of n nodes (or web LINK ANALYSIS pages), assign a Pagerank value of 1/n to each node, and choose the number of iterations k of the algo- In certain network settings, such as the Web, one may rithm. be interested in finding the most valuable, authorita- tive or influential node (e.g., web page), or a list of 1. Update the Pagerank values of each node by them. To perform this task, several link analysis algo- sequentially applying the following rule: Ba- rithms were devised, being the HITS29 and the Google sic Pagerank update rule: divide the actual Pagerank30 algorithms the most popular ones. These Pagerank value of node p by the number of algorithms explore the relationship between links and its outgoing links and pass these equal shares the content of web pages, to improve the task of in- to the nodes it points to. Note that if a node formation retrieval in the Web, being of extreme im- p has no outgoing links, the Pagerank share portance for the design of efficient search engines. As is passed to itself. The update of a node’s the development of these methods was motivated by Pagerank value is performed by summing the the problem of web queries, for the sake of simplicity, shares it receives in each iteration. we will explain them in this context. Before introducing any of these algorithms, it 2. Apply this rule until the kth iteration, or until is first necessary to define some elementary concepts, convergence has occurred. namely, the concepts of hubs and authorities.Inthe context of Web, a hub can be understood as a web To illustrate, consider the following example: page that points to many other web pages or, in in a network comprised six nodes termed A, B, C, other words, as a compilation of web pages that ad- D, E, and F. How can we find the most influential dress a specific topic. The quality of a hub is usu- node, using the Pagerank algorithm? First, according ally determined by the quality of the authorities it to the initialization step of the algorithm, each node is = 1 = 1 points to. On the other hand, authorities are web assigned an equal Pagerank of PR n 6 , as repre- pages cited by many different hubs, which means that sented in Figure 2(a). Then, these values are updated their relevance is measured by the number of inward k times (for the sake of simplicity, we consider only links they receive. Typically, good authoritative pages two iterations) by applying the basic Pagerank update are reliable sources of information about a given rule. topic. To apply the rule, first is necessary to compute In the following subsection, we explain the the shares of all nodes. Then, for each node we sum foundations of Pagerank algorithm. all shares the node receives. The result of this sum will be its new Pagerank value, as shown in Table 2 and Figure 2(b). For instance, the share of node D, Pagerank Algorithm which has only one outgoing link, is computed as Pagerank is a link analysis algorithm based on the = 1/6 = 1 share(D) 1 6 . Its new Pagerank value is given concept of eigenvector centrality. This algorithm is by the sum of the shares of its ingoing links, namely, TM used by Google Internet search engine to rank web those coming from nodes A, C, E, and F: pages according to the value of the information they 1 1 1 1 5 carry, so the most valuable ones appear at the top of PR(D) = + + + =+ . (20) the search results. 12 12 12 6 12 The idea of the algorithm is that information on Web can be ranked according to link popularity (the After computing these values for all nodes in more web pages are linked to a given web page the the network, we repeat the process for the second

106 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis

FIGURE 2| Illustration of the process behind Pagerank algorithm in a network comprised six nodes. The first network (a) corresponds to the initialization step. In network (b) are shown the updated Pagerank values at the end of the first iteration of the algorithm. Note that node D is so far the most authoritative node, with a Pagerank value of 5/12.The rightmost network (c) corresponds to the second (and last) iteration of Pagerank. Here, we notice that node B overtakes the position of node D in terms of Pagerank values.

