If you would like to be added to our emailing list, please drop us a note: HERE FILMS WE'VE SHOWN IN THE PAST IN WALLINGFORD:


Friday, Dec 16, 2015, 7:00 PM Film: "THE HUMAN FACE OF BIG DATA" (56 min, Sandy Smolan, 2014) With the rapid emergence of digital devices, an unstoppable, invisible force is changing human lives in ways from the microscopic to the gargantuan: Big Data, a word that was barely used a few years ago but now governs the day for many of us from the moment we awaken to the extinguishing of the final late­evening light bulb. This massive gathering and analyzing of data in real time is allowing us to not only address some of humanity biggest challenges but is also helping create a new kind of planetary nervous system. Yet as and the release of the Prism documents have shown, the accessibility of all these data comes at a steep price. The Human Face of Big Data captures the promise and peril of this extraordinary knowledge revolution. See the Trailer and more information HERE: Join us following the film for a great discussion. (Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, December 12, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "OLD MAN RIVER" (71 min, Cynthia Gates Fujikawa, Allan Holzman, 1999) WITH THE FILMMAKER, CYNTHIA GATES FUJIKAWA Old Man River is an unusual portrait of a daughter trying to know her stoic and enigmatic Nisei father, years after his death. In a stirring collage of archival footage and still images, Cynthia Gates Fujikawa's one­woman performance creates a kaleidoscopic portrait of her father. The film also explores an infrequently addressed subject, American racism­­specifically the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and the profound effect incarceration had on Fujikawa and his family. We are expecting Cynthia Gates Fujikawa to join us for the evening. See the Trailer and more information here: http://vimeo.com/16788582 Download the flyer HERE Join us following the film for a great discussion. (Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, December 5, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "A WILL FOR THE WOODS" (94 min, Amy Browne, Jeremy Kaplan, Tony Hale, Brian Wilson, 2014) WITH KATHY LONG, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE PEOPLE'S MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION And a fascinating discussion about Green Burials ...What if our last act could be a gift to the planet? Capturing the genesis of a revolutionary social and environmental movement, A WILL FOR THE WOODS draws the viewer into a life­affirming and immersive portrait of people embracing their connection to timeless natural cycles. Musician, folk dancer, and psychiatrist Clark Wang prepares for his own green burial, determined that his final resting place will benefit the earth. He has discovered a movement that uses burial to conserve and restore natural areas, forgoing toxic, wasteful funeral practices engineered to preserve the body at the ecosystem's expense. See the Trailer and more information here: http://www.awillforthewoods.com/ Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. Join us following the film for a great discussion with Kathy Long, Executive Director of People's Memorial. (Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, November 28, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "FED UP" (94 min, Stephanie Soechtig, 2014) Everything we’ve been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever.Join us for the discussion following the film. See the Trailer: HERE. More information and what you can do: HERE. (Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, November 21, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "LONG NIGHT'S JOURNEY INTO DAY" (94 min, Deborah Hoffmann, Frances Reid, 2000) For over forty years, South Africa was governed by the most notorious form of racial domination since Nazi Germany. When it finally collapsed, those who had enforced apartheid's rule wanted amnesty for their crimes. Their victims wanted justice. As a compromise, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was formed. South Africa is now showing the rest of the world that even the most bitter of conflicts can be addressed through honesty and communication. LONG NIGHT'S JOURNEY INTO DAY provides the definitive record of one of the most ambitious and innovative attempts at social reconciliation without precedent in human history. See the Trailer and more information here: http://www.irisfilms.org/films/long­nights­journey­into­day/ Join us following the film for a great discussion. (Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, November 14, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "WE THE OWNERS" (52 min, David Romero, 2012) WITH A PANEL DISCUSSION ON WORKER­OWNED COOPERATIVES and E.S.O.P.'s (Employee Stock Ownership Plans). Featuring: ELAINE NONNEMAN with S.L.I.C.E., ALLISON BOOTH GRIBAS with EQUAL EXCHANGE, and MARK DWORKIN, FILMMAKER OF "SHIFT CHANGE". Could this be a new model for our economy? The film features employee owners from New Belgium Brewing, Namasté Solar and DPR Construction. This film follows nicely after the film, "The Next American Revolution" shown several months ago with Gar Alperavitz. (If you missed the film, click HERE for a similar presentation.) Successfully thriving in the global economy of the 21st century and beyond will require new business models and strategies to enable the American Dream of opportunity and economic prosperity. This film focuses on the E.S.O.P. form of employee ownership, but the discussion will extend well beyond this to other forms of worker­owned businesses and cooperatives. Download the Flyer: HERE. Please help us get the word out. For the Trailer and more information, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sszYBw8tYo Join us following the film for a great panel discussion and Q&A with some of the people who are moving the concept of Worker­Owned Co­operative Businesses forward.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SOME GREAT ORGANIZATIONS : ­ S.L.I.C.E: http://www.slice.coop/ . .(Strengthening Local Independent Co­ops Everywhere) ­ EQUAL EXCHANGE: http://www.equalexchange.coop/, ­ MOVING IMAGES: http://shiftchange.org/, (Filmmaker: "Shift Change", a new film on the Worker­Owned Cooperative Movement and other well done related films) ­ DAWN: http://www.dawn.coop/ (Democracy At Work Network) ­ CENTRAL CO­OP: http://www.centralcoop.coop/

A FEW MORE RESOURCES: ­ U.S. FEDERATION OF WORKER COOPERATIVES: http://usworker.coop/ (See there calendar of coop­related events here) ­ THE NORTHWEST COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT CENTER: http://nwcdc.coop/ ­ NATIONAL COOPERATIVE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: http://www.ncba.coop/ NATIONAL ­ ­ CENTER FOR EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP: http://www.nceo.org/ ­ ESOP ASSOCIATION: http://www.esopassociation.org/

AND THERE ARE MORE RESOURCES on our "Past Films" Page HERE. Scroll down to July 18th under the film title "THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION"

(Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, November 7, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "THE GREAT VACATION SQUEEZE" (27 min, John de Graaf, 2014) WITH THE FILMMAKER, JOHN DE GRAAF ...PLUS A SPECIAL SURPRISE SEATTLE PREMIERE OF THE FILM, "C.E.S. WOOD" From the producer of the classic AFFLUENZA, "THE GREAT VACATION SQUEEZE" shows why vacations are important for productivity, happiness, family bonding and especially health. Americans have the shortest vacations of any rich country. And they are actually getting even shorter. The U.S. is one of only five countries in the world ­­ the others are Burma, Nepal, Suriname and Guyana ­­ which have no law guaranteeing any paid vacation time for workers. Vacations matter ­­ for productivity, happiness, family bonding and especially, health.

We are also pleased to announce a last minute film addidtion to the evening: "C.E.S. WOOD", also by filmmaker John De Graaf! "C.E.S. Wood" tells the story of the renaissance man, C.E.S. Wood, who was a West Point Grad, Indian Fighter, Painter, Poet, Essayist, Arts Patron, Civic Leader, Free Speech Advocate, Attorney, Anti­imperialist, Friend of the Nez Pierce and Defender of Radical Activists. Download the Flyer: HERE See the Trailer for "The Great Vacation Squeeze" and more information here: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/gvac.html Join us following the film for a discussion with John de Graaf, the filmmaker, and the National Organizer of the TAKE BACK YOUR TIME movement. LEARN WHAT YOU CAN DO TO BRING ABOUT A CHANGE IN THE U.S. (Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation.)

