Rafka Maronite

Catholics of the East in the Upstate! 1215 S. Highway 14, Greer, SC 29650 864.469.9119 saintrafka.org [email protected]

Saint Rafka Maronite Church is a Catholic Parish of the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, NY, Most Rev. Gregory John Mansour, , 109 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, 718.237.9913. [email protected]

Rev. Bartholomew Leon,

October 29, 2017 Administrator, [email protected]

Pastor’s Advisory Council Ramiz Askar, Marlene Saad Secretary Richard Sleiman, Chairman Paul Sleiman, Linda Wickett, 7th Sunday of Holy Cross Jack Yacu Christ the King Finance Committee George Azan, Chebeir, Chairman This is the last Sunday of the liturgical Tony Sleiman, Paula Howard-Casby cycle of the year. What is it that first attracts our attention is the Gospel of this Administration last Sunday of the year? It is of the Richard, Wickett, Financial Secretary awesome Last Judgment in Matthew’s Gospel! Interestingly, here, the end of the Joseph Chebeir, Scott Herr, liturgical cycle on this Sunday, Administrative Assistants to the Pastor corresponds and parallels in the Gospel with the end of the world.

From one perspective this projection seems a deliberate attempt by the Church to awaken in her children the fear of God. Yet from another perspective the emphasis of the Church on this Sunday – and in a

Continued next page more positive way – goes out to show that the final victory, at the end, will be the Triumph of Compassion, and of the Compassionate Ones: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Mt.5: 3- 10).

This lesson is also reflected in the exhortation of Saint Paul to his fellow – persecuted – Roman Christians: “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep .. If your enemy is hungry feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.. do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.” (See also Matthew 5:3-10).

Here the final triumph is shown as the triumph of goodness over evil. Clearly we are being called to become the human channels of God’s goodness through compassion – even when justice might demand otherwise. For it is when we forgive that we also receive our forgiveness; and when we turn a compassionate face towards our fellow human beings – even when persecuted – God’s wonderful and loving image becomes imprinted and sealed into our human nature – his redeemed creation.

The end-victory, therefore, is the Victory of Love – as our crosses of human torments are fused and transformed – through acts of loving-forgiveness and compassion, with the balm tree of the healing Cross of our Lord – that Victorious Cross of Light and of eternal Joy.

Father Steve Bonian, S.J.

NOVEMBER PASTA SUPPER FIRST Lasagna, meatballs and sausage, tossed THURSDAY salad, and dessert. $8.00 per person. Yum, Yum!!!!! 11/02/17

NAM Convention History in Pictures. Parishioner Lisa Advent has added a host of pictures from the recent NAM Convention and created an album on Shutterfly. There are some great images. In her words, “Grab a glass of something ....there are over a 1000 photos!” Go here. There is also a video by Yazan Ashi on the same site. You can find it here. Abouna’s

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

A busy but productive week at Saint Rafka!

I took a “staycation” from hospital work to get a number of things accomplished at the church office. Since the end of the liturgical year is upon up, I figured it was a good time to clear the desk and start the new year with a clean desk top! In spite of a lot of calls back to the hospital and other events, I did a lot of work. I was quite proud of myself! Not everything got accomplished, but the major work was done. As for resting, that will come at another time!

I want to thank the members of Knights of Columbus Council 15519 who prepared the Pancake Breakfast last weekend. They cooked a great meal and it was nice to enjoy the meal with the members of the community. Thanks to all who supported our Knights. They are a great blessing to our community.

Please continue to pray for all those who are sick in our community and for those who are acting as caregivers. May God give the sick the ability to suffer with dignity and be healed. May He give strength and patience to those who care for them.

Pray for our who is in the United States making a pastoral visit to our people and an official visit as a head of state to Washington, DC. May his visit among us be fruitful to the people of and the Middle East.