TABLE 2 Updated Pagerank Values after the First Iteration important one, once this Pagerank value means that k = 1 a great part of the information that flows through the network passes through it. Node A B C D E F Although Pagerank and other link analysis algo- Shares 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/6 1/12 1/6 rithms were originally motivated by the necessity of Updated Pagerank 1/12 1/4 1/12 5/12 1/12 1/12 extracting and understanding the information yielded by Web, they are also used in other domains, such as social sciences. In the social sciences field, links can be analyzed from two distinct, but somehow interre- TABLE 3 Updated Pagerank Values at the End of the Second lated, perspectives: the information centered and the (and Last) Iteration k = 2 actor centered. These perspectives are typically used to help understand the underlying social phenomena, Node A B C D E F by means of the identification of the most valuable Shares 1/24 1/8 1/24 5/12 1/24 1/12 sources of information or, alternatively, the most im- Updated Pagerank 1/24 11/24 1/8 5/24 1/24 1/8 portant actors. Nevertheless, there is still some lack of consensual guiding principles about how to inter- pret link analysis results in a social science context. Thelwall32 stresses out the importance of developing iteration k = 2, obtaining the results shown in guidelines for improving the process of interpreting Table 3 and Figure 2(c). This rule is applied iteratively these results and proposes a theoretical framework until the convergence of the Pagerank values, or until for link analysis interpretation. the kth iteration. As we consider only two iterations, we can try to draw some conclusions and interpret the results based only on the information available in Tables 2 and 3. Therefore, at the end of the first PROPERTIES OF REAL-WORLD iteration, node D seemed to be the most promising NETWORKS one, with a Pagerank of 5/12; nevertheless, at the second iteration node B overtakes the position of D, Real-world problems are an inexhaustible source of being now assigned to the first place of the ranking inspiration for network theories. The great majority of nodes. This sudden change befits the idea behind of real-world events and activities we play, observe, Pagerank algorithm that measures the quality, instead and study can be easily modeled using graphs and can of the quantity, of a node’s connections. Therefore, be analyzed through the lens of network analysis. and besides node D is the one receiving more incom- In this overview, we focus on social networks, ing links, the importance of the nodes linking to them which are those arising as a result of human and so- is not that significant. On the other hand, node B has cial interactions, though there are other types of real- only two incoming links, but one of them is of great world networks. Given the diversity of such networks, importance, namely, node D. This is the main reason researchers classified them into main types, although why node B receives the larger Pagerank value at the this classification is not fully consensual. One possibil- end of the second iteration, turning into the most in- ity is the one provided by Newman,9 which was pre- fluential, or authoritative, node in the network. If B sented in the Introduction section. Although they stem was an actor, he/she would be considered the most from distinct real-world problems and knowledge

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fields, they all share a set of common properties which tence of shortcuts between most of vertex pairs in a make them peculiar, thus opposing to the two well- network. In social settings, this means that two ap- known network models: random networks and regu- parently disconnected people can quickly get in touch lar networks. with each other through an incredible low number The simplest and best known model of network of acquaintances or friends. This finding has several is the .33,34 This type of graph is char- implications in dynamic processes because it implies, acterized by the random placement of edges between for instance, that the spread of a contagious disease a fixed number n of vertices, to create a network throughout the population will be faster than one in which each of the 1/2n(n–1) possible edges is in- would expect. dependently present with some probability p. When In mathematical terms, the small-world effect p = 0, we obtain a graph of perfect order—regular means that the average geodesic distance (i.e., the graph; and when p = 1, we obtain a random graph, shortest path) between pairs of vertices scales loga- which embodies the total chaos. Because both regular rithmically, or slower, with the network size with a graphs and random graphs represent extremes, they fixed mean degree.9 This property is also observed are not realistic. Additional properties9 are required in random graphs, where the diameter is very small, to model complex and atypical networks such as the only growing logarithmically with n, and the vertices ones we find in real world. In short, we can say that have all about the same degree. real-world networks are nonrandom and nonregular graphs with unique features, where ‘order coexists Property 2: Transitivity or Clustering with disorder’.35 In this section, we introduce and ex- According to Wasserman and Faust,16 transitivity is plain some of these properties, which are as