Scotland Yard Takes in Bermuda Murder Probe
.* m .Bermuda. JuHecordei IPH ' 2""i>"- Bi.Weekly PURVIS LTD. fished PRICE: 6d. YVednes^Lrayao 1/- Saturdays j^ VOLUME XXXV HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1959 No. 72, Dr. Furman Fordham to Special Transportation For Open House at Scotland Yard Takes Over Conduct Choral Work U.S. Bases Tomorrow Special transportation ar- rangements have been made In Bermuda Murder Probe For Local Pageant for visitors to the American Armed Forces Day Opeu House celebrations at the U. S. Naval QR. FURMAN FORDHAM, a highly esteemed music director Station and Kindley PEARCE MURDER CASE IN SPITE of the two Scotland Yard "murder squad" detec- from New York, agreed in less than an hour last night to Air Force Base tomorrow be- tives working hard to solve the savage murders of Mrs. Ger- tween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. conduct the choral work for the "all Bermudian Pageant,"' "My trude Robinson and Mrs. Dorothy Pearce that have baffled the On this day, Bermudians Heart Stays Here," which is being presented Urged local Police Force, Bermudians are still most alarmed over the at Fort St. Cathe- and visitors to the island arc Public to Watch For rine this summer as one of the. islands 350th Anniversary cele- invited to visit the II. S. bases words of the Senior Coroner, the Wor. S. S. Toddings, "Th. bration highlights. Mb-L _ _ __ again." ,. « . ." . ___. for a first-hand look at a wide Blood Bruised murderer will strike The pageant, written by- variety of military Stained Man ___________ aircraft Mrs. Constance Baiiioifdge, M and equipment which will be will have as its theme the on display.
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