Have a great weekend! See you in Church! November 1 Salaam! All Saint’s Day Ab. Bart Holy Day of Obligation

Divine Liturgy at 7 PM Calendar of Events

October 28, 4 PM, Vigil Liturgy 29, 11 AM, Divine Liturgy Coffee Social 7 PM, Last Chance Liturgy 30, 6:30 PM, English/Arabic Classes 31, 6:30 PM, Ramsho and Blessing with the Relics 7:15 PM, Adult Religious Education 01, 7 PM, Divine Liturgy, All Saint’s Day Holy Day of Obligation 04, 4 PM, Vigil Liturgy 05, 11 AM, Divine Liturgy Coffee Social 7 PM, Last Chance Liturgy 06, 6:30 PM, English/Arabic Classes 07, 6:30 PM, Ramsho and Blessing with the Relics Ramsho and Blessing with the 7:15 PM, Adult Religious Education relics of Rafka, Sharbel 08, 7 PM, Divine Liturgy Nimatullah, and the Massabki Anointing of the Sick Brothers Tuesday evening, 6:30 11, 4 PM, Vigil Liturgy PM, Saint Rafka Church. Come 12, 1 AM, Divine Liturgy to offer the evening sacrifice and ask God’s blessing, healing, Coffee Social mercy and compassion through 7 PM, Last Chance Liturgy these holy men and women. 13, 6:30 PM, English/Arabic Classes 14, 6:30 PM, Ramsho and Blessing with the Relics 7:15 PM, Adult Religious Education 15, 7 PM, Divine Liturgy Anointing of the Sick 5th Marian Eucharistic Conference will be held on Saturday, November 4 - Sunday, November 5 at the Hilton Hotel in Greenville. Our featured speakers include: Fr. Wade Menezes, The Fathers of Mercy; Fr. Chris Alar, Marian of the Immaculate Conception; Al Kresta, Ave Maria Radio; Raymond Arroyo, The World Over; Fr. Dwight Longenecker.

General admission is $75, youth is $40 and it includes a buffet lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Registered by October 24 by mail.

Registration after Oct. 24: $85

We offer gluten free meals by request.

For more information, call (864)354-7160 or go to www.meconferencesc.net

40 Days for Life is teaming up with America Needs Fatima to humbly invite you to a Candlelight Vigil on Friday, October 13th, 7:00 pm on the public right-of-way at 1142 Grove Road, Greenville. Please come and join us! For more information: call Ingrid: 864-329-0044 with 40 Days for Life or Brenda 864-244-2977 with America Needs Fatima. Visit the homepage of our neighbors to the north of us. is under the leadership of Father Elias Khalil and is growing in Grace and numbers.

Religious Education - First Holy Communion Preparation

Is your child ready for the reception of First Penance and Holy Communion? Parishioner Alex Roman, a professional teacher, has volunteered to teach in our religious education program. Other children, post Holy Communion, are also welcome to these classes. Contact the Church Office to register.

Adult Religious Education

Religious formation never ends! We are never too old to learn! Adult Religious Education Classes meet at 7:15 PM, right after the Ramsho and Devotions in Wicket Hall. This fall, the class will concentrate on the Divine Liturgy and the Holy Mass of the various Churches, their structures, similarities and differences. We will also examine the Liturgical Year and the Liturgy of the Hours. Join us and bring a friend who may be interested in learning about the Maronite Church and liturgy.

English/Arabic Classes

On Monday October 2, we will begin with English lessons, which will be be team taught by Alex Roman, Shea Menge, and Scott Herr. The Arabic lessons will follow, and they will be taught by Mona Ayoub Achi. Class begins at 6:30 PM in Francis House. Free and open to all.

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A petition is to support Christians in the Middle East who have courageously stayed in their countries or are returning to them. Please visit and sign.

Engaged Enounter This a reminder that we only have 1 more weekend available for the remainder of 2017. It is an in parish weekend and will be held at All Saints in Lake Wylie on Nov. 11-12. The cost of the weekend is $150 but we have partial scholarships available. The next weekend will be in February and will be a retreat weekend. Attention all women of the diocese of Charleston! Magnificat-Greenville, SC Chapter is hosting its next meal on Saturday, November 11, from 9am to Noon. Join us for fellowship, praise and worship, and be inspired by our guest speaker Father Robert Falabella. Father Robert shares his first hand experience of the emotions, hardships, and dangers of the combat soldier. Father Robert remained with the soldiers on the front lines and was decorated for his bravery under fire. Falabella is currently retired and continues to serve the needs of the St. Parish on a part-time basis. Come and hear how the Lord has moved in his life and empowered him to love and serve the Lord as a soldier for Christ and our country . For more information go to our www.magnificat- ministry.org under Chapter Webpages. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased by mailing a check payable to Magnificat-Greenville. Along with payment, please include your name, phone number, email, home address, and parish, and mail to Beth Snyder, 151 Lake Lyman Heights, Lyman SC 29365 by October 31st. ($30 after Oct.31st if not sold out. Call to check.) Reserve your ticket early BYZANTINE GREEK CATHOLIC LITURGY

