Peer Review in Academic Promotion and Publishing: Its Meaning, Locus, and Future
Peer Review in Academic Promotion and Publishing: Its Meaning, Locus, and Future A Project Report and Associated Recommendations, Proceedings from a Meeting, and Background Papers Diane Harley and Sophia Krzys Acord with contributions from Sarah Earl-Novell, Shannon Lawrence, and Elise Herrala March 2011 The Future of Scholarly Communication Project University of California, Berkeley © 2005–2011, Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education 771 Evans Hall #4650 University of California Berkeley CA 94720-4650 (510) 642-5040 Citation: Harley, Diane, and Sophia Krzys Acord. 2011. Peer Review in Academic Promotion and Publishing: Its Meaning, Locus, and Future. UC Berkeley: Center for Studies in Higher Education. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and all of the workshop participants for their generous support and contributions to this project, including reviewing various iterations of the report. Throughout, we borrowed liberally from the many ideas presented by attendees at both meetings. Their ideas are central to this report, including the background documents. We would also like to thank a number of people who made this project possible, including: Shannon Lawrence and Emily Hilligoss for editorial support; Matthew Winfield at the California Digital Library for his personal help in publishing the report on e-scholarship; and Karen Weinbaum, Christina Herd, Meg Griffith, and Elisabeth Gordon for administrative assistance. HARLEY AND ACORD PEER REVIEW IN ACADEMIC PROMOTION AND PUBLISHING ABSTRACT Since 2005, and with generous support from the A.W.
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