Friday, October 31st, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "LAST CALL" (90 min, Enrico Cerasuolo and Massimo Arvat, 2013) THE UNTOLD REASONS FOR THE GLOBAL CRISIS LAST CALL examines the predictions and impact of one of the most important and controversial environmental books of all time, ‘The Limits to Growth,’ published four decades ago. It tells the story of the rise and fall, and today's rebirth of one of the most controversial and inspiring movements of all times ­ the struggle to come to terms with global climate change and limits to growth. Its message is today more relevant than ever: unlimited growth in a limited planet will bring our society and environment into overshoot and on the edge of collapse. Supported by extraordinary archive materials, 'The Limits to Growth' authors provide a provocative insight on the reasons of the global crisis and share their visions of our common future. Is there still time for a last call? See the Trailer and more information here: www.lastcallthefilm.org (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, October 24th, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) AS ONE OF THE VENUES FOR THE 2014 SOCIAL JUSTICE FILM FESTIVAL, WE ARE EXTREMELY PLEASED TO PRESENT: Film: "THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE" (60 min, Liz Marshall, 2013) With Guest Rachel Bjork from NARN, and Heather Bolint, Seattle Director of the Humane League With the exceptionof our companion animals and a few wild and stray species within our urban environments, we experience animals daily only as the food, clothing, animal­ tested goods and entertainment we make of them. This moral dilemma is often hidden from our view. This multi­award winning documentary charts acclaimed photographer Jo­Anne McArthur’s efforts to bring wider attention to a topic that most of humankind strives hard to avoid. Are non­human animals property to be owned and used? Or are they OCT 18­30 sentient beings deserving of rights? GET YOUR TICKETS Join us for a facilitated discussion after the film with NARN. AT HERE! More info on NARN (Northwest Animal Rights Network): http://www.narn.org/ More information on The Humane League: http://www.thehumaneleague.com/ (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Meaningful Movies is proud to be a supporter of the Social Justice Film Festival, and we encourage you not only to attend this series of amazing films, but to get involved and support them as well. Much more information is available here: http://www.socialjusticefilmfestival.org/ The 2014 Social Justice Film Festival showcaes "works that challenge society structures all over the globe on a macro and micro level as well as works that challenge the medium." ...These are a dedicated group of folks doing incredible work. ­Thanks!! Photo Credts: Jo­Anne McArthur / We Animals

Friday, October 17th, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "AFTERMASS" Bicycling in a Post­Critical Mass Portland (74 min, Joe Biel , 2014) WITH THE DIRECTOR , JOE BIEL, AND A GREAT PANEL DISCUSSION: ­ Anne King, Car Free Days blog ­ Blake Trask, Washington Bikes Advocacy Director ­ Cathy Tuttle, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways ­ Davey Oil, G&O Family Cyclery ­ Elizabeth Kiker, Cascade Bicycle Club Executive Director The world looks to Portland, Oregon as an example of how bicycle culture can blossom out of the ruinous freeways of car­oriented civilization. This is the first feature documentary to explore the events, people, politics, and social changes that led to Portland becoming the first major bicycle city in the . AFTERMASS features many of the leaders and major participants behind the growth of bicycling ridership since 1971. The narrative demonstrates the complex dynamic throughout the 1990s between advocacy organizations, politicians, city planners, and the then new, grassroots Critical Mass ride. The film is full of smiling faces on two wheels, but also explores the controversies, setbacks, and bumps along the way, including riots, political roadblocks, and an illegal police spy. The film provides new and vital insights into Portland's transportation history as well as into paths other cities can follow to healthy planning and a green future. Our panel discussion follows with thoughtful, articulate people in Seattle who’ve been observing trends in the development of how Seattle has grown to support people who bike. See the trailer and more info http://microcosmpublishing.com/aftermass Join us following the film for a great panel discussion, Q&A and discussion! (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, October 10th, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "TELL THE TRUTH AND RUN" George Seldes and the American Press (90 min, Rick Goldsmith, 1996) "TELL THE TRUTH AND RUN raises fundamental questions about the recorded history of the Twentieth Century; about freedom, fairness and diversity in the media; about power and abuse of power; and about public citizenship and the democratic process." Eighty years a newspaperman, Seldes was a noted foreign correspondent who became America's most important press critic. Through Seldes's encounters with Pershing, Lenin and Mussolini; the tobacco industry, J. Edgar Hoover and the "lords of the press," Tell The Truth and Run raises profound ethical, professional and political questions about journalism in America. Seldes at age 98 is the centerpiece of the film: remarkably engaging, witty and still impassioned about his ideas and ideals. See the trailer and more info HERE Facilitated discussion follows. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, October 3rd, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "KOCH BROTHERS EXPOSED" (2014 Edition) (56 min, Robert Greenwald, 2013) Billionaires David and Charles Koch have been handed the ability to buy our democracy in the form of giant checks to the House, Senate, and soon, possibly even the Presidency. This updated version shines an even brighter light on them as we head toward the 2014 Elections. More info HERE Facilitated discussion follows. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, September 26th, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "HAPPY" (76 min, Roko Belic, 2011) Joining us: THE WALLINGFORD COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER! and... THE HAPPINESS ALLIANCE! (Home Of The Happiness Initiative And The Gross National Happiness Index) (76 min, Roko Belic, 2011) ARE WE IN THE MIDST OF A HAPPINESS REVOLUTION? Join us for a Community Discussion with Sarah Frey and Victoria Dzenis from the ...The Movie!! Wallingford Community Senior Center. Does money make you HAPPY? Kids and family? Your work? Do you live in a world that values and promotes happiness and well­being? Roko Belic, director of the Academy Award® nominated “Genghis Blues” now brings us HAPPY, a film that sets out to answer these questions and more. Taking us from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia, from the beaches of Brazil to the villages of Okinawa, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. For more information on Wallingford Community Senior Center, go to: http://wallingfordseniors.org/ Take the Gross Happiness For more information on The Happiness Alliance and the Gross National Happiness Index Survey: HERE Index: www.happycounts.org/ We'll Look At The Results See the Trailer: http://www.thehappymovie.com/ This Friday Evening Download the flyer HERE. Facilitated discussion follows. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted). ______TAKE THE GROSS HAPPINESS INDEX SURVEY, SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS AUDIENCE! ...WE'LL DISCUSS THE RESULTS THIS FRIDAY! Many took survey (and the discussion was great!) BUT MORE WANTED TO TAKE THE SURVEY! ­ SO WE ARE EXTENDING THE SURVEY COMPILATIONS UNTIL OCT 15th, and will post. (Survey is anonymous.) YOU CAN CONTINUE TO TAKE THE SURVEY HERE: http://happycounts.org/survey/GNH/MeaningfulMoviesHappy2014 AND WE'LL CONTINUE TO UPDATE IT. 10 things sciensce says will (And please feel free to forward on others!) make you happy: HERE (Page is archived, SUMARY OF THE SURVEY (as of Sep 26, 2014): but info is good.) The Current Results are posted HERE! "Meaningful Movies scores are currently for 23 of us, and we'll update as this grows: ­ Time Balance scores are higher than most groups. ­ Your scores are higher in every domain except UK Happiness Index. What happiness science tells us, is to focus on your leverage points to increase your happiness and life satisfaction." More information on interpreting the data can be found at: www.happycounts.org/ ______RESOUCES FOR THE EVENING: 1. Article: "Happiness in Public Policy" by Laura Musikanski with the Happiness Alliance http://happycounts.org. DOWNLOAD HERE. 2. Individual Happiness Handbook: DOWNLOAD HERE. 3. Gross National Happiness Index (Reg Version): HERE.