On Sunday, November 12th at 5:00pm, a Divine Liturgy (Mass) in the Byzantine Rite, in English, will be celebrated here at St. Rafka Maronite Catholic Church. Father Joseph Matlak, administrator of St. Basil the Great Mission in Charlotte, NC, will celebrate the Liturgy. Join us for prayer and fellowship afterwards in Wickett Hall!

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اﻟﺒﺮﯾﺪ اﻹﻟﻜﺘﺮوﻧﻲ: [email protected]. ﻧﺘﺄﻣﻞ ﺑﻤﺸﺎرﻛﺘﻢ. Prayer List

Montaha AchiJim Hopsecger, Recovery of RS, Ashley Mullinex, Bill McAfee, Bill Leon, Sr., Charley Dusthimer, Bernadette Smith, Claire Barnett, Hans Wascom, Ethel Brassel, Katrina Shunk, Chuck Wilson, George Vargo, Dan Steinker, Irma Galvan, Mary Cleary, Joe Lemire, Mary Anne McAfee, Tish Oney, Lois Taylor, Virginia LaFave, Nabeel Howard, Father M. T. Phillips, Paul Cote and Family, Paul Saints We Celebrate Bussemey, Ramza Sleiman, Moe Mercier, Joan November 1, All Saints Day, Bussemey, Special Intention Saints Cosmas and Damian by Abouna, Bob Brown, Joe Durham, Bays, November 3, Saint Risha, Confessor Patrick Lavelle, Tara Galvin, November 5, Saint Assia the Just, Confessor Susan Connor, Bill Hines, November 8, Saint Michael the Archangel Beth Banks, Andrea Fiorni- Frazier, Shawn Sexton, November 10, Saint Moura, Confessor Robert Mercier, James and November 11, Saint Mennas, Martyr Kaleigh, Mark Pelletier, Antonella, Stephanie, Derek Saint Martin, Confessor Gerard Solomon, JoAn November 13, Saint John Chrysostom, Confessor Salloum, Susie, Jim Hopka, Family of Colbert Arthur, Saint Francis Cabrini, Virgin-Confessor, Berma Darlene Bell, Terry Saint of the United States Vadnais, Elaine Gillen, Amy November 14, Saint Hunter, Shawn Sexton, Cindy Miller, Adrian Kassentar, Beth November 16, Saint Matthew the Evangelist Hopsecger, Mark Barnard, November 17, Saint Gregory the Wonderworker, Special Intention of MKS, Janice Radich, Paula Lemire, Becky Jarvis, Lillian Moon, Vito Fortuna, Sam Howard, Jr., Betty Braun, Deanne Va l e n c i a , S i s t e r M a r y Emmanuel, Katie Frank, Adelaide George, Beverley Davis, Maryanne Polidoro, John Fender, Katherine Dennman, Intentions of Nancy Gegorian, Thomas Shaluly Liturgical Items Liturgical Readings

Feast New Testament Gospel 7th Sunday of Holy Cross Rom. 12:9-21 Matt 25:31-46 English Matthew Slusz Arabic Evon Souri New! To review the readings, go here. Mass Intentions

October 28 & 29 Intention Donor Saturday, 4 PM +Mollie Peiffer Linda Tate, Niece Sunday, 11 AM Intentions of the Parishioners Sunday, 7 PM +George Dewey Bridget Nevin Wednesday, 7 PM +Poor Souls in Purgatory with no one praying for them Anonymous November 4 & 5 Saturday, 4 PM +Poor Souls in Purgatory with no one praying for them Anonymous Sunday, 11 AM +Rene Mikaelian, 40 Day Memorial Sister of Norna Sijon Sunday, 7 PM + Parents & Husband Oksana Stachiw Wednesday, 7 PM +Poor Souls in Purgatory with no one praying for them Anonymous

