Notable Speakers

Honourable Christy Clark Premier of BC Gary Mason National Columnist The Globe & Mail Ferio Pugliese President WestJet Encore Roger Brooks Roger Brooks International

OCT 29 & 30 Island Conference Centre Nanaimo, BC SUMMIT SPONSORS

BC Salmon Farmers Association | Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada | Lewis & Sears Marketing & Event Management Inc | MNP | ProReg | Quality Foods | St. Jean’s Cannery Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Resort & Conference Centre | TimberWest Vancouver Island Real Estate Board | Wallpepper Sign Shop


Dan Sandy Dave Ron Lisa Smith Herle Willie Cantelon DeLeeuw VIEA CHAIR VIEA CHAIR VIEA PAST Ron Cantelon Branch Commissioner ELECT CHAIR Consulting Manager, Coast BC Treaty Owner, Close Owner, Black Capital Savings Commission to You Fashions & White Event (Nanaimo) Rentals

Colleen Lillian Pedro Giles Darrell Evans Hunt Marquez Newman Paysen President Director Dean, Faculty Principal Manager & CEO Tourism Alert of Management Baby Bear Member Services Campbell River Bay and Royal Roads International Vancouver Island Chamber of Co-Chair, University Real Estate Commerce Aboriginal Board Tourism BC

Rick Marianne Gillian Po Wan Gabriele Roberts Stolz Trumper Partner Wickstrom Blackberry Rick Roberts Principal Vice-Chair Owner, Ocean- Consulting & Managing Port Alberni Creative view Driving Broker Port Authority School and Capital Asset Town Councilor Group Port McNeill


Po Wan, Summit Chair (Blackberry Creative) George Hanson, VIEA President Dave Willie, VIEA Past Chair (Black & White Event Rentals) Sandy Herle, VIEA Chair-elect (Close To You Fashions) Rick Roberts, VIEA Board Member (Rick Roberts Consulting) Colleen Dane and Elizabeth Young (BC Salmon Farmers Association) Dan Hurley (Vancouver Island University) Wendy Sears (Lewis & Sears Marketing & Event Management) Angie Barnard (Painted Turtle Guest House)


MARKETING MEDIA ADVISORS PROGRAM Angie Barnard CTV George Hanson Jody Beck Douglas magazine Sandy Herle Chris Cathers Glacier Media Patrick Marshall Lara Greasley Island Radio Shannon Marshall Raymond Henderson Array Web + Creative Po Wan Kirsten Soder Lea Taal


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Welcome to the 7th annual ‘State of the Island’ Economic Summit. Last year at the conclusion of the Summit many commented: “How can you possibly top this!?” With an incredible array of presentations headlined by the Governor of the , it was easy to see that VIEA and the signature Economic Summit had come of age and that VIEA’s primary goal of fostering collaboration amongst diverse stake- holders to help ensure sustainable economic prosperity throughout Vancouver Island was taking hold.

How do we top the Summit of 2012? By continuing to collaborate, net- work, build strong relations, share ideas, spread the word, and ‘show up’! The Summit is all about us coming together. Do we have some excellent speakers? Yes. Do we have a full program with sessions designed to engage our collective thinking towards better outcomes for important issues? Yes. And the focus continues to be the ‘State of the Island’ and how we can work together to help ensure a prosperous future for everyone on Vancouver Island.

As some of you may know, the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance is a non-profit, non-government society funded entirely by annual member- ships and receipts from events such as the annual Summit. If you are a VIEA member, thank you for your continuing support. If you are not a VIEA member, please consider joining VIEA as a way of supporting and participating in the important work of building alliances and of marketing Vancouver Island to the rest of the world.

So enjoy yourselves. Enjoy each other. Contribute your thoughts. Gain new insights. Take pride in being part of fostering a healthy ‘State of the Island.’ And in the process, please consider becoming a member of VIEA helping to ensure that this thinking and these actions continue to contribute to a sustainable and vital Island economy. On behalf of our board and staff, our sponsors, tradeshow exhibitors, and summit presenters, thank you for coming to participate.

Dan Smith, VIEA Chair


Summit Sponsors...... 2 VIEA Board of Directors and Summit Committees...... 3 Message from the VIEA Board Chair...... 5 Report from the VIEA President...... 6–7 Summit at-a-Glance...... 8–9 Concurrent Sessions (in detail)...... 10–17 Spotlight on Premier and Platinum Sponsors...... 18–19 Floor Plan and Tradeshow...... 24–25 Keynote Speakers...... 26–27 Presenters, Moderators and Panelists...... 28–43 VIEA Members...... 44


At VIEA, we believe that “it’s all about the company you keep” and that the strongest ideas emerge from collaboration. Over a relatively brief seven-year history, VIEA has undertaken a number of important projects as a direct result of networking and conversations amongst stakeholders especially at our Summit events. One of the first was a comprehensive study on the economy of Vancouver Island and the Central and Sunshine Coasts. Completed in 2009, it identified some specific challenges to the Island economy: from a skills and labour shortage, to critical issues in transportation, innovation, land use, health and education. While these underlying issues have emerged time and again, the collective conversation of VIEA members and associates has evolved to reflect new economic realities over the years and as challenges and opportunities presented themselves, these discussions have guided VIEA board priorities and the development of annual Economic Summits.

VIEA conducted a “Gray Skills” pilot project in the Victoria area in 2009 that introduced employers to the benefits of hiring mature workers, and encouraged collaboration between business and employment agencies to address skill shortages and retention issues. That same year VIEA partnered with Tourism Vancouver Island on an investment and workforce attraction video, and in 2010 developed the pivotal “Link Project” that focused on the role of regional collaboration in strategic economic development.

The projects being pursued by the organization today continue to emerge in one way or another from presentations and conversations generated at our annual Economic Summits, and include:

Economic Gardening – VIEA is announcing the pilot launch of this initiative to make valuable market research available to qualified businesses on Vancouver Island. The Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation has stepped forward to provide funding for a pilot project for businesses in Nanaimo and VIEA is welcoming of other corporate or local government stakeholders who might wish to see this program expand to their clients or communities. The Economic Gardening services will be facilitated by VIEA and delivered in cooperation with Community Futures. Intermodal Transportation – VIEA has been working with an initial group of stakeholders developing a case for an Island-wide transportation plan with a 30 to 50-year horizon. The intention is to identify how transportation to, from and throughout the region should develop so as to continually improve connectivity, accessibility and affordability with an ultimate goal of turning transportation—largely perceived as an Island liability—into a regional advantage. There are many successful ‘island’ economies in the world. Why can’t we be one of them?

First Nations/Community Engagement – In the context of treaty settlements and reconciliation, the social and economic landscape will continue to experience significant change from one end of the Island to the other. VIEA sees that it is critically

6 OCTOBER 2013 important for relationships to develop so that partnerships can be explored to everyone’s advantage. VIEA is hoping to work with the 53 First Nations on the Island, along with the Tribal Councils and Economic Development organizations serving them, to identify and help communicate economic opportunities to the broader marketplace. Investment Attraction – As we heard from presenters at the last two Economic Summits, succession planning for small businesses should be an issue of interest and concern in every community on Vancouver Island. It is expected that many small business owners will seek to sell their businesses and retire within the next 10 years. Who are the buyers? From where will they come? VIEA is uniquely positioned to promote all of Vancouver Island as a place to invest. We have begun to connect with communities of recent immigrants in urban centres and it is our intention to acquire additional resources to enable us to expand and continue these direct marketing efforts. Vancouver Island 2065 – Our three-year old partnership with CAVI (Convening for Action on Vancouver Island) is a direct outcome from VIEA’s 2010 ‘Link Project’ in which stakeholders all over Vancouver Island were interviewed to identify common issues and opportunities. And now, VIEA/CAVI are pleased to announce this new initiative in cooperation with Royal Roads University. With research expertise provided by Royal Roads, funding from VIEA and CAVI, the VI 2065 project will gather information Island-wide to produce a comprehensive report showing how local government’s collaborative efforts today can achieve future sustainability through a balance of ecology and economy. The results of this study will demonstrate the similarities and differences between various local government bodies and their current approach towards sustainability; with a specific focus on identifying potential collaborative opportunities to foster inter-regional/inter-community stewardship. Major Projects Portal – VIEA has partnered with the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce, BC Hydro and the Vancouver Island Construction Association since 2011 to develop, deliver and sustain the Major Projects Portal accessible opportunity information to help ensure that as much local business economic spin-off as possible is realized from the John Hart project construction. This successful pilot initiative is proving valuable and has already led to similar partnership associated with VIHA’s North Island Hospital projects.

All of these initiatives have resulted from presentations, networking and brainstorming at previous Economic Summits amongst VIEA members, sponsors and associates. VIEA’s work is guided by people like you who are willing to support VIEA through your membership, to come together, to think openly, ask questions and share ideas.