follows: a property that considers triples of nodes (i.e., sets of three vertices, in which at least one is connected to 1. Small-world effect; both others) in a graph or, in other words, measures 2. Transitivity or clustering; the density of triangles (i.e., three nodes connected 3. Power-law degree distributions; to each other by three edges in the network, which 4. Network resilience; means that every node is fully connected to the re- maining two nodes) in a network. In the social net- 5. Mixing patterns; work parlance, it means that a friend of your friend 6. . is also likely to be your friend. This property is quantified using a clustering coefficient that can be global or local, as mentioned Property 1: the Small-World Effect in the section Elementary Statistical Measures. Stanley Milgram,36 an American social psychologist, was the first to point out the existence of small-world effects in real social networks, through a series of Property 3: Power-Law Degree famous experiments which are today known as the Distributions Milgram experiment. This experiment was done to The degree distribution P(k) is the probability distri- test the speculative idea of the small-world effect and bution of the degrees of nodes over the whole net- is one of its first direct demonstrations. The main hy- work. Therefore, P(k) represents the probability that pothesis of the study was that pairs of apparently dis- a vertex chosen uniformly at random has degree k, tant individuals are connected by a short path, i.e., by and is defined by the fraction of nodes in the net- a few number of acquaintances, through the network. work that have degree k. This means that, if the total To probe the distribution of the path lengths, Mil- number of nodes in the network is n, and nk of these gram asked some random participants (about 300) to nodes have degree k then, for this value of the de- = nk pass a letter to someone they knew in a first-name ba- gree, we have a probability of P(k) n . Computing sis in an attempt to get it to an assigned target person. this probability for each degree value k,ofthesetof With this experiment, it was shown that the median degree values appearing in a given network, we ob- length of the paths that succeeded in reaching the tar- tain the probability distribution of the degree in this get was six, which clearly explains the origins of the network. concept six degrees of separation. Random graphs, such as the ones studied by The overall conclusion of Milgram and its col- Erdos¨ and Renyi,´ 34 show a binomial degree distri- leagues has been accepted in a broad sense. In fact, bution because the presence, or absence, of an edge the small-world effect has been widely observed in is equiprobable (i.e., equal for all possible vertex real-world networks and it is manifested by the exis- pairs). In the limit of large graph size, this degree

108 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis distribution goes from binomial to Poisson distribu- such cases, it is more appropriate to test the resilience tion. Therefore, in this class of graphs, the degree of the network the removal of a given percentage of distribution is highly homogeneous as most vertices nodes. have similar, or equal, degree. Real-world networks are, in turn, quite differ- Property 5: Mixing Patterns ent from random graphs with respect to degree dis- 24 Some networks are made up of different types of ver- tribution. Barabasi´ and Albert discovered that, in tices. In these kinds of networks, the linking between real graphs, the distribution of the vertex degree is vertices or, in other words, the probability of con- very heterogeneous and highly right-skewed, with a nection between vertex pairs, tends to be selective large majority of vertices having a low degree and and highly dependent on vertex types (e.g., food web, a small number having a high degree. This finding 37 whose vertices may be herbivores, carnivores, and comes to reinforce the previous work of Price on plants). In social networks, this is also evident be- networks of citations between scientific papers. In cause individuals tend to interact with other similar both cases, they state that the degree distribution of to them. This selective linking is usually called assor- real networks, such as citation networks, follows a tative mixing,orhomophily, and a classic example is power-law (at least asymptotically) and, therefore, mixing by race. Real networks tend to show higher these networks are sometimes referred to as scale- 23 tendencies for assortative mixing. free networks. Power-law distributions usually arise Newman39 proposed an assortative coefficient when the amount you get of something depends on to quantify the assortative mixing of a network. This the amount you already have. A common analogy is 38 coefficient replaces the previously proposed by Gupta ‘the rich get richer’. Price used the term cumula- et al.40 and allows us to distinguish a randomly mixed tive advantage to refer to this mechanism, which is network from a perfectly assortative one. believed to be the most probable explanation for the power-law degree distributions in several real-world networks, which include, but are not restricted to, Property 6: Community Structure collaboration networks and the World Wide Web. The great majority of real social networks show Today, this process is best known as preferential at- community structure, which