Herman is a librettist and translator. Submit items for future columns via e-mail to
[email protected] or via snail mail to Mark Herman, 1409 E Gaylord Street, Humor and Translation Mark Herman Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-3626. Discussions of the hermanapter@ translation of humor and examples thereof are preferred, cmsinter.net but humorous anecdotes about translators, translations, and mistranslations are also welcome. Include copyright Sesame Street information and permission if relevant. This column is based on various and a plummeting birthrate, it would among that nation’s considerable Internet postings, including those of be difficult. Obedience, solemnity, and Muslim population. The New York Times and the BBC. duty seemed to be all that Russian chil- Charlotte Beers, Undersecretary of In July 1969, test episodes of the dren knew. Children who were asked State for Public Diplomacy, warned a children’s program Sesame Street to audition for the show largely sat Senate committee that the “people we were seen on a Philadelphia educa- back in their chairs and sang sad songs. need to talk to do not even know the tional station. The first nationally tel- And, before they could cheer up tod- basics about us. They are taught to evised episode ran in November of dlers, the producers had to cheer up the distrust our every motive. Such dis- that year. Vila Sesamo aired in Brazil writers, some of whom wanted to use tortions, married to a lack of knowl- in 1972; Sesamstrasse in Germany in the word ltghtccbz (depression) to edge, is a deadly cocktail. Engaging 1973; 1, rue Sesame in France in teach children how to use the letter and teaching common values are pre- 1978; Улuцa Ceзaм in Russia in L (D).