
U.S. Recruiters & Chinese : What, Why, and How?

Mitch Leventhal, Chair, Professor of Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship, SUNY Albany

Andrew Hang Chen, CEO, WholeRen Education, Pittsburgh PA

Victoria Dutcher, Vice President for Enrollment Management, University of New Hampshire

Pieter Vermeulen, Director, International Recruitment, University of North Texas ❏ What is the Gao Kao? Characteristics, Gaokao recruitment methods; OVERVIEW Benefits; Challenges ❏ The case for using the Gao Kao as admissions criteria in the U.S. ❏ How is the Gao Kao currently used? ❏ Gao Kao score for U.S. based admissions ❏ Pilot for Enrollment and Recruitment Characteristics of the Gao Kao: Evaluation/Admission

Administration Academic Admission Results

● Fair ● Comprehensive - all 6 ● High resolution - 750 / ● Highly predictive ● Tested subjects 9.75M ● Proven products ● 41 years ● Systematic ● Extremely effective ● One ● Rigor ● One score only ● No repetition ● Well-prepared ● No cheating ● Attitude - full student efforts Benefits of Recruiting Gao Kao Students

Academic subjects 02 98% qualified 10 Million / year pool vs. TOEFL/SAT score,

Most upper band 01 Transcript qualified

03 Authenticity no leaks, no repetition Challenges to Recruiting Gao Kao Students

Difficulty in transcripts on Marketing, time, planning, reference execution letter, no high school Internal and external counselors alignment Established Gaokao Recruitment Methods in

Method 1 Allocation Recruitment (Tongzhao, 统招)

● Totally based on ONE score ● Most Chinese universities, ● 4 HK universities

Method 2 Independent Recruitment (Zizhao, IR, 自主招生)

● Limited - some Tier-1 Chinese universities ● Mainly - 8 HK universities ● Total IR - UNH Market Response of Recruit Gao Kao Students

Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily Net, China Youth Daily Times, Reuters, Pie News, BBC, South China Morning Post Why Use the Gao Kao as Admissions Criteria in the U.S?

University of North Texas University of New Hampshire Using the Gao Kao Score

How do U.S. How do you institutions calibrate the Gao access the Gao Kao score for Kao score? admission consideration? Test-taker 380000 Score range: 550-649 475000 Score range: 500-549 95000 Score range: 650-750 475000 Score range: 450-499 475000 Score range: 400-449

7600000 Score range: 100-399 SAT ACT Suneung 1,360,000 2,090,000 552,298

Gao Kao JEE-Main 9,500,000 1,121,966

Percentile of Test-taker 1-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-98 99

Scores Comparison Actualizing Use of the Gao Kao

01 02

How do you propose using Challenges faced by institutions the Gao Kao in your school admissions criteria? Integration of the Gao Kao with Existing Admission Criteria

A case study: University of New Hampshire

Challenges? Admission and Enrollment Pilot

How to select candidates 01

Additional requirements for 02 consideration beyond Gao Kao scores

03 How to integrate Gao Kao Scores • China Agency perspective • Institutional perspective Recruitment Pilot

Ways in 01 which to recruit In country from this recruitment pool BUSINE SS 02

03 Media response Reference

1. China Recruitment - Gaokao or no Gaokao? https://www.wholeren.com/china-recruitment-gaoka o-no-gaokao/ PDF: https://wg.wholerengroup.com/public//files/2018/06/ China-Recruitment-Gaokao-or-no-Gaokao-2018061 8.pdf 2. 采用高考成绩,美大学打开一扇门 http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-06/14/c_1298 93674.htm 3. 美国新罕布什尔大学认可中国高考成绩 http://qnck.cyol.com/html/2018-06/20/nw.D110000q nck_20180620_1-09.htm 4. 高考分进美国重点大学的划时代事件 http://www.sohu.com/a/234549011_99951566 5. 双语:美国新罕布什尔大学将接受中国高考成绩申请 http://wemedia.ifeng.com/65158484/wemedia.shtml http://wemedia.ifeng.com/65158484/wemedia THANK

YOU Mitch Leventhal, Chair SUNY Albany [email protected]

Andrew Hang Chen, WholeRen Education, Pittsburgh PA [email protected]

Victoria Dutcher, University of New Hampshire [email protected]

Pieter Vermeulen, University of North Texas [email protected] How would we perform on the Gao Kao?

Sample questions from the Gao Kao President Xi has said that while art can release the wings of imagination, it should still be down-to-earth. There may be hundreds of ways to create art, but the best way is to have it take root in people's daily lives, and create something based off of that. From a materialist point of view, this is because (pick two of the statements below):

II. Art depends on innovation. III. The way art reflects on society and its style is unified. IV. Art is a form of ideology that reflects people's lives, while serving the people at the same time.

A. I and II. B. I and IV. C. II and III. D. III and IV. Between June and August, a cruise ship travels from to Venice, via Mumbai, as part of Xi's "21st century maritime silk road" strategy. Which of the following would it experience on the way?

A. When passing through the South China Sea, the cruise will face continuous rain. B. When passing through the Arabian Sea, the cruise will sail against winds and currents. C. When passing through the Red Sea, large stretches of forests will be seen alongside the coast. D. When passing through the Mediterranean Sea, the cruise will experience several days of rainstorms. Banks charge processing fees and interest when granting loans. They charge fees because of the services provided, such as account management. The reason for claiming interest is that:

A. Banks are a monopoly. B. Capital offered by banks is a factor of production. C. Bank credit is than commercial credit. D. Banks are the hub of smooth production. If x + y ≥ a, x - y ≤ -1, and the minimum value of z = x + ay = 7, what is a?

A. -5 B. -5 or 3 C. 3 D. 5 or -3 Essay

Write an essay on the following subject: "New era, new youths — growing up with the motherland's development."

In life, people are often eager to focus on their own needs, but also eager to be needed by others in order to realize their own self worth. The feeling of "being needed" is a common feeling, but what does it mean to you? Write an essay on this.

Write an essay on how Thomas Edison would react to the mobile phone if he visited the 21st century. (800 words, 90 minutes)