Submission on Publicly Notified District Plan Clause 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991 To: Hamilton City Council Date: 29/3/2013 Submission method: on-line Submission number: 305 Submitter Details: Company Email id:
[email protected] Contact Name: The Waikato Tree Trust Name: The Waikato Tree Trust Address: c/- 26 Eton Drive, Hillcrest, Hamilton, 3216, New Zealand Phone daytime: 64 07 8566563 Mobile: I wish to be heard in support of my submission. If others make a similar submission, I will consider presenting a joint case with them at a hearing. I could not gain an advantage in trade competition through this submission. This is a submission on the Hamilton City Council Proposed District Plan (the Proposal): The specific Support, My submission is: I seek the following decision from the local authority: provision(s) of Oppose the proposal or that my Support submission in part relates to is: 20.1 Purpose Support Note; We would appreciate for "Purpose", that it would c) The sites are identified on the Planning Maps and are listed in Schedule 9C: in part be desirable to comment specifically identifying the Long Significant Natural Areas in Volume 2, Appendix 9. The significance of a site is tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculata) population within the based on the ecological significance of its indigenous vegetation. The sites were city as this is a unique fauna characteristic of the city. We assessed using the criteria for determining significant indigenous vegetation and also seek that where possilbe when there is inclusion in significant habitats of indigenous fauna contained in the Regional Policy Statement (2000).