George Hanson MSC CHRP VIEA President


DAY 1 Tuesday OCTOBER 29

Registration (to 5pm), Tradeshow Opens...... 10:30am

Buffet Lunch and Presentation...... 12–1:30pm Gary Mason, National Affairs Columnist, The Globe & Mail Mt. Benson Ballroom | sponsored by Douglas magazine and Array Web + Creative

Concurrent Breakout Sessions...... 1:30–3pm (see pages 10 and 11 for details) The Balance of Power—What does the future hold for energy on Vancouver Island? Nanaimo River Rm | sponsored by FortisBC Deep End of the Talent Pool—Attracting and Developing the Talent We Need Duke Point Rm | sponsored by Island Radio Everyone Needs a Little Island Time!—Tourism EQ Millstone River Room | sponsored by Coastal Community Credit Union Your Money or Your Life—How will we protect our lifestyle ‘Golden Goose’ while growing our communities and our economy? Departure Bay Rm | sponsored by Coast Capital Savings

Networking Break...... 3–3:30pm sponsored by HA Photography

Concurrent Breakout Sessions...... 3:30–5pm (see pages 12 & 13 for details) Entrepreneurialism—Totally Worth the Risk Nanaimo River Rm | sponsored by Douglas magazine Forestry—The Next Generation Millstone River Rm | Impact Visual Communications The Future is Green—Island-based Green Technology Departure Bay Rm | sponsored by SW Audio Visual International Relations—Inspiring International Students and Their Families to Invest in Vancouver Island Duke Point Rm | sponsored by Array Web + Creative

Cocktails and Networking...... 5–6:30pm

Opening Dinner and Presentation...... 6:30–8:30pm Ferio Pugliese, President of WestJet Encore Mt. Benson Ballroom | sponsored by Nanaimo Airport


Wednesday OCTOBER 30 DAY 2

Continental Breakfast and Tradeshow...... 7–8am sponsored by Island Radio

Presentation...... 8–9am Roger Brooks, Roger Brooks International Mt. Benson Ballroom | sponsored by Canadian Western Bank

Concurrent Breakout Sessions...... 9–10am (see pages 14 & 15 for details) How Non-Profits Profit Our Communities—Uncovering the Benefits that Non-Profits Bring to Our Economy Duke Point Rm | sponsored Chartered Professional Accountants Lights! Camera! Now What?—The Island’s Future in the Business of Digital Arts Departure Bay Rm | sponsored by Glacier Media Mission Possible Update—Economy & Ecology and Water Sustainability Millstone River Rm | sponsored by CTV Twitter Trouble, Facebook Fiascos and Social Media Meltdowns—Handling Bad (Cyber) Press Nanaimo River Rm | sponsored by Blackberry Creative

Networking Break...... 10–10:30am sponsored by Small Business BC

Concurrent Breakout Sessions...... 10:30am–12pm (see pages 16 & 17 for details) First Nations Dialogue—Major Project Updates and Opportunities for Partnerships Nanaimo River Rm | sponsored by Vancouver Island University ‘Growth’ Industries—Revisiting Food Security Duke Point Rm | sponsored by Vancouver Island Conference Centre Transportation—How do we get there from here? Departure Bay Rm | sponsored by Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) Taking Care of Business—Understanding the Link Between Good Health and Good Business Millstone River Rm | sponsored by Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA)

Closing Luncheon and Presentation...... 12–1:30pm Honourable Christy Clark, Premier of Mt Benson Ballroom | sponsored by Nanaimo Economic Development Corp (NEDC)


DAY 1 Tuesday OCTOBER 29 Nanaimo River Rm The Balance of Power—What does the future hold for energy on Vancouver Island?

With the BC Hydro John Hart project construction about to commence; with Liquefied Natural Gas making headlines across the province; with the prospect for either positive or negative changes to gas utility rates for Vancouver Island to be determined by the BC Utilities Commission response to a FortisBC application for organizational restructuring; and with continual development of new technologies for alternative energy solutions; what does the future hold? Join this panel of experts to find out.

Doug Stout Vice President of Energy Solutions & External Relations, FortisBC

Elmer Sum Managing Director, GreenTech Exchange (SFU)

Cam Matheson Vice President of Transmission and Distribution - Asset Investment Management (T&D–AIM), BC Hydro

Moderator Marianne Stolz Principal & Managing Broker, Capital Asset Group VIEA Board Member Duke Point Rm The Deep End of the Talent Pool—Attracting and Developing the Talent We Need

A new generation of skilled labour is needed to keep our economy moving. Workforce research and development has progressed into a high art form. Industry representatives can see the demand for skilled labour spiking. Changes in skills, training and education are required and retention and recruitment efforts are ramping up but will it be in time? Join our panel of industry subject matter experts and use the benefit of their experience in adjusting your community and business efforts to sustain our regional economy.

Dave Bazowski Chair, BC Mining Human Resources Task Force and the BC Pulp & Paper Human Resources Task Force

Jan Marston Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate, TimberWest

Karen Pettit CHRP, IPMA Director of Strategic Solutions, People & Organizational Development, Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA)

Moderator Patrick Marshall Chair, Coastal Forest Industry Workforce Initiative

10 OCTOBER 2013 1:30—3 pm Millstone River Rm Everyone Needs a Little Island Time!—Tourism EQ

The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) has invested $ millions to build powerful, personal relationships with international travelers; and research shows Vancouver Island appeals most to ‘Cultural Explorers’ and ‘Authentic Experiencers’. Learn more about these travelers, and how your community and business can leverage the CTC’s investment as a Tourism, Agriculture, Arts/Culture or Education industry stakeholder.

Lesley Anderson Manager of Brand Experiences, Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC)

Denise LeGal Marketing Manager, Tourism Vancouver Island

Blain Sepos Executive Director, Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association

Moderator Angie Barnard Owner, Painted Turtle Guesthouse Departure Bay Rm Your Money or Your Life—How will we protect our lifestyle ‘Golden Goose’ while growing our communities and our economy?

Many choose to live in the Vancouver Island Region because of our enviable lifestyle. Many visit the region from all over the world because of the natural beauty, pristine environment, and easy access to recreation and adventure. As our economy diversifies, our communities grow, and our population expands, how will we balance the inevitable demands of desired growth with the equally important issue of sustaining the vital and attractive natural surroundings that sustain us? Join this panel to find out what is being done in some urban centres and rural communities. Dallas Gislason Economic Development Officer, Greater Victoria Development Agency

Sheila Malcolmson CHRP Chair, Islands Trust Council

Dave WittyPhD Provost and Vice President (Academic), Vancouver Island University (VIU)

Moderator Colleen Evans President, Campbell River Chamber of Commerce VIEA Board Member


DAY 1 Tuesday OCTOBER 29

Nanaimo River Rm Entrepreneurialism—Totally Worth the Risk

Entrepreneurs who have helped put Vancouver Island on the innovation map share success secrets and business insights—and discuss how to strengthen Vancouver Island’s entrepreneurial edge.

Daniela Cubelic Owner, Silk Road

Alex Glassey Founder, StratPad

Paul Underhill Founder, Groove Nutrition

Moderator Kerry Slavens Managing Editor, Douglas magazine Millstone River Rm Foresty—The Next Generation

Join this panel discussion to find out why the forest sector is so optimistic about the future and the potential for our communities, local businesses, and a new generation of workers. This session will be kicked off by a review of the UBC economic scan of the state of BC’s coastal forest sector followed by an interactive discussion by forest company representatives about the potential they see for the sector and communities, strengthening markets and career opportunities. Join representatives from both the contracting and major forest industry employers for a conversation on what the state of the industry is from several distinct perspectives and operating areas in our economic region.

Mark Leitao Director of Human Resources, Island Timberlands

Jan Marston Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate, TimberWest

Dwight Yochim RPF Executive Director, The Truck Loggers Association

Moderator Patrick Marshall Chair, Coastal Forest Industry Workforce Initiative

12 OCTOBER 2013 3:30—5 pm Departure Bay Rm The Future is Green—Island-based Green Technology

Accelerating the commercialization of Greentech innovations and solutions... insights & perspectives of Vancouver Island sector leaders

Bryan Imber PhD CEO, ICC Group (Nanaimo Area)

Alex Conly Engineering and Operations Technologist of Cedar Road Bioenergy Inc

Erik Lindquist President, TITUS Infrastructure Services Ltd and Principal, Tiger Trends Consulting Inc

Paul Manson President and CEO, SeaBreeze Power Corp

Andrew Moore Solar Project Director, T’Sou-ke Nation

Andrew Walls CD Director of Partnership Development, New Energy Corporation

Co-moderators Elmer Sum Managing Director, GreenTech Exchange (SFU)

Tom McDowell GreenTech Exchange Duke Point Rm International Relations—Inspiring International Stu- dents and their Families to Invest in Vancouver Island

Island boarding schools, colleges and universities attract students and their families from all over the world. How can we better engage these students, their families, and the growing list of alumni to retain talent and attract investment?

