The Writings of James Fintan Lalor, with an Introduction Embodying
/ tDhe Sbamuocb Jjibnopy WEITINGS OF JAMS FINTAN LALOR i THE .WRITINGS OF JAMES FINTAN LALOR. gin introduction EMBODYING PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS. BY JOHN O'LEARY. gCnb rt grief |,il rmoiv. DUBLIN : T. G. O'DONOGHUE, 3 BEDFORD ROW, ASTON'S QUAY, U. S. A. FRANCIS NUGENT, 52 MAIN STREET, PEABODY, MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON COLLEGE LlBHAKY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. <]SQS ,L3 u ^ CONTENTS. PAGE. !. Introduction, .. .. .. vii 2. Memoir, _. .. .. xix 3. Letter to Duffy, _. .. .. i 4. A New Nation, _. .. .. 9 5. Tenants' Right and Landlord Law, .. t^6 '6. A National Council, .. .. 53 ^ 7. The Rights of Ireland, .. .. 59 Irish 8. To the Confederate and Repeal 73 Clubs, 9. The Faith of a Felon, .. .. 93 ID. Clearing the Decks, ,_ .. 107 II. The Rights of Labour, .. .. 114 1847 INTRODUCTION. I HAVE been requested to say something by way of introduction to a collection of the writings —small in bulk, but still, to my mind, very big in substance and form—of my old friend Lalor, and I willingly comply with the request. Scarcely any man living, at least out of his own family, with the probable exception of my friend Thomas Clarke Luby, can have known him better, and few, if any, can have a higher opinion of the intellectual and moral merits of the man. I cannot, however, do better for Lalor's memory than by extracting from a book of mine, still unpublished, all that directly bears upon him. I extract, then, without any further comment, but only with the explanation that, from the nature of my book, I could not easily detach from it what I think it necessary to say here of — Vlll INTRODUCTION.
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