Today in the fellowship hall join us as we continue our sermon series, “Conversations with God: Lessons in Prayer Sunday 8/23 Regular Worship Schedule from the Bible’s Leading Characters.” Today we are learning what Elijah has to teach us about prayer. Connection Group (Chapel Bldg., C-10) 9:30-10:30 am 1 Kings 19:9-16 from the Common English Bible (CEB): Praise Team Rehearsal (FH) 10:00-10:30 am 9 Sanctuary Choir Lunch (Vinny’s) 12:30-2:00 pm There he went into a cave and spent the night. Sanctuary Choir Bowling (Bowl America) 2:30-4:30 pm

The LORD’s word came to him and said, “Why are you here, Elijah?” Tuesday 8/25 10 Staff Meeting (Church Office) 10:00-11:30 am Elijah replied, “I’ve been very passionate for the LORD God of heavenly forces because the Israelites have abandoned your covenant. They have torn down your altars, and they have murdered your prophets with the sword. I’m the only one left, and Ruritans Meeting (FH) 6:00-8:00 pm Wednesday 8/26 now they want to take my life too!” Newsletter Folding Team (Church Office) 9:00-10:00 am 11 The LORD said, “Go out and stand at the mountain before the LORD. The LORD is passing by.” A very strong wind tore through Connection Group (EB 206) 6:15-7:15 pm

the mountains and broke apart the stones before the LORD. But the LORD wasn’t in the wind. After the wind, there was an 6th Grade Kickoff (Barker House) 6:30-8:00 pm 12 earthquake. But the LORD wasn’t in the earthquake. After the earthquake, there was a fire. But the LORD wasn’t in the fire. FIRST Lego League Kickoff Event (FH) 7:00-9:00 pm After the fire, there was a sound. Thin. Quiet. 13 When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his coat. He went out and stood Praise Team Rehearsal (FH) 6:45-7:45 pm

at the cave’s entrance. A voice came to him and said, “Why are you here, Elijah?” Thursday 8/27 14 FRONT PARKING LOT CLOSED FOR MAINTANCE He said, “I’ve been very passionate for the LORD God of heavenly forces because the Israelites have abandoned your UMM Bible Study (D.O.G. House) 6:45-7:45 am covenant. They have torn down your altars, and they have murdered your prophets with the sword. I’m the only one left, and Richmond Christian Singles Bible Study (EB 206) 7:00-8:30 pm Sunday, August 23, 2015 now they want to take my life too.” Boy Scouts – Troop 735 (FH) 7:00-9:00 pm 15 16 The LORD said to him, “Go back through the desert to Damascus and anoint Hazael as king of Aram. Also anoint Jehu, Knitting Ministry (Home of Margaret Phillips) 7:00-9:00 pm Nimshi’s son, as king of Israel; and anoint Elisha from Abel-meholah, Shaphat’s son, to succeed you as prophet. Friday 8/28 FRONT PARKING LOT CLOSED FOR MAINTANCE THIS WEEK * * * Relay Foods (Parking Lot) 3:00-6:30 pm Sunday 8/30 CONTEMPORARY The words and songs we use for Contemporary Worship are on the screens in the fellowship hall, AT SHADY GROVE Regular Worship Schedule but the general order we follow each Sunday is: Gathering: Praise Songs and Greeting Connection Group (Chapel Bldg., C-10) 9:30-10:30 am Praise Team Rehearsal (FH) 10:00-10:30 am Gratitude: Offering and Prayer Shady Grove

God’s Word: Scripture and Sermon United Methodist Church Going: Praise Song and Sending Short Pump Songs in Today’s Service: Greater by MercyMe 4825 Pouncey Tract Road Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans Flawless by MercyMe Glen Allen VA 23059 Word of God Speak by MercyMe 804.360-2600 These and other praise songs can be found on PER 90.5 FM. Listening will improve your week.