Graham Pike PhD Dean of International Education, Vancouver Island University (VIU)

Pedro Marquez PhD Dean of the Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University VIEA Board Member

Andrew Marton PhD Associate Vice President–International, University of Victoria (UVic)


DAY 2 Wednesday OCTOBER 30 Millstone River Rm How Non-profits Profit Our Communities—Uncovering the Benefits that Non-profits Bring to Our Economy

The non-profit sector is often overlooked as a significant contributor to the economy, livability and desirability of our Island communities. Non-profits attract and employ educated, talented workers to positions that are interesting, challenging and needed. And many of these jobs provide important median income career opportunities. Join these experienced panelists to look at how a wide range of not-for-profit organizations strengthen our communities by attracting talent, attracting government funding, attracting donor investment—human and financial resources that might easily go elsewhere, and by filling gaps in the local social and economic fabric. Colleen Evans President, Campbell River Chamber of Commerce VIEA Board Member

Line Robert CEO, Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET)

Moderator Signy Madden Executive Director, United Way of Central & Northern Vancouver Island Departure Bay Rm Lights! Camera! Now what?—The Island’s Future in the Business of Digital Arts Love it or hate it – and, often, both – what was once just the BC “film industry” has evolved into an ever-expanding array of digital media formats and venues. Traditional live-action production increasingly shares the screen with computer-generated fare, while the screen itself, is both always on and everywhere. As the business of digital entertainment – film, visual effects, animation and games – sweeps through the , what can the Island industry do and what does it need to bring more of that work home? What is the current status of Island production? What’s the role of government? Where, what and how do we go from here? Kathleen Gilbert CEO, Vancouver Island South Film & Media Commission Allan Krasnick Entertainment Lawyer and Film Producer Joan Miller Regional Film Commissioner, Vancouver Island North Film Commission 1st Vice President, Association of Film Commissioners International Moderator Don Enright Producer, Ardmore Productions

14 OCTOBER 2013 9—10 am Millstone Rive r Mission Possible Update—Economy & Ecology and Water Sustainability A reliable and sustainable water resource is a critical component of a healthy and progressive economic development strategy. The panel

Rm will report on what has been accomplished since the CAVI Forum within the 2012 Summit showcased a Vancouver Island Vision and paint a picture of collaboration and outcome-oriented actions, with a focus on the Comox Valley and its Guide to Water-Wise Land Development in the Comox Valley. Then, they will elaborate on how on- the-ground success is a springboard to an over-arching vision to set the stage for a town-hall style sharing and learning segment. Finally, The panel will challenge the audience to visualize next steps for bringing a vision for “settlement, economy and ecology in balance” to fruition. Eric Bonham Leadership Team, Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) Peter Law Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability BC Derek Richmond Chair, Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) Marianne Stolz Principal & Managing Broker, Capital Asset Group VIEA Board Member Moderator Kim Stephens Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia Nanaimo River Rm Twitter Trouble, Facebook Fiascos and Social Media Meltdowns—Handling Bad (Cyber) Press

How does small business and local government manage issues and mitigate the impacts of unfriendly public exposure? In this age of frantic media and wide-spread use of the Internet as a vehicle for self-publishing and social exchange, how can a new generation of public figures from political leaders to business owners, large and small, afford the risks of public engagement? Chris Burdge Chief Strategist, bWEST Garland Coulson ebusinesstutor Gary Mason National Affairs Columnist, The Globe & Mail 


DAY 2 Wednesday OCTOBER 30 Nanaimo River Rm First Nations Dialogue—Major Project Updates and Opportunities for Partnerships

With numerous treaty settlements and reconciliations completed or in process on Vancouver Island, the economic landscape is changing rapidly and significantly. Major projects are underway with many more opportunities for business partnerships. Clifford Atleo Sr President, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Ray Gauthier CEO, Coast Salish Development Corporation Douglas White III (Kwulasultun) Chief, Snuneymuxw First Nation

Moderator Ralph Nilson PhD President and Vice-Chancellor, Vancouver Island University (VIU)

Duke Point Rm Growth Industries—Revisiting Food Security

Public awareness is about to peak on discussions about food security, access to locally grown and harvested products and our food future. We live on an island—actually many islands—and on a coast that has enjoyed fresh food in abundance. Who do we watch, how do these subjects affect our businesses and what are the prospects? Linda Geggie Coordinator, Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable (CRFAIR) Greg McLaren Managing Director & Consultant, Business Advisory Team Inc and The LeftSpoke Media Bill Jones Chef, Author, Founding Member of FarmFolk/CityFolk and SlowFood Vancouver Island

Moderator Patrick Marshall Business & Economic Developer, Capital EDC Economic Development Company

16 OCTOBER 2013 10:30 am—12 pm Millstone River Rm Taking Care of Business—Understanding the Link Between Good Health and Good Business

Faced with economic pressures and a transforming workforce, successful business owners are recognizing the correlation between health, safety and business outcomes. This panel discussion brings together health and business leaders who will discuss their strategies on reaping the rewards of investing in a healthy workforce. The conversation will start with the impact of health and safety on business success and culminate with a robust discussion about the realities in the workplace and the strategies that are proving to be most effective. Georgina MacDonald Vice President of Planning and Improvement, Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA)

Kim Macey CHRP Chief Operating Officer, Better by Design

John Millar MD, FRCP(C), MHSc Vice President, Public Health Association of BC

Moderator Shannon Marshall Director of Community Relations and Health Promotion Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) Departure Bay Rm Transportation—How do we get there from here?

Continual improvement of transportation connectivity, accessibility and affordability to, from and throughout the region is important to economic development everywhere on Vancouver Island. How can we turn transportation—largely perceived as an Island liability—into a regional advantage? Mike Corrigan President & CEO, BC Ferries Corporation Mike Hooper President & CEO, Nanaimo Airport Zoran Knezevic CEO, Port Alberni Port Authority Steve Roth Vice President, Seaspan Ferries

Moderator Pedro Marquez PhD Dean of the Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University VIEA Board Member


Mike Hooper President and CEO Nanaimo Airport

A thriving airport not only gives our residents more travel options, but has a significant impact on the whole region. More than 700 full-time direct and indirect jobs are generated by YCD activities and $54 million annually in direct and indirect contributions to the regional economy.

$26.9 million in enhancements have resulted in: Over 99% annual weather reliability New daily non-stop service to Calgary Increased seat capacity to YVR Three record breaking years of passenger numbers Over 18% growth in passenger numbers so far in 2013

We are most pleased to be the premier sponsor of this year’s State of the Island Economic Summit.

Nanaimo Airport Commission Board of Directors


Russ Burke Vice President and Manager, CWB Nanaimo Branch

CANADIAN WESTERN BANK (CWB) is the largest publicly traded Canadian bank headquartered in Western Canada. We offer all the services you would expect, like business banking, personal banking and the opportunity to invest for your future.

But it’s our shared perspective and focus on people that really set us apart. We believe long-term financial success is rooted in hard work. Our common sense approach and commitment to build strong banking relationships help us create and offer solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.

This is why we wholeheartedly support the 7th Annual State of the Island Economic Summit.

The Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation (NEDC) is dedicated to building a prosperous community through economic opportunity. Through business support services and business attraction efforts, the NEDC is helping to shape a thriving future for Nanaimo Sasha Angus & Region. With continued collaboration with Chief Executive our community partners and stakeholders, the Officer, NEDC NEDC is proud to work towards maintaining our competitive edge in the global marketplace.

The NEDC is also proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the 2013 VIEA Summit! We recognize the incredible work of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance, and the annual VIEA Summit is a fantastic demonstration of the economic prosperity that can be found on Vancouver Island.

STATE OF THE ISLAND ECONOMIC SUMMIT 19 We believe that there’s one important job in the world: yours. Our programs help businesses, industries, and communities grow.

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EvEry day is an opportunity. Where do you go from here? STEWARDSHIP THAT CREATES SUSTAINABLE VALUE Duke Point Room

Plenary Presentations Departure Mt. Benson Ballroom Bay Room

Service Area Departure Bay Room

21 2220 23 24 25 26 27 Tradeshow 19 18 3233 16 17 Millstone 34 31 28 River Room 15 14 13 35 30 29

12 Newcastle Lobby Registration 9 10 11 78 6 Lantzville 1 Room

2 3 4 5


Nanaimo Rooms

Nanaimo River Room B

Nanaimo Shaw Auditorium River Room A


1. CTV 19. The Communication 2. Coast Capital Savings Connection Inc 3. St. Jean’s Cannery 20. S/W Audio Visual 4. FortisBC 21. Vancouver Island Real Estate Board 5. Vancouver Island 22. Health Authority HA Photography 6. Small Business BC 23. Coast Salish Development Corporation 7. Blackberry Creative 24. Wallpepper Designs 8. Island Radio 25. Vancouver Island 9. MNP LLP Conference Centre 10. Canadian Western Bank 26. Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa 11. Nanaimo Airport Resort & Conference Centre Commission 27. Glacier Media 12. Array Web + Creative 28. Port Alberni Port Authority 13. Impact Visual 29. Quality Foods Comunications 30. Douglas magazine 14. Citizenship and Immigration Canada 31. Vancouver Island University 32. 15. Harbour Air Seaplanes Coastal Community Credit Union 16. Community Futures 33. Island Coastal Economic Vancouver Island Trust 17. Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) 34. Tiger Tel 18. Mosaic Information 35. Nanaimo Economic elopment Corporation Technologies Dev


HONOURABLE CHRISTY CLARK Premier of British Columbia Keynote Speaker | Closing Luncheon Christy Clark was sworn in for her second term as British Columbia’s 35th Premier on June 10, 2013 and was elected Westside-Kelowna MLA in a by-election on July 10, 2013. In her new mandate, Premier Clark will continue her relentless focus on strengthening the economy through the BC Jobs Plan and ensure that government controls spending. She will work to ensure we seize the natural gas opportunity before us, fight for economic development opportunities throughout the province, and make sure British Columbians are first in line for the jobs that will come. She will also make sure every child has the best chance to compete and win on the world stage by working to bring labour peace to our classrooms. She previously served as the MLA for Vancouver-Point Grey (2011-2013), Port Moody- Mountain (1996-2001) and Port Moody-Westwood (2001-2005). She has served as Deputy Premier, Minister of Education, Minister of Children and Family Development and vice-chair of Treasury Board. She took a break from government in 2005 to spend more time with her family. She worked in the media during her time from government, including as a columnist and commentator and host of the “Christy Clark Show” on CKNW. Premier Clark brought the anti-bullying “Pink Shirt Campaign” to British Columbia to raise awareness of issues related to bullying in our schools, workplace and communities. She has received several awards, including the YWCA Woman of Distinction Award and the 2009 Woman of the Year in BC by the Consumer Choice Awards. She was born and raised in Burnaby and graduated from Burnaby South Senior Secondary.