means that we can find tachment, a name coined by Barabasi´ and Albert.24 In groups of densely connected vertices that are low con- their seminal paper,24 the authors describe a network nected to other groups of vertices in the network. This growth model which became known as the Barabasi–´ topic will be deepened in the following section. Albert model. This work shows that network grow- ing with will indeed become COMMUNITY DETECTION scale free, due to the ‘the-rich-gets-richer’ strategy em- ployed in the model. One of the unique features of social networks is that they tend to show community structure. This prop- erty usually arises as a consequence of both global and Property 4: Network Resilience local heterogeneity of edges distribution in a graph. Network resilience measures the impact on the con- Thus, we often find high concentrations of edges nectivity of the network when one or more vertices within certain regions of the graph, called commu- are removed and it is an indicator of the cohesion nities, and low concentration of edges between those of the network. Different kinds of networks exhibit regions. different levels of resilience. Most networks are ro- Communities, also known as modules or clus- bust against random vertex removal but considerably ters, can be straightforward defined as similar groups less robust to targeted removal of the highest degree of nodes. A more complete definition is built upon the vertices. Also, when the endpoints of a bridge are concept of density: communities can be understood as deleted there are strong changes in the network with densely connected groups of vertices in the network, respect to the ability of communication between pairs with sparser connections between them. of vertices, as some of them become disconnected. Be- According to Newman and Girvan,41 there are tweenness centrality can also be seen as a measure of two main lines of research in discovering communities resilience as it tells us how many geodesic paths will in network data. The first has its origins in Computer get longer when a vertex is removed from the net- Science and is known as graph partitioning, whereas work. However, in real settings the removal of a sin- the second has been mainly pursued by sociologists gle node is not usually cause for alarm, since the net- and is usually referred as blockmodeling, hierarchi- works comprise millions or even billions of nodes. In cal clustering,orcommunity structure detection.The

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In real life, we can find several examples of such tight groups. There is a long list of examples, so we will only name a few. Society is a rich environment for finding communities, once people have the nat- ural tendency to form groups. These groups can be families, circles of friends, working and/or religious groups, towns, nations, and so on. If we also con- sider groups formed by companies, or by customers of a given product, we can identify communities with relevance to Economics and Business fields. Biology is another activity where methods for finding communi- ties are useful, especially within the scope of metabolic networks. For instance, in protein–protein interaction networks we can find groups of proteins with simi- lar functions within the cell. We can also find vir- tual online communities in the network of Internet, or groups of topic-related web pages, which may be useful for the development of automatic and efficient recommendation systems. FIGURE 3| Illustration of a network with three distinct The importance of studying these communities = { } = { } = { communities: C1 A, B, C, D, E, F , C2 G, H, I ,and C3 J, K, is intuitive in domains such as SNA. To highlight this L, M, N, O, P}. importance, Fortunato35 has stated that the analysis of the structural position of nodes, in each module, can help identify central actors (those within central former originally arose in the Computer Sciences field positions), often associated to group control and sta- because of the necessity of finding the best way to allo- bility functions, as well as intermediate actors,who cate tasks to processors so as to minimize the commu- are those who lie at the boundaries of communities nications between them. This network optimization and play a key role in the spread and exchange of task aimed at enhancing the computation, in a parallel new ideas and information, creating bridges between computing environment. The latter was motivated by communities. Other interesting possibility opened by the discovery of community groups within society, to the task of discovering communities is the one that fo- simplify the analysis of social phenomena through the cus on the analysis of coarse-grained descriptions of arrangement of people according to their similarities. the original graph. An example is the study of graphs The main process behind community detection algo- obtained by considering vertices as communities and rithms is based on dividing the original graph, into edges between them as an indicator of overlap be- a set of disjoint subgraphs, through the optimization tween communities. This strategy is used by Oliveira of a given objective function (e.g., ). The and Gama43 for the detection of transitions in aim of both approaches is to discover groups of re- clusters. lated vertices in the network and, if possible, the cor- The following subsections are devoted