HOLY TRINITY BRADPOLE ‘Gathered for worship, called to service, challenged to grow’ Holy Trinity is part of the Team Ministry www.bridport-team-ministry.org/churches

SUNDAY 8th August 2021 Communion service led by The Revd Janis Moore at 9.30am


A family wedding is a wonderful occasion that should be marked. As should all the milestones through our lives. A nephew is getting married soon (delayed by Covid) to a girl he met at university. After graduating, they have gone around the world, studied even more - giving them both highly desirable qualifications - and then bought a house together. Landmark occasions in their lives that we have happily shared with them through photos and discussions. Their wedding present sits on the side waiting to be wrapped. A token to mark their day.

Our Lord also celebrated such occasions at the Wedding in Cana in Galilee, meals with local gentry and with his friends celebrating The Passover. Sometimes he was admonished for mixing with the wrong people and helping those who were not of his religion and faith. But who are we to judge?

I say a cheery good morning (which means may God be with you this morning) as I pass people before lunch and smile. Sometimes it meets a stony face but usually it is returned and sometimes, particularly if we are walking a dog, it leads to a conversation.

We are entering a new life now that will never be the same pre Covid. Too many have lost too much. We should remember that every new day is a present as we travel through life. So, whether it is a big occasion like a wedding or just celebrating a new day we should always be thankful. Graham Purse

TODAY’S READINGS...... Ephesians 4: 25 – 5: 2

Rules for the New Life So then, putting away falsehood, let all of us speak the truth to our neighbours, for we are members of one another. Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil. Thieves must give up stealing; rather let them labour and work honestly with their own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy. Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with which you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption. Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you. Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. John 6: 35, 41-51 Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. Then the Jews began to complain about him because he said, ‘I am the bread that came down from heaven.’ They were saying, ‘Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, “I have come down from heaven”?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Do not complain among yourselves. No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me; and I will raise that person up on the last day. It is written in the prophets, “And they shall all be taught by God.” Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God; he has seen the Father. Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.’


Please pray for ……...... those who are ill or in need and those who care for them including Chloe, Tony and Amelia, Sylvia Harwood, Pam Scadding, Gill Smith and Let your merciful ears, O Lord, be those who have contracted coronavirus open to the prayers of your ...... those who mourn the loss of loved ones especially Fiona and the family and th humble servants, friends of Mike Taplin whose funeral service is on Tuesday 10 August at and that they may obtain their 11am in Holy Trinity petitions make them to ask such ……..our clergy and retired clergy Ann, Dan, Deb, Helen, Janis, Kay, Lorna, things as shall please you; Philip, Pete, and Richard through Jesus Christ your Son ...... our LLMs and LWL Coral, Graham, Martin, Peter, Phil, and Valerie our Lord, who is alive and reigns ...... our PCC and PCC sub-committee members Ginny, John, Mike, Peter, and with you, in the unity of the Holy Susan Spirit, one God, now and for ever...... our friends abroad including Kate and Mary Tolhurst in Uganda Amen HOLY TRINITY NEWS AND NOTICES

175th Anniversary Church Service The commemorative communion service marking the 175th anniversary of the opening of the church was held on a sunny 4th August. The Revd. Janis Moore led the service and The Revd. Maureen Allchin who is a former vicar of Holy Trinity and who led the service for the 150th anniversary, was the preacher. The final hymn was sung outside signifying the light of Christ in the community. Cakes and refreshments were enjoyed al fresco after the service. Cream Teas I was really gratified by the number of people from Bradpole who attended and supported our Cream Teas event at St. Mary's on 31st July. An 'erstwhile' churchwarden even came and helped us move the furniture in the morning - a real kindness! Despite the weather being showery and having to relocate to the church building, I think that we have made something in excess of £600 which we are very pleased with. My thanks to the Bradpole Church family for their support and encouragement. Lesley Hill (St. Mary’s Churchwarden) A Message From Roy King