ROGER BROOKS President & CEO, Roger Brooks International Keynote Speaker | Day 2 Morning Presentation Roger began his career in the concert industry providing tour management services for international recording artists including The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Chicago, Earth Wind and Fire, and others, culminating in the famous Saturday Night Fever Tour with the Bee Gees. From there he spent ten years assisting in the development and marketing of acclaimed destination resorts including Whistler Resort; Harbour Town on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina; Sunriver Resort in Central Oregon, and several others.

Roger has since worked with nearly a thousand communities, as well as many states, provinces, national parks, and countries in their branding, product development and marketing efforts. And beyond the public sector, Roger has worked with trade associations and businesses in the lodging, retail, and restaurant industries as well as attractions, tour operators and providers, marketing agencies, and the travel media. He is the go-to expert for anyone with ties to the travel industry or in downtown development where most travel spending takes place.

A board member of the US Travel Association and author of the popular book Your Town: A Destination – The 25 Immutable Rules of Successful Tourism, Roger has become one of the world’s most popular keynote speakers and authorities in the travel industry.

26 OCTOBER 2013 GARY MASON National Affairs Columnist, The Globe & Mail  Keynote Speaker | Opening Luncheon Twitter Troubles... | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Gary Mason began his journalism career in British Columbia in 1981, working as a summer intern for Canadian Press. One of his first assignments was covering the last days of the province’s favourite son, Terry Fox.

Mr. Mason would later go on to work for the Victoria Times-Colonist before joining The Vancouver Sun, where he worked for 19 years in a variety of roles, including legislative bureau chief, city editor and deputy managing editor before he began writing a popular sports column in 1997. Gary joined The Globe and Mail in 2005 as a national columnist writing on BC and western Canadian affairs.

He has six times been the recipient of the Jack Webster Award, including as Commentator of the Year and is also twice winner of the industry’s highest honor, a National Newspaper Award. Mr. Mason is the author or co-author of six books, including the No. 1 bestseller Patriot Hearts, which he wrote with John Furlong.

Mr. Mason split his early days between his hometown of Niagara Falls, ON, and Sarnia, ON, where he attended St. Patrick’s High School. He has lived in BC since 1979 and is based in Vancouver with his wife, Barbara, also a writer and editor, and two sons, Jordan and Geoffrey.

FERIO PUGLIESE CHRP President, WestJet Encore Keynote Speaker | Summit Dinner Ferio Pugliese joined WestJet in 2007 and became Executive Vice President and President of WestJet’s regional airline, WestJet Encore, in November 2012. Previously as WestJet’s Executive Vice President People, Culture and Inflight Services, he was oversaw WestJet’s human resources, corporate real-estate and inflight services.

He and his team were instrumental in defining and executing plans that supported WestJet’s culture and strategic direction. Ferio is extremely proud that WestJet has been named to Canada’s Corporate Cultures Hall of Fame, was recognized as one of Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures (2005-2009), and in 2009 was cited by Hewitt Associates as one of Canada’s best employers.

Ferio holds a MA in Adult Education from Central Michigan University, an Honours BA in Social Science and an Honours BComm from the University of Windsor. He is a member of the Conference Board of Canada’s Human Resources Executive Council. In 2007, Ferio was recognized by Caldwell Partners as one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40.


LESLEY ANDERSON Manager of Brand Experiences, Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) Everyone Needs a Little Island Time! | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Lesley joined the CTC in 2008, bringing over 15 years of marketing and sales experience in a broad range of tourism sectors. She leads the CTC’s Brand Experiences team responsible for managing the Explorer Quotient, Signature Experiences & industry outreach programs. Lesley also works closely with provincial, regional and city destination marketing partners, and Canada’s tourism businesses to influence the development and marketing of great tourism experiences that will inspire travellers to choose Canada as their next vacation destination AND better position Canada competitively in the marketplace.

CLIFFORD ATLEO Sr. President, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council First Nations Dialogue | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Clifford Atleo Sr. (Wickaninnish) was born in Ahousaht where he grew up fishing on the west coast. From 1978 to 1989 he worked for the Native Brotherhood of BC serving as an organizer, negotiator and Executive Director. Concurrent to working with this organization, he served as a Canadian Commissioner on the Pacific Salmon Treaty, and later, as a Canadian Commissioner on the International Pacific Halibut Commission. In 1990, he moved on to consulting work and garnered the respect of his Ha’wiih (hereditary chiefs) who appointed him their chief treaty negotiator from 1994 to 2005. In January of 2009, Clifford was elected President of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, an organization representing 14 First Nations on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Through this and other roles, Clifford has worked tirelessly to improve access to sea resources for Nuu-chah-nulth and other Nations. He also has deep cultural roots, which are vital to achieving the long-held vision of sustainability and self-sufficiency that Nuu-chah-nulth Nations seek to re-establish.

ANGIE BARNARD Owner, The Painted Turtle Everyone Needs a Little Island Time! | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm A results-driven, ‘make-it-happen’ professional, Angie balances a wide-angle vision with the ability to deliver attention to detail. She is a generalist in business having spent the majority of her career on business development projects in non- profit organizations, local and state government and now small business enterprise. Angie targets her passion and commitment to enhancing her community, therefore the majority of her work experience has been in the sports & recreation, arts & culture and tourism sectors. Recent appointments and causes include: Inspire Nanaimo Steering Committee (; Vancouver Island Economic Alliance Summit Committee Member (; Women’s Enterprise Centre of BC Presenter & Mentor (; Downtown Nanaimo BIA Business Development Consultant (

DAVE BAZOWSKI Chair, BC Mining HR Task Force and the BC Pulp & Paper HR Task Force Deep End of the Talent Pool | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm David Bazowski assists organizations in both the private and public sectors in all facets of human resources and business development including planning, development and implementation of programs and strategies. A key area of specialization is facilitation with a diversity of stakeholders, including private sector business, labour unions, First Nations and government. David moved into progressively more senior leadership roles in business

28 OCTOBER 2013 development, human resources, and general management for resource companies in British Columbia. He has 30 years of progressive experience in human resources, operational management, and Corporate Public Affairs in BC and the Yukon. As part of David’s current consulting pursuits, he serves as Chair to the BC Mineral Exploration and Mining Sector Labour Shortage task force which is currently in the process of implementation stage for its Human Resources Strategy Plan.

ERIC BONHAM PEng Leadership Team Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) Mission Possible Update | Day 2 – 9 to 10am A former Director in two provincial Ministries, Environment and Municipal Affairs, Eric Bonham is a keen believer in community stewardship. He is a Director of the BC Lake Stewardship Society and was actively involved in park creation on Vancouver Island. He received recognition as an Honorary Citizen of Victoria for his contribution to the community and has received awards from professional associations as well as the District of Highlands for his contribution to water management issues in BC.

CHRIS BURDGE Chief Strategist, bWEST Twitter Troubles... | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Since 1994 Chris has been leveraging Internet based communications to build brands for companies such as BMW, Royal Bank, and Nestle Purina, as well as BC based businesses such as Island Savings Credit Union and the Victoria International Airport. He has led the digital marketing practice at global agencies McCann Erikson, Publicis and Cove-Ito Japan. In 2009 Chris founded bWEST, a social media strategy firm focused on helping companies leverage social media to grow their business. In 2010 Chris co-founded Social Media Camp, Canada’s largest conference dedicated to the exploration and sharing of ideas and insights around social media. The annual conference includes world-class speakers and attracts more than 700 attendees. Chris is a frequent speaker at universities and colleges and has been featured widely in the media including CBC Radio, CTV, CHEK News and Shaw TV. Chris was honoured to be chosen by Douglas magazine as one of their “Ten To Watch” for 2013.