Sanctuary Lamp and Flowers

To have the Sanctuary Light for your relatives or intentions, please use the envelope provided at the entrance. Donation is $5.00. The Sanctuary Candle burns for these Intentions from Sunday thru Saturday. Church Offerings and Attendance

October 22 Saturday 4 PM Sunday 11 AM Sunday 7 Total Budget +/- Wed. 7 PM PM

People 57 69 51 177 160 17 24 Collection $524.00 $1217.00 $592.00 $2333.00 $2,667.00 -$334.00 0 Average per person $9.19 $17.64 $11.61 $13.18 Holy Hour — 0 Ramsho

Average per person 0 0 0 YEAR TO DATE $111,773.00 KC Breakfast $309.00 Religious Ed. Average Attendance 58 81 32 185 Attendance

Attendance Year to Date

4:00 PM 2394 11:00 AM 3310 7:00 PM 1326 Wednesday 7 PM 731 First Sunday 185 Holy Day 143 Ramsho 75 Adult Education 143 Special Liturgy 218 Funerals 315 Weddings 55

How are these totals calculated?

One total graphed to the left is through envelope usage for each week.

The totals to the to the right are counted by the ushers during the Divine Liturgy and tabulated.

Date Emails Sent Opened % Opened

October 22 519 297 42%

October 15 521 330 42.7%

Difference 2 33 0.7%

Order of Saint Sharbel Application Form

To apply for Membership in the Order of Saint Sharbel, please follow these directions: 1. Fill out this Application Form (print all information) 2. Circle appropriate Membership category 3. Make check payable to “Order of Saint Sharbel” 4. Mail check and application to: Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn 109 Remsen Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

Membership Category (Please circle one) Type Donation 1) Perpetual $ 5,000 one time OR Four payments of $1,250 within one year 2) Annual $ 500 each year OR Four payments of $125 each year. 3) Youth $ 250 each year (only for individuals under 25 years old)

Member Information

Last Name: First Name: M.I.: Home address: City: State: Zip Code: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Email Address: Occupation:

Member’s Business Mailing Address

Business Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Business Phone:

Spouse’s Information

Last Name: First Name: M.I.: Cell Phone: Email: Occupation:

Spouse’s Business Mailing Address

Business Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code:

Parish/ Mission

Name, City, State:

Patriarch Bechara to visit the United States Visit of Patriarch Bechara Peter Cardinal Rai to the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn

His Eminence and Beatitude Patriarch Bechara Peter Cardinal Rai, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, will visit the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn on October 23 - 29. 2017.

Washington, D.C.

Monday, October 23 Private Dinner for all the visiting Patriarchs hosted by the Embassy of Lebanon

Tuesday October 24

Morning: Meetings with Congressmen, Senators and State Department Officials 2:00 p.m.: Press Conference for In Defense of Christians Summit (IDC) 7:00 p.m.: Evening Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace in the Middle East at the Cathedral of Saint . His Excellency Christophe Pierre, Papal Nuncio to the U.S., will preside, along with Patriarch Rai, Patriarch Yazigi, Patriarch Absi, and Catholicos Aram, as well as and other Church leaders. Reflection by Mr. Johnnie Moore, and Hymns by Abeer Nehme of Lebanon. All are welcome. For more information on all IDC events please see their website at www.indefenseofchristians.org

Wednesday October 25

Morning: IDC Workshops 7:30 p.m.: IDC Banquet

Thursday October 26

Morning: More Meetings with Congressmen, Senators and State Department Officials 7:00 p.m.: Visit to Our Lady of Lebanon Parish for Divine Liturgy and Dinner in Church Hall afterwards. All are welcome.

Boston, Mass.

Friday October 27

Afternoon: Visit to Our Lady of the Cedars Maronite Catholic Church, Jamaica Plains [Boston], Mass. 5:00 p.m.: Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of the Cedars Parish. All are welcome. 7:30 p.m.: Dinner at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel in Norwood, Mass. For tickets contact the Parish at 617- 522 - 0225.

