Alphabetical Index of Articles Published in Swift Studies (1986-2020)
Alphabetical Index of Articles Published in Swift Studies (1986-2020) Alderson, Simon J., ‘Swift and the Pun’, Swift Studies, 1996, 47–57 Apke, Bernd, ‘When Nature Took Sides: Richard Janthur’s Expressionist Illustrations of Gulliver’s Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms’, Swift Studies, 2013, 115– 27 Arnold, Bruce, ‘“A Protestant Purchaser”: Bartholomew Van Homrigh, Merchant Adventurer’, Swift Studies, 2000, 42–50 ———, ‘“Those Who Seek to Obtain My Estate”: Swift on Love and Envy’, Swift Studies, 1996, 25–45 Arnott, Les G., ‘A Letter to the Editor of The Independent: Modest Proposal’, Swift Studies, 2006, 125 Baines, Paul, ‘Swift’s Last Speech and Dying Words of Ebenezor Elliston: Reading the Ephemeral Text’, Swift Studies, 2013, 78–95 Baltes, Sabine, ‘Diversion, Dollars, and the Dean: Jonathan Swift and Popular Culture’, Swift Studies, 2004, 110–20 ———, ‘Father Time: The Emblematic and Iconographic Context of “The Epistle Dedicatory to His Royal Highness Prince Posterity” in Swift’s Tale’, Swift Studies, 2005, 41–50 ———, ‘“The Grandson of That Ass Quin”: Swift and Chief Justice Whitshed’, Swift Studies, 2008, 126–46 Bernard, Stephen J., ‘Jonathan Swift and A Key, Being Observations and Explanatory Notes, upon the Travels of Lemuel Gulliver, with a New Edition of A Key’, Swift Studies, 2012, 87–119 Blanchard, W. Scott, ‘Swift’s Tale, the Renaissance Anatomy, and Humanist Invective’, Swift Studies, 2001, 83–97 Bony, Alain, ‘Mutiny on the Adventure: A Possible Source of Gulliver’s Travels’, Swift Studies, 2004, 72–85 Boucé, Paul-Gabriel, ‘The Rape of Gulliver Reconsidered’, Swift Studies, 1996, 98–114 Boyle, Frank T., ‘Ehrenpreis’s Swift and the Date of the Sentiments of a Church-of-England Man’, Swift Studies, 1991, 30–37 Brown, M.
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