SISF Contract V2
AGREEMENT FOR GLOBAL BRAND AWARENESS AND STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN FOR PROJECT SISF DATED 23 JULY 2009 1 PARTIES 1.1 This Agreement is made by and between FBC MEDIA (UK) LIMITED of 12-16 Laystall St, London EC1R 4PF (“FBC”) and SISF of Address (“The Client”). 2 TERM 2.1 This agreement runs from 1 September 2009 to 28 February 2011. Unless otherwise specified, all references to deliverables contained in this contract are for the 18 month period from 1 September 2009. 2.2 The parties shall meet every three months to review progress and re-examine priorities on a flexible basis every six months to plan ahead. 2.3The parties shall sit down no less than 60 days prior to the end of the Term to discuss and agree the details of a further Agreement. 3 STRATEGIC COUNSEL, PLANNING AND ADVISORY SERVICES 3.1 FBC shall make available the services of John Defterios (JD), Matthieuse Coombes-Olney (MCO), Eckart Sagar (ES), Patrizia Marin (PM), and Alan Friedman (AF) to act as principal advisors in the management of their Strategic Communication and International Outreach strategy. During the Term, JD, MCO, and AF shall proactively manage this project and shall be in SISF for the purposes of media planning and strategic meetings at or before the beginning of every quarter. 3.2 FBC will also provide a team of media and public affairs specialists to assist with the placement of interviews on and around summits, bi lateral meetings and events as agreed. 3.3 FBC shall organise itself to enable a rapid deployment for ad hoc interventions according to demand and shall, subject to agreement, accelerate the timing of the work performed under this contract as required by SISF.
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