New York, New York

Saturday October 28

12:00 p.m.: Dedication, with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, of the new for Saint Sharbel at Saint Patrick Cathedral in Manhattan, N.Y. All are welcome.

Sunday October 29

11:30 a.m.: Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, N.Y., followed immediately by an open reception. All are welcome.

2:00 p.m.: Reception/ Cocktails, then 3:00 p.m.: Luncheon hosted by the Antiochian Orthodox Church with Patriarch John X Yazigi and Patriarch Bechara Rai at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott. Tickets are available by email at [email protected] or by calling 718 - 855 - 6225.

Som e High l ights in the Life of Patriarch Rai

On March 15, 2011, His Excellency Bishop Bechara Rai, Bishop of the Eparchy of Jbeil, Lebanon, was elected as the 77th Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. Patriarch Rai succeeded Patriarch Nasrallah Peter Cardinal Sfeir, who had retired earlier that year at the age of 91 after twenty five-years as Patriarch. He was named a Cardinal on November 24, 2012.

The son of Youssef and Taminee Rai, Patriarch Rai was born in Hemlaya (a town in the Metn District in Lebanon and is the town of St. Rafka) on February 25, 1940. He pursued his elementary and secondary studies at the Collège Notre Dame at Jamhour. He took his monastic vows with the Mariamite Order on August 31, 1962; was ordained a priest on September 3, 1967; and was consecrated Bishop on July 12, 1986.

Patriarch Rai founded Notre Dame University in Louaizé and was its president from1978 -1984. From 1982 to 1986 he presided over the Court of Appeals of the Maronite Tribunal. From 1986 to 1990 he served as a Patriarchal Vicar at Bkerke, and in 1990 he was appointed Archbishop of Jbeil. His Holiness Pope John Paul II appointed him Coordinator of the Synod for Lebanon (1990-1995). He chaired the Episcopal Commission for the Affairs of the Family (1997) and that of Communications since 2009.

Patriarch Rai holds a degree in philosophy and theology, and a doctorate in canon and civil law from the Lateran University in Rome. He taught Canon Law and Theology at St. Joseph University in Beirut (USJ), at Holy Spirit University in Kaslik (USEK), and at the Sagesse University.

Patriarch Rai is the Head of the Council of Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon, and the Middle East. He is a strong voice for dialogue between Christians and Muslims, and is an active partner in ecumenical dialogue with all Christians of the Region. He continues to be a well respected member of several different Dicasteries and Commissions for the Holy See (see www.bkerki.org). He is the “Father and the Head” of the Maronite Church worldwide with over fifty bishops. There are two eparchies (dioceses) in the United States.

Hosting the Patriarch from October 23 through October 29, 2017, is the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, which comprises forty-five parishes, a Seminary, a Convent, and a Monastery, with Maronite faithful in sixteen states located along the East Coast of the United States from Maine to Florida. The Eparchy of Saint Maron is served by Bishop Gregory J. Mansour.

For more information contact the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn, www.stmaron.org, at 718. 237 - 9913 or by email at: [email protected]. 40 Days for Life. To find out more and sign up to help please visit: www.40daysforlife.com/greenville and www.facebook.com/ 40daysgreenville or contact Ingrid Ireland 864-329-0044. Help to spread the word to others about this important life-saving effort.

40 Days for Life Closing Celebration – Thursday, Nov 2nd , 6:30 pm, Greenville Women’s Clinic, 1142 Grove Road. Guest speaker, Tommy Smith, will provide a man’s perspective to the abortion tragedy. Prayer Warriors will share their testimonies from the current campaign. Mason Costa with youth will provide the music. Parking is at the empty shops across from Piedmont Women’s Center and Grove Road Baptist Church.