to the responding hierarchical organization, based only on introduction of the most popular (not necessarily the information provided by . This the best) methods to solve the problem of finding is usually done by iteratively removing the bridges be- communities. The great majority of these traditional tween groups of vertices, as suggested by Girvan and algorithms assume partitions of vertices, instead of Newman.42 covers,1 i.e., they do not allow overlap of communi- To better understand the introduced concepts, ties, so each vertex is assigned to a single community. in Figure 3 is depicted a simple network compris- However, if one suspects that the nature of his/her ing three communities, named C1, C2, and C3.In network implies the existence of overlapping com- this picture, we represent an ideal situation since each munities, a possible choice is the clique percolation community is itself a complete graph, or a clique, of method, proposed by the physicists Palla et al.44 The varying size (C1 = K6, C2 = K3, and C3 = K7). Also, main feature of this prominent approach is its abil- the density of ties between communities is very low. ity to find overlapping communities in a network, by The few ties that exist are bridges, since they are the allowing vertices to belong to more than one group. only available connections between different parts of This characteristic is especially appealing in social sci- the network. ences, as people tend to belong to more than one

110 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis community (e.g., family, work, friends, etc.) at the regions,31 namely, bridges and local bridges. same time. A well-known algorithm exploring this For those interested in using clique percola- method is the one proposed by Girvan and tion method to detect overlapping communities, Palla Newman.42 44 et al. developed the CFinder software package, 2. Agglomerative methods: this class of meth- which is freely available at www.cfinder.org. ods focuses on the tightly knit parts of the network, rather on the connections at their boundaries. Walktrap45 is an example of an Hierarchical Clustering algorithm based on this method. Hierarchical clustering is a popular class of meth- ods for finding clusters, since it does not require any assumptions regarding their number, membership, In the next subsection, we present one of the and size. Hierarchical clustering algorithms produce a best known and widely used divisive hierarchical al- flexible nested structure (smaller clusters within larger gorithm for finding communities, especially in social clusters which, in turn, are embedded in even larger networks: the algorithm of Girvan and Newman. clusters), typically represented by means of a dendro- gram, that uncovers the multilevel structure of the Girvan–Newman Algorithm network. Such features are highly desired in domains Among the most popular algorithms, or even the most where little information is available concerning the popular one, for solving community detection prob- community structure of a network. In addition, these lems is the one devised by Girvan and Newman42 and methods proved to be quite effective in solving cluster known as the Girvan–Newman algorithm. analysis problems, thus becoming attractive for graph The Girvan–Newman algorithm is a divisive hi- partitioning and community detection purposes. erarchical technique that deconstructs the initial full The procedure of traditional hierarchical clus- network into progressively smaller connected pieces, tering is quite intuitive, being strongly based on the until the point where there are no edges to remove definition of similarity. Usually, the first step is the and each node represents itself a community. Bear- selection of the similarity measure that will be used ing in mind that communities are cohesive groups to assess how alike two nodes are according to a of nodes, with sparser connections between them, the given global, or local, property. Examples of such criterion to remove the edges, proposed by Girvan and measures are the cosine similarity,theJaccard index, Newman,42 is the graph-theoretic centrality measure the Euclidean,orManhattan distances, the Hamming edge betweenness. The reason behind this choice is distance between pairs of rows in an adjacency ma- related to the fact that this centrality measure is able trix, among others. The next step is to compute the to identify edges that lie on a large number of shortest similarity matrix between all pairs of nodes, regard- paths between nodes and, therefore, are believed to less of the fact that those nodes are, or not, con- connect different nonoverlapping communities. Thus, nected to each other. Then, one chooses the approach the main idea of this algorithm is that if we identify to group them—the agglomerative or the divisive— and remove bridges, we isolate the existing commu- and, depending on the choice, selects a given dis- nities in a network. tance measure to compute the similarity between clus- Because it is based on the concept of between- ters (e.g., single linkage, complete linkage, Ward’s ness, it is only suitable for networks of moderate or- method, etc.). The result is a dendrogram illustrating der (up to a few thousand nodes), due to the high cost the arrangement of clusters returned by the hierar- of computing it. The input of the algorithm is a full chical algorithm. To select the best