Thank you for the very generous gift you have given me for my “retirement” I have enjoyed my time doing the various chores and appreciate the help that I was given from time to time. Daphne was delighted with the flowers. We shall need no help with enjoying the gifts! Roy

Mobile Phone Found

A big ‘thank you’ to all those who searched the church so thoroughly after the annual clean when I thought I had mislaid my mobile phone. It was very kind of you all and much appreciated. The phone has in fact now turned up at home, after more than one search, and in a quite unexpected place! Thank you, again for your efforts. Christine Green

John Ward

I went to see John recently and he looked like the John I remember from last summer. He was dressed in crisp clean clothes and had a sharp haircut. We had a lovely chat using pen and paper because he is so hard of hearing, but he was laughing and joking like he used to. He's very happy in Signature House and you can always send him a card if you'd like to keep in touch. Ginny

Signature House 2 Maumbury Square Dorchester DT1 1GR

Dominic Community Foundation

On behalf of our grandson Ben Smith we would just like to offer a huge thank you to you all for the generosity you have shown in sponsoring him on his long cycle ride from Lands End to John ‘o’ Groats. His aim was £1,000 which he has surpassed already helped tremendously by the Holy Trinity Bradpole cash/cheques donations of £410.00, together with an unknown sum donated on Ben’s JustGiving website - unbelievable. Thank you so, so much. Gill and Frank Smith


If you would still like to make an on-line donation please copy this link into your browser -


Stamps for the and Somerset Air Ambulance

Two recent donations amounting to 1300 stamps has now made the total collected since 2016 – 36,200. It would be helpful if you would please cut a narrow paper border round the stamps rather than tear them since that does damage the stamps on occasion.

The Friends of Holy Trinity The Friends continue to support the upkeep and preservation of the church and churchyard. A Birthday Banner with pennants is being produced for the 175th Anniversary of the current building and further details are shown on the Poster below. If you have any questions or suggestions about the work or membership of The Friends please contact Wendy Carnell (Secretary) or Martin Whiting (Chair).

Church tasks request On behalf of the sub-committee meetings held for various reasons, please could you look at the table below and let me know if you are able to help? There will be different requests or repeats of what has already been asked and if you would like further information, please contact me on 07540 807 061 or email [email protected] Ginny

Date Task Brief outline 3/4th September Steward To help steward in the church for any length of time between 10am and 4pm each day. 5th September Help with cream teas To join a team of volunteers to be able to offer people cream teas in the village hall. Ongoing Assist with operating To learn how to operate the sound system the sound system and stand in if required. As soon as possible Opening and closing of To carry out the task on the church and dealing either a with the wheelie bins Tuesday/Saturday or Sunday every week and draw on others’ help if you are away or unwell. Someone to draw up a list of volunteers with their contact details and share this with ‘the team’ that is created. As soon as possible To order supplies for To draw up a list of what the church as required needs to be ordered. As soon as possible To launder church linen To take the used linen used in the communion away and launder it in services time for the next communion service.

Ride+Stride will take place on 11th September. As the local organiser for Bradpole, I will be seeking volunteers to welcome visitors on the day so please put your name on the list or contact me. All the usual forms for taking part in the event as a rider or strider and information will be available in church from today. Please contact me on 420716 with any queries. Peter Carnell https://ridestride.org/ https://www.dhct.org.uk/m/index.php

Prayer Requests If there is something you would like prayed about, please email: [email protected] TEAM NEWS AND NOTICES https://www.bridport-team-ministry.org/

Watch our Sunday Service LIVE-streamed online from 10am (or on-demand) Access Online services: www.bridport-team-ministry.org or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bridportchurches