ALEX CONLY Engineering and Operations Technologist of Cedar Road Bioenergy Inc The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Alex Conly is the Engineering and Operations Technologist of Cedar Road Bioenergy Inc which owns and operates the Nanaimo Bioenergy Centre. Alex graduated from Vancouver Island Unviersity in 2010 from the Green Building and Renewable Energy program. He has been with Cedar Road Bioenergy Inc since March 2009 and has been involved in all the developments and additions that have made the Nanaimo Bioenergy Center what it is today. The Nanaimo Bioenergy Centre is a collaborative development and demonstration facility innovating in biogas conversion into electrical, thermal and transportation fuel energy.


MIKE CORRIGAN President & Chief Executive Officer, BC Ferry Corp Transportation | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Mike Corrigan is President and Chief Executive Officer of British Columbia Ferry Services Inc, one of the largest ferry transportation companies in the world. Mr. Corrigan has been a senior executive with BC Ferries since joining the company in 2003, serving in the separate roles of Chief Operating Officer (2006-2011) and Executive Vice President of Business Development (2003-2006). In addition to overseeing all aspects of BC Ferries’ operations as COO, Mr. Corrigan has been responsible for creating and leading the company’s SailSafe program that has established a comprehensive safety culture at BC Ferries. The successful, trendsetting program is a joint initiative with the BC Ferry and Marine Workers’ Union. Prior to joining BC Ferries, Mr. Corrigan worked in senior roles with Westcoast Energy in both British Columbia and Ontario. He has a MBA from the University of Victoria, a Bachelor of Business from the University of Western Michigan and an Arts Degree from Kalamazoo College in Michigan. Mike grew up in Sudbury, Ontario and now resides in Victoria with his wife and two daughters.

GARLAND COULSON ebusinesstutor Twitter Troubles... | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Garland Coulson, aka “Captain Time” has been speaking and training on time management, Internet marketing and social media for over 20 years. Garland is a “Time Master,” showing people how to achieve more with less time so that they can take back the time of their life. Garland is a “technology translator,” showing people and organizations how to unlock the power of the Internet and social media without becoming frustrated by the ever-changing technologies that surround us. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed in your work and personal life or struggling with how to reach your target audience using the Internet, Garland will guide you on the right path.

DANIELA CUBELIC Owner, Silk Road Entrepreneurialism | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Entrepreneur/teamasterDaniela Cubelicis the owner of internationally acclaimed Silk Road in Victoria’s historic Chinatown. Since launching in 1992, Cubelic and Silk Road have turned tea from a nice but ho-hum drink into a trendsetting beverage with multiple product extensions, including 100-percent-natural bodycare products, cocktails, and more.

DON ENRIGHT Producer, Ardmore Productions Lights! Camera! Now What? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am An Emmy-winning producer and a member of the motion picture Academy, Don Enright brings 35 years of creative, managerial, marketing and physical production experience to the manufacture of entertainment. As a principal at Barry & Enright Productions and later at Alexander/Enright and Associates in Los Angeles, Mr. Enright directed his company’s prolific operations and ran its development team; as a filmmaker, he’s written and/or produced more than 50 feature films, television films and documentaries, working with Sony, Warner Bros., Universal, NBC, CBS, ABC, Lifetime and Discovery. Enright’s productions have been nominated for eight – and have won three – Emmy Awards, including Best Picture of the year. Born and raised in New York, a graduate of UCLA, he now lives – as a dual Canadian-US citizen – with his family in Victoria, BC.

30 OCTOBER 2013 COLLEEN EVANS President, Campbell River Chamber of Commerce VIEA Board Member Your Money or Your Life| Day 1 – 1:30-3pm Where’s the Profit in Non-profit? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Colleen Evans is President & CEO of the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce. She is a senior resource development executive with extensive expertise in community and economic development, and marketing and public relations. She has developed, implemented and managed multi-million dollar fundraising campaigns as well as national and international stakeholder relationship programs. Colleen’s marketing and public relations experience includes the creation of award winning marketing and advertising campaigns; she has also been editor-in-chief of numerous publications. In her leadership role as a change agent for organizational development, she has led both government and non- government organizations with a particular focus on education, the creative industries and business development.

NANCY FALCONER Regional Health Promotion Coordinator, Canadian Cancer Society Taking Care of Business | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Nancy Falconer has a MSc in Health Promotion from the University of Alberta and over 15 years of experience in chronic disease prevention, community capacity building and advocacy for healthy public policy. Over the past nine years she has managed the health promotion initiatives for the Canadian Cancer Society on Vancouver Island, including the more recent WellnessFits program.

RAY GAUTHIER RPF CEO, Coast Salish Development Corporation First Nations Dialogue | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Ray Gauthier has been leading Stz’uminus First Nation on their path to self-sufficiency since 2008. His extensive experience in business development, specifically First Nations economic development, has helped bring Stz’uminus First Nation to the forefront of community success stories over the past few years. Helping to develop and guide the overall vision and direction of the corporation, Ray is attending this summit to present on the Oyster Bay Development opportunity and to share the challenges and successes experienced thus far in bringing the community to a place where they can begin this project. Oyster Bay will be the newest community on Vancouver Island within the next 20 years – with opportunities in residential, commercial, tourism, and marina development.

LINDA GEGGIE Coordinator, Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable (CRFAIR) Growth Industries | Day 2 – 9 to 10 am The CRFAIR works on behalf of 30 food and farm organizations to facilitate education, information sharing and collaborative work in the region. Linda is also a member of the Peninsula Agriculture Commission and works with the University of Victoria’s Institute for Studies and Innovation of Community University Partnerships as the Community Research Fellow on Food and Sustainability. She is the founder and a current board member of LifeCycles, a community based organization developed in 1994 to cultivate awareness and initiate action around food, health and urban sustainability. LifeCycles operates projects such as Growing Schools, the Fruit Tree Project, and acts as the hub for Urban Agriculture in the City of Victoria. She is also a board member and Food Policy Working Group member with the BC Food Systems Network.


KATHLEEN GILBERT CEO, Vancouver Island South Film & Media Commission Lights! Camera! Now What? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Kathleen Gilbert is currently the Film Commissioner for the Vancouver Island South Film & Media Commission. Kathleen worked as a location manager for twenty years before taking up her post as Film Commissioner in Victoria, BC. Her resume includes shows like Little Women, Intersection, X-Men 2 & 3, Final Destination and a slew of television movies. Kathleen was born in Sarnia, Ontario where she ran a small business for several years. She attended the University of Calgary in the Fine Arts Department and went on to graduate with distinction from the University of Ottawa with a degree in Communications. After university she worked for The Anglican Church of Canada for seven years, developing and coordinating several programs for homeless women in Ottawa.

DALLAS GISLASON Economic Development Officer, Greater Victoria Development Agency (GVDA) Your Money or Your Life | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm During his ten year economic development career Dallas has worked on projects for urban renewal, business retention and expansion, economic alliances, regional branding, and regional collaboration engaging thousands of business and community champions and receiving numerous provincial, national and international awards. Dallas has served on boards of the International Council on National Youth Policy, Business Retention and Expansion International, Junior Achievement of Saskatchewan, and he has helped start several community development non-profit organizations. In 2009, Junior Achievement honoured Dallas as their “Volunteer of the Year.” At age 25 Dallas became the youngest ever recipient of the Premier of Saskatchewan’s Award of Excellence in Leadership. Prior to the GVDA, Dallas worked as a consultant with Seattle-based Pacific Institute based which pioneers application of cognitive science into Fortune 500 companies internationally.

ALEX GLASSEY Founder, StratPad Entrepreneurialism | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Alex Glassey is the founder of StratPad, an iPad app designed to help entrepreneurs master strategy, create business plans, and track results. StratPad has been ranked the highest-rated strategy and business-planning app on Apple’s app store and as one of Forbes’ top 10 mobile apps for business in 2013. Earlier this year StratPad was the big winner at Startup Canada’s “Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap” event in Ottawa, winning both the Financial Literacy Startup Award and the People’s Choice Award.

MIKE HOOPER President & CEO, Nanaimo Airport Transportation | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Mike was born and raised on Vancouver Island. Since the early 1960s, he has lived in the Yellow Point Area where he and his wife Kathy have raised three daughters who also live in the area. Mike worked for MacMillan Bloedel and Weyerhaeuser in operational and strategic land management for 26 years, followed by two years as a business consultant. He has been a member of numerous boards and commissions including one year on the Nanaimo Airport Commission. He has an undergraduate degree from SFU and MBA from

32 OCTOBER 2013 Royal Roads University in Victoria. Mike accepted the appointment of Airport President & CEO in May 2006.

BRYAN IMBER PhD CEO, ICC Group (Nanaimo Area) The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Dr. Imber is an environmental scientist and innovator who has been developing and evaluating the technical solutions available for the treatment and best use for organic waste for the past 15 years. The first facility by the ICC Group opened in 2004 at Duke Point in Nanaimo and processes over 90 tonnes of source separated organics, yard and garden waste per day at 90% capacity. Their mission is to deliver profitable, sustainable carbon zero fuel and energy solutions from organic waste.