Remember to pray your Rosaries for Life. Pray 5 decades daily and turn in your counts at your local parish or email your count each week to [email protected]

Birthdays Ashy Pavilion

October Please remember that 29, Preston Saad registered and supporting parishioners are free to use 31, Danny Howard the Ashy Pavilion for family November events, reunions, parties, 1, Yousiff Askar etc. Others are welcome to 2, Deacon John the Less rent the facilities. More 3, Tammy DeBo information? Contact Richard Wickett here. 3. Barbara Fontayne

5. Basma Seleem Coffee Socials 7, Abouna Aaron Sandbothe 7, If you would like to sponsor a Coffee Social In Memory Anniversaries Of or In Honor Of someone, please call or email the November office to let us know. 18,Sandra and Wayne Reece Wickett Hall 18, Tom and Donna Ziemetz 29, Greg and Mary Anne Lepak Newly refurbished Wickett 29, Majed and Sura Farah Hall can be used by our registered and supporting parishioners for family Necrology events, reunions, etc. Others may request permission to October rent the Hall. Contact +Josephine Romeo, Richard Wickett. October 29, 2012 Masses Online November Where to go to Mass when traveling? Look here!

Video on the life of Saint Sharbel MassTimes.org English subtitles. Click here. The Catholic Directory Prayers to Saint Sharbel and Saint Rafka Parishes Online You can always have your intentions prayed for at the monastery where Saint Sharbel is buried. Click here.

Prayers to Saint Rafka Click here.

5th Marian Eucharistic Conference

November 4 - 5, 2017

November 4

Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

Fr. Wade Menezes Fr. Chris Alar

Al Kresta Raymond Arroyo

100 Years of Fatima

Hilton Hotel

45 West Orchard Park Drive, Greenville, SC 29615

General Admission: $75 Saturday, Nov. 4 Sunday, Nov. 5

Youth: $ 40 Doors open: 8:00 am Doors open: 7:50 am Saturday and Sunday buffet lunches are included. All are required to register by Mass: 9:00 am, Mass: 8:30 am, October 24 Talks, Talks,

Buffet Lunch, Buffet Lunch, Confessions, Confessions,

Father For more information, please call (864)354-7160 Dwight or go to www.meconferencesc.net

Longenecker Registration after Oct. 24, $ 85

SPECIAL NOTE We offer gluten free meals by request.

The Official Lay Apostolate of the Eparchies of St. Maron of Brooklyn and Our Lady of Lebanon

October 2017 Vol. 4, No. 16

October, 2017 Bernadette Shalhoub Regional Vice President Regional Activity Mary, Mother of the Light, Tequesta, FL I attended the convention in Greeneville SC

I sent emails and communicated with our delegates the need to promote and encourage NAM participation. Delegates

After the hurricane devastation in Houston there was a strong desire among the board to do Linda Wickett something. After talking with our president Tony Boumitri, he asked if I would help coordinate our Richard Sleiman St. Rafka, Greer, SC efforts. As s result we set up our NAM Disaster Relief Fund. This fund will be used solely to help those who have suffered devastating losses due to natural disaster. Chehade Chihane Maria Moussa I have been invited to speak at St. Maron’s in Jacksonville sometime in November. I will be speaking St. Joseph, Atlanta, GA at Mary, Mother of the Light in November as well. Carol Tegho I continue to encourage delegate participation and offer assistance in how to accomplish their Tiffany Trad duties. St. Maron, Jacksonville, FL

I would also like to make a suggestion for board convention chair consideration. I think NAM Blanche Abou-Jaoude should participate in a community outreach project in Houston. Say have the MYO bring items for Khalil Abou-Jaoude St. Jude, Orlando, FL kids their age and go see them to present them with what they brought. The same for the MYA and Young Professionals. They could take on a project for the day to help the community. This is a Noha Moubarak perfect time for all of us to give back. I hope we can discuss it at the meeting. Sts. Peter and Paul, Tampa, FL

