Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying: Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations, predetermination or lobbying on items on this agenda. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

Present: Cllr. Bunyan (in the Chair), Cllrs. Fermor, Gilbert and Hatcher.

Apologies: Cllr. Smith.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 19/00962/FULL Watchmans Thatch The Common Sissinghurst Cranbrook TN17 2AF Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey orangery.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed.

19/00766/FULL Windrush Starvenden Lane Sissinghurst Cranbrook Kent TN17 2AN Single storey rear infill extension, Part single part two storey side extension to add mezzanine floor, replacement windows, internal alterations and associated landscaping including repositioning of vehicular access.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Fermor, seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed.

19/00987/FULL & 19/00988/LBC Farm, Marden Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 2LP Proposed link structure between the dwelling and detached garage, plus ‘lean to’ log store attached to the link (Works Commenced)

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL, subject to the views of the Conservation Architect. Proposed by Cllr. Gilbert, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed.

19/00989/FULL Colliers Green Farm, Marden Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 2LP Erection of brick wall acting as screening to swimming pool in replacement of hedge (Retrospective)

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL but suggested the applicant consider screening the wall with planting. Proposed by Cllr. Gilbert, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed.

19/00990/FULL Colliers Green Farm, Marden Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 2LP Erection of oak framed out building for the purposes of pool house and storage within the residential curtilage (Retrospective)

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Gilbert, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed. Members did note their disappointment that all the applications concerning the property were retrospective.

19/00470/FULL The Co-Operative Food, High Street, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 3DQ New roller shutter to shop front; 1 no. new condenser to be situated within rear enclosed yard on new level concrete base; Redecoration of doors/windows; 1 no. new compressor to be situated within rear enclosed yard on new level concrete base; New 2.1m high palisade fence to side of store; 3 no. new covered trolley bays to car ; New door with concrete landing and handrail.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed.

19/00493/ADV The Co-Operative Food, High Street, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 3DQ Advertisements: 1 X externally illuminated projection sign, fitted to post; 1 x set of welcome signs; 2 x internally illuminated corporate logo signs; 7 x non-illuminated wall-mounted aluminium panels; 5 x non-illuminated post-mounted aluminium panels; 2 x non-illuminated banner frames to hold PVC banners.

The Parish Council recommended REFUSAL on the following points:  The impact of the illuminated signs on the Conservation Area  Any additional illumination could have a detrimental effect on wildlife due to the proximity of the site to the Crane Valley Nature Reserve.  The frontage of the store is already adequately lit from streetlights and further illumination was not considered necessary. Proposed by Cllr. Fermor, seconded by Cllr. Bunyan and agreed.

19/00802/FULL Hemsted Forest Equestrian Centre, Chittenden Farm, Golford Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AJ Change of use for temporary erection of two mobile homes (retrospective).

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Fermor, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed.

19/00924/FULL Stump House, The Common, Sissinghurst, Kent TN17 2AJ Erection of a two storey rear and side extension.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Hatcher, seconded by Cllr. Bunyan and agreed. The Clerk agreed to send a copy of our Eco Design Guide to the applicant.

19/01167/FULL Cornwallis House, Cranbrook school, Waterloo Road, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 3JE. Refurbishment of existing timber windows and doors including; timber repair, replacement of cords and replacement of broken glass panel, stripping of paintwork and painting of all refurbished joinery. Guttering, fascias and chimney stacks/leadwork.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed.

19/00430/FULL Charity Farm Country Store Lane Cranbrook Kent TN17 3PS Demolition of existing ancillary retail storage buildings, redundant agricultural buildings and mixed ancillary retail storage/retail building. Erection of ancillary retail storage building with ancillary retail offices over. Erection of two starter office units (B1(a)), erection of one small A1 complimentary business unit (A1). Conversion of existing ancillary retail office to cafe (A3).

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed. It was noted that Charity Farm has been put forward as a site for mixed development in the Site Assessment and is currently being assessed.

18/03152/LBC The Golford Gate Golford Cranbrook Kent TN17 3NX Listed Building Consent - Demolition and re-location of stud wall

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL, subject to the views of the Conservation Architect. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Gilbert and agreed.

REVISED DETAILS: 19/00205/OUT Land At Common Road, Sissinghurst Kent Hybrid Application (Part Outline/Part Detailed) Comprising the erection of up to 9 self/custom build dwellings (All Matters Reserved) with associated supporting road infrastructure, access, open space and landscaping (Detailed)

Members noted the revised details but made no further comment.

TREES: 19/01111/TCA 6 Kings Cottages Quaker Lane Cranbrook Kent TN17 2HE Trees in a Conservation Area Notification: SWAMP CYPRESS (T1) - Dismantle fell and SWAMP CYPRESS (T2) - Dismantle fell.

Members raised no objection to the proposal referring the decision to the TWBC Tree Officer.

DECISIONS: Cllr. Bunyan read out the decisions received from the Borough Council.

TRAINING: Cllrs. Gilbert and Hatcher offered to present an application at the next meeting.

MEETING TIMES: Members discussed the option of changing the time of meetings to 3pm in the afternoons, however they agreed that no change was necessary at the present time.

ITEMS FOR INFORMATION: None were raised.