Friday, September 19th, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "TRIGGER" The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence (54 min, David Barnhart, 2010) In the United States more than 30,000 people are killed every year by gun violence; many more are wounded. The disaster caused by gun violence is seen in almost every community. We may hear briefly about the victims and survivors of these shootings, but what happens after the media attention moves on and the wider public becomes numb to "just another shooting"? TRIGGER frames gun violence as a “disaster” and “public health” issue. The film examines how shootings impact individuals, families and communities and give voices to the questions and insights that arise. In the documentary, all those scarred by gun violence arrive at the question, "Why did this happen to us?” After looking at these in depth experiences of gun violence, Trigger turns its attention to the bigger question, "What can we do to prevent gun violence?” See the Trailer: https://vimeo.com/53705277 More information at: http://triggerdoc.com/ Facilitated discussion follows. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, September 12th, 2014, 7:00 PM Film: "A SENSE OF WONDER" Rachel Carson's love for the natural world and her fight to defend it. (89 min, Christopher Monger, 2008) A SENSE OF WONDER is an intimate and poignant portrait of Carson's life as she emerges as America's most successful advocate for the natural world. When pioneering environmentalist Rachel Carson published "Silent Spring" in 1962, the backlash from her critics thrust her into the center of a political maelstrom. Despite her private persona, her convictions about the risks posed by chemical pesticides forced her into the role of controversial public figure. Actress Kaiulani Lee embodies this extraordinary woman in a documentary style film which depicts Carson in the final year of her life. Struggling with cancer, Carson recounts with both humor and anger the attacks by the chemical industry, the government and the press as she focuses her limited energy to get her message to Congress and the American people. See the Trailer and extras: http://www.asenseofwonderfilm.com/ Facilitated discussion follows. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

SEPT 5th STARTS A NEW SEASON OF GREAT MEANINGFUL MOVIES! Friday, September 5th, 2014, 6:30 to 9:30 PM NOTE SPECIAL START TIME: 6:30 PM Film: "SWEET DREAMS" (89 min, Lisa Fruchtman, Rob Fruchtman, 2012) And a Special Drum Performance by: SIMONE LaDRUMMA AND FRIENDS! Featuring: Simone LaDrumma, Brooke Greiner, Cynthia Ewers, Sheree Seretse and JoAnn Moton What do Rwanda, drumming and ice cream have in common? A VERY SPECIAL BEGINNING FOR OUR NEW FILM SEASON! JOIN THE FESTIVITIES: 6:30: A NEIGHBORHOOD ICE CREAM SOCIAL (SNOQUALMIE ICE CREAM!) 6:30: DRUMMING PERFORMANCE with SIMONE LaDRUMMA AND FRIENDS! 7:00: AN EXTRAORDINARY MOVIE 8:45: A DRUMMING CIRCLE FOLLOWING THE FILM ...we'll provide drums! Powerful sounds pierce the silence of the Rwandan countryside. Curious children gawk outside the gate. This is something new in Rwanda—a group of women, 60 strong, pounding out rhythms of power and joy. In 1994 Rwanda suffered a devastating genocide. Close to a million were killed by neighbors, friends, even family. Horror swept the land. And when it was over, those who remained were broken, dead inside. The country has made great strides in economic recovery, but "people are not like roads and buildings" says Kiki Katese, pioneering Rwandan theater director. "How do we rebuild a human being?" Kiki decided to start Ingoma Nshya, Rwanda's first and only women's drumming troupe, open to women from both sides of the conflict. There was only one requirement: to leave the categories of the past at the gate. For the women—orphans, widows, wives and children of perpetrators—the group has been a place to begin to live again, to build new relationships, to heal the wounds of the past. Yet the struggle to survive and provide for their families still persists. So when Kiki came up with the idea to open Rwanda's first and only ice cream shop, the women were intrigued … What was ice cream exactly and how would they do it? Kiki invited Jennie and Alexis of Brooklyn's Blue Marble Ice Cream to come to Rwanda to help the drummers open their shop, which they aptly named Inzozi Nziza(Sweet Dreams). Sweet Dreams follows this remarkable group of Rwandan women as they emerge from the devastation of the genocide to create a new future for themselves. "Because of our history, people know how to fight against, but not for," Kiki says. "We want to change that equation." See the Trailer: http://www.sweetdreamsrwanda.com/trailer/ Download the flyer here: COLOR or B&W Please join us this extraordinary eveing. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).


Friday, July 25, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "THE GREAT DICTATOR" (125 min, Charles Chaplin, 1940) JOIN US FOR A LITTLE SUMMER FUN! ...THE LAST FILM OF OUR 11th SEASON In his controversial masterpiece The Great Dictator, Charlie Chaplin offers both a cutting caricature of Adolf Hitler and a sly tweaking of his own comic persona. Chaplin, in his first pure talkie, brings his sublime physicality to two roles: the cruel yet clownish “Tomainian” dictator and the kindly Jewish barber who is mistaken for him. Featuring Jack Oakie and Paulette Goddard in stellar supporting turns, The Great Dictator, boldly going after the fascist leader before the U.S.’s official entry into World War II, is an audacious amalgam of politics and slapstick that culminates in Chaplin’s famously impassioned speech. More info and the Trailer: HERE Please join us following the film for a facilitated discussion. WE START OUR 12th SEASON ON SEPT 5th! (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, July 18, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "THE NEXT AMERICAN REVOLUTION" Gar Alperovitz: Beyond Corporate Capitalism and State Socialism (47 min, Sut Jhally, 2013) Along with S.L.I.C.E. & Central Co­op, please join us for: A PANEL DISCUSSION ON THE FUTURE OF WORKER­OWNED COOPERATIVES with panelists: ALISON BOOTH with Equal Exchange, S.L.I.C.E. & DAWN MARK DWORKIN, filmmaker, "Shift Change" on the worker­owned cooperative movement and SCOTT DAVIS with Black Cofffee Co­op While there's been no shortage of commentary about the structural crisis plaguing the American economic and political system, from wage stagnation and chronic unemployment to unchecked corporate and state power and growing inequality, analyses that offer practical, politically viable solutions to these problems have been few and far between. Pointing to efforts already under way in thousands of communities across the U.S., from co­ ops and community land trusts to municipal, state, and federal initiatives that promote entrepreneurship and sustainability, Alperovitz marshals years of research to show how bottom­up strategies can work to check monopolistic corporate power, democratize wealth, and empower communities. The result is a highly accessible look at the current economy and a common­sense roadmap for building a system more in sync with American values. Download the Flyer HERE. More info and the Trailer: http://www.garalperovitz.com/nextamericanrevolution/

There is a great article by Gar Alperivitz that all should read: "What Then Can I Do? Ten Ways to Democratize the Economy": http://www.garalperovitz.com/what­then­can­i­do/.