Covid rules from 19 July – what has changed? As you know the government announced the lifting of all restrictions in from last Monday. So what does this mean for us as we gather in church? Although we can no longer insist that people wear masks in our buildings for services, and all the other measures we have become so used to, we hope that we can do all we can in our team to help worshippers and visitors feel safe, while reflecting the national loosening of restrictions.  We ask you continue to use hand sanitiser as you enter the building  Now as we come to worship we suggest that you wear a mask when walking about in church, but when seated you may take it off  The Church of England guidance now allows congregational singing. We suggest our singing isn’t too hearty to begin with. Where possible our churches will indicate areas of the building where you can go if you are nervous of singing around you. We will remain seated to sing.  Similarly, where possible, our churches will keep space for those who wish to maintain social distancing. Perhaps in our bigger buildings if you wish to keep your distance, and be away from singing, sit in the side aisles. If you feel a little more relaxed about distance from your neighbour, and wish to sing, sit in the main body of the church. In either case we ask all to be sensitive to those around you.  We will continue to share the peace as we have been over the last few months – by not moving around the church and not shaking hands and hugging!  The Church of England has also allowed the common cup to be used once more, although they urge caution. We in the Bridport Team feel it is too soon to offer the common cup at this stage, although we will review this regularly. Receiving in one kind (bread only) is full communion. Revd Deb Smith


EVERY SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: 8am Book of Common Prayer Communion - St Mary’s Bridport 9.30am Eucharist Service - St Swithun’s FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: 9.30am Morning Praise - Holy Trinity Bradpole 11am Holy Communion - St Mary’s Bridport 11am Holy Communion - Holy Trinity Bothenhampton 11am Holy Communion - St John’s West Bay SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: 9.30am Communion - Holy Trinity Bradpole 11am Holy Communion - St Mary’s Bridport 11am Morning Praise - Holy Trinity Bothenhampton 11am Holy Communion - St Mary’s Walditch THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: 9.30am Morning Praise - Holy Trinity Bradpole 11am Morning Praise - St Mary’s Bridport 11am Holy Communion - Holy Trinity Bothenhampton 11am Holy Communion - St John’s West Bay FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH: 9.30am Communion - Holy Trinity Bradpole 11am Holy Communion - St Mary’s Bridport 11am Book of Common Prayer Matins - Holy Trinity Bothenhampton 11am Holy Communion - St Mary’s Walditch FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH - TEAM SERVICE 11am – Holy Trinity Bothenhampton (August 29th) [This service will be streamed live from 11am]

You can always dial 01308 538187 to listen to one of our services


MONDAYS: ▪ 10am - Morning Praise - St John’s TUESDAYS: ▪ 10-12noon - Private Prayer - St Mary’s Bridport ▪ 2.30pm first Tuesday of the month (except this August) - Holy Communion - Holy Trinity Bradpole WEDNESDAYS: ▪ 2.30pm first Wednesday of the month - Holy Communion - St Mary’s Bridport ▪ 2.30pm second Wednesday of the month - Service of The Word - Holy Trinity Bothenhampton THURSDAYS: ▪ 10am weekly - Eucharist - St Swithun’s ▪10am alternating fortnightly - Holy Communion or Morning Praise - St Mary’s Walditch SATURDAYS: ▪ 6pm first Saturday of the month (from September) - Contemplative Church - St Swithun’s ▪ 6pm fourth Saturday of the month - Wholeness and Healing - St John’s

NEED HELP? FOOD BANK Bridport Coronavirus Community Support Network Cupboard Love is remaining open. Any issues contact 07443 07401 243585 or 01308 808900 596096 or [email protected] [email protected] If you need help with shopping call this number 07552 312594. https://sites.google.com/view/bridportcommunity/home Citizens Advice PATHWAYS TO CARE The best way to contact is to ring the advice line 0800 144 8848 If you need transport to and from hospital, dentist etc., please but you can also email using a contact form at ring Pathways To Care via the Good Books shop on 01308 www.bridportca.org.uk which includes necessary consents 420483 (there is an answering machine when the shop is under the data protection rules. The website also includes links closed). to the vast CA information system. Daily HOPE 0800-804-8044 A free telephone line of hymns, reflections and prayers

The small print © The prayers and readings have been taken from the following websites and the copyrights therein are hereby acknowledged: www.churchofengland.org www.biblegateway.com Douglas Baldwin (01308 424232 [email protected])