Respectfully submitted, Marsha Macary Abla Khahil-Dagher Bernadette Shalhoub Heart of Jesus, Regional Vice President Ft. Lauderdale, FL Far South Region Joseph George Jr. Delegate Reports Aleen Sirgany Our Lady of Lebanon, St. Rafka, Greenville, SC — Reported by Delegate Linda Wickett; see page 2 Miami, FL St. Joseph, Atlanta, GA — No Report St. Maron, Jacksonville, FL — Reported by Delegate Carol Tegho; see page 4 St. Jude, Orlando, FL — Reported by Delegate Blanche Abou-Jaoude; see page 3 Saints Peter and Paul, Tampa, FL — No Report Publisher Mary, Mother of the Light, Tequesta, FL — Reported by Bernadette Shalhoub; see page 3 Mary Somerville Heart of Jesus, Fort Lauderdale, FL — Reported by Delegate Marsha Macary; see page 3 Mary, Mother of the Light, Our Lady of Lebanon, Miami, FL — No Report Tequesta, FL

Newsletter of the Region Encompassing South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida The Far South Voice Newsletter October 2017

St. Rafka espite unfailing faith, the small Mission of St. Rafka in Greer, South Carolina, faced a seemingly Herculean task! Mission We, the few, under the leadership of Fr. Bartholomew Leon, Administrator, and Mary Anne and Greg Lepak, co-chairs, successfully hosted the 2017 NAM Convention, which began with the Maronite Clergy Conference on June Greer, SC 26th. We had the valued and knowledgeable guidance of Mike Naber, Executive Director of NAM, and the help, prayers, and support of our beloved Bishop Gregory Mansour. Though it took much planning, many meetings, and never ending hard work, our small mission completed a formidable, yet worthy task. Seeking God’s blessing, from January 17-June 20, 2017, Fr. Bart offered the Office of Ramsho and the Novena Prayer to St. Rafka every Tuesday in spiritual preparation for the upcoming convention. God’s blessing was definitely with us! On September 10th St. Rafka held a Silent Auction and wine and cheese social offering for bid items that had not been bid on at the Convention.

Not long after the NAM Convention, St. Rafka welcomed Bishop Francis Kalabat, the Chaldean bishop of the Eparchy of St. Thomas of the Chaldeans in Detroit. He presented a spiritual conference on Friday, July 7th and celebrated the Sunday 11:00a.m. Divine Liturgy in the Chaldean Rite. Our substantial number of Chaldean parishioners were ecstatic!

While Fr. Bart took a much needed rest in Saint Maarten, the southern Dutch side of Saint Martin, a retired bi-ritual priest, Fr. Robert (Bob) Kincl from Austin, Texas, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Rafka’s. Fr. Kincl will be leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (his 21st Holy Land Pilgrimage) in 2018. On July 23rd we celebrated the Feast of St. Sharbel on the actual feast day.

How sad we were at St. Rafka’s to learn that Bishop Robert Sheheen had “fallen asleep in the Lord.” Yet we were joyful that he is with the Lord he served so faithfully. I remember seeing his letter in the NAM Ad Book.

The Assumption, or Dormition, of Our Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated on August 15th. Fr. Bart always reminds parishioners of their Holy Day obligations!

There is a Maronite mission in Charlotte, NC that Fr. Bart has visited numerous times. He attended the Charlotte mission’s 4th Annual Lebanese Festival on September 23rd, making it back in time for St. Rafka’s 4:00p.m. Divine Liturgy. Fr. Bart said that the mission is growing in grace and numbers. On September 1st it was named by Bishop Gregory as Saint Stephen.

In August, Fr. Bart’s brother, Bill Leon, came to visit him. Shortly after Bill’s arrival, Fr. Bart became concerned about his health since his brother did not look well. After being admitted to Greenville Health Systems, where Fr. Bart is the Catholic Chaplain, tests showed that Bill needed a five-way coronary bypass with a pacemaker as well. Bill is now doing well and recuperating at Saad Cottage.

St. Rafka’s usual monthly activities, suspended for the summer, have resumed: Pot Luck Luncheon on the first Sunday and Pasta Dinner on the first Thursday. Fr. Bart has begun a weekly Tuesday night Ramsho and Blessings with the relics of Saints Rafka, Sharbel and the Massabki Brothers, followed by Adult Religious Education. The Wednesday evening Divine Liturgy and the Anointing of the Sick continues, actually continued through much of the summer. Fr. Bart reported that on Monday, October 2nd, Arabic and English classes will begin.

Bishop Gregory requested that a second collection for the six Florida Maronite parishes affected by Hurricane Irma be taken on September 24th. Fr. Bart reported that St. Rafka’s parishioners most generously contributed $2029.00.

