Keep Geog-ing On!

As we will all be staying home this Easter, we’ve put together a collection of hyperlinked books, documentaries, podcasts and films we recommend! Some are directly related to content you have covered at KS3/4, while others simply allow you to extend your interest and curiosity of the world and deepen your existing knowledge. Stay home & stay safe! - Barnhill’s Geography Department

Books The Earth: A Very Short Introduction

Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction

Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction

Prisoners of Geography

Peoplequake (a Ms Panesar favourite!)

Documentaries Royal Geographical Society YouTube

iPlayer Climate Change playlist

iPlayer Earth from Space

iPlayer Africa with Ade Adepitan (recommended for Year 7 Africa topic)

iPlayer Fashion Conscious (recommended for Year 8 Globalisation topic)

BBC Earth

72 Dangerous Places to Live (recommended for Year 8/GCSE Tectonics topic)

Into the Inferno (recommended for Year 8/GCSE Tectonics topics)

Cowspiracy (recommended for GCSE resources topic)

BBC Race Across the World

Overheard – National Geographic Podcast Podcasts Science Weekly – podcast

Ask the Geographer Podcasts

The Development Podcast – World Bank (recommended for Year 10 development topic)

The World Economic Forum Podcasts (recommended for Year 10 development topic)

Planet Money

Royal Geographical Society Online Lectures

BBC Costing the Earth

BBC The Documentary Podcast (recommended for Year 9 urban topic)

Living Planet Podcast

Movies Before the Flood (highly recommended for all)

An Inconvenient Truth

The Impossible

Dante’s Peak

Slumdog Millionaire

Under the Dome: ’s Air Pollution

The Boy who Harnessed the Wind (recommended for GCSE resources topic)

 BBC iPlayer shows are free to access when you sign up with email  All Podcasts are free to access via Spotify or Apple Music  Some of the Netflix films/documentaries can be accessed on free temporary trial or via YouTube