BILL JONES Chef, Author and Founding member of FarmFolk/CityFolk and SlowFood Vancouver Island Growth Industries | Day 2 – 9 to 10 am Bill Jones is a renowned French-trained chef based on Deerholme Farm in the Cowichan Valley, British Columbia. He is the author of eleven cookbooks, including The Deerholme Mushroom Book, and winner of two world cookbook awards. His writing has appeared in numerous publications, including The New York Times, Gourmet, Bon Appetit, Saveur, and Harrowsmith. An acknowledged expert on wild foods and foraging, Bill has a keen respect for local First Nations ethnobotany and culture. He is an accomplished cooking instructor and a passionate supporter of local food communities, and is a founding member of FarmFolk/CityFolk and SlowFood Vancouver Island. Bill has helped create many successful events including Feast of Fields, Spot Prawn Festivals and was a key consultant for events at Granville Island Public Market. His consulting company, Magnetic North Cuisine, is active in all areas of local food production, marketing, and development. Please visit Bill online at

ZORAN KNEZEVIC CEO, Port Alberni Port Authority Transportation | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Zoran Knezevic has accumulated over 25 years in the shipping industry, port and terminal systems management including as an officer for the Yugoslavian Merchant Marine. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the Maritime University in Montenegro as well as a Master’s Ticket.

Upon moving to Canada in 1992 he continued his career in the marine industry starting at the Montreal container terminal. Most recently prior to joining the Port Alberni Port Authority as CEO in July 2012, he worked as an industry consultant through his own company, Portside Solutions, with focused expertise being provided to stakeholders involved in trucking and drayage; operational and management solutions for marine and container terminals; and development and implementation of terminals operating software. It is this 3600, inside-out knowledge of the shipping industry that Zoran brought to the Port Alberni Port Authority as it works to develop its proposed new Port Alberni Trans-shipment Hub; otherwise known as “the PATH to our new economic future.” Mr. Knezevic is passionate about shipping, Port Alberni and all of Vancouver Island.


ALLAN KRASNICK Entertainment Lawyer and Film Producer Lights! Camera! Now What? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am The President of Salal Film Ventures Ltd is Allan Krasnick, an entertainment and labour lawyer called to the bar of British Columbia in 1982. He has extensive experience in the entertainment industry, as counsel to producers and major American studios, as a motion picture financier and executive producer, and, perhaps most notably, as the creator in 1997 of the film tax credit system in British Columbia that has been applied across Canada.

PETER LAW Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability BC Mission Possible Update | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Formerly with the Ministry of Environment, Peter Law has been associated with a number of significant provincial initiatives over the years—Develop with Care and Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia in particular. Mr. Law was Guidebook Chair (2000-2002) and as an outcome of his leadership, the Guidebook is recognized internationally as being a catalyst for a ‘design with nature’ approach to achieving water sustainability through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices.

DENISE LE GAL Marketing Manager, Tourism Vancouver Island Everyone Needs a Little Island Time! | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Denise has been with Tourism Vancouver Island (TVI) for 10 years. She graduated from Malaspina University-College (now VIU) in 1994 and has loved working in the tourism industry ever since. Prior to joining TVI she managed Stubbs Island Whale Watching in Telegraph Cove for eight years. Since TVI’s engagement with the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Explorer Quotient program, Denise has enjoyed translating data about different traveler types into useable information to help guide unique and effective ways for the tourism industry to communicate with consumers. Denise is a Cultural History Buff. What’s your traveler type? Take the quiz at www.VancouverIsland. travel.

MARK LEITAO Director Human Resources, Island Timberlands Foresty | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Mark is a human resources generalist with experience in labour relations, employee relations, recruiting, compensation and benefits. He is Operations Manager for both a lumber mill and a thermo-mechanical-pulp (TMP) plant. He is an organizational development specialist who uses human resources tools to recruit, retain and develop talent. His specialties include Organizational Design – Elliot Jacques Requisite Organization, Performance Management – Levinson Institute, Performance/Leadership Coaching.

ERIK LINDQUIST President, TITUS Infrastructure Services Ltd and Tiger Trends Consulting Inc The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Mr. Lindquist founded TITUS Infrastructure Services to design, build and finance profitable projects involving green energy and water recovery. He also co-founded SunGen, an alternative energy finance company that helps developers and municipalities. Mr. Lindquist is responsible for alternative energy practice to reduce overall building energy and potable water consumption.

34 OCTOBER 2013 GEORGINA MACDONALD Vice President of Planning & Improvement, Vancouver Island Health Authority Taking Care of Business | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Fresh from her presentation on Transformational Leadership at the 2013 Better Workplace Conference in Halifax, Georgina will share inspiration on how Vancouver Island Health used vision and values to engage employees and transform the organization. Learn how practical experience and best practice in leadership will help your business to maneuver through complex change by using values to ground strategic planning.

GREG McLAREN Managing Director & Consultant, Business Advisory Team Inc and The LeftSpoke Media Growth Industries | Day 2 – 9 to 10 am Greg is a marketing specialist and presenter based on Vancouver Island. He founded the Business Advisory Team Inc in 2000 and its subsidiary LeftSpoke Media in 2010. The Business Advisory Team Inc is a group of business management professionals who offer business planning, business coaching, workshops and online consulting for emerging businesses. LeftSpoke Media specializes in innovative, relevant and provocative advertising for regional food producers and socially responsible businesses. Twenty-five years in the industry, Greg has worked with large corporations, non-profits and over a 1,000 small businesses.

TOM McDOWELL Greentech Exchange The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Tom McDowell, a chartered Mechanical Engineer, has worked in four countries for and alongside innovative, multi-national companies such as Rolls Royce, Com Dev International, General Electric, Goodrich, Airbus and Boeing. His past projects include work on Europe’s Earth Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS1), Airbus’ A380 airliner, Lockheed Martin’s 1/3 scale reusable space vehicle (X33) and Boeing’s 787 aircraft. Based on Vancouver Island, Mr. McDowell has been coordinating GreenTech Exchange Forums on the Island for the past two years exploring opportunities to apply his engineering and business development background to help promote the Island’s greentech sector.

KIM CHRP Chief Operating Officer, Benefits by Design (BBD) Taking Care of Business | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Reduced health care costs, better employee morale and retention and increased productivity. These are the results of the workplace wellness program implemented at BBD in 2008. This year, the company was awarded the GoodLife Fitness Health & Wellness Leadership Award for their achievement in fostering a culture of workplace wellness. Learn how BBD engaged their employees in wellness in a creative, flexible manner.

SIGNEY MADDEN CFRE Executive Director, United Way of Central & Northern Vancouver Island Where’s the Profit in Non-profit? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Signy has over twenty-five years’ experience managing non-profit agencies and running successful communications and fundraising campaigns. Prior to joining United Way she had her own consulting practice on Vancouver Island and was involved in many successful campaigns such as saving the Kinsol Trestle


and Bethlehem Retreat Centre and securing new facilities for St. John Ambulance and Nanaimo Community Hospice. Prior to consulting, Ms. Madden worked in Vancouver as Executive Director of the Option Youth Society and at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre.

SHEILA MALCOLMSON CHRP Chair, Islands Trust Council Your Money or Your Life | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Sheila Malcolmson is in her second term as Islands Trust Council Chair and in her fourth term on the Islands Trust Council as a trustee for Gabriola Island. She previously served as Chair of the Trust Fund Board, Islands Trust’s land conservancy. With a degree in Environmental and Resource Studies, her professional experience is in project management, tourism operations and administration, and environmental advocacy, regulation and public hearings. Sheila’s reasons for being a trustee include upholding the preserve and protect mandate of the Islands Trust, fostering positive community process, and ensuring that islanders are informed and involved in decision-making.

PAUL MANSON President and CEO, Sea Breeze Power Corp The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm As President & CEO of Sea Breeze Power Corp, a Vancouver- based developer of renewable energy and transmission projects, Mr. Manson leads a team of professionals in the development of renewable power generation sites, including several projects on Vancouver Island. Sea Breeze has successfully developed, permitted, and obtained an electricity purchase agreement for the province’s first coastal wind farm, a 99MW project on Vancouver Island.

PEDRO MARQUEZ PhD Dean of the Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University VIEA Board Member International Relations | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Transportation | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Prior to Royal Roads University, Dr. Marquez served as Department Head, Academic Department of Management and International Business, Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey at Mexico City where he also served as a Professor. His research interests include strategic management, international business, business ethics, business education, cross cultural research, and the Mexican political system. Dr. Marquez is involved with the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, International Association for Business and Society, Business Association for Latin American Studies, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, and Westshore Chamber of Commerce. He is also a Director of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance.

PATRICK MARSHALL Business & Economic Developer, Capital EDC Economic Development Company Chair, Coastal Forest Industry Workforce Initiative Deep End of the Talent Pool | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Foresty | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Growth Industries | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Patrick is an award winning local economic developer, who has served as Chairman of the Board for Small Business British Columbia, and as a Chief Executive Officer for Ocean Industries British Columbia. One of his current assignments as an independent business and economic developer is chairing and managing the British Columbia Coastal Forest Industry Workforce Initiative, a Labour Market Program project funded in part by

36 OCTOBER 2013 Canada and British Columbia to create a roadmap for sustainability of the forest workforce in BC’s Coastal region. Patrick advises many private and public sector organizations and was recently selected by the Canadian Urban Institute to advise the Republic of the Philippines on business planning and local economic development as part of their national strategy.