FOR MORE INFO, VISIT THESE SITES: ­ S.L.I.C.E: http://www.slice.coop/ . .(Strengthening Local Independent Co­ops Everywhere) ­ EQUAL EXCHANGE: http://www.equalexchange.coop/, ­ MARK DWORKIN / MOVING IMAGES: http://shiftchange.org/, (Filmmaker: "Shift Change", a new film on the Worker­Owned Cooperative Movement) ­ BLACK COFFEE CO­OP: http://blackcoffeecoop.com/ ­ DAWN: http://www.dawn.coop/ (Democracy At Work Network) ­ CENTRAL CO­OP: http://www.centralcoop.coop/,

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: ­ U.S. FEDERATION OF WORKER COOPERATIVES: http://usworker.coop/ (See there calendar of coop­related events here) ­ THE NORTHWEST COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT CENTER: http://nwcdc.coop/ ­ NATIONAL COOPERATIVE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: http://www.ncba.coop/ NATIONAL ­ ­ CENTER FOR EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP: http://www.nceo.org/ ­ ESOP ASSOCIATION: http://www.esopassociation.org/ ­ THE DEMOCRACY COLLABORATIVE: http://community­wealth.org/ ­ OHIO EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP CENTER: http://www.oeockent.org/ ­ ICA GROUP: http://ica­group.org/ ­ COOPERATION WORKS: http://www.cooperationworks.coop/ ­ TESA TOOLBOX FOR EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ACTION: http://www.toolboxfored.org (A worker­owned co­op that creates awesome educational resources around co­ops/social justice, including a wiki page dedicated to co­op resources) ­ CULTIATE.COOP: http://cultivate.coop/wiki/ ­ A good article: ‘Capitalists in the 21st Century: Workers Must Step Forward’: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank­islam/capitalists­in­the­21st­c_b_5279757.html

ALSO: ­ Organize a viewing of the amazing film, Shift Change ­ Play the board game, Coopoly! ­ Download the handout: "What is a Worker Coop": HERE ­ Sample Steering Committee Agreement (thanks to nwcdc.coop): HERE ­ Attend the biennial Western Worker Cooperative Conference in September 2015. It is a great opportunity to meet other cooperators, and a great way to attend several educational panels and workshops at one low cost. Details TBA, sign up for news HERE. ­ See the Worker Co­op Toolbox from the Northcountry Cooperative Foundation and the "Cooperative Starter Series" from Northwest Cooperative Development Center ­ You can also browse American Worker Coop ­ Check out the resource library at the Democracy at Work Institute. Details on their webinars are available HERE. ­ If your group committed, to developing a co­op, we suggest that you establish a formal steering committee. (See the "Steering Committee Agreement" referenced above). When you have organized a steering committee, contact DAWN Peer Advisors to talk about specific trainings or projects that might be good for your group.

(Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, July 11, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "DEAR GOVERNOR CUOMO" New Yorkers Against Fracking in One Voice (75 min, Jon Bowermaster, 2012) On a rainy night in May of 2012 a coalition of musicians, scientists and activists gathered in Albany on the governor’s front doorstep, calling for a ban on hydraulic­fracturing. With the news that Governor Andrew Cuomo might lift the moratorium on fracking in New York any day, the event was assembled in less than a month. Two rehearsals in 24 hours and it was showtime! The goal of the varied participants, many of whom had never met before this night, was to explain in clear terms the environmental, economic and health risks of fracking and to motivate people to rise up against the practice using a unique blend of music and message. The cord that bound them all was that they were first and foremost New Yorkers: New Yorkers Against Fracking. The film that resulted from the night is a unique blend of “The Last Waltz” and “An Inconvenient Truth”. Download the Flyer HERE. Trailer: http://www.dear­governor­cuomo.com/about/ PLUS: The Short Film: "THE SKY IS PINK" (19 min, Josh Fox, 2012) An emergency short film from Josh Fox, the Oscar­nominated director of the fim, GASLAND addressing the urgent crisis of drilling and fracking in New York state. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, July 4, 2014, ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ WAGE PEACE SORRY, NO FILM THIS WEEK ... SEE YOU AT GASWORKS! While we love fireworks, it's always a conflicted issue to resolve internally. Fireworks WORK TO STOP historically symbolize 'bombs bursting in air' from our Star Spangled Banner. Patriots we are. GLOBAL CLIMATE But war, violence, greed, selfishness, self­aggrandizement, or fear will never be the answer. CHANGE We would much prefer to look at democracy as a concept rooted in working together, neighbor with neighbor, nation with nation ­ toward a world manifesting itself in peace and justice. We will be at Gasworks, and hope you can join us there for a joyous celebration of the potential we hold together for a truly meaningful future.

Saturday, June 28, 2014, 6:55PM ­ SPECIAL EVENT! ­ >>Note Location: Sundance Cinema, 4500 9th Ave NE<< WAMEND.org & MeaningfulMovies.org present the film: “CITIZEN KOCH” (89 min, Carl Deal and Tia Lessin, 2013) AND a Q&A following the film with the film's director CARL DEAL and LIBBY CARR with WAMEND.org.Get BIG MONEY out of politics! Support I­1329: The “We the People” Initiative. Time is running out! Go to http://www.wamend.org/ ...If there's one political film you see this year, make it CITIZEN KOCH ­ alternately terrifying and funny. DISCOUNT THEATER TICKETS WITH THIS VOUCHER ­ Note: Price is listed as 'Senior Rate' ­ BUT IT APPLIES TO ALL AGES! With the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling opening the floodgates for unlimited political spending, it’s now easier than ever to buy an election. But what happens when the DISCOUNT TICKETS voters realize that the billionaires and corporations doing the buying don’t have the people’s HERE! best interests at heart? This question is at the core of CITIZEN KOCH. A searing exposé on the state of American democracy and the fracturing of the Republican Party, CITIZEN KOCH investigates the money behind the Tea Party and traces the impact of unlimited election spending. See the trailer here: http://watch.citizenkoch.com/ Download the Flyer COLOR or B&W. or HALFSIZE (flip on short side). Please help us get the word out. Following the film, we’ll get a report on Initiative I­1329 and what the next steps are. We’ll then have an opportunity to direct questions to both academy award­winning director Carl Deal, and Campaign Manager for the I­1329 “We The People” Initiative, Libby Carr. THE IMPORTANCE OF INITIATIVE I­1329: This will put the State of Washington on record as calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment will empower the people to pass laws which will limit and control money in politics. We believe this amendment is needed to declare the intent of the people to make political candidates and representatives solely responsive to the needs and desires of the people. For more detail, go to http://www.wamend.org/. Tickets for this special screening of CITIZEN KOCH can be purchased HERE. For more up to date info, go to our Facebook page: HERE.

LOCATION: SUNDANCE CINEMA 4500 9th Avenue NE­ about 3 blocks east of I­5 in the University District. Seattle, WA 98105

Friday, June 27, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "HOW TO SURVIVE A PLAGUE" (110 min, David France, 2012) Faced with their own mortality an improbable group of young people, many of them HIV­ positive young men, broke the mold as radical warriors taking on Washington and the medical establishment. This is the story of two coalitions—ACT UP and TAG (Treatment Action Group)—whose activism and innovation turned AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition. Despite having no scientific training, these self­made activists infiltrated the pharmaceutical industry and helped identify promising new drugs, moving them from experimental trials to patients in record time. With unfettered access to a treasure trove of never­before­seen archival footage from the 1980s and '90s, filmmaker David France puts the viewer smack in the middle of the controversial actions, the heated meetings, the heartbreaking failures, and the exultant breakthroughs of heroes in the making. See the Trailer here: http://surviveaplague.com/ Please join us following the film for a facilitated discussion. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, June 20, 2014, 6:30 to 9:30 PM (…6:30 until 7:00, we'll have an observation bee hive, honey tasting and sales ­ several flavors, beekeepers to talk to, or visit with your neighbors) Film: "MORE THAN HONEY" (95 min, Markus Imhoof, 2012) AND A CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL POLLINATOR WEEK (JUNE 16­23) WITH THE PUGET SOUND BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION and OTHERS! ...Exhibits, Q&A with bee experts, and honey for sampling & sale at most screenings. NOTE: For more information, articles, and recommendations to make the discussion following this film more interesting, please go HERE.