Regular Sunday Schedule

Last Sunday’s Stewardship Report on 8/16/2015 8:15 am (20 weeks) Traditional Worship Sanctuary 2015 Fiscal Year is April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016 Connection Group Discussion Questions Will you be loyal to Shady Grove United Methodist Church 9:00-11:00 am For the week of August 23, 2015 1 Kings 19:9-16 and uphold your church by your prayers, your presence, HeBrews Coffee Fellowship Hall your gifts, your service, and your witness? 1. Read 1 Kings 18:19-40. What was the challenge on Mt. Carmel?

Why is it significant to Elijah’s relationship with God? 9:30 am ATTENDANCE 8:15 9:30 11:00 Cont. Total SS COW 2. Can you think of a time that you were positive of God’s hand in Informal Traditional Worship Sanctuary 41 121 116 72 350 26 15 an event? Please share. Adult Sunday School Chapel Building OPERATING FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENT 3. Read the remaining verses of the chapter. What power and Amount received to date in 2015 Fiscal Year $ 365,335 Nursery Faith Care (infants-age 2) Education Building Expenses to date for 2015 Fiscal Year $ 347,745 strength did God give Elijah?

Pledge amount for 2015 Fiscal Year Operating Fund $ 813,762 4. Read 1 Kings 19:1-4. To where did Elijah flee? Why was he afraid? Ages 3-Rising 1st Grade Sunday School Pledge cards received 246 5. Read 1 Kings 19:5-8. How did God reach out to Elijah? What does Education Building BUILDING FUND – (Mortgage Payments) this passage tell you about mind, body, spirit intertwined? Rising 2nd-Rising 3rd Grade Sunday School Amount recei ved to date in 2015 Fiscal Year $ 70,681 Principal & Interest paid in 2015 $ 145,738 6. Read 1 Kings 19:9-15. God asks why Elijah is there. God wants Sanctuary then Education Building Pledge amount for 2015 Fiscal Year Building Fund $ 169,384 Elijah to realize he should be somewhere else. Where did God Pledge cards received 104 11:00 am want Elijah to be? Think of a situation in which you were stuck in Goal for Sanctuary Sound System $ 42,000 Informal Traditional Worship Sanctuary Amount received as of 08/16/2015 $ 17,464 a “place” where God did not want you. 7. Hebrews expected to find God in the huge events such as fire and Contemporary Worship Fellowship Hall The Building Fund is used to serve our $ 1.04 million debt obligation from 2002 -2004 construction of the sanctuary, fellowship hall and wind. But God appeared to Elijah in stillness. A whisper can only Nursery Faith Care (infants-age 2) Education Building

education building, as well as the 2007 acquisition be heard when… How can you become close enough to God to Children’s Own Worship Chapel o f the adjacent properties on Shady Grove Road. hear a whisper? This loan is currently being paid down at a 20-year amortization rate.