partition, i.e., the graph and the output is a hierarchical structure, such best number of communities k, a typical strategy is as a dendrogram, where communities at any level cor- to compute the value of modularity41 for every pos- respond to a horizontal cut through this hierarchical sible number of clusters and select the number that . The steps of the algorithm can be summarized as maximizes this function. follows: As mentioned before, there are two general ap- proaches for hierarchical clustering, which are as fol- lows: • Compute the betweenness of all edges in the network; 1. Divisive methods: this class of methods • Remove the edge with highest betweenness. focuses on identifying and removing the This step may cause the network to split into spanning links between densely connected separate disconnected parts, which constitute

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the first level of regions in the partitioning of BOX 1 SOFTWARE AND TOOLS FOR SO- the graph. CIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS • Repeat the previous steps until there are no To fulfill the growing need for social network mining and vi- edges to remove in the graph. Note that the sualization, a considerable collection of software and tools obtained smaller components, within larger were developed for SNA. Some of these tools are more components, are the regions nested within the technical and targeted to users with strong programming larger regions found in the first steps. background and skills (e.g., UCInet51; igraph, sna, and NetworkX52 libraries for R46 environment), and others are Because of its popularity, almost all stan- more intuitive and, thus, more suitable for users from the dard software libraries have this algorithm im- social sciences (e.g., Gephi53 and NodeXL54). Though these plemented. For instance, in R46 we can use the tools have different characteristics, most of them allow: edge.betweenness.community function, provided by the computation of metrics that provide a local (actor level) library igraph, to apply the Girvan–Newman algo- and global (network level) description of the network; the rithm. graphical visualization of the network; and the detection of communities. On the basis of the study of Combe et al.,55 Modularity Optimization these constitute the expected functionalities of an SNA tool. A widely used and very popular class of methods to In general, the main functionalities that can be embedded detect communities in networks is modularity max- in SNA tools are the following: imization. Modularity Q is a quality function that • Creation of networks; attempts to measure the merit of a given partition of • Visualization and manipulation of networks; the network into communities. It has been used not • Qualitative and quantitative/statistical analysis of only to compare the quality of the partitions obtained networks; by different community detection methods, but also as an objective function to optimize. According to • Community detection; Newman,47 • Predictive analysis (peer influence/contagion modeling, models, and link prediction). Modularity is, up to a multiplicative constant, the number of edges falling within groups minus the ex- Despite the quantity and diversity of available tools in the pected number in an equivalent network with edges Web, some of the most popular are placed at random. • Pajek56: freely available software for the analysis Based on this definition, we can deduce that and visualization of large-scale networks. modularity is a measure that explicitly takes into ac- • Gephi53: open source software for network ma- count the heterogeneity of the edges. The basic idea is nipulation and exploration, endowed with a three- that a network shows meaningful community struc- dimensional render engine to display real-time ture if the number of edges between communities is evolving networks. fewer than expected on the basis of random choice. • UCInet51: commercial social network analysis By assumption, the higher its value the better the par- which makes use of Pajek and NETDRAW for vi- tition, meaning that the found communities are inter- sualization and it especially suitable for statistical nally densely connected and externally sparsely con- and matricial analyses. nected, because there are more edges falling within • NodeXL54: freely available add-in to Microsoft Ex- groups than what would be expected by chance. Mod- cel 2007 for the overview, discovery and explo- ularity is computed as   ration of networks, which does not require any 1  k k programming skills because it is very user friendly. Q = A − i j δ(c , c ), (21) 2m ij 2m i j Not suitable for the analysis of large networks. ij • R46 libraries (igraph, sna, tnet, statnet, and 52 where m is the number of edges, ki and kj represent, NetworkX ): freely available packages for R en- respectively, the degree of nodes i and j, Aij is the entry vironment which are very comprehensive (e.g., of the adjacency matrix that gives the number of edges significant number of implemented algorithms for ki kj community detection; analysis of longitudinal net- between nodes i and j, 2m represents the expected number of edges falling between those nodes, ci and works, as well as two-mode networks) and with cj denote the groups to which nodes i and j belong, good two- and three-dimensional visualization ca- and δ(ci, cj) represents the Kronecker delta. pabilities.