Respectfully submitted, Linda Wickett

Volume 4 \ Number 16 \ Page 2 The Far South Voice Newsletter October 2017

Heart of he 2017 NAM convention was held in Greeneville, South Carolina. It was attended by Jesus Marsha Macary and Paula Dagher, as the delegates from Heart of Jesus Maronite Catholic Church. Our Mission Pastor, Chor-Bishop Michael Thomas presented a wonderful workshop on Marriage, a vocation blessed by God, a vocation sustained by His love. Many of our parishioners also attended and enjoyed the spiritual workshops, Ft. Lauderdale, the hafli's, the dinners and meeting new friends. FL Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held the first Thursday of the month followed by liturgy. Everyone is invited to spend quiet time with the Lord and pray for special intentions. The family of the Sacred Heart meets the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is invited to pray for their own intentions to the Lord.

A fundraising luncheon was held on August 13th after the Sunday Mass, and it was a great success. On Saturday, September 23rd the church held a dinner and Hafli in our church hall. The Hafli was held after Hurricaie Irma came through and caused so much damage to many of our parishioners homes and yards. So, everyone really enjoyed the festivities with wonderful Lebanese music and delicious food! The first meeting for our MYO group of boys and girls started September 10th. Everyone is excited about this new group and are looking forward to a new experience of spirituality and learning. Our religious education classes for the children also started on that day. We wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

Respectfully submitted, Marsha Macary

Mary, ather Jack Morrison celebrated his 25th anniversary to the priesthood on August 6th. There was a Mother of lovely luncheon presented in his honor in the social hall after Liturgy.

the Light Hurricane Irma caused several thousands of dollars damage to both the church and rectory. Mission We are saddened to say Fr. Gary George's nephew, John Paul, passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are Tequesta, FL with the family.

Mary, Mother of the Light Academy Preschool is full and doing very well.

Paul and Danielle Shalhoub welcomed their daughter Vivian into the family on October 12th.

Respectfully submitted, Bernadette Shalhoub

St. Jude he parishioners of St. Jude held a beautiful celebra- Church tion with dinner and dancing, to honor Fr. Bassam Saade, at the Rosen Center in Orlando, FL. Bishop Gregory Orlando, FL Mansour was in attendance. Fr. Bassam celebrated his 25th anniversary at the 11:00 liturgy. Congratulations Fr. Bassam. Thank you for your devotion to our church. Fr. Bassam graciously gifted all who attended with beautiful icons.

Respectfully submitted, Blanche Abou-Jaoude

Volume 4 \ Number 16 \ Page 3 The Far South Voice Newsletter October 2017

St. Maron Mission s requested, please find a list of our most recent news and events. Jacksonville, NEWS: FL 1- Memorial Mass for John Charles Kowkabany on Sunday, October 1st. 2- Council Meeting on Saturday, October 21st at 6:30 PM 3- Youth Group Meeting on Saturday, October 21st at 11:30 AM 4- Black Tie Gala Fundraising event on Saturday, November 18th at St. Charbel Hall 5- 50/50 Draw to benefit our church every last Sunday of the month. Tickets $10.00 sold after Mass.

EVENTS: 1- Prayer of the Rosary before Mass on October 1st at 10:55 2- Pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine on October 12th with prayer of the Rosary at 11:00. Observance by the Diocese of St. Augustine by the Vatican in 2012. Devotion to Mary under this title came to St. Augustine City in the early 17th century by Spanish missionaries and colonists. 3- Mass every 3rd Tuesday of the month by St. Charbel Prayer Group 4- Choir practice Tuesday October 17th before mass at 6:00PM.

I am currently in the process of preparing the first two Sundays in November to address the parishioners about NAM. I have asked Abouna to inform me if he has NAM Membership Pamphlets to leave several per pew.

I have asked Bernadette Shalhoub to assist me either by her presence on these Sundays or by sending me the pamphlets to promote membership.

Again, thank you for your mission to keep our tradition alive within this vast and precious country.

Respectfully, Carol Tegho.

Volume 4 \ Number 16 \ Page 4



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