Announcements for August 23, 2015 The K & C (Knitting & Crochet) Ministry is meeting Thursday, August 27, at 7:00 pm at the home of Margaret Phillips, 4521 We are glad you are here. It is our hope that you will find our worship meaningful and life-giving. Meredith Creek Drive, Glen Allen. We minister to our church family and community by making shawls and hats. If you would If you are searching for a church home or are interested in learning more about Shady Grove UMC, like to contribute knitted or crocheted items, contact Margaret Phillips at [email protected] or call 527-7857. plan to attend “Lunch with the Pastors” at 12:00 noon the third Sunday of every other month. The Second Annual SGUMC Wayne Samford Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, September 21, at The Dominion Club Our next “Lunch with the Pastors” is September 20. The golf event has filled up, 60 days prior to the event again this year, for which we’re grateful. The focus remains to provide a To RSVP please call the church office at 360-2600 or email [email protected]. great experience for all involved, and to help change and transform lives through our relationship with and the United Methodist Men’s scholarship program. To do that we are seeking hole sponsors, major/corporate sponsors, gift cards, TODAY coupons to local retailers, prizes/gifts, cash donations, volunteers for the event, etc. For inquiries call or email Jason Sheriff at Pictorial Directory Portrait Sign-up THIS Sunday. Lifetouch Photography has been enlisted to help us create a new pictorial 347-8477 or [email protected]. More details available at directory that will capture who we are as a church family in 2015. Members are encouraged to participate; and we also Caring Clothes Closet (CCC) Update – We have been busy this summer serving nearly 110 people including 30 kids living on welcome any regular guests who consider themselves a part of our church family to be included in the directory. Two photo the UMFS campus and 30 men from Christ Church CARITAS. Please check out our website at for sessions have been scheduled: September 24-26 and October 8-10. Online sign-up is available through the church website by more information and our new donation needs. We have some events coming in September and can always use more help. clicking on the blue “Portrait Sign Up” logo. Sign-up is also available TODAY in the foyer of the sanctuary between worship If interested, contact Sara Fender at 360-3907 ext. 51 or [email protected]. services and the fellowship hall before/after the contemporary service. Additional Sunday morning sign-up opportunities will be held August 30 and September 13 during the Connections Fair. Are you interested in serving on the pictorial directory team? Contact Debbie Hockemeyer at [email protected] or call 360-3907, ext. 43. COMING UP The Music and Arts Ministry will present the children’s Christmas musical, iHope Christmas, Saturday, December 5 at Gift Cards Needed for Back to School Supplies! Charterhouse School is an affiliate of United Methodist Family Services. The 4:00 pm and Sunday, December 6, at 9:30 and 11:00 am. Audition packets will be available Sunday, September 13 and 20. Day Program of Charterhouse School serves students with special needs who commute to campus. These students struggle to For additional information email Sylvia Cooper at [email protected]. function in the public school setting due to learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, intellectual disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or other health impairments. Please help by purchasing a gift card from Walmart or Target from our gift Voices of Grace, a vocal ensemble for women (high school youth and adults) will be sharing in worship October 4. We will card program and dropping it off in the box labeled UMFS School Supplies today. Contact Doug Dolecki at 514-5792. rehearse on Wednesdays, September 16, 23, and 30 from 6:15-7:15 pm, in the education building, room 204. This is a great opportunity if you love to sing and can make a “short-term” commitment. Contact Sylvia Cooper at Conversations with God: Lessons in Prayer from the Bible’s Leading Characters – In this series on prayer, we can learn [email protected] or at 360-3907, ext. 40 for more information. lessons from people in the Bible as we look at new ways to deepen our own prayer lives. Is there a right or wrong way to talk with God? What if my prayers seem empty? How do I know God hears me? Wherever you are on your faith journey, this series Mark your calendars for the Children’s Ministry Kick-off to be held Sunday, September 20 from 5:00-6:30 pm in the will offer something to help you develop a richer, more meaningful relationship with God through prayer. fellowship hall. This year the Kick-Off highlights an inflatable bouncy house, magic show, crafts, and a pot luck dinner (drinks Sound Ministry Opportunity for you – Have you been looking for a ministry opportunity in which you can give, grow, and and chicken provided: please bring a side dish). There is also an opportunity to sign up for the many children’s ministries’ share your gifts and talents? Maybe there are talents and gifts not yet realized! We are looking for people to run the sound for groups, including the December musical. For additional information contact Beanie Kelly at [email protected]. our four worship services. Contact Sylvia Cooper at [email protected] or at 360-3907, ext. 40 or Pam Kugel at Third graders will be presented their Bibles on Sunday, October 11. Please download the form from our website, [email protected] if you would like to serve or would like more information. A one-on-one training session will be given at, and return to the church office by Monday, September 28, so the Bibles can be your convenience. personalized. We continue our campaign to replace/upgrade the sanctuary sound system! The existing system was originally put in place MuSic MS - The Sound of a Cure, Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 3:00 pm. Enjoy an afternoon of music by Richmond's own over 15 years ago and has undergone various repairs and changes over the years to keep the system functioning. Our sound singer/, Susan Greenbaum! Susan has graciously donated her time and talent to help raise money and awareness team has worked hard over the years to keep the system up but we have arrived at the time that we need to replace the for a very worthy cause, finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. 100% of the money collected from ticket sales and donations will system. A new system will greatly improve sound quality for speaking and music; will enhance the system for the hearing go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Virginia-West Virginia Chapter. This concert, held in the sanctuary, is organized by impaired; and will provide much greater ease of use for our sound technicians. The cost of the new system is $42,000. Please church members Randy and Nancy Pennington and hosted by SGUMC's Music and Arts Team. Tickets are $20 plus $2.09 prayerfully consider making a donation above and beyond your regular giving so that we can continue to hear and share God's processing fee and are available online only from (search for Music MS). word in our sanctuary. Please write “sound system” in the memo of your check. If you have questions about the system or the need, you may contact Bryan Compton at [email protected]. Save the Date for Happen'n Hallows Eve - Saturday, October 24, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Tickets will be on sale starting September 27. Please help serve to make this community event a huge success! Contact Amanda Smith at 247-1264 or Sunday summer kids programming SOW (Summer of Worship) What? – Children who have been in the 3’s and 4’s Sunday [email protected] or Jen Bradshaw at 447-3477 or [email protected]. School classes this spring will go directly to the education building, room 109 for Sunday School. Rising 1st graders should go directly to their kindergarten spring class room, 106. Rising 2nd graders thru rising 3rd graders will go to the sanctuary with PRAYER CONCERNS their parents first for a children's moment then are brought over to the education building, room 209 for Sunday School Herman Adkins (father of David Adkins), Beth Anderson, Tori Anderson, Jean Barlow, Aleida Bultman, Andrew Deel (son of Ralph and Susan Deel), Express. Rising 4th graders and up will attend worship with their parents. They are encouraged to sign up to serve as an Jerry Ferrell, Tommy Harris, Terry Hoover (father of Haylee Douglas), Betsy Katko, Janice Kinney (mother of Carmen Smith), acolyte, greeter/usher or scripture reader, Ronnie Lusk (sister of Barbara Grove), Wayne Mathern, Robert McNamara, Rachel Pisarz, Keith Powell (brother of Mike Powell), Mike Powell, Richard Robertson (father of Martha Martin), Dominic Russo (nephew of Robin and Cindy Russo), THIS WEEK Amira Safwat, Jim Schmidt, Lois Ann Sessoms (mother of Rachel Smith), Ken Smith (father of Tim Smith), The Food Truck Court has been cancelled for the rest of the season. Thank you for your support of this way to bring our Ronald Tucker (father of Terrie Besnier), Jane Wagner (sister of Nancy Lowe) neighbors to our campus. Members in Nursing Homes Linda Stone 6th Grade Kickoff Wednesday, August 26, 6:30 to 8:00 pm – This kickoff is for our rising 6th graders and parents to introduce them to our ministry and a few of our volunteers. There will be snacks, drinks, and some time for swimming at the Barker Global Missionaries house, 12119 Country Hills Court. This is also an opportunity to have a smaller gathering so some are not overwhelmed with Lindsay and Eva Gilliam-Ecuador, Liz Jackson-India, Greg West-Virginia, Katie and Roman-local outreach ministry, Heather and James-location undisclosed, Timo and Laura-Democratic Republic of the Congo the first event they come to being our large fall kickoff. Send an email to [email protected] to be included in our weekly "Youth Update" email distribution to keep up to date on all our events and activities. Friends are always welcome to all We extend our Christian love and sympathy to the family of Clif Denney upon his death. our events and activities. Questions and RSVP if possible (help planning and communication if needed) to We extend our Christian love and sympathy to Ron Sweeney and family upon the death of his father, Roland Sweeney. [email protected] or call/text Frank Basil at 370-4633.