Aleksei Returns to London! The official launch of the London Firebird Orchestra Tuesday 12 June 2012, 7.30pm St Paul's Covent Garden, London (Pimm's available on the lawn, in the church's private garden, from 7pm) London Firebird Orchestra Patron: Dame Judi Dench CH DBE Chairman & Ar!s!c Director: Marc Corbe!Weaver Principal Conductor: Achim Holub Solo Cello: Aleksei Kiseliov Soprano: Julie!a Demetriades Beethoven Overture to the Creatures of the Prometheus, Op. 43 Elgar Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85 Wagner Vorspiel und Liebestod (from 'Tristan und Isolde') Stravinsky The Firebird Suite (1919) Tickets: £35, £25, £15 To book, please email:
[email protected] "I am delighted to travel to London to support my friends Marc Corbe!-Weaver and Achim Holub in their exci"ng new orchestral venture and look forward to playing with many talented friends!" Aleksei Kiseliov Principal Cello of the Royal Sco"sh Na#onal Orchestra "Aleksei Kiseliov's performance was simply sublime. Clearly a great future awaits him." Dame Judi Dench Those were the words of Dame Judi Dench a"er hearing Aleksei perform in London in November 2007. Now, five years on, Aleksei is the principal cello of the Royal Sco#sh Na!onal Orchestra and has a world-renowned reputa!on as one of the most exci!ng cellists of his genera!on. Aleksei says "When I heard that my friends Marc Corbe$-Weaver and Achim Holub, - two musicians with whom I have collaborated many !mes over the years - had created a new orchestra, I was delighted to accept their invita!on to travel to London to be with them and support it.