This is part of a series of Meaningful Movies screenings of this film throughout the Seattle area in the month of June. Each will feature bee experts, exhibits, honey for sampling and more. For more information, dates, times and locations, please look here. Flyers are available here: 11x17 or 8­1/2x11

MORE THAN HONEY (95 min, Markus Imhoof, 2012) is a film on the relationship between mankind and honeybees, about nature and about our future. Honeybees show us that stability is just as unhealthy as unlimited growth; that crises and disasters are triggering evolution; and that solutions sometime come from a completely unexpected directions. Honey bees appeared on Earth 60 million years before humankind, are responsible for over 80% of plant species being pollinated, and are indispensable to our survival. And along with other pollinating animals ­ birds, butterflies, bats, beetles and more ­ are vital to our delicate ecosystem. But over the past 15 years, due to “Colony Collapse Disorder”, colonies of bees have been decimated throughout the world. Should we blame pesticides or even the medications used to combat them? Parasites? Viruses? Traveling stress? Or a combination of all? View the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh_IRrBeu­0 The Puget Sound Beekeepers Association will be joining us for the discussion and to answer questions. They will set up an observation hive for display at 6:30, and will have honey tasting and honey/honey products there for sale. NOTE: The observation hive will have live bees, ...safely contained, of course. Download the Flyer HERE: 11x17 or 8­1/2x11 This is part of a series of screenings of this film. For more information, a press release, and other locations, go HERE Please join us following the film for a facilitated discussion. More information is available on The Puget Sound Beekeepers Association at: http://www.pugetsoundbees.org/ (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted)


Friday, June 13, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "TOXIC SLUDGE IS GOOD FOR YOU" The Public Relations Industry Unspun (45 min, Loretta Alper & Sut Jhally, 2002) While advertising is the visible component of the corporate system, perhaps even more important and pervasive is its invisible partner, the public relations industry. This video illuminates this hidden sphere of our culture and examines the way in which the management of "the public mind" has become central to how our democracy is controlled by political and economic elites. TOXIC SLUDGE IS GOOD FOR YOU illustrates how much of what we think of as independent, unbiased news and information has its origins in the boardrooms of the public relations companies. See the Trailer HERE. Download the Flyer HERE. Please join us following the film for a facilitated discussion. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, June 6, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: "HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING DRUGS" (96 min, Matthew Cooke, 2012) with MATT McCALLY, from L.E.A.P. (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) A Look at the New Washington State Marijuana Laws and the Continuing War on Drugs A shockingly candid examination of how a street dealer can rise to cartel lord with relative ease, How to Make Money Selling Drugs is an insider’s guide to the violent but extremely lucrative drug industry. Told from the perspective of former drug dealers, and featuring interviews with rights advocates Russell Simmons, Susan Sarandon, and David Simon (creator of “The Wire”), the film gives you the lessons you need to start your own drug empire while exposing the corruption behind the "war on drugs." Please join us following the film for a facilitated discussion with MAtt McCally from L.E.A.P.. More information on the film is available at: http://bit.ly/TactlF The trailer can be see HERE. ALSO: If you can, please support the filmmaker by purchasing the film at: amzn.to/1sC3Niy. Find out more information on L.E.A.P., and how to get involved, go HERE. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, May 30, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) Film: “FIXING THE FUTURE” Creating Local Jobs and Building Prosperity (58min, Ellen Spiro/PBS­NOW, 2010) With: GOT GREEN & THE SIERRA CLUB The economy does not have to be the way it is right now. If you didn't believe we were in trouble before the financial tornado hit in 2008, you probably do now, regardless of your political leanings. One response is to put a new coat of paint on the old economy, maybe even fumigate it. But who is trying something fresh, experimenting with ways the economy can better serve more people and be less prone to getting destructively out of whack? FIXING THE FUTURE Interviews leading economists, David Korten and Jane D'Arista, as well as the US Editor of The Economist, Matthew Bishop, to find out how to go about fixing capitalism, rebuilding our economy and creating jobs. Download the flyer HERE To see more information on the film and the Trailer, go: HERE Please join us following the film for a facilitated discussion. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, May 23, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “DIVE!” ­ LIVING OFF AMERICA'S WASTE (45 min, Jeremy Seifert, 2010) WITH DANE GARFIELD WILSON from: 'FOOD NOT BOMBS' “Jeremy Seifert is my new Michael Pollan, Morgan Spurlock and Chef Ann Cooper in that he brings to our attention ­ for lack of a better term, an inconvenient truth: We waste too much food in this country…” ­Flavorista Inspired by a curiosity about our country's careless habit of sending food straight to landfills, the multi award­winning documentary DIVE! follows filmmaker Jeremy Seifert and friends as they dumpster dive in the back alleys and gated garbage receptacles of Los Angeles' supermarkets. In the process, they salvage thousands of dollars worth of good, edible food ­ resulting in an inspiring documentary that is equal parts entertainment, guerilla journalism and call to action. See the trailer at: http://www.divethefilm.com/ Download the Flyer HERE SEATTLE FOOD NOT BOMBS is one of the many, many FNB chapters around the world that serve vegetarian meals and distribute food to people in need and to support political activism. More information on what FOODS NOT BOMBS is doing, go to their website HERE or on Facebook, HERE. Get involved! FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, May 16, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FIM: “UNMANNED: AMERICA’S DRONE WARS” (63 min, Robert Greenwald, 2013) UNMANNED: AMERICA’S DRONE WARS, the eighth full­length feature documentary from Brave New Foundation and director Robert Greenwald, investigates the impact of U.S. drone strikes at home and abroad through more than 70 separate interviews, including a former American drone operator who shares what he has witnessed in his own words, Pakistani families mourning loved ones and seeking legal redress, investigative journalists pursuing the truth, and top military officials warning against blowback from the loss of innocent life. See the trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7j8JudYOGI FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Film Followup: Watch the entire film on­line: http://unmanned.warcosts.com/ Here ia a link to an action guide provided by Brave New Films, containing decriptions of work being done and ways you can connect to getting involved with their work: ACTION GUIDE. Groups include: ACLU, Center for Constitutional Rights, Code Pink, FCNL, Human Rights First, RootsAction, & Win without War.