SHANNON MARSHALL Director of Community Relations and Health Promotion, Vancouver Island Health Authority Taking Care of Business | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm

JAN MARSTON Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate, TimberWest Deep End of the Talent Pool | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Foresty | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Jan is a member of the Executive Leadership team at TimberWest, serving as Vice President, Human Resources, Corporate and Couverdon Real Estate. Jan is an accomplished executive with extensive experience in human resources, governance, operations and project management. Prior to joining TimberWest, Jan spent 14 years as an executive with Terasen Gas/Fortis BC. She also served as President of Inland Pacific Energy Services. Prior to joining Terasen, Jan held a variety of positions in public companies in the oil and gas sector, based in Calgary. Jan has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary, is a graduate of the Executive Program at Stanford University and holds her ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.

ANDREW MARTON PhD Associate Vice President–International, University of Victoria (UVic) International Relations | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Dr. Marton was appointed Associate Vice President International at the University of Victoria in August, 2012. Prior to this appointment, he was with the University of Nottingham serving in a variety of roles since 1999. He started his career in the UK as the founding director of Nottingham’s Institute for Contemporary Chinese Studies during which time he led the strategic development of a highly successful Chinese studies, teaching and research programme which culminated in the creation of the new School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in January 2007. He was seconded from Nottingham’s UK campus in 2007 and moved to China to become Ningbo’s Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo. In 2010, he was also appointed Vice-Provost Teaching and Learning in addition to his duties as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

CAM MATHESON Vice President of Transmission and Distribution - Asset Investment Management (T&D–AIM), BC Hydro The Balance of Power | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm In his current role, Cam is responsible for planning, regulatory, and portfolio management functions for the T&D group, as well as the interconnection processes for complex customer and IPP interconnections. This group is responsible for planning and optimizing $1.2 billion of capital work annually. Cam joined BC Hydro in 1998 and held senior management positions in Energy Planning, Generation Operations and Power Facilities, learning about the BC Hydro system at the field and operational levels before taking on his current position. He has had extensive experience working with the public, stakeholders and First Nations on a variety of environmental, project and community-based initiatives.


JOHN MILLAR MD, FRCP(C), MHSc Clinical Professor Emeritus of the School for Population & Public Health, UBC Taking Care of Business | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Dr. Millar is involved in teaching and research in public health leadership, health policy and international health. He is currently Vice President of the Public Health Association of BC and serves on the BC Healthy Living Alliance and the Coordinating Committee of First Call.

In all provinces across Canada we face a growing burden of preventable chronic diseases. This rising burden of chronic disease means that overall population health is being eroded with the result that economic productivity and growth are also being eroded. Canada’s overall productivity has been declining and we are now ranked low among OECD countries. Drawing on and sharing his vast knowledge of population health and social determinants of health, Dr. Millar will set the stage for discussion by sharing his insights on the rising cost of preventable chronic diseases and their impact on the health of the workforce and the economy.

JOAN MILLER Regional Film Commissioner, Vancouver Island North Film Commission 1st Vice President, Association of Film Commissioners International Lights! Camera! Now What? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Joan Miller began her career in film location working as a community liaison in 1993 for the feature film The Scarlett Letter. She became Regional Film Commissioner on northern Vancouver Island in 2001 and received her accreditation through the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI). Joan was a founding member and Past President of the Regional Film Commission Association of BC and worked collaboratively with her regional peers to lobby for regional and distant tax incentives.

For the past seven years Joan has been the Chairperson for AFCI’s International Cineposium’s and is presently 1st Vice President on the AFCI Board of Directors. Vancouver Island benefits from its close proximity to a strong and vibrant film, digital media and post production industry in Vancouver. Joan and her staff have worked diligently and have successfully attracted productions to their unique locations; recent films include the Twilight Series, GI Joe Retaliation, and Godzilla.

Recognizing the integration of visual effects (VFX), computer graphics (CG) and Motion Capture on set during location filming and to keep abreast of how best to serve this dynamic community Joan joined the Vancouver SIGGRAPH Chapter and is now on the organizing committee of SPARK CG Society.

ANDREW MOORE Solar Project Director, T’Sou-ke Nation The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm For the last six years, Andrew has been working as the Solar Project Director for the T’Sou-ke Nation securing funding from 15 different governmental and non-profit sources and mobilizing a community of specialists and enlightening local talent to gain skills in and for the renewable energy sector.

38 OCTOBER 2013 RALPH NILSON PhD President and Vice-Chancellor, Vancouver Island University First Nations Dialogue | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Dr. Nilson has experienced a successful and impressive career as a leader in post-secondary education in Canada and the US for over thirty years. Prior to joining Vancouver Island University in January 2007, Dr. Nilson was Vice President, Academic at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia; Director, Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre at the First Nations University of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan; and Dean and Professor for the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies at the University of Regina, Regina Saskatchewan. An advocate for public engagement, Dr. Nilson is committed to supporting life-long learning and growth through post-secondary education. He values student access and student success. He believes partnerships are essential in post-secondary education and strives to foster collaborative relationships with the communities served by Vancouver Island University.

KAREN PETTIT CHRP, IPMA Director of Strategic Solutions, People & Organizational Development, Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) Deep End of the Talent Pool | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Karen’s experience extends over 25 years in public sector human resources with crown corporations, the provincial government, and in the insurance and health care sectors. She is passionate about the strategic value provided by human resources and in making a difference to provide quality service to the public. Karen is former National President of the International Personnel Management Association–Canada and has participated in global conferences and delegations on six continents. Her background includes expertise in talent management, leadership development, employee engagement, labour relations, strategic recruitment and retention, performance management, total compensation, workforce planning and project management. Karen lives in Victoria with her husband and son who enjoy the island lifestyle.

GRAHAM PIKE PhD Dean of International Education, Vancouver Island University (VIU) International Relations | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Dr. Pike leads a dynamic faculty that serves more than 1,700 international students, and helps to build a more diverse and global community both on VIU’s campuses and throughout Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast. Dr. Pike was previously Dean of Education at the University of Prince Edward Island, spent six years at the University of Toronto as Co-Director of the International Institute for Global Education, and eight years as the Deputy Director of the Centre for Global Education at the University of York in England. He has also worked for NGOs, developing curriculum on human rights and the environmental and consulting in more than 20 countries including for UNICEF in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. In 2006, he received the Canadian Bureau of International Education’s Award for Innovation, in recognition of “extraordinary contributions, of national or international magnitude to the field of international education.”

KELLY POLLACK Immigrant Employment Council of BC Deep End of the Talent Pool | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Kelly leads the Immigrant Employment Council of BC (IEC-BC), a provincial employer-facing organization that stimulates the integration of skilled immigrant talent into the province’s workforce. After more than 20 years developing


strategic initiatives to attract and integrate internationally trained talent into the BC labour market, Kelly is a sought-after speaker on immigrant employment issues. Prior to IEC-BC, she was the Director of Employment and Language Programs at MOSAIC, one of the largest immigrant serving organizations in Vancouver. Other accomplishments include the development and implementation of the Employment Access for Skilled Immigrants Initiative, the inception of the BC Internationally Trained Professionals Network and Solutions for Access.

DEREK RICHMOND MEng, PEng, CSci, CWEM Chair, Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) Mission Possible Update | Day 2 – 9 to 10am A seasoned professional with 40 years of practice in the United Kingdom, United States and across Canada, Derek has worked in the private and public sectors as a Professional Engineer, Chartered Scientist and a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager. His passion lies in water resources and the importance of public awareness in integrated basin planning and management. He is an accomplished tri- and duathlete and has represented Canada numerous times on the world stage.

LINE ROBERT CEO, Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) Where’s the Profit in Non-profit? | Day 2 – 9 to 10am A graduate of the faculty of law at the Université de Montréal, Line has over 25 years of experience in law, business, forestry, economic development and non-profit management. She has worked extensively with government, industry and communities. Line has owned small businesses and has managed, mentored and coached businesses and non-profits through start-up, expansion and change. Prior to her appointment as CEO, Line spent three years on the ICET management team as Project Manager and Acting CEO. Line is a resident of the Campbell River area and has lived and worked in a number of smaller communities throughout British Columbia.

STEVE ROTH Vice President, Seaspan Ferries Transportation | Day 2 – 10:30am to 12pm Steve joined Seaspan in March 2005 as Vice President, Fleet Logistics and was appointed Vice President, Business Development in 2008. In early 2012, he was promoted to Vice President, Seaspan Ferries. Steve earned Bachelor’s degrees in Commerce and Physical Education from the University of Alberta and a MBA from the University of Saskatchewan. As Vice President, Seaspan Ferries, Steve oversees operations of the scheduled ferry services between the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. This includes oversight for facilities and vessel maintenance, marketing and customer service.