112 c 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 2, March/April 2012 WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Social network analysis

From the formula, we can deduce that Q ∈ [ − gence of new movements in network research. These 1, 1], being either negative or positive. If positive, then new approaches started to focus in the analysis of there is possibility of finding community structure on the statistical properties of large-scale complex net- the network. If Q is not only positive, but also large, works, which were easily gathered using computers then the corresponding partition may reflect the real and other electronic devices. This change of scales community structure. According to Clauset et al.,48 forced upon a corresponding change in the tradi- in practice, it was found that a modularity of about tional analytical approach and data mining statis- 0.3 is a good indicator of the existence of meaningful tical methods became of great importance, due to communities. their ability to extract patterns and knowledge from Following this reasoning, and knowing that the massive quantities of data.9 Nowadays, the wide higher the modularity, the best the obtained network availability of software and SNA tools and libraries division is, a natural approach would be maximiz- (more than 50) is a reflection of this evolution in ing this measure, by computing it for every possible SNA (Box 1). partition of the network and selecting the partition Because of these technological advances and returning the higher value. This simple idea gave rise consequent impact in the availability of networked to a new class of methods whose foundations are set data, new challenges are being posed to the research on the maximization of modularity. Albeit this ap- field of SNA, and a new paradigm is emerging. This proach is quite attractive, the exhaustive search over paradigm takes into consideration new factors in the all possible divisions is usually intractable. This un- analysis of social networks, such as the size of data, desired effect of computational inefficiency has been which is incredibly getting large, and changes in space circumvented by adapting a number of heuristic meth- and time. ods to this specific optimization problem. Following The first issue has implications on existing meth- this strategy, one can obtain a fairly good approxi- ods for SNA, which now need to be improved to scale mation of the global optimum (in this case, the max- well to large-scale social networks. For instance, find- imum value of modularity) in an acceptable time. Al- ing communities in large-scale social networks will gorithms that employ this strategy are, for instance, continue to be a dynamic research challenge. Also in the one proposed by Blondel et al.,49 which per- the area of community detection, the urge to develop forms a hierarchical optimization of modularity by new methods which are not only scalable and efficient exploring greedy techniques, and the one proposed but also fully automatic, in the sense that they do not by Guimera´ and Amaral,50 that applies the simulated need any user-specified parameter (e.g., number and annealing procedure to the modularity optimization size of communities), will continue to be an important problem. research problem. Those interested in knowing more about the The second issue is of extreme relevance because problem of finding communities in networks, can re- the speed at which data is collected is turning obsolete fer to the recently released survey by Fortunato.35 static analyses. Therefore, the study of the dynamics and evolution of social networks, which include but are not restricted to both the discovery of the gen- CONCLUSIONS AND CURRENT eral properties that govern the temporal evolution of TRENDS social networks and the detection and understanding of temporal and spatial changes in these networks, At the beginning, analysis of social networks was will continue to be a significant strand of research in based in single small graphs. The first studies used SNA. data collected using direct questionnaires asking re- It is also expected that the popularity of SNA spondents to detail their interactions with others. The will continue to increase, attracting more and more gathered data was then represented using the math- researchers to the field and impelling an increasing ematical graph model, where vertices correspond to number of companies to incorporate SNA methods individuals (the respondents) and edges to interac- into their business processes and generalize their use tions between them. These traditional studies usu- as strategic tools. ally entailed some problems such as inaccuracy, sub- jectivity, and lack of generality due to small sample size. NOTES The substantial advance of technology, the in- creasing availability of computers and the arising of aCover is a synonym of partition for soft assignment communication networks contributed to the emer- of vertices to communities.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the referees for their helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. We are also grateful for the financial support of the project Knowledge Discovery from Ubiquitous Data Streams (PTDC /EIA-EIA/098355/2008). The work of Marcia´ Oliveira was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the PhD grant SFRH/BD/81339/2011.


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