Friday, May 9, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “GIRL RISING” (101 min, Richard Robbins, 2013) With special guests PEINDA DIOP & EUGENE MARTIN, Board members with the UN Association of Greater Seattle, working on the UN's Millennium Development Goal 2 on elementary education. From Academy Award­nominated director Richard E. Robbins, GIRL RISING journeys around the globe to witness the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world. Viewers get to know nine unforgettable girls living in the developing world: ordinary girls who confront tremendous challenges and overcome nearly impossible odds to pursue their dreams. Prize­winning authors put the girls’ remarkable stories into words, and renowned actors give them voice. You can find out more about the UN Assoc of Greater Seattle HERE More information on Peinda's work with Mission Senegal, please go HERE. See the trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJsvklXhYaE Download the Flyer HERE FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, May 2, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “INEQUALITY FOR ALL” (89 min, Jacob Kornbluth, 2013) “We make the rules of the economy – and we have the power to change those rules." – Robert Reich A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, INEQUALITY FOR ALL features Robert Reich—professor, best­selling author, and Clinton cabinet member—as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy. The film is an intimate portrait of a man whose lifelong goal remains protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. Through his singular perspective, Reich explains how the massive consolidation of wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the American workforce and the foundation of democracy itself. In this INCONVENIENT TRUTH for the economy, Reich uses humor and a wide array of facts to explain how the issue of economic inequality affects each and every one of us. See the Trailer at: http://inequalityforall.com/ Download the Flyer HERE FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, April 25, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE” (56 min, John Ankele and Anne Macksoud, 2014) ...FOR EARTH DAY, APRIL 22ND IF YOU WANT AN ADVENTURE …WHAT A TIME TO CHOOSE TO BE ALIVE! THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE accepts the consensus of scientists that climate change has already arrived, and asks, what is keeping us from action? The film explores how unlimited growth and greed are destroying the life support system of the planet, the social fabric of society, and the lives of billions of people. Will we have the wisdom to survive? The film features thought leaders and activists in the realms of science, economics and spirituality discussing how we can evolve and take action in the face of climate disruption. They urge us to open ourselves to the beauty that surrounds us and get to work on ensuring it thrives. See the Trailer HERE. Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).


Friday, April 18, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “NET NEUTRALITY, MEDIA CONSOLIDATION AND YOU: BARBERSHOP PUNK” (84 min, Georgia Sugimura Archer, Kristin Armfield, 2011) Is your “ISP” controlling the vertical, the horizontal, the data speeds, and the channel you’ll be on? In a privatized American Internet, is big business “Big Brother” or does the" free market" protect and serve the needs of the average citizen with its invisible hand? Will the FCC side with corporations or with the citizens it is supposed to serve? With the simple act of swapping files, barbershop quartet baritone Robb Topolski finds himself at ground zero of a landmark case whose outcome will affect the rights of every American citizen. Following one man’s personal quest to defend what he believes to be his inalienable rights, BARBERSHOP PUNK examines the critical issues surrounding the future of the American Internet and what it takes to challenge the status quo and corporate America. See the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK6MRvSDCHY Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. An interesting article: Barbecue and Broadband: Kansas City Gets Fiber: HERE FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, April 11, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “BIDDER 70” WITH LYN FITZ­HUGH, DIRECTOR OF 350SEATTLE.ORG ...AND THE LOCAL FACE OF CLIMATE CHANGE (73 min, Beth Gage, George Gage, 2012) “The choice you are making today is what side are you on.” ­ ­Tim DeChristopher BIDDER 70 centers on an extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience demanding government and industry accountability. In 2008 Tim DeChristopher disrupted a highly disputed Utah BLM Oil and Gas lease auction, effectively safeguarding thousands of acres of pristine Utah land that were slated for oil and gas leases. Not content to merely protest outside, Tim entered the auction hall and registered as bidder #70. He outbid industry giants on land parcels (which, starting at $2 an acre, were adjacent to national treasures like Canyonlands National Park), winning 22,000 acres of land worth $1.7 million before the auction was halted. Two months later, incoming Interior Secretary Ken Salazar invalidated the auction. DeChristopher, however, was indicted on two federal felonies with penalties of up to 10 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. This is the story of an act which would redefine patriotism in our time, igniting a spirit of civil disobedience in the name of climate justice. Redefine justice for yourself. Choose your side. Join us for an evening with 350SEATTLE.ORG to talk about the local faces of climate change: exploding oil trains, efforts to divest the city, efforts to divest UW and SU, efforts to plant a billions trees, and more. Shortly after May 1st, a decision is expected on the Keystone XL Pipeline. This may trigger a national response of organized peaceful civil disobedience. Learn how to get involved and prepare for this. DOWNLOAD THE FLYER HERE. Please help us get the word out on this important evening. See the trailer here: http://www.bidder70film.com/#!trailer/cxbx More information on 350SEATTLE: http://350seattle.org/ FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

ALSO, Related To This Event: Saturday, April 12, 2013, 10:00 to 3:30 PM NONVIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE TRAINING ­ KXL PIPELINE RESISTANCE Plymouth Church, 1217 6th Ave, from 10 am­3:30 pm. Announcing another training date for those that still have not been able to be trained: This is a free non­violent direct action training for those preparing to commit peaceful, dignified civil­disobedience at the Seattle Pledge of Resistance sit­in. President Obama will make a decision soon. We need people who are willing to risk arrest, and also people who will not risk arrest, but will witness and support those risking arrest. To participate in the action (as risking arrest or as support), you must attend a training. Please join us on Saturday April 12 from 10 am to 3:30 pm. You should plan to attend the whole time. If that isn't possible, please still sign up and contact your local leader. Register for the training: HERE

Friday, April 4, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: “TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY” …what you're really agreeing to when you click "I ACCEPT" (79 min, Cullen Hoback, 2013) "This quietly blistering documentary should rile even the most passive viewer." ­The New York Times A documentary that exposes what corporations and governments learn about people through Internet and cell phone usage, and what can be done about it ... if anything. Admit it: you don't really read the endless terms and conditions connected to every website you visit, phone call you make or app you download. But every day, billion­dollar corporations are learning more about your interests, your friends and family, your finances, and your secrets, and they're not only selling the information to the highest bidder, but also sharing it with the government. And you agreed to all of it. This disquieting exposé demonstrates how every one of us is incrementally opting­in to a real­time state, click by click ­ and what you can do about it. TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY examines the cost of so­called 'free' services and the continuing disappearance of online privacy. People may think they know what they give up when they click 'I Agree' on companies like Facebook and Google. They're wrong. See the trailer here: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/tacma/75993946 Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. For follow­up actions you might take, click HERE. FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, March 28, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM:"FOOD STAMPED" (60 min, Shira Potash & Yoav Potash, 2010) AND A LOOK AT FOOD STAMPS AND OUR NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY SYSTEM. With NANCY AMIDEI, Director of The Civic Engagement Project, and former Director of the Food Research and Action Center FOOD STAMPED is a humorous and entertaining documentary film with a serious message. It follows Nutrition educator Shira Potash and her documentary filmmaker husband as they embark on the food stamp challenge where they attempt to eat a healthy, well­balanced diet on roughly one dollar per meal. Along the way, they consult with food justice activists, nutrition experts, politicians, and ordinary people living on food stamps, all in order to take a deep look at the struggles low­income Americans face every day while trying to put three­square meals on the table. For the Trailer and more information on the film: http://www.foodstamped.com/ Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, March 21, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: "AMERICAN WINTER" (90 minutes, Director, Joe Gantz 2013) Framed through the very personal stories of eight families, AMERICAN WINTER reveals the devastating effects of high unemployment and underemployment, low wages, and forty years of shifting economic policies to benefit the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and working poor. Film Trailer: http://www.americanwinterfilm.com/hbo­trailer Join us for a community conversation after the film. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted). Light snacks.