BLAIN SEPOS Executive Director, Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Everyone needs a Little Island Time | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3 pm Blain Sepos is Executive Director of the Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism Association. He is a Dean’s List graduate of Vancouver Island University’s Tourism Management program and has held positions in the private sector, with municipalities, and with destination marketing organizations in BC and Alberta. Blain is a founding member of the British Columbia Destination Marketing Organization Association and is an active member of Tourism Vancouver Island’s Marketing Committee. He is Past President of the Parksville Community Centre Society and is a past recipient of Tourism Vancouver

40 OCTOBER 2013 Island’s MVP Award. Blain spends his spare time chasing around his three young children, practicing yoga, sampling craft beer, and keeping current on independent music.

KERRY SLAVENS Managing Editor, Douglas magazine Entrepreneurialism | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Kerry is managing editor of Douglas magazine, Vancouver Island’s business magazine, where she pursues stories about business innovation and issues affecting Island entrepreneurs. For 14 years, Kerry was on the entrepreneurial frontlines as co-owner of Artemis PR & Design, an award-winning Victoria public relations and advertising agency, before returning to the exciting world of magazine publishing.

KIM STEPHENS Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia Mission Possible Update | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Kim Stephens is an engineer-planner. His four decades of experience cover the spectrum of water resource and infrastructure engineering issues. He has had a leadership role in a series of provincial initiatives in BC related to water sustainability, rainwater management and green infrastructure. Since 2003, Kim has been responsible for developing and delivering the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, the partnership umbrella for an array of ‘top down bottom up’ initiatives that promote a water- centric approach to community planning and development.

MARIANNE STOLZ Principal & Managing Broker, Capital Asset Group VIEA Board Member Mission Possible Update | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Marianne is a principal and managing broker of Capital Asset Group, a real estate consulting and brokerage firm based in Nanaimo, BC. Over the past twenty-four years, she has developed a comprehensive background in all aspects of the real estate industry including property management, commercial brokerage and forest land management. An avid promoter of Vancouver Island, Marianne serves on the VIEA Board and represents VIEA, on the Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) team.

DOUGLAS STOUT Vice President of Energy Solutions & External Relations, FortisBC The Balance of Power | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Mr. Stout joined FortisBC in 2001 as Vice President, Gas Supply and Transmission. He has held senior roles with Belkorp Industries Inc and Husky Energy Inc, and has served as Director for Sultran Ltd, Pacific Coast Terminals and Hillsborough Resources. He is on the National Advisory Committee for Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow (QUEST) and is currently a Director of the Northwest Gas Association and the Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance.


ELMER K. SUM Managing Director, GreenTech Exchange (SFU) The Balance of Power | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Well versed with key aspects of an innovation-based economy, Mr. Sum has cultivated business networks in North America, Asia and Europe. His current focus is connecting management, research, capabilities and discoveries with business, industry, commerce, and investment to help grow and expand the innovation ecosystem in BC. Mr. Sum led the launch of GreenTech Exchange from SFU in March 2009. It now has a presence on Vancouver Island with the aim to accelerate growth of green innovations and clean solutions, and to increase their flow into traditional industries for competitive benefits and productivity gains.

PAUL UNDERHILL Owner, Groove Nutrition Entrepreneurialism | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Paul Underhill is the founder of Groove Nutrition, a Vancouver-Island based business earning national attention as the makers of the nutritional drink Rumble. The company began when Underhill, born with cystic fibrosis, decided to develop a tasty, all-natural sustaining drink, powered by organic ingredients. Today, Rumble is in major grocery stores and has earned kudos from athletes and foodies—and Underhill has had a life-saving double lung transplant, returning him to full health.

ANDREW WALLS CD Director of Partnership Development, New Energy Corporation The Future is Green | Day 1 – 3:30 to 5pm Andrew has been engaged in the marine sector for over 35 years with experience more or less equal parts in the military as a Naval Officer, in the private sector in international shipping and defense technology and until recently in academia/government in a commercial development of applied research role. In June 2010 Andrew returned to the private sector when he joined New Energy Corp as Director of Partnership Development. Andrew is a graduate of University of New Brunswick and Saint Thomas University. He resides in Vancouver, BC.

DOUGLAS WHITE III (Kwulasultun) Chief, Snuneymuxw First Nation First Nations Dialogue | Day 2 – 9 to 10am Chief White was elected on December 5, 2009 to serve a four-year term as Chief of the Snuneymuxw First Nation. He has a BA in First Nations Studies (with distinction) from Vancouver Island University and a JD from the University of Victoria. He is a frequent lecturer at universities on legal issues regarding Aboriginal peoples. And Chief White was elected to the three-member political executive of the First Nations Summit, the Summit Task Group, in June 2010 for a three-year term.

DAVID WITTY PhD Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Vancouver Island University (VIU) Your Money or Your Life | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm David Witty has combined public and private practice and teaching for much of his career; he has served as Dean, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba; as Director and Partner in Urban Systems Ltd; as a Senior Partner in Hilderman Witty and Associates, an award winning planning and landscape architecture

42 OCTOBER 2013 practice based in Winnipeg and Saskatoon; as a Senior Planner with the Province of Manitoba; and as a Chief Planner with Parks Canada.

Dr. Witty completed a PhD at UBC where he was Acting Director of Continuing Professional Programs, School of Community and Regional Planning. He also developed and coordinated the award winning Certificate in Urban Design at .

Dave was a Founding Director of Smart Growth BC, founding Chair of Winnipeg’s Urban Design Advisory Committee, President of the Canadian Institute of Planners, and founding Chair of the Canadian Healthy Communities Project. He is a member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and an Honorary Member of the Council on Canadian Urbanism. He currently sits on the Advisory Committee for Planning, Design and Realty, National Capital Commission.

DWIGHT YOCHIM RPF Executive Director, The Truck Loggers Association Forestry | Day 1 – 1:30 to 3pm Dwight was National Director with the US WoodWorks program where he lead a dedicated team of engineers, architects and others promoting the virtues of wood. Prior to that he was the Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship with the Association of BC Forest Professionals. Dwight also served as the provincial coordinator through the University of British Columbia (UBC) for the BC Forestry Continuing Studies Network. He is a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) who practiced forestry in ’s watersheds and is a volunteer search and rescue manager with Coquitlam Search and Rescue.

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Aboriginal Tourism Association Ivanhoe Cambridge Inc of BC - Woodgrove Centre Anderson Civil Consultants Ltd Laurence Rumming Assessments Baby Bear International Levelton Consultants Black & White Event Rentals Lewis & Sears Marketing Blackberry Creative & Event Management BMC Business Management Literacy Central Vancouver Island Consultants Mount Benson Developments Inc Britco Building Innovation MNP LLP BC Salmon Farmers Association Nanaimo Airport Campbell River Chamber Nanaimo Economic Development of Commerce Corporation Campbell River Economic Nanaimo Port Authority Development Corp - Rivercorp Nanaimo Youth Services Association Canadian Western Bank Nexus Electrical Capital Asset Group North Island Employment Central Vancouver Island Job Foundation Society Opportunities Building Society Northwest Properties City of Campbell River Pacific Coastal Airlines City of Port Alberni Page One Publishing/Douglas magazine Clayton Consulting Parksville & District Chamber Close to You Fashions of Commerce Coast Capital Savings Parksville Downtown Coast Salish Development Business Association Corporation Pheasant Glenn Golf Resort Coastal Colour Printing Port Alberni Port Authority Coastal Community Credit Union Qualicum Beach Chamber of Commerce Cold Star Freight Systems Ltd Regional District of Mount Waddington Community Futures Rick Roberts Consulting Alberni-Clayoquot Ron Cantelon Consulting Community Futures Central Island Royal Bank of Canada Community Futures Cowichan Royal Roads University Community Futures Strathcona Seaspan Ferries Corporation Comox Valley Airport Service Canada Comox Valley Chamber Shelter Point Distillery of Commerce South Cowichan Chamber of Commerce Cowichan Lake Chamber Squires Ferguson Design of Commerce St. Jean’s Cannery CTV Vancouver Island Team W ReMax First Realty Dan Smith Tigh-Na-Mara Spa & Resort District of Port Hardy TimberWest Forest Corporation District of Tofino Tourism Vancouver Island Don Hubbard Consulting Town of Qualicum Beach Downtown Nanaimo Business Town of Ladysmith Improvement Association Town of Port McNeill Duncan-Cowichan Chamber University of Victoria of Commerce Vancouver Island Coastal Economic ETHOS Career Management Developers Association Edelman Vancouver Island Conference Centre Fortis BC Vancouver Island Construction Glacier Media/Nanaimo Daily News Association Greater Nanaimo Chamber Vancouver Island Economic of Commerce Developers Association Greater Victoria Chamber Vancouver Island Health Authority of Commerce Vancouver Island Real Estate Board Greater Victoria Development Vancouver Island University Agency Venture Connect go2 Tourism HR Society Victoria Real Estate Board Hub City Paving - Lafarge Canada Village Drafting and Design Impact Visual Communications Village of Cumberland INFILM Village of Port Alice Island Radio Wallpepper Designs Island Savings Westshore Chamber of Commerce Island Timberlands Young Professionals of Nanaimo

44 OCTOBER 2013


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