POST EVENING INFOIRMATION: Please take a look at these links: Nick Hanauer’s TED talk on taxes http://youtu.be/bBx2Y5HhplI and FDR's 2nd Bill Of Rights http://youtu.be/L9sq_PLF2rA

Friday, March 14, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM:"THE LAW IN THESE PARTS" (91 min, Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, 2011) This event is collaboration with POV, the award­winning independent non­fiction film series on PBS. www.pbs.org/pov Please join us following the film for a conversation. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL Can a modern democracy impose a prolonged military occupation on another people while retaining its core democratic values? The film chronicles Israel's 43­year military legal system in the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The story unfolds through interviews with the architects of this legal system juxtaposed with historical footage showing the enactment of these laws upon the Palestinian population. See the trailer here: http://youtu.be/rzEy­FPw­iQ For more information on the film, go to: http://www.pbs.org/pov/thelawintheseparts/ Download the flyer: HERE Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, March 7, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: "WILL THE REAL TERRORIST PLEASE STAND UP" (65 min, Saul Landau, 2010) AND A DISCUSSION WITH OUR SPECIAL GUESTS: ­ STEPHEN KIMBER, Author of the new book, “WHAT LIES ACROSS THE WATER: THE REAL STORY OF THE CUBA 5” ­ FREE THE CUBAN 5 COMMITTEE – VANCOUVER ­ NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO FREE THE CUBAN FIVE ­ SEATTLE­CUBA FRIENDSHIP COMMITTEE, and ­ U.S. WOMEN AND CUBA COLLABORATION In April 1961, the CIA sent a force of Cuban exiles to overthrow the Cuban government that resulted in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. This is the story leading up to the arrest of the Cuban 5, who were anti­terrorism agents wrongfully arrested and convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage against the United States. In response to decades of deadly attacks by Miami­based, anti­Cuban terrorist organizations, Cuba dispatched five agents to Florida to infiltrate and report on the activities of these terrorist groups. Cuba even passed on information their agents learned about illegal activities to the FBI. But, instead of arresting the terrorists, the FBI arrested the five. The anti­Cuban terrorist remain free today. The film includes Danny Glover, anti­Cuba terrorists, Fidel Castro, and fascinating archival footage, along with a rare recorded interview from prison with one of the Cuban 5. The film raises and tries to answer the question: What did Cuba do to deserve such hostile treatment? Stephen Kimber will be talking about his book and join us for the discussion following the film. He is with the School of Journalism at the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotiam, and an award­winning writer, editor, and broadcaster. His writing has appeared in almost all major Canadian magazines and newspapers. He currently writes a weekly column for Halifax Metro, serves as senior features writer for The Coast, a Halifax alternative weekly and is a contributing editor of Atlantic Business Magazine. He is the author of nine books—a novel and eight works of non­fiction. See the Trailer: HERE. Download the flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out! More information on FREE THE CUBAN 5 COMMITTEE – VANCOUVER: ­ http://www.freethe5vancouver.ca/ More information on NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO FREE THE CUBAN FIVE ­ http://www.freethefive.org/index.htm More information on SEATTLE­CUBA FRIENDSHIP COMMITTEE: ­ http://www.seattlecuba.org/ More information on U.S. WOMEN AND CUBA COLLABORATION: ­ http://www.womenandcuba.org/ FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

PLEASE NOTE: Stephen Kimber will also be speaking on Friday, March 7th, 12:30 to 2:000 PM at the Casey Atrium at Seattle University.

Friday, February 28, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: "TAKE BACK YOUR POWER " (104 min, Josh del Sol, 2013) DIRECTOR WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE! “TAKE BACK YOUR POWER” investigates the “smart” meter program being implemented worldwide by major utility companies. These devices are not mandatory, but they are being installed without the consent of homeowners or even local governments. Interviews with whistleblower EDWARD SNOWDEN, former CIA Director JAMES WOOLSEY, former senior NSA director THOMAS DRAKE, former Premier of British Columbia BILL VANDER ZALM, and many others provide a deep understanding of the corporate political and economic forces behind the “smart” meter­agenda. You’ll find resources and proven solutions for protecting yourself, your family, your home, and your rights. Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. Thanks. More info HERE & HERE FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted). FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, February 21, 2014, 7:00 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors) FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MEANINGFUL MOVIES presents the film: FILM: "DREAMLAND" (89 min, Þorfinnur Guðnason, Andri Snær Magnason, 2009) WHAT DO YOU OWN WHEN YOU’VE SOLD EVERYTHING? How much unspoiled nature should we preserve and what do we sacrifice for clean, renewable energy? Dreamland gradually turns into a disturbing picture of corporate power taking over nature and small com­munities. The mantra was economic growth. Today Iceland is left holding a huge debt and an uncertain future. It’s the dark side of green energy and unregulated corporate power. Download the Flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. Thanks. More info: HERE Trailer: HERE FILM FOLLOWED BY A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, February 14, 2014, 7:00 ­ 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 11TH ANNIVERSARY WITH THIS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT FILM. ! …and Valentine’s Day. Love your Mother Earth! “DO THE MATH” (50 min, Kelly Nyks and Jared P. Scott, 2013) ...AND JOIN US IN A CONVERSATION WITH OUR SPECIAL GUESTS: 350SEATTLE.ORG, and The Kids from PLANT FOR THE PLANET This is your opportunity to learn how you can help develop a comprehensive strategy that unites energy, prosperity, and social justice. DO THE MATH is a profoundly to­the­point documentary produced by 350.org which tells the story of the grassroots movements trying to change the tragic outcomes of climate change and their adversaries in the fossil fuel industry. Using simple math, this film reveals the hard facts about climate change. In November 2012, Bill McKibben and 350.org hit the road to build a movement strong enough to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis. The DO THE MATH TOUR was a massive success in every corner of the country, and is this film documents the highlights. As founder of 350.org, Bill McKibben states: “we can emit 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide and stay below 2°C of warming — anything more than that risks catastrophe for life on earth. The only problem? Burning the fossil fuel that corporations now have in their reserves would result in emitting 2,795 gigatons of carbon dioxide – five times the safe amount.” And currently, our government is more focused in building pipelines and underwriting corporate profits than in alternative energy sources. Join us following the film for presentations and a conversation with representatives from our guests: 350.ORG ­ SEATTLE is ramping up critical action to protest exploitation of Tar Sands and the KXL Pipeline. Learn more: http://350seattle.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/350Seattle PLANT­FOR­THE­PLANET: is a worldwide children´s initiative advocating for Climate Justice. More information: http://www.plant­for­the­planet.org/en We’ll also take a moment to explore how the TRANSITION MOVEMENT ties into the battle against Global Climate Change. And, check out the website CLIMATE CHANGE FOR FAMILIES http://climatechangeforfamilies.com/, encouraging positive stewardship for the Earth for ourselves and future generations. See the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=­zfinOCgRQ0 Download the flyer HERE. Please help us get the word out. Thanks! Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, February 7, 2014, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) FILM: "STEALING AFRICA" (58 min, Christoffer Guldbrandsen, 2012) HOW MUCH PROFIT IS FAIR? Zambia's copper resources have not made the country rich. Virtually all of Zambia's copper mines are owned by international corporations. In the last ten years, they've extracted copper worth $29 billion but Zambia is still ranked one of the twenty poorest countries in the world. So why hasn't copper wealth reduced poverty in Zambia? Once again it comes down to the issue of tax, or in Zambia's case, tax avoidance and the use of tax havens by corporations. Tax avoidance by corporations costs poor countries and estimated $160 billion a year, almost double what they receive in international aid. That's enough to save the lives of 350,000 children aged five or under every year. For every $1 given in aid to a poor country, $10 drains out. Vital money that could help a poor country pay for healthcare, schools, infrastructure and pensions. Additional Reading: HERE Download the flyer: HERE. FILM FOLLOWED BY FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION. Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, JANUARY 31, 2013, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) FILM: "SHADOWS OF LIBERTY" (93 min, Jean­Philippe Tremblay, 2012) SHADOWS OF LIBERTY reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover­ups and corporate control. Filmmaker Jean­Philippe Tremblay takes a journey through the darker corridors of the US media, where global conglomerates call the shots. For decades, their overwhelming influence has distorted news journalism and compromised its values. In highly revealing stories, renowned journalists, activists and academics give insider accounts of a broken media system. Controversial news reports are suppressed, people are censored for speaking out, and lives are shattered as the arena for public expression is turned into a private profit zone. Tracing the story of media manipulation through the years, SHADOWS OF LIBERTY poses a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news? We're left in no doubt ­ media reform is urgent and freedom of the press is fundamental. Additional Reading: HERE Download the flyer here: COLOR or B&W More information on actions to take: HERE. FILM FOLLOWED BY FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION. Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, JANUARY 24, 2013, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) FILM: "TOUGH GUISE 2" (80 min, Jeremy Earp, 2013) WITH CHRISTOPHER DE SERRES AND OPHELIA DE SERRES, CO­FOUNDERS OF (WO)MEN SPEAK OUT In this highly anticipated update of the influential and widely acclaimed TOUGH GUISE, pioneering anti­violence educator and cultural theorist Jackson Katz argues that the ongoing epidemic of men's violence in America is rooted in our inability as a society to move beyond outmoded ideals of manhood. In a sweeping analysis that cuts across racial, ethnic, and class lines, Katz examines mass shootings, day­to­day gun violence, violence against women, bullying, gay­bashing, and American militarism against the backdrop of a culture that has normalized violent and regressive forms of masculinity in the face of challenges to traditional male power and authority. Along the way, the film provides a stunning look at the violent, sexist, and homophobic messages boys and young men routinely receive from virtually every corner of the culture, from television, movies, video games, and advertising to pornography, the sports culture, and US political culture. ‘TOUGH GUISE 2’ stands to empower a new generation of young men ­­ and women ­­ to challenge the myth that being a real man means putting up a false front and engaging in violent and self­destructive behavior. Download the flyer: COLOR or B&W. Please help us get teh word out. PLEASE JOIN US FOLLOWING THE FILM FOR A FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION WITH OUR GUESTS, CHRIS & OPHELIA FROM (WO)MEN SPEAK OUT. (WO)MEN SPEAK OUT is a non­profit organization dedicated to eradicating rape, sexual assault and gender violence, and seeking to educate both men and women, cultivating healthy relationships and gender equity. Learn more at: http://womenspeakout.org/. Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, JANUARY 17, 2013, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) FILM: "FREEDOM RIDERS" (117 min, Stanley Nelson, 2010) FREEDOM RIDERS is the powerful harrowing and ultimately inspirational story of six months in 1961 that changed America forever. From May until November 1961, more than 400 black and white Americans risked their lives—and many endured savage beatings and imprisonment—for simply traveling together on buses and trains as they journeyed through the Deep South. Deliberately violating Jim Crow laws, the Freedom Riders met with bitter racism and mob violence along the way, sorely testing their belief in nonviolent activism.From award­winning filmmaker Stanley Nelson (We Shall Remain: Wounded Knee, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, The Murder of Emmett Till), FREEDOM RIDERS features testimony from a fascinating cast of central characters: the Riders themselves, state and federal government officials, and journalists who witnessed the Rides firsthand. FILM FOLLOWED BY FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION. Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

FOLLOUP TO THE EVENING'S DISCUSSION: Dr. Bernard LaFayette, featured in the film, will be in Seattle on Wednesday, Jan 22nd, as part of presentations at Highline Community College for their Martin Luther King week celebrations. The Rev. Dr. Lafayette, an ordained minister, is a longtime civil rights activist, organizer, and an authority on nonviolent social change. He co­founded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in 1960, and he was a core leader of the civil rights movement in Nashville, TN, in 1960 and in Selma, AL, in 1965. He directed the Alabama Voter Registration Project in 1962, and he was appointed by Martin Luther King, Jr. to be national program administrator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and national coordinator of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign. He completed a doctorate in Education at Harvard University and for several years was the Director of the Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies at the University of Rhode Island. He currently teaches at Emory University and conducts nonviolent workshops worldwide. Learn more about Dr. Lafayette at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/freedomriders/people/bernard­lafayette­jr There are 3 presentations on Wednesday, January 22: 10am­11:30 Questions with Dr. LaFayette 12­1 Reception and book signing 1:30­3:00 Nonviolence workshop. More inf: https://multiculturalaffairs.highline.edu/mlkweek.php PLEASE VERIFY AVAILABILITY: Phone: (206) 592­3256; Email: [email protected]

Friday, JANUARY 10, 2013, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) FILM: "ROADMAP TO APARTHEID" With AMIN ODEH, Founder of Voices of Palestine and Co­founder of the Arab American Community Coalition (95 min, Eron Davidson, Ana Nogueira, 2012) In this award­winning documentary, the first­time directors take a detailed look at the apartheid analogy commonly used to describe the Israeli­Palestinian conflict. Narrated by Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple), ROADMAP TO APARTHEID is as much a historical document of the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa, as it is a film about why many Palestinians feel they are living in an apartheid system today, and why an increasing number of people around the world agree with them. While not perfect, the apartheid analogy is a useful framework by which to educate people on the complex issues facing Israelis and Palestinians. Our film delves into those issues, comparing the many similar laws and tools used by both Israel and apartheid­era South Africa. The audience will see what life is like for Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and inside Israel while gaining a deeper understanding of the conflict with the help of respected analysts on the subject. Combined with archival material and anecdotes from South Africans, the film forms a complete picture as to why the analogy is being used with increasing frequency and potency. For more information on Voices of Palestine, go to: http://voicesofpalestine.org/ for more information on the Arab American Community Coalition, go to: http://theaacc.org/ Download the flyer HERE. Help us get the word out. Thanks! FILM FOLLOWED BY FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION. Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).

Friday, JANUARY 3, 2013, 7:00 to 9:30 PM (…Please come at 6:30 and visit with your neighbors!) FILM: "THE UNITED STATES OF A.L.E.C." Every year, in state houses around the country, hundreds of pieces of corporate­written, profit­driven legislation are proposed or enacted that would ­­ among other things ­­ dilute collective bargaining rights, make it harder for some Americans to vote, and limit corporate liability for harm caused to consumers. Most of the time, the public never learns who was behind it. THE UNITED STATES OF ALEC is a documentary, narrated by Bill Moyers, that lifts the veil of secrecy over those bills and exposes the most influential political force most of us have never heard of – ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. A national consortium of state politicians and powerful corporations, ALEC presents itself as a “nonpartisan public­ private partnership”. But behind that mantra lies a vast network of corporate lobbying and political action aimed at increasing corporate profits, often at public expense and without public knowledge. Resources For Action, click HERE To Download the Flyer, click HERE. Please help us get the word out. FILM FOLLOWED BY FACILITATED COMMUNITY DISCUSSION. Light